TYT Old School April 25, 2018

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Zoe J53 Comments

Cenk, Jayar Jackson, and Malcolm Fleschner host old school. Cenk’s son is going to be in Aladdin play over the summer. The movie is 26 years old… WOW! Kanye West antics, is it affluenza? His obsession with Donald Trump. Is he a musical genius? Cenk’s trip to Graceland and Elvis’ other problems like marrying a 15 year old. What are we going to be judged for in the next 100 years? How will the Aliens treat us, are they smart enough to be less barbaric than us? The mental toughness you need to make it in sports and old school sports culture “walk it off”. Cenk’s preference of leadership over management.


  1. spry ex-NFL player: Tony Dorsett.

    Love those big hits? Watch Namath and LT…repeatedly, just like they showed the replay over and over and over.

  2. re Elvis: He brought black music to white audiences; a white-washing, so to speak. Was that a step forward, or not? That would be an interesting conversation. I could argue both sides. Cenk, if you haven’t seen Big Mama Thornton sing “Hound Dog,” look it up. You’re missing out.

  3. I genuinely believe Kanye has just been slowly having the longest mental breakdown ever. I am not excusing anything he’s said, he’s an embarrassment at this point, but Cenk is totally wrong on whether or not he’s a musical savant.

    1. his behavior is textbook bi polar. read about it, educate yourself. its called cycling. hes had MANY similar instances like this through out his entire life that havent gotten publicity. nothings wrong with your theory, thats just not how bi polar manifests itself long term. peace.

  4. I think it was in a Malcolm Gladwell book that they explained that teaching by screaming may appear to work, but it doesn’t necessarily. Flight instructors explained that when a trainee does something really terrible, the instructor will yell at them and then the trainee doesn’t make the same mistake the next time. The instructor attributes the improvement to the yelling. But the mistake was not going to be repeated anyway. Behavior falls along something like a bell curve. The mistake was out at the low, unlikely end of the spectrum. It was extremely unlikely that that behavior would have been repeated in any case.

  5. This is the show I look forward to most every week. Reason? Because the main show is all about how the world is burning around me. I know the world is horrible and people are evil, but I also want to see my favorite people talk about fun shit and joke around, it’s therapy. It’s a darn shame there wasn’t an Old School this week, who’s gonna wait another week ?

  6. This is The One Show I returned for. I’m not normally conservative, but don’t change Old School ever.

  7. A singing star ‘meeting’ a 14 year old girl, for seven years afterwards no less, is exactly what Roy Moore fed on and exactly what the #MeToo movement is stopping, BlueFemaleTexan. ‘Meeting’ doesn’t right this huge wrong.

    Regarding Elvis, there is a YouTube video where a woman who invited Elvis to fly in a helicopter and he refused said she was shocked to see that all that bravery he flaunted in public was false. She said she was shocked to find he was really a big coward.

    Elvis made himself out to be a lot of things he wasn’t, an old tradition when you look at all the non-white music, dance and art appropriated and monetized by and for white audiences. This doesn’t mean there weren’t a number of breakthrough, way underpaid black artists like James Brown and Quincy Jones who knew white appropriation like Elvis’s was making themselves richer than most other black artists despite the gap. In those highly discriminatory, segregated days, it was undoubtedly easy for someone like James Brown to call Elvis his ‘brother,’ to ensure dominant white record labels and media protected his own legacy.

    It seems Elvis didn’t actually say ‘I need black people to buy my records and shine my shoes,’ but his lack of open, real time acknowledgement of all the black artists he took music, lyrics and dance and even style from, as well as his inability to use his fame to stand up to record companies, etc and promote the artists he copied, indicates that remark was in his heart.

    The Beatles openly refused to perform in the South over the organizers’ insistence that black fans be denied entry. What was Elvis doing then?

    I am as angry as Jacorey is about Elvis. If he was the ‘behind the scenes nice guy’ some sources make him out to be, he should’ve done more to display that openly on record. Instead, he greedily took it all for himself and ultimately couldn’t live with that self. I agree with that woman, he was just a coward.


    1. He is indeed. His full name is Prometheus Maximus Uygur but Cenk calls him Pro for short.

      1. Yes, that is true. Prometheus. and his daughter also has an awesome name, forget what it is though

  8. It’s worth noting in the sports talk that Pop was able to develop the reputation he has because he had two stars who would allow him to coach them. They would take him screaming obscenities at them, and work harder, and that set the tone just as much as anything Pop did. I mean, don’t get me wrong – Pop was and is an incredible coach in terms of how he’s utilized and managed personnel and creating the climate of trust with his players, but a bunch of that was driven by DRob and Timmy D. Where Pop really shines with his management was with LaMarcus Aldridge in the off-season. Both sides were unhappy with each other at the end of the previous season and both sides came together to hash it out like adults. Pop sat and listened to LA and what he had to complain about and asked him how he’d fix it. That’s why it worked – there was mutual respect.

