Steve Oh, Malcolm Fleschner, and Kim Horcher. The history of last names, genetic tests and their scary results. The teaching and learning of your parents native languages. Steve talks about his experience coming to America, his bedtime prayers and his Korean barbershop. The new Kobra Kai show on youtube, and movies that do and don’t hold up over time. Casting John in True North. What it would be like to go back to your home country and surviving the Korean War and Wars of the last century.

Thanks for sharing your experiences as a Korean-American youngster, Steve. Also, I think Kim acted normally here – didn’t appear to be uncomfortable or anything.
Super awkward to watch over an hour of Kim clearly being offended and feeling uncomfortable … I liked some of the stories they told but if people are gonna say offensive stuff on old school maybe don’t have easily offended guests. I’m not blaming Kim at ALL but she clearly wasn’t enjoying herself for so much of this and that wasn’t fun to watch
Kim is awesome, she is adorable, I think she is prettier than Ana, don’t tell Ana. But Kim is hotter.
Oh yeah, that’s great, let’s just compare the hotness of the female hosts. :| They are both beautiful and bad ass.
16:40 “My mother is my grandmother, and my sister is my mother.”
– Ted Bundy
(no kidding.)
Kim was great. This old school was great. Love you guys
More. Kim. On. EVERYTHING. She is amazing.
The reason why most hispanic children speak fluent Spanish is because our parents encourage us to speak both languages. My own parents constantly told me that being fluent in more than 1 language would be extremely beneficial to my education and success. I think it all comes down to assimilation vs. transculturation.
Assimilation is the process in which a minority group or culture comes to resembles those of a dominant group. The dominant culture replaces most of the values, language, and customs of a migrant culture. Transculturation “encompasses more than transition from one culture to another; it does not consist merely of acquiring another culture (acculturation) or of losing or uprooting a previous culture (deculturation). Rather, it merges these concepts and additionally carries the idea of the consequent creation of new cultural phenomena (neoculturation)” (Cuban Anthropologist Fernando Ortiz). It depends. Some immigrant families feel ashamed of their native language when they move to the US and as a result they try to become as fluent as possible in English. While other cultures, keep their native language and absorbed the dominant one.
Maybe it’s a sign of the times we live in, that people seem to be concerned about a couple of jokes, seriously debate if and how racist they are, let alone Malcolm and Steve are, yet … no one brings up that there’s apparently a TYT employee talking about “ruining Aryan genes”… I’m actually much more concerned about that…
And who would that be
I agree with VanBronco. These debates are necessary. Kim showed how naive she is, while Steve, n Malcolm realized quick that they had to literally stop being themselves. Younger, well meaning people like Kim, won’t learn what sarcasm is if they are able to shut down speech just because they feel offended. It was so cringe to see the moment the men realized she didn’t understand the humor. Life is complicated, so enough with th goddam pearl clutching, jesus. These situations are why right wing cavefolk cry about “snowflakes.” have the arguments, find balance. BTW the subject of someone telling Kim about blonde, blue eyed babies, makes the perfect subject for a panel debate. Dialogue is how to combat ignorant biggoted ideas, instead of silencing like the DNC did.
Old School without Cenk is a contradiction in terms.
Hey, look! It’s #MeToo the Post Game with the Nerd Alert propagandist who is incapable of supporting making feminist pop-culture propaganda herself so she group-smears “gamergate” activists as angry men who hate women. When in reality she is part of a movement that ruins every piece of art or entertainment they can by infiltrating & changing it to try to change the culture. Not enough creativity or intelligence in them tp compete on an equal playing field. So they smear all opposition as women-haters & infiltrate. Now you put one on Old School. She is young as hell & has NOTHING to do with Old School. Place holder at best but at worst this is an attack on Old School fir authoritarian propagandistic reasons. Almost her every comment is puritanical judgement. She’s incapable of tolerating the slightest offensiveness in jokes. Cancer developing in place of a great show. Thanks but no thanks. Was gonna watch again to highlight horseshit but fuck supporting this with views. Ana is arguably Old School. Not this travesty of an individual smearimg women with her unwelcome garbage. Hell, get an actual random old woman on here to make it better than this.
Yeah, you’re not angry and woman-hating at all. Not even a little bit.
Angry, yeah. Every right to be but your typical smearing horseshit accusation has no substance whatsoever which is why you make ZERO argument, cite nothing, & just drop sarcasm like it has any respectable intelligent force. It does not. Says way more about you than me, doesn’t it?
Hilarious that you are so stupid as to accuse me of woman-hate when I suggested an awesome woman to be on Old School instead. Lol That all you venomous idiot authoritarians (of whatever sex or presenting gender as you happen to have) got?
I suggest you channel your inner hate to something more productive than the comment section. How about karate.
I think you mislabled the Friday postgame as Old School
It’s Old School, of course it’s racist. At least Malcolm held back on the sexism with a woman around.
I started laughing when Malcolm brought up the dogs dying in A Fish Called Wanda. I also thought that movie was hilarious.
A movie that doesn’t hold up is Big. I mean a 13 year old boy had a sexual relationship with an adult woman in that movie; it’s quite amazing that that was an acceptable story line not so many years ago.
Returning porn is worse than stealing porn. I just have to say.
How much English does Steve’s dad speak? Maybe he should do an interview.
