TYT Hour 2 April 25, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Zoe J19 Comments

Michael Cohen is exercising his 5th amendment rights in the Stormy Daniels case. Federal judge made a ruling towards the roll back of DACA, stating the justice department must justify the rollback before he will make a final ruling. 3rd state to rule that the DACA program must go on. Professor at Fresno State University will not be terminated due to 1st amendment rights, still calling her comments disgraceful. Two republican lawmakers in Colorado are proposing legislation that can place teachers in jail for striking. A privately run prison transport company is being sued after shackling a suspect for 18 days in the back of a vehicle.


  1. Cenk your mistake is that you think that we live in the usa where as we actually live in the united corporations of the world. our congress works 4 the corporations by the corporations to the benefit of the corporations.

  2. I agree that TYT would benefit from a ‘stable’ of experts.

    For example a democratic candidate was a tax expert. There may be others who could contribute to programs.

    For example what special treatments to some sectors of the economy benefit from. For example last year there was a comment that an oil pipeline operator would only be liable for clean up costs to a limit. The rest would be paid for by the government. Why?

    Some subjects would be best dealt with as specials. Then they can be briefly mentioned in the main program.

    1. They wouldn’t even need a stable of them, as in pay them to be around all the time. They could just bring them on, or hire them for short work, and consulting as needed.

  3. Cenk is absolutely great when he’s engaging in his specialty (the analysis of politics) but can be downright ludicrous when he gets out of it. On the Fifth Amendment:

    1. First off, the Fifth Amendment does NOT literally say “self incrimination”. The relevant phrase is “nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself”

    2. The reasons for that provision go back to the (fully legal and accepted) use of torture and other coercive methods to extract false confessions.

    3. How many times have we heard, whether in domestic criminal cases or suspected terrorism cases, about the use of interrogations, psychological and physical torture, and the like to extract confessions that turn out often years later to be COMPLETELY untrue. Like too many to list, right?

    A bit of a sidebar, TYT could really use a “stable” of regular guests who are experts on different topics to weigh in on issues like this, sort of like when Cara Santamaria used to come on to talk science topics (where did she go btw? she was great).

  4. Cenk,

    23:04 these are likely the same people who went into a rage because NPR tweeted out the entirety of the Declaration of Independence, but seeing it in tweet form, thought it was NPR calling Trump a tyrant needing to be overthrown. You are surprised someone wouldn’t pick up on the irony of sending an offensive tweet about wanting someone fired for sending an offensive tweet? You give them more credit than they deserve.

  5. On the Fresno professor: What the professor said, IMO, WAS disgraceful. Does it mean that she didn’t have some horrible and elitist positions? Of course not because she did. Also she DID raise a war criminal son. That being said, that Barbara Bush was disgraceful for those old actions of HERS, this professor was disrespectful NOW. They can be both be true – it’s not mutually exclusive. Yes, the professor had a RIGHT to say it, but seriously she could have at least waited until Barbara Bush was in the ground before going on the attack. And correct me if I’m wrong, but no one attacked this professor first, right? I mean I have no problem her defending herself, but to just go off like that for no reason? Have SOME compassion to a grieving family.

    Teachers in CO: I thought that Colorado was BIGLY rich thanks to all that marijuana money, so why can’t they afford to pay teachers in their state a decent wage? Huh. Imagine that… recreational pot didn’t turn Colorado into a utopia! Who knew it could be so complicated?

    1. Hey dratheart, I thought you were leaving TYT… But I guess not… Anyhow, marijuana was not legalized in Colorado to fund schools… It was legalized because continuing it’s prohibition no longer made any sense to the average Colorado voter… The liquