TYT Hour 1 May 14, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Zoe J49 Comments

Cenk. U.S embassy opens up in Jerusalem, 55 Dead & 2700 wounded on the Gaza strip. Right wingers take to twitter to comment on the Israel/Palestine war. Mitt Romney comments on Pastor Robert Jeffress leading the prayer at the embassy opening. How close are we to armageddon? Fox News’ Howard Kurtz is not shocked by corruption.

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  1. When Cenk starts getting religious that’s when I hit the skip button and skim forward for about 5 minutes til he’s done ranting

  2. Cenk says things that actually demonstrate his expansive vocabulary. I watch TYT every day so that I can hear the opinions that aren’t given in the mainstream news. Anderson Cooper is the definition of fake news. Jimmy Dore should expand and mutate into a strong progressive that fights for Michelle Obama. Also whatever happened to Barack? He used to be like a good senator and fixed Iran (indefinitely, despite Dick Cheney’s objections.) Now that the Iran deal exploded in the face of America and we found concrete evidence that Iran was using a well regulated militia, well as they say in France, this is highly contentious for both NORTH and SOUTH Korea, which want to be the same country, but Belgium has their agenda. Israel needs to stop the settlements or else it’s not nice to the Palestinians. Cenk makes politics understandable and that’s why I’ve made it my civic duty to constantly donate whatever money I have for spending. I wish that I could show c v

  3. Hey Cenk, I am a Christian and I didn’t vote for Trump. I am glad you are reading from the book of Apocalypse. You need to reveal who the Anti-Christ is… in order for all those prophecies to take place. The Jews will finally Recognize Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. Thank you for bringing the the Bible to all your viewers. I tune in to your show because it is good and legitimate news until you throw in your opinion, but hey it’s your show you can do what u please. God will intervene and not destroy Israel.

  4. They aren’t made up in the sense that they’re lies or fake etc, but they’re made up in the sense that the way that we write history and the way that we do scientific inquiry are human inventions. The importance we give to them is a human invention. Whether we believe certain things and not others is a human invention. History (my area of expertise) is not made up as in historians are writing fiction, but it is a social construct, just like religion.

  5. Am I completely blind or is the town hall and the post-hall coverage not on the site anywhere? I had to find it on youtube and watch it there with ads every 10 minutes which is really annoying. That’s part of why i pay to be a member,so I don’t have to watch ads.

    If its on the site and you can point me to it I would be very appreciative because I would love to be wrong about this.

  6. Isn’t it funny how evangelicals will admit that they worship the same God when it’s advancing their agenda, but when they need to declare war muslims are heathens and Islam is a “false religion” and needs to be exterminated?

  7. Lots of baseless bashing of religion. The first murdered human was 100k years ago who got his head bashed with a rock probably because of a woman. People will always find an excuse to kill each other and the biggest killer in history was not religion, it was ideology. After that money.

    Communist/Nazi/Racialist regimes run by atheists/secularists murdered more people and caused more mayhem in the 20th century than since the beginning of time and I am including the Mongols here.

    As for the money aspect, the middle east wars were about oil not religion and the Hutus murder 1 million Tutsis not because they had a different religion, both were catholic, but because the Tutsis were rich traders and Hutus were farmers. So is the case with most civil wars like those in Central and South America.

  8. (Prefacing this with the fact that I love Cenk, I really really do, however ….) this thing there he rants for 10 minutes every third day about how religion is fake just needs to stop. It’s getting so old, and it’s so frustrating because he’s completely missing the point. Of course religion was made up by humans. It doesn’t MATTER that it was made up, because basically everything humans believe in and subscribe to was made up. Government, the economy, laws, gender, time, science, history, everything. Everything that humans use as an overarching controlling force in our lives was, at some point, created by humans. These things become important when humans believe in them, and allow them to have control over our lives. Whether or not there really is a magic bearded man in the sky literally does not matter. What matters is that humans believe there is. Any scholar or academic would tell you that. It’s inconsequential whether any religion is “right”. The only thing that matters is whether people collectively believe it, and since they do, it ISNT fake and it is important. It’s important even if you personally don’t believe it (which I don’t) because it is still an enormously influential and mitigating factor in the way our world functions. Sitting on his show and yelling at people (who likely aren’t watching) that their god is a lie, as if the Israel/Palestine conflict would magically go away even if everyone suddenly DID become an atheist, is taking air time away from important stories and commentary. Cenk, I love and respect you endlessly, but you are missing the point when it comes to discussions of religion, and these simplistic atheist tirades just aren’t ever going to fix any of the actual problems that religion causes.

