TYT Hour 2 May 16, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Zoe J62 Comments

Cenk and Ana. Kirstjen Nielsen responds to Kamala Harris’ questions about separating families at the border. Rapper T.I has been arrested for misconduct, assault and public drunkenness. Candidate advocating for euthanizing food stamp recipients especially for those that are disabled says he was hacked. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf customer harasses woman wearing a niqab and is refused service.   

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  1. Greetings friends

    As usual I enjoyed the show. I must write that I disagree slightly with Anna and Cenk about the young woman in the coffee shop. I don’t assume that she is brainwashed because she wears traditional Islamic clothing; at least my understanding of traditional Islamic clothing. I am not a Muslim, but I find it refreshing that a young woman in the United States is comfortable enough with who she is to both wear traditional Islamic clothing and to study medicine (I am guessing) while in college; I sincerely hope she is a medical student. Cenk is a little more than a year older than I am, and I remember back in my college days, I knew a female student from Malaysia. She once talked about how the women in her country put on head coverings the same way that Americans put on coats, and she found the attitudes of Americans towards Malaysians to be very insulting and condescending. I don’t write this to be disparaging of Anna or Cenk; I enjoy listening to both of them. I am also aware that Cenk’s heritage is Turkish, and Anna’s is Armenian. I write this because I think religious, non-religious, atheist and agnostic progressives should be honest with their own biases, and they should realize that it is, unfortunately, much too easy to be condescending about those who disagree with us (Anna’s encounter with the progressive male and his remarks about heels and patriarchy perfectly illustrate this).

    Now, about how the woman in the coffee shop was treated. Unfortunately, people in the US are becoming increasingly bold in their public viciousness, and there is much less shame in being cruel or racist than there used to be. I felt horrible for how that young woman was treated, and I felt outrage that the man in the video was so brazen in his behavior. I am glad that the young woman thought enough of herself to question the man that was harassing her, and I am glad that the other customers and the store workers intervened. What people like the vicious man in the video do not realize is that they diminish themselves with their acts of hatred and cruelty. When you harm others you diminish yourself. When you fill yourself with hate, you lose the best part of being human. It is your very self that you sacrifice when you derive pleasure from tearing others down. My hope is that in this time of increasing hatred, racism and misogyny that there will continue to be people who will rise up and show us that there is a better and higher way. I think fear and despair are fueling these evil things that are plaguing us now. I think if people are given hope, many of the people who are doing things we find repugnant may find their better selves and change.

  2. just so you idiots get the picture …

    someone put in a tweet on #tytlive today … asked if the new shows would be on the website because THEY CAN’T AFFORD $40 A MONTH …

    know what Cenk told them? cable costs $200 in LA so $40 is cheap … in short … you think they care about you? NO THEY DON’T … they just took a hefty shit all over their members and Cenk is smearing it in their faces by blaming them for not being able to afford to see the new shows

    has anyone that has emailed support about the downloads heard from them? I see there’s a workaround but that could change if they are taking download abilities away from you because you’re not worth it if you’re only paying $10 dollars and don’t get on your knees for the $40 ….

  3. Cannot download the video again. I’ve been a member of TYT for many years, and a fan of the show for many years before that, but the apawling functionality of the website is just too much to tolerate. If these problems continue into next month without a resolution or even an acknowledgement from TYT that there are significant problems with their service, then I’m out. Even Alex Jones has a more functional website and he is a lunatic.

    1. they just announce that they are now on YouTube TV … they may be cutting out the downloads at the request of YouTube




    all of you that can’t download video – thank the new deal with YouTube – I fucking told you they were going corporate and selling out to be a cable channel and look – now that have

    all of you that have been members for years – you’ve been fucked – try downloading the video guys … try it … you get a 0 byte file … because now that they are wholly owned by YouTube – you can’t have access to their shit unless you pay 40 FUCKING DOLLARS A MONTH …

    this is a whopping fuck you to all of those who have been supporting them for years – remember how they used to say they didn’t have to answer to anyone? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA …



  5. What the supervisor of that coffee shop did is something that I rarely see happen in costumer service jobs. Usually people will continue to take care of the rude costumer to get them out of the store, or everyone just ignores the situation all together because it’s just what happens. That supervisor is amazing as well as others who stood up for that women. I wish that would happen more often.

