TYT Hour 2 May 15, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Zoe J17 Comments

Cenk and Ana. Betsy Devos hires former employee’s of  for-profit colleges and universities to investigate corruption at for-profit colleges and universities. Tomi Lahren’s pity party on Fox & Friends after a genealogist exposes her family history. Senator Michael Williams shows off his campaign deportation bus. Live caged tiger at Miami prom. American Airlines banning emotional animals with hooves.


  1. In regards to the deportation story, there’s a long global history of this kind of shit, and they’re called pogroms. Fucking conservatives need to learn their history, because never once has a pogrom been looked back upon as a good idea. They’ve shamed communities for centuries.

  2. Are we going to let it slide that Tami said “they came in in the “1800s” when that is 100% not when they came in. Like 1800s 1940s feel like there is a little bit of a difference there…

    I hate her I wish people would stop giving her any attention she doesn’t deserve it but I do take some sick pleasure in seeing her get all huffy and butthurt

    1. Also Ana I think you are being unfair. Tami does know how to read, it’s how she knows what to say because it’s all off a script. She just doesn’t comprehend

  3. The best part about the deportation bus is the fact that they put ‘kidnappers’ on it. If they are going to drive about and put people in the bus that look ‘suspicious’ to them, who then would be the kidnapper?

  4. It’s not that I don’t want to pay the fee to bring my pet on an airline. It’s the idea that they are stored like luggage, instead of living creatures! And, compounded by the fact that airlines tend to kill them… I would be devastated I had a hand in brutally killing my pet. Animals are innocent!

    1. Yes absolutely! I won’t bring any of my pets over the years on airlines for that exact reason. They’re kept in the cargo hold where it’s loud, noisy and barely temperature controlled. I’m sure it’s scary and uncomfortable for them and I’ve had suitcases absolutely destroyed by those baggage handlers because they just don’t give a sh**. There’s no way I’m trusting them to treat one of my furry buddies with any respect!

      Airlines truly suck. They are the epitome of an industry that’s gone off the proverbial rails with their poor customer service and abhorrent condescending behavior in their relentless pursuit of the almighty dollar.

  5. There are a flood of Americans who go to Mexico every year to victimize sex workers… Some of whom, due to corruption, are children.

    So should the Mexican military go and round up rich white tourists. They might catch a few criminals.

  6. Frontline did a good documentary that addressed for-profit colleges and universities. The name of the episode is, “A Subprime Education.” The episode is free on PBS online. I realize that PBS is very much establishment, but Frontline has made some excellent documentaries.

  7. and speaking on service animals, its the biggest scam in the world. You can get certification online for about 100 dollars, most airlines charge more for a pet in cabin fee. Most landlords wont allow pets, but emotional support animals are exempt.
    I work for an airline. I see this every day. I wish I had a story as good as this.


    TlDr some assclown brought an “emotional support” pig on a flight that proceeded to scream, bite other passengers, and blow shit everywhere.

    1. Just because a few ass-clowns abuse the system doesn’t mean that the system is a scam. I have an emotional support dog, and I didn’t scam the system. I had a psychiatrist say its important for me, and he had to fax over proof so that I could keep my dog when I moved into my apartment. Emotional support animals are incredibly helpful for keeping people that benefit from them stable and grounded. There have been people who haven’t killed themselves only because they knew their animal needed them.

      The vast majority of people who have emotional support animals have them for valid medical reasons. Also, just because you work for an airline doesn’t make you a medical professional, so you’re in zero position to judge these people.

    2. I think the “pet in cabin fee” only allows you to bring pets that will fit in a very small carrier (to be placed under the seat in front of you). I would happily pay for an additional seat to be able to place the dog (in her carrier) in the seat next to me. I assume we would also have to purchase and use a special carrier that could be seat belted in. We have a small dog (11 pounds), but even she looks scrunched up in an airline-approved carrier.

      As far as I’m aware, the only way to travel with larger pets is to either declare them a service animal, or place them in the cargo hold. The latter is so problematic (potentially life-threatening to the pet), some airlines are now refusing to do this.

      We’ve started to drive almost everywhere we can, just because of this issue.

      I think the airlines may be missing a marketing opportunity. Maybe they should designate one flight a day between major hubs as “pet-friendly” and then charge more for those seats.

    3. Masshole, question …

      Since you work for airline, maybe you know the answer. If an animal is crated (and not a man-eating, shit-spinning pig), why can’t they be kept in the passenger area? Maybe require they have mild tranq, so they’ll sleep.

      Flying an animal anywhere is a terrible idea. They are generally put in with the luggage. There is no heat or AC for luggage. They can freeze or get heat-stroke. Or be left with other luggage, for hours, unsupervised.

      Not trying to sound bitchy, just wonder the reasoning for putting them in with luggage.
      If I’m wrong on that, please inform!

    4. I’ve been on flights with older women that can’t hold it together and make it impossible for other people including throwing up on them so we should put all older women with the luggage?

      What about babies that get crazy on flights? With the luggage.

      Business men that proceed to scream and yell at people when they don’t get exactly what they want when they want it? With the luggage.

      You are taking one shitty experience and determining that you know every single person and every single case because of it. You while working for an airline didn’t even experience this so you don’t even have the first hand example to back up your point

  8. I went to a very expensive private college that went bankrupt, got bought out by ITT, and got closed.

    My degrees in Aviation Management and Flight Operations are now worthless, yet I’m still paying off student loans 20 years later.

    RIP DWC.

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