  9. The burning tyres are probably suppost to provide cover, so its harder for the Israeli soldiers to execute them

  10. Maybe instead of an open air prison you should put it in terms the world would understand its a concentration camp.

  11. In GOD: A HUMAN HISTORY, Reza Aslan notes that the religions that depict god as most “human” are the most authoritarian. It’s all about CONTROL (and the people who are in charge getting rich, of course).

  12. What bothers me is that the Israelis and the Palestinians WORSHIP THE SAME GOD. Both Muslims and Jews worship the same “one true God”, the so-called “God of Abraham.” This has been confirmed by both Muslim and Jewish scholars, and I think most Jews and certainly most Muslims realise this as well.

    So think about it – here is a group of people who literally claim that God gave them this land, and so they are attacking and expelling and seeking to obliterate another group of people who worship that self-same God. It’s not as if the Palestinians can console themselves or take refuge in the idea that their God “works in mysterious ways” – or even that their God has abandoned them.

    Nor is it possible for Israelis to salve their conscience by saying “our God is stronger/better/truer than their God”- BECAUSE IT’S THE SAME GOD.

    I mean – seriously, for a Palestinian, that has to really work on your brain. To sit there and look at your oppressors and realise that YOUR God is on THEIR side and not on yours. Not just in this fight, but for all time.

    I won’t get into the argument whether this God has “chosen” the Jews over all his other children, but anyone who is watching what is going on has to admit that this God is certainly playing favourites.

    And he is a huge asshole for doing so.

    1. “God” as described in Bible, Torah, and Koran was invented by humans for purpose of controlling other humans.

      Judiaism, Christianity and Islam not only “worship the same God” they are the same religion. No more different from each other than Pentacostals are different from Mormans.

      The three respective “holy” books are each a continuation of the one before them, each recognizing Abraham and all the other same cast of characters. There is some disagreement over whether a dude named Jesus was “the messiah” or just a very powerful prophet, blah blah blah…but basically, these are three different chapters of the same religion.

      There is no squabble more bitter than a family squabble.

  13. DNC-Clintoncrats applaud the MURDER of Palestinians by Israeli snipers.

    Tell me again, what is the difference btw DNC-Neolibs and Republicans?
    Oh, that’s right – the Dems are the pro-choice ones!
    But only sometimes, occasionally … when it’s convenient to do so.

    Otherwise, they are the same on almost every issue.
    The DNC-Dems are just more wishy-washy in their approach.
    Different sides of the same coin.

      1. Sec ~ Might have known you would comment … bloodshed & warmongering are always your happiest moments. “Everybody does it,” is a lame comeback.

        1. How is showing that Bernie is no different than Hillary when it comes to Israel “warmongering”?

          He is an opportunist politician and always was. He consistently voted for every military aid package to Israel while shedding crocodile tears when election season comes.

          1. You are consistent on only one thing. War & bloodshed is ALWAYS a good thing.

            If anyone, Bernie included, votes for military aid, you say, “Everyone wants more $$$ to go to the military.”
            You say Bernie is an “opportunist politician.”
            Yes, like when he was standing up for civil rights in the 60s. When he was anti-Vietnam & anti-Iraq War.
            When he decided to run against your beloved Queen of Corruption in the primary, because he saw that the Dem party needed at least ONE Progressive voice. That $he was a bought & paid for Bank shill, just like Obama.
            He also saw the opportunity to talk about Medicare for All because the loser DNC-Clintoncrats opted for a Republican plan (Obamacare/Romneycare).