  6. Anna, you killing me girl! legalizing drugs will not solve problems with the Gang violence and or Cartel problems. Obviously you haven’t been in or experienced these things first hand. The cause of these gangs & cartels are, for the most part, due to a corrupt government. Think of the Drug cartels and Gangs as the ISIS of the Latin american countries. The governments are so corrupt and they have stopped taking care of their people that the only way is to join a gang/comply with cartels or you get killed or u need to pay a quota. The drugs are the side effect and how they make money. The difference why the US has not stepped in, is because with “fighting” in the middle east profits those in the Oil and Gas business. There’s no profit in stopping gangs or cartels and the US just would rather use these countries as scapegoats as they are doing so now with wanting to build a wall and all that non-sense. I live in the border of El Paso and Juarez and have seen how everything has gone down. Legalizing drugs, in general is never an answer to trying to solve a problem, because the problem is much deeper than that. IT’s like ISIS wants to kill all “infidels” so should we all go and become Muslim or make Islam the Nation’s Religion so that ISIS has no quarrel anymore? NO!! of course not…..
    The problem is much deeper than legalizing drugs because these gangs and cartels also run on $$ they get from Kidnapping, and sexual exploitation and human trafficking. So should we make kidnapping and human trafficking legal as well to stop all gangs and cartel illegal activities!!!??? NO!! OF course not! They even make money off of Dog fighting, so should we also make dog fighting legal!!!???? NO!!! Of course not!!

    Again, Anna not insulting you, i believe you mean well, but legalizing drugs is not the answer.

    1. soldm7178@yahoo.com
      I always ask this question to people like you that have a closed stance on anything or any subject.
      Why are you against trying?
      You have exactly ZERO evidence to back up your stance and what is PROVEN by data now does NOT work.

      1. polkaearthTYT … my stance is not closed, I am not against trying, I never said that. I have witnessed this situation… I live right on the border. As far as data, data can be manipulated to what u want to prove… and that is a fact. I didn’t submit my comment as fact but as an opinion and based on what my experience is and what I have witnessed first hand by living on the border… I was born in Mexico and was Blessed enough to come to this country and make something of myself and am now a citizen of this country. I don’t ever think that legalizing any mind altering substance is the answer. How I can say that, look at the opioid crisis… those are drugs and are perfectly legal and are “regulated”. So there’s ur fact or data…. u avoided my whole argument and just concentrated on I have a closed stance instead of understanding why I said what I said. I am sorry but am not a drug user, I don’t believe mind altering substances are our first answer, I think medicine is necessary but should not be our go to in resolving issues. Legalizing more substances will also have its backlash much as we are having with the opiod crisis. So think what u want, I have provided a reasonable argument… u wanna go ahead a suppprt legalization of drugs go ahead I am not ….

      2. Obviously you have no idea about Latin American history, or American history for that matter.

        The mafia was first recorded in the US in the 1880s not the 1930s and their main source of income was extortion from legal activities. The Northern European dominated police had a tacit agreement, don’t touch the Anglo-German-Irish neighbourhoods and we won’t go into Italo-Jewish neighbourhoods.

        In Latin America every gang you see can trace itself to a similar agreement that predates drugs, which were not prohibited until the 70s in many of those countries. White/Rich Mestizo Hispanics did not want to care for the poor rural native population and distant provinces so they had an agreement, the militias that were auxiliaries during the civil war would act as enforcers for the government while the government protects the rich.

        If you don’t believe me go no further than Tijuana. At the height of the violence there people living in the rich neighbourhoods there were untouched. American tourists were untouched.

    2. Except that you’re wrong, I don’t blame you, your logic is sound. I can understand 100% why you think that.
      But the tide of pot legalization around the country has already taken a toll on the cartels, it’s already played out in the stats.
      Fortunately this isn’t an argument about what will happen, it’s a conversation with people like you and getting them to look at the stats on what’s happened not only here in america, but what’s happened in Portugal (I believe, could be a different country).