    But separately from that, the sports mania in this country is insane and damaging. My friend’s husband is a pediatric orthopedist and the repetitive stress injuries on effing TEN YEAR OLDS is high. That’s complete nonsense. There are benefits to youth sports, but I haven’t let my kid (6 yr old) do any of it yet because we aren’t doing the insane pressure thing where we pay a ton of money for a sport she’s barely interested in or putting her into competitive stuff. Nope.

  9. I’m glad to see that other people corrected Presley’s rumored racism. It’s kind of silly to believe considering seeing how he obviously learned a lot of musical technique from black artists. Like seriously guys, come on.

    But they also brought up the lyrics to Hound Dog. That song is a cover of Big Mama Thornton’s song, with Presley changing the lyrics around a little. A lot of Elvis hits were covers, such as Blue Suede Shoes (which was by Carl Perkins).

    I don’t really understand why Presley changed to lyrics to Hound Dog, because the original lyrics make way more sense. He tried to make the song about an actual dog or something.

  10. I think what the future will look back at this time with shame is cops killing so many unarmed black & brown men, and for the war on drugs. “OMG can you believe they made drugs illegal for all those years even when it just created gangsters and violence. They were crazy”

    I don’t think humans will stop eating meat. We are predatory. Animals eat other animals all the time. It is more honest to hunt than to farm. Eating those who trust you and don’t know you are the lion among the lamb is a low move.

  11. Ugh. You guys and Monsanto. I promise, no one is pioneering the fast-track to Monsanto (specifically) in FFA. You would probably find just as many varying opinions in FFA & most Ag clubs and organizations, as you do anywhere else. Also, Ag people don’t advertise for specific companies in our Agricultural programs in colleges. Furthermore, my genetically engineered food, and crops, are not the issue. I really hate the garbage your show spews about that. Consider how much money is going into pockets of “organic” industry, too, when they can charge a hell of a lot more for their food. There’s incentive to demonize the cheaper crops, and the companies that produce the means to do so. This issue is so much more complex than you all realize, yet none of you seem to have gone and talked to anyone in Agricultural schools. Seriously, I think you think all farmers are dumb-asses with a straw hat and no, “book learnin.”. Botany, Plant Pathology, Horticulture, Mycology, virology, phytobateriology, soil sciences, nematology, and more, are all part of agricultural schools. Oregon, Colorado, Michigan, and Ohio State all have major Ag schools. Try talking to professors, and researchers from there. Try talking to people from APS (American Phytopathological Society) or CPS (Canada’s). There’s direct links to scientific journals on agriculture on those websites.

    I probably sound like a crazy person to the hosts on this show, but it seriously cuts me to the core to see my career, and my fellow researcher’s careers, tarnished by this show, which likes to think they’re super-informed on issues related to science, and politics. It baffles me that you can be so passionate about climate scientists, and think that Ag scientists are demons. I have worked with climate scientists in relation to Agriculture, before. We’re not so different.

    Please, please, please, make some friends (preferably many friends) in Agricultural schools in your local universities. Food, and crop science, is so important to discuss, along with climate change.

    1. My friend went through school to become a horticulturalist and oh my god. I had no idea how ignorant I was about plants and agriculture and the intensive training in science it required. Not that I was dismissive before that of what people did, just totally not a part of my world. I know better now. Especially in regards to GMO and organic labeling and what that means and does bigger picture.

      I am now an avid home/urban gardener, and I realize my knowledge is a drop in the bucket. Thank god for ag programs.

    2. I don’t see anyone saying we should ban GMO crops, but I think it’s reasonable to have them labeled as such for those of us who want to know what we’re eating.

      As for Monsanto, IDGAF except for all the GMO seeds that require farmers buy new seeds every year. And if those seeds blow onto another farmer’s land, Monsanto sues them.

  12. The future will thank us for the massive load of plastic covering our seas and landfills. In 90 years unless there is a GMO developed to eat all that crap it will never biodegrade. Our biggest fault is how badly we ruined our planet. Some visionaries will be remembered: WE will be remembered! Progressives who started the fight for cleaning up/respecting the planet, equality and health care will be a given thanks to us.