It was cute and interesting to see the older generation’s easy and casual take on race versus the millennial’s much more cautious take. I’m 37, so I straddle gen-x and millennial, so I can kinda hang with both. I didn’t find anything Steve or Malcolm said to be cringe-y (I haven’t made it through the whole video though), and that’s kinda how me and my friends talk about race and gender and so on… you can’t take it too seriously b/c it actually IS serious and joking about it is basically a coping mechanism, and also a way to communicate across social barriers. At the same time, I can see from millennial culture that we’re way more sensitive to how we phrase things and who we might be upsetting… for example, it might not be upsetting to me, but it might be upsetting to the person next to me, even if we’re both the same race, gender, etc.
All in all, all three peeps here are awesome and I know no one meant any harm. This was a super fun old school and I really loved these three together; I know it’s a good show when I really really wish I were there so I could join in (I could say a lot, for instance, about the language issue, as I am Cajun French… my grandparents are/were fluent, parents less so, me and my siblings? Nothing.)
It’s nice to see a female on OS, I wish Kim could just roll with these guys and loosen up a little and joke around. Total buzzkill.
I think it’s more an age thing than a gender/sex thing. Although old school can be very hyper masculine I don’t think Steve and Malcolm are like that. I think Kim being a millennial is just more sensitive to certain things. It’s a cultural thing. (I personally relate more to the older guys and their way of joking/casual talking, and I am not male.)
I agree that it’s probably not a gender/sex thing, as there are a lot of TYT women that fit in well with the Old School crew. However, even when she’s around other millennials, Kim always seems uncomfortable. This is especially true with somebody like Brett, who is constantly making jokes. She just comes across as not wanting to be there.
This was a great postgame. I feel like Kim might be too sincere to have conversations with never-sincere Malcolm, haha. Would love to see Kim on Old School again!
Kim @ 23:37 says it all.
I watch this every week and I’ve never seen it this uncomfortable.
Note: I don’t think they are racist, I think they are horrible at being funny.
Malcolm was cringe-inducing in some instances with some of the things he said in this post-game. I’ve never seen him say downright objectionable things such as “going back to Vietnam” to Kim, or suggesting people who can talk about trauma are “full of shit”. Honestly, it’s hard not to see Malcolm in a slightly less positive light after this.
Malcolm misspoke (and even corrected himself) after he said “going back to Vietnam,” so I’m not sure why you would see him differently now. He was also clearly joking about most of the other stuff.
The Goonies is no Citizen Kane but it is still one of the best kids films ever made because it is a kids film and it knows it is a kids film and focuses on entertainment and it is entertaining.
to most of these comments…. uh what?
least this is up… everything else is so fucked
When they talked about “Coming to America” they totally forgot about Samuel L. Jackson as the random theif that tries to rob the burger place.
Happy to see Kim on the show though
Some cringeworthy moments… reminds me of the interview with Edwin lol
That was a great Old School!
I believe I recall the movie Malcolm is referring to…. They are lovers in a past life and one killed the other, in their past lives, and both of them start having flashbacks or past life memories of the event.
I wonder in regards to Korea being learned as a child, is Korean as difficult as say chinese? Because say Spanish or French, is fairly easy to pick up through chatting with family etc but kids have to go through a lot of school to learn any dialect in Chinese, hence why kids might not learn it. FYI Fukanese is a dialect of China and back historically a …uh province (?) in China(?). Apologies for any inaccuracies, I’m Chinese American 2nd/3rd generation but spoke only English growing up so I could be talking out of my a–. However, I think there is a big divide between the English speaking and the family’s country of origin’s language speaking, side of families. The language isn’t the only thing passed along, I think one is able to learn about your family’s past, as there is the ability to communicate with the the older generation or other members of the family that isprevented if one only speaks English, but seeing as I’m in the other boat I guess I’m not the best source.
But good old school, interesting topics.
I think the name of the movie is Dead Again. You are correct about the summary and if I’m recalling it correctly, I think they set the movie up so that it ends up being the opposite person who they lead you to believe was he murderer. I think. It’s been such a long time. God damn, I’m old.
Yes, the movie title is Dead Again, but neither spouse turns out to be the killer. Oh, wait… I probably should have given a spoiler alert. Sorry about that.
In case anyone wants to know the source of my casual racism, this is the obscure scene from a random early 90s movie I was referencing:
Movie reference aside… Can’t remember who first coined the phrase “the Irish are the blacks of Europe” but I think it was John Lennon who said “Women are the (blacks) of the world.” True that.
I was born and raised Republican and my older brothers are all still Republicans. People ask me how/why this apple fell so far from that tree. But I remember at the earliest possible age — literally, like, pre-school — already being aware that I was a second-class citizen, due to being female. Knew it. Resented it. Took a long while to figure out who the villains were… Took a while to understand that yes, sometimes the entire world CAN be wrong. But that’s a hard realization to reach, and even harder when you recognize the amount of work that will be needed to change the paradigm.
And yet, breath-taking improvements have happened, just in my life lifetime. There is reason for optimism.
I am so happy that girls growing into womanhood today have so many more great role models to aspire to. When I was ten years old, there were zero, zip, nada female role models who interested me. If I’d even had a Xena Warrior Princess to watch in the 1960’s, that would have had such a positive impact.
Not sure how I got off on that tangent.
It was a great tangent. Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for posting the link. An outstanding movie with a great soundtrack.
whered brett go he was gonna come on ;,;
It’s a Friday post game again!
omg Kim. you are getting such an ‘education’ about how older men think. do you have any thoughts on what you’re thinking about these two guys? by the way, I’m nearly 50 and a white guy… and I was thinking, uhhhhh W T FFFFFF you guys. what the hell are you even saying?
Dude’s it was Tanya Roberts. Damn, old memories that just pop up. how is 50 old? I remember the 70’s, not the freaking 60’s. (sigh)
Thanks again, Zoe!