            AGAIN … for the hundredth time … Who do you know that makes bank when more money is paid for wars?
            You NEVER answer that question.

            1. Hillary is corrupt and we knew she was corrupt. Obama was corrupt and we knew he was corrupt. Sanders is corrupt (albeit not to the same extent) but instead of seeing his corruption you and the progressives chose to see the naked emperor fully clothed.

              You will never get a clean politician, the mere fact they are politicians should be enough to tell you why, what you will get is varying degrees of corruption. This is what I have been saying all along.

              As for your question, I already answered it. It doesn’t matter who profits from the war, what matter is is the war worth it or not? Raytheon did not exist before WWII and without it arguably WWII would have been a year longer at least. Does this mean we should have not entered WWII because Raytheon ended up making billions?

              Financial gain from war is a by-product of war itself. The political decision to go to war has always been independent of who gains or loses financially.

              1. To your answer … Whether you mean to or not, you give off the “Never met a military/police action I didn’t like.”

                So your argument is that all war-profiteering is okay, cuz someone will benefit.

                Like I said, you’re a war-monger, military action apologist.

                Pure Neolib.
                As long as someone is making money, the death & destruction can be justified because it is the “Right” War.

                1. Where did I say “All wars are good”?

                  My answer was qualified on the condition of the war being worth it (in the absence of alternatives) and in my book it all has to do with human rights and upholding International Law. There are wars that are worth it and there are wars that are not. Iraq was not worth it and neither Afghanistan and I never supported either especially the latter after 9/11 because alternatives existed.

                  As for war profiteering, name me a “good” war where no one profiteered.

                  1. You say you support wars under International Law for protecting human rights.
                    So bombing Syria is the right thing to do, cuz bombing people always helps those people that need protection.
                    Protecting “Human Rights” in other countries has to be done, so when do we start bombing Saudi Arabia?

                    Oh, and while the US is spending trillions for all the “Humanitarian Police Actions,”
                    Flint STILL doesn’t have clean water, after FOUR YEARS.
                    And children in Alabama have hookworm and shit floating in their yards.
                    Like Jimmy says, maybe we should start bombing there, so all the people so concerned with Human Rights in other countries would care about what’s happening here at home.

                    But probably not…since I imagine you don’t think that would be “worth it.”

  14. In a further sign of The End Times, I, dratheart, shall this once AGREE WITH CENK. The current government of Israel is totally corrupt, totally immoral, and IMO completely irredeemable. I guess that makes me an anti-semite!

    1. It’s still not up. It takes every ounce of patience I have to not cancel my membership. What the fuck am I paying for? The election coverage from last week is STILL not up!!!

      1. Actually, it is up and has been up for a while: its under the Special Events under member content. it just doesn’t make it to the homepage. That’s where you need to look when Bernie’s Town hall (eventually) will get posted. They don’t stay late to process and post that night. Annoying, yes. Probably will be uploaded soon, tomorrow at the latest if it has the same time as the election coverage videos.

    1. Although I have no idea where the post-coverage is/when it will be uploaded if you might have also been looking for that. I’m guessing it will be posted as a post-game video maybe?

  15. I really dont get why Cenk says that calling people Nazis here is hyperbole that should never be used.

    Nazis believed they were a special race, and that justified them imprisoning, slaughtering, and immolating the people who they found to be an inferior race and religion.

    Israel believes they are of a special race, and that justifies them imprisoning, slaughtering, and immolating the people who they found to be an inferior race and religion.

    Israel does exactly what the Nazis used to do. They’ve become their monster, and they’re actively committing a second Holocaust. There’s no hyperbole here, it’s very straightforward. This is one of the few instances where there is no nuance involved.

    1. The Israeli “settlement activity” is an abomination, and it is almost exactly what the Nazis were doing in pursuit of what they called “Lebensraum” – in which they set up German “settlements” in places like Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc. as part of what the Nazis called “Generalplan Ost”.

      When I lived in Germany in 1983 my landlord had been one of these German “settlers” in Romania who had been forcibly resettled in Germany after the war. The whole area where I lived (just outside Darmstadt) was comprised of such repatriated settlers, who had been expelled from their German settlements in Eastern Europe once the Nazis had been driven out.

      So when it comes to Palestine, there is still hope for reversing the illegal settlements – or at least, there is an historical precedent, and yes, it is the Nazis.

      1. Germans have been living east of the Vistula (aka East Prussians), north of the Narva (Baltic Germans) and South of the Don (Danubian and Carpathian Germans) rivers for centuries. Active German settlement programs during WWII remained just that, paper programs.

        He was kicked out of his homeland, a homeland that was not conquered by any German army but his ancestors were invited to.

        1. Indeed, the idea of “Lebensraum” for the German people had been around since the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. And Zionism started around the exact same time. Both ideas gained traction over time and eventually became bases for political struggles/actions. And I think a lot of Poles in Poznan and elsewhere would be surprised to hear that the Nazis didn’t do any forced settlements.

          In any case, the point was about reversal of settlements. While the original settlement of my landlord’s family in the East may not have been because of the Nazis, their forced repatriation certainly was. Karl hated Hitler for that reason.

          1. The post WWII ethnic cleansing affected everyone not just the losers. Eastern Pomerania (to be more accurate the lands between the Oder and the Neisse) was cleansed of its German majority and the Carpathian Poles (Lwow area) were resettled there from their original homes which were given to Ukraine. Romanians were also cleansed from that region and resettled in areas that used to be Hungarian.

            Even Russians lost some of its historic population especially in Eastern Ukraine so that they could be resettled elsewhere.

            The logic was that cleansing the minorities would fix problems forever. The problem it did not. Russia still refuses to give citizenship to Crimean Tatars claiming they should be Ukrainian and Ukraine only recognized their value after they lost Crimea (they would have been 30% of the population instead of 12%) and still won’t give them citizenship anyway until Crimea is back.

            Then we have the Russian Baltic settlers and the restless Hungarian minority in Romania wanting to go back to Romania and the still unsettled matter of Dobruja between Bulgaria and Romania, again an ethnically cleansed area that did not quite work well.

  16. I’m horrified! One in four Americans agree:
    The Bible is the highest authority for what I believe.
    It is very important for me personally to encourage non-Christians to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior.
    Jesus Christ’s death on the cross is the only sacrifice that could remove the penalty of my sin.
    Only those who trust in Jesus Christ alone as their Savior receive God’s free gift of eternal salvation.

    #gettin’ out just in time

    1. Yeah, it’s called thousands of years of brainwashing. If God were real and spoke to people in the Bible days as the Bible says, why hasn’t it happened since then? If he performed miracles like in the Bible, why has he not done so since Bible times? If God were real, wouldn’t he want to stop those people in Jerusalem from killing one another? Wouldn’t he do something to stop the killing in his “Most Holy of Cities”? Not only that, Yahweh and Allah (both Gods of a different religion) have told their followers that Jerusalem was their holy city too. Does your religion allow you the thought process in order to notice how absurd that sounds? In my opinion, religion is just wide-spread indoctrination and brainwashing.

      1. Closertohabit I agree with almost everything you said except I think Yahweh & Allah come from the basically the same religion that cherry picked shit from older religions then was manipulated & used to control/brainwash large populations for the benefit of a few. That’s why there are so many different types of Jewish/Christian/Muslim sects.

  17. Israel and the United States: two phony, warmongering countries headed by one buffoon named Netanyahu and another named Trump. They are the
    new leaders in the “democratic” free world! What a farce! Now top this off with all the religious BS, the whole scene becomes unbearable to stomach! And it is clear, Corporate America owns and runs this so-called “democratic” country.

  18. I live in northern Utah. About 35 minutes north of Salt Lake City and I sincerely hope that Mitt Romney does not get elected. There’s one problem though. Mitt Romney was in charge of the 2002 Olympics here and he has made a name for himself. Most of Utah is LDS (Mormon) and we are such a strong red state (unfortunately) that he has a good chance of being elected. Getting out Orrin Hatch is great, but Romney is going to be just as bad.

  19. Netanyahu gloating about his massacre of Palestinians. Did Hitler even do that about his massacre of Jews?

  20. There’s nothing unusual about war and death in the name(s) of yahweh/jehovah/allah. Read the bible/quran; the “sacred” scriptures are full of stories with that space fairy’s lust for bloody sacrifices.
    It’s all very authoritarian. Either do exactly what the holy psychopath demands, or it’s punish, punish, kill, kill, kill.
    It should come as no surprise that societies, with significant populations believing in some war gods/goddesses, are structurally violent and marked by a variety and high level of social ills: assault, rape, child abuse/neglect, poverty, domestic violence, murder, police brutality, torture, inhumane prisons, death penalty, and war.
    Alternative societies, with significant populations believing in secular humanism, are less structurally violent and marked by much lower levels of social ills.

    1. Stalin was an atheist and so was Hitler, how did that work out for the +100 million killed by them?

      People will always find an excuse to kill, whether it is ideology (Communism), tribalism (African Great Lakes region) or race (Nazism/Colonialism). Religion is just another excuse.

    2. Another things that would help is actually reading up on history. Statistically speaking only 7% of all wars are caused by religion.

      “In his hilarious analysis of The 10 Commandments, George Carlin said to loud applause, “More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason,” and many take this idea as an historical fact. When I hear someone state that religion has caused most wars, though, I will often and ask the person to name these wars. The response is typically, “Come on! The Crusades, The Inquisition, Northern Ireland, the Middle East, 9/11. Need I name more?”

      Well, yes, we do need to name more, because while clearly there were wars that had religion as the prime cause, an objective look at history reveals that those killed in the name of religion have, in fact, been a tiny fraction in the bloody history of human conflict. In their recently published book, “Encyclopedia of Wars,” authors Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod document the history of recorded warfare, and from their list of 1763 wars only 123 have been classified to involve a religious cause, accounting for less than 7 percent of all wars and less than 2 percent of all people killed in warfare. While, for example, it is estimated that approximately one to three million people were tragically killed in the Crusades, and perhaps 3,000 in the Inquisition, nearly 35 million soldiers and civilians died in the senseless, and secular, slaughter of World War 1 alone.

      History simply does not support the hypothesis that religion is the major cause of conflict. The wars of the ancient world were rarely, if ever, based on religion. These wars were for territorial conquest, to control borders, secure trade routes, or respond to an internal challenge to political authority. In fact, the ancient conquerors, whether Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, or Roman, openly welcomed the religious beliefs of those they conquered, and often added the new gods to their own pantheon.

      Medieval and Renaissance wars were also typically about control and wealth as city-states vied for power, often with the support, but rarely instigation, of the Church. And the Mongol Asian rampage, which is thought to have killed nearly 30 million people, had no religious component whatsoever.

      Most modern wars, including the Napoleonic Campaign, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the American Civil War, World War I, the Russia Revolution, World War II, and the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, were not religious in nature or cause. While religious groups have been specifically targeted (most notably in World War II), to claim that religion was the cause is to blame the victim and to misunderstand the perpetrators’ motives, which were nationalistic and ethnic, not religious.

      Similarly, the vast numbers of genocides (those killed in ethic cleanses, purges, etc. that are not connected to a declared war) are not based on religion. It’s estimated that over 160 million civilians were killed in genocides in the 20th century alone, with nearly 100 million killed by the Communist states of USSR and China. While some claim that Communism itself is a “state religion” — because it has an absolute dictator whose word is law and a “holy book” of unchallenged rules — such a claim simply equates “religion” with the human desire for power, conformance, and control, making any distinctions with other human institutions meaningless. ”


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