  13. In the years to come there is a higher chance that with climate change and over population that kids of that generation will look back and say “Wow, can you believe how spoiled those people were. They had food everywhere and not only would they choose to not eat certain things but they would judge others for eating it. “

  14. You dont need to go to the fly over states to find massive 4H and FFA groups… Just drive a few hours the central valley (Tulare County, ya know, where Devin Nunez is from). These people are CRAZY into teaching their kids to slaughter their “pets” at an early age….

  15. we need to ban all forms of brutality. Are we so addicted to watching other people suffer? What does your team victory bring to you personally (unless you gamble) ? Also, the concept of tribalism has to be torn down, not deified.

    I’m female and greatly enjoy your conversations

    1. Oh, Chuck Berry – also a pervert. got convicted to having cameras in his bathroom toilets at the “Ranch” he opened here in St Louis, MO – tho they still got a statue of him in the Loop on Delmar Blvd. sigh

      1. Crap – one more thing, the “great” depression spawned a lot of horrific public entertainment, notably those dance marathons ugh we are vicious beings

    2. I will second Patricia and say that I am also an avid female fan of Old School. I’ll even go one further and say it’s why I’m a member.

  16. Is that stuff true about Elvis? I was under the impression that he wasn’t racist. Now I’m gonna have to look that up.

    Concerning Jerry Lee Lewis- From the movie “Great Balls of Fire” his career was absolutely ruined bc he married his 13yr old cousin. It was also how Elvis magically became the king of rock and roll, even though Lewis did it first and IMO, better.

    Meat- I prefer the other CK bit he did concerning meat. The one where he talked about how Cows wouldn’t exist without humans in the first place. They are literally defenseless. So, IMO, without humans protecting cows, they would have reached the brink of extinction. Should we treat our farm animals better? Obviously. But to say that we shouldn’t eat meat at all is just ridiculous to me. Also, plants are alive. To say that animals have more rights than plants do (bc both are living things) also doesn’t make sense to me.

    What changes I think will happen in the future- I think we will jump backward in certain things. Specifically concerning food, I believe that more small urban farms will take over and community farms/gardens will be the future. I see this happening bc industrialized farming is simply causing to many problems (environmentally and quality wise) and it’s only going to get worse.

    1. “To say that animals have more rights than plants do (bc both are living things) also doesn’t make sense to me.”

      Wait, really? So to you, those videos where people stomp on kittens are the same to you as someone stomping across grass because both kittens and grass are living? Kittens or other animals don’t deserve any more protection under the law than plants do? That doesn’t make sense to me.

  17. If Biggie and Tupac were still alive, all these television jingle “rappers” like Kanye would be flipping burgers.

    Hip Hop died the day Nelly put out Country Grammar.

    RTJ is the only truth out there today.

  18. Snopes Jacorey, Elvis never said that, lol. Elvis had respect for black artists, and he showed love. But still, fuck John Wayne. #PE

  19. On an evolutionary scale, humans have only eaten meat for a very short time and that has significantly increased, particularly in Western culture, in the last hundred years. Though some have historically attributed the proportional increase in our brain size to eating meat, the current theory is that we began to cook food.

    1. But that also leads to the discussion that as a species, do we basically have a toxic existence on a habit/evolutionary tract for the Earth? Therefore if we hit a point where we have destroyed other animals existence via our climate change, or we reverse course and only have a few species left…. we really will have an interesting historical tract if we as humans make it to say..2099. (Futurama rules.) Because it may have increased brain size, but than possibly caused the destruction of the planet. Do we alternatively become all in on scientific solutions (fake meats), or do we have a “what the fuck are we doing” moment for billions of people. I think the first is much more realistic.

      From a pescetarian (fish/eggs only), who eats mostly vegan.

    2. “On an evolutionary scale, humans have only eaten meat for a very short time ”

      more proof that veganism is in the category of fundamentalist religions — no interest in reality or science.

      1. Cooking meat did increase our brain size and made us figure out tools to get meat/no longer roam for meat easier. Evolution did that, so maybe the climate change that we are creating is mother nature “refreshing” the earth for a new dominant species #tardigradesrule! Meh, just a thought, I still know we fucked up this planet.

      2. The fuck are you talking about dude?
        There will always be people who take their beliefs to an extreme but to say that all or even most vegans have no interest in science/reality? That’s just ridiculous

        Maybe YOU are the one letting your emotions get in the way of reality

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