      1. Wow, thanks for pointing out that I am “wrong”…. My opinion or “argument “ was towards what Anna said about legalizing drugs… she said drugs in general. I never singled out Pot… but now that u r on the subject I suppprt Marijuana being legalized for medicinal purposes…. I don’t use drugs or pot or anything like that. I also know the effects what drugs can do to people family and kids …. it has been proven that the younger u are when doing drugs the more likely u r to become addicted and co-dependent on them. I, for one, used to be a smoker, I started in high school and became addicted to it… I quit finally after 20years …
        Yes it is a conversation but u pointing out that I am “wrong” really doesn’t come in to play when it’s a “conversation “ unless u are trying to argue, which go ahead really don’t care what ur argument is because I am not trying to convince u. And u most certainly will not convince me… I know enough Potheads that are convinced that Pot is god to them but sorry being baked is not my idea of living but u go on with ur bad self and get ur baking on … free country, right? Anywhats, buh-bye…!!!

    3. I think Ana is right.
      You seem to be missing the forest for the trees, legalizing drugs would definitely destroy drug cartels. Take your analogy to ISIS, ISIS exists because it can sell iraqi oil and before that it was funded by religious extremists from saudi arabia. Drugs are the oil of the cartels. you say the governments are corrupt, that makes sense. Corrupt governments don’t allow cartels because the cartels have no money to pay them. The money that fuels cartels is the result of the war on drugs nothing else.

      1. ha! It is obvious that u don’t know what Cartels are fueled by… drugs are their staple not their drive…

  7. Ana, if someone wearing religious garb makes you uncomfortable then you are not as progressive as you would like us to think.

    1. You misinterpret her version of uncomfortable. If I am not mistaken, she means that she is disturbed by the fact that these women blindly follow a religion where the woman is considered a lesser person to the point where she is required to cover herself completely. Personally, it also bothers me to see woman being brainwashed by religious dogma that is only there to make sure a woman “knows her place.”
      This does not mean I will not fight for her right to follow that religion and dress as she wants.
      That’s what being progressive means.

    2. You should really make sure you have a complete understanding of what someone said before commenting about it lest you look like a fool.

  8. Trump called them animals? Well if that were true he must not know that “animals are innocent!”

  9. I really wish people would stop referring to refugees as immigrants. It takes away from the desperate need of these people. It also makes the disgusting administration sound less xenophobic then they are.

  10. Gates of Hell: Why bring us this story when we have so little evidence of what exactly happened, with no copy of the police report, no video, no audio, no corroborating testimony, etc at all?! Just to assume it’s automatic racism? Maybe this community just needs a better and more codified policy about how and when to let people back in or not after hours?

    Islam/Bad Guy Story: I do agree with Cenk that if I had a daughter I wouldn’t want her to feel like she needs to cover up like that, but if she’s an adult it’s up to her. To be honest, all three of “the book” religions oppress women to some extent or another though. I think the real danger is that this guy here is just how well places like Fox News are brainwashing people until they are so afraid and angry they do crap like this and we need to fight against but also forgive the people who were duped so we can bring them over to our side – or at least the middle ground.

  11. All these religious folks hi-jacking the country is so hard to believe. If you take out the word religious…they loose their cover. Then it makes more sense…the Cruelty that is. 1st Amendment rights has religion there for a reason…to give people the Freedom from it as well. The fact that it is in the Constitution 1st is to remind people that any Leader can have his own version of Truth…King James Bible anyone? I wonder how Trump, Pence, Maconell,Ryan, Grassly, Nunes…(there are so many) can prevent a woman’s right to choose, to save a life, and at the same time take a child(who will be an Adult someday…)and destroy their lives. Some things you just can’t forget…What the Fuck are they doing to those kids…is the Question. Religious Freedoms are being violated my Ass! They steal, lie, and have/are/will kill and they have women too. This may be very,very bad…look what lengths these ‘people’ are going to, to destroy what ever prevents the truth…they have taken the very definition on…You CowPaddys are creating more sociopaths and psychcopaths to take your place, and make everyone suffer besides.

  12. All these people enraged over TYT not swearing is just too funny.

    …What’s that?
    Oh…it’s only one person?
    And he commented about it 10 times not including other videos and Twitter? (add the @)
    And his Twitter looks like it’s ran like some InfoWars MAGA Breitbart person, only progressive, with some good retweets?
    Oh and he’s apparently at war with Twitter, and TYT…but it’s super obvious he’s in love with both?
    ok cool.
    And I just wasted 10 minutes of my life.
    You just keep on doing what you’re doing, buddy.
    Except that whole thing where you refer to someone as “sweetie”. All that does is show how insecure and owned you feel.
    Fuck off with that shit, buttercup.

