TYT Hour 1 May 10, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Zoe J38 Comments

Cenk & Ana. World leaders are urging Israel and Syria to hold their fire after a number of strikes and retaliations. All of this is as result of Trump’s pulling out of the Iran deal. Senator John McCain made a statement against Gina Haspel’s CIA deputy director for the CIA resulting in some backlash from Fox. The former deputy finance chairman of the RNC Elliot Broidy’s private security firm has been operating illegally since at least 2013. The Washington Post has revealed some details on a deal between AT&T and Michael Cohen. Rudy Giuliani resigns from his law firm. Sheldon Adelson donated $30Mil to stop democratic house takeover.


  1. I, for one, am tired of the pedantic attitude from TYT hosts, especially Anna. 1) if you can adequately narrate events then it shouldn’t be hard to follow; 2) if you have faith in the intelligence of your audience, then stop talking to them like they are children; 3) it really doesn’t matter what your (or anyone’s) take is on the story; high-dollar sources have already bought and paid for whatever our next plague is going to be.

  2. So glad you two are back. The show is just not the same without you two. don’t get me wrong I love Johnny pie AKA true north and Jayar. But it’s so nice to see you two back on air

  3. Ana, thank God you are back! so, the Israeli and Iranian missile strikes sets up the scenario for essentially WW III or possibly the war to end society as we speak. It is Biblical. The fact that Iran was not successful in their strikes against Israel, proves certain things the Bible says. I know you all are against all things God and what the Bible says and are Atheists; however God does exist and Bible speaks truth. I respect you guys and listen to your news because it is not tainted as mush with bias as other news. Mark my words this is straight from the Bible.

      1. “The fact that Iran was not successful in their strikes against Israel, proves certain things the Bible says”

        …I can’t believe there are people in modern times who actually think like this. Wow. Sad and disturbing.

        1. Not just “think this.” Then shamelessly believe they are right and go on forums attempting to convince others of it.

        2. Whats even more disturbing is that people who think like this are in government or influence government and purposefully try to set in motion “prophesies” from their fairy tale books that lead to death and destruction (and them getting richer).

    1. I don’t regularly watch the news, especially the Fox network, but I am curious about one thing. Why would a segment about business and investment advice be making a commentary about a nominee for the CIA? Shouldn’t a business segment be talking about stocks, bonds, and the world market? To quote a well-known children’s program: “One of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn’t belong.”

  4. Cenk: I agree with the Israeli left wing.

    I just read a very depressing interview of Gideon Levy where he says Israel, for all practical purposes, has no left wing. Very sad.

    1. Actually the Israeli left is as hawkish on Iran as Netanyahu, they are just more diplomatic and used more sophisticated ways like hacking, assassinations and mysterious bombings that kill dozens of top rocket experts:


      Nor there are any “moderates” in Iran for that matter. Rouhani was part of the crackdown on the Green movement in 2009. The “moderate lions” of that movement were responsible for the largest massacres in Iranian history in 87-88 when over 30k dissidents, mostly communists who helped the Mullahs into power, were mercilessly massacred:


      Not to mention that all of them, moderates and conservatives, are theocrats and committed to the regime.

  5. On the Iran-Israel firefight, TYT did not tell the full timeline which extends beyond the events of this week and have not asked the even most relevant question of them all:

    Why are Iranian troops, particularly mid-range rocket forces, are being stationed 10km away from the Demilitarized zone in the first place?

    Iran has been asking for this fight and Israel has been warning them not to test them. Unfortunately the only people suffering are neither Iranians nor Israelis but the Syrian civilians in the area (interestingly almost exclusively Sunni) who are being cleansed from their villages and sent North to opposition controlled areas or refugee camps in Lebanon because their villages are inside a “war zone”.

    1. Uh oh…

      I think we’ve got someone making a few extra bucks on the side. (Your tax dollars at work.)

  6. Oh my god, it’s Ana and Cenk. Good. (I said to myself as I started this video and then thought I would post my thoughts)

  7. Will TYT be providing voting suggestions for the mid term elections in California? Judges, School, County, State Measures, Governor?

  8. Huh. I think Trump is draining the swamp … by getting everyone around him indited, fired, or exposed. Nicely done.

  9. Let me know if you need an experienced post production sound pro to work out the synch issues and audio glitches. It does not have to be fubar like this.. Ugh!

  10. Ana makes plenty of points that Cenk and John wouldn’t have otherwise thought to make. Choose kindness. Be better fellas. Come on

  11. I don’t think I’ve ever been more pissed off by Fox news commentary. That bullshit about McCain is some of the most loathesome garbage I have ever heard. I am heated right now, Jesus Christ.

    1. sblotter, understandable. Fortunately, Fox’s tactics are routine and predictable, which makes their propaganda detectable. It’s a shame the general population is not educated better in propaganda recognition. It’s a shame Fox’s typical viewer no longer has the curiosity to question Fox’s assertions and tactics.

      1. average age of fox viewer, 68. Those people won’t change but time will catch up to Fox News

        1. The further we get into this administration, the less confident I feel in the majority of American citizens to identify the propaganda . The country is going (continuing) down a dangerous and disturbing path.

      1. I wholeheartedly agree. It’s so much better when it’s Cenk and John. Ana provides very little insight, if any, while John at least conducts fairly informed analyses, to say nothing of Cenk.

        1. Agree to disagree. John is a legend in his own mind. The solemn manner in which he pontificates does not make his statements more factual. I find him very whiney, myself. He lectures like a five year old who just learned his first fact, and repeats it endlessly.

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