    1. It’s weird. It’s almost like rebellion against people in their lives who told them not to swear. Either that or it’s trolls latching on to something in a distorted way that people can relate to, because people like to swear. TYT does attract rebels.

      1. hey sweetie …

        they announced that they are now owned by YouTube today …

        can’t download video since last night … coincidence

        you can still ‘watch’ them but can’t ‘have’ them … weird timing isn’t it

        but I’m just a troll? or are you a rube being duped by the sellouts?

        1. Open the download link in a new tab. (click on the link with the scroll wheel or right click and select “Open link in new tab”) – Do this with the mouse. Some mice are wireless. Some mice are connected to your pc or laptop with a cord. I think that’s why they call it a mouse lol. Because it looks like it has a cute little tail. Fun times.

  13. If other ppl are having trouble downloading the video, here’s one way that works:

    1. Right click the ‘Download Video’ button
    2. Select ‘open in new tab’
    3. Click the download icon on the media player.

      1. has anyone emailed support? I did yesterday and still haven’t received a reply (other than the computer generated “we will contact you soon” one) … they’ve announced that they are now owned by YouTube (which is why they’re censoring language … you know … bowing to corporate rule – but this not being able to download may not be a glitch – cable companies don’t allow you to download stuff as a general rule and the fact that the files are suddenly (as of the day before the launch of their YouTube TV channel) tells me this is on purpose …

        has anyone heard something back from support?

  14. A lot of talk abour the future of TYT on here at the moment. I wish they didn’t censor the language but I can understand why and live with it. *insert slippery slope / thin end of the wedge comment here* ;)

    The biggest (semi) secret project being developed in the TYT Skunkworks is The Damage Report hosted by John. It’s been widely available in short edited pieces on John’s own channel and from TYT but I think it’s being developed as a show possibly for television or cable. What do you think?

    1. Xeno just likes venting to himself it seems like.. useless talk, doesnt actually accomplish anything other than making himself feel better.. if u dont like tyt then go watch someone else.. secular talk swears if u like swearing.. there are alternatives, dont just talk shit randomly to nobody thinking youre gonnna change anything

      1. herself asshole … ask before you make assumptions …

        and NO – I’m not ‘just venting’ – I’m informing you morons that the writing is on the wall – the winds are shifting and the fire is heading this way … they’ve sold out … a little bit at a time they will change this – then that … all the while you little fanboys will make excuses for them – invent all sorts of reasons for why what they’re doing isn’t really detrimental to the show … they still talk about this or that … until they don’t and you don’t notice … because they don’t talk about it anymore …

        they were only censoring themselves and leaving the swear words in the videos – now they’ve started taking them out too … I’ll keep pointing out the slide as you idiots keep burying your heads deeper in the sand to keep defending your ‘team’ … being a team player = being played … don’t forget that …

        well don’t worry – I won’t let you … ;-)

        1. And now it appears they’ve eliminated downloading too (along with the cursing). This is two days in a row. If this continues I will have to cancel my membership because downloading is the only way I can watch.

        2. Unless you’re an insider it’s tough to say the impact Jeffrey Katzenberg has had on TYT, tho cleaning up the language will help reach a broader audience. Many cable watchers have a reflexive reaction to swearing on air and TYT needs to reach them because they vote. Katzenberg’s donation to TYT and March for our lives suggest he is firmly on the side of the people. I’d like to see more progressive billionaires become as active as the younger Koch bros.

          Re refugees: conservatives can’t claim to be the party of family values if they routinely break up families at the border or thru ICE or thru selective incarceration. They are pro family values when it comes to doing away with inheritance tax. Again we have they (neo conservatives) are pro their families but anti everyone else’s. TYT does a great job covering this hypocrisy, one of many reasons I will remain a member.

    1. because there’s a fire coming and all you are standing around picking your asses … I’ve seen this story before – many many times … it’s always the same …

      first they stop swearing with NO real explanation – why haven’t they told any of you loyal sycophants anything about this – all of you who have paid into this organization FOR FUCKING YEARS … as they themselves have said – you kept them afloat and now they’re putting commercial breaks into members only content … and you don’t see an issue ? they start with not swearing but the videos had the words left in … now … they’re censoring that as well – how close to do the flames have to be before you sense the heat? ;-)

  15. Woah calm down Xenophrenia. You can always not watch if you are upset about them bleeping out swear words. They are still TYT. They still are truth tellers. They are still independent. They just cleaned up the language. Not a big deal. To quote Cenk, ” You’re at a 10….. get down to a 2″

    1. Agreed. If bleeping swear words gets the truth out to more people, then so be it. The important thing is to get everyone educated.

      1. Absolutely. It’s still the same tyt. This Xenophrenia rants all the time on here…. yet they still watch…

        1. I watch because I hope they’ll get that corporate cock out of their mouths sweetie – yes I fucking bitch because if they are bending to censorship for their corporate masters they’re bending about other things as well and that means they can no longer be trusted … they are NO LONGER INDEPENDENT but beholden to their corporate masters – but if you’re okay with that – then be a stupid sycophant … loyalty without question is the mark of a moron … seems there are a lot of them here

          1. Ok keep screaming into the darkness. The hosts don’t read these comments so you are getting angry for no reason.

            1. Methinks the lady doth scream into the darkness too much. She probably works for some firm hired to smear the most prominent independent news sources, and as is typical for such bottom feeders, accuses her target of doing what she and her employer are.

              1. hahahaha … and you’re an intern trying to do damage control on the truth tellers (two can play this game sweetie) …

    2. ;-) … no sweetie – I can’t calm down – because I know where this leads – I used to watch Chris Hayes when he first started on MSNBC – he was the first person I ever heard mention socialism on MSM … he used to have Marxist economist Richard Wolf on his Up with Chris Hayes show … it wasn’t immediate but slowly his guests started changing … his format started changing … and now look what he is … money … and status … when you start bending your values (like being free to speak how you want as they used to do) and then stop doing it – at the same time putting commercial breaks in the Post Game and other so-called ‘members only’ shows … commercial breaks … why? weird isn’t it? the hosts themselves have made comments about ‘the new regime’ – Cenk had to ask permission to swear on a post game on an election night to someone he referred to as “Method Man” … so Cenk doesn’t call the shots on his own shows anymore … what does that tell you? that they’ve sold out …

      and all you morons keep believing that nothing changes … check out what Chris Hayes USED to be like before money and status started changing his message https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpPaePrJX0A

  16. so you’re censoring fucking swear words in your goddamned videos now? seriously? just how far down your throat have you shoved that corporate cock Cenk? where the fuck do you get off calling yourself ‘independent’ media when you take the knee for your corporate overlords?

    1. this is in reference to their beeping out the swear words in the video they played of the asshole at the coffee shop – they bleeped out swear words on a Pop Trigger video too because they’re gearing up to be corporate whores – no longer answering to their members but bowing to their corporate masters

      1. Relax, they’re not “bowing to their corporate masters.” They want to spread progressive perspective across as many platforms as possible. This includes platforms that have antiquated policies like “no cursing.” The goal has always been to hold a megaphone to progressive commentators and it still is. If not cursing = selling out, you’re missing the much bigger picture.

        1. oh please – you sycophants are all yapping the same nonsense … no I’m not missing a bigger picture my dear – if they are changing their behavior for ANY reason that means they’re compromised … this is the fucking internet – there are no fucking FCC rules here and now they are bending over for the sake of their donors and NOT their members … why do you think they put commercial breaks in all of their so called ‘members only’ content? what commercials? once you start bending for money – you don’t stop … seriously – stop being a fanboy and grow the fuck up …

          do you remember how Cenk talks about how money effects the decisions people make? yeah … someone is paying them to make some really really sleazy choices – why do you think they sound so much like MSNBC sometimes? Cenk is wanting to be them and he’s selling all of you out to do it

            1. Hahah, it’s like Xeno is *trying* to jump down their throats without even thinking it through, while maintaining the appearance of being more clued-in than the rest of us.

              Xeno, you could probs benefit from some meditation.

          1. The more I hear you yap and cuss the more sympathy I have for whom you are cussing about–even though I know NOTHING personally about them. This kind of talk convinces NO ONE– Keep cussing all you want if it makes you happy–but are just turning people against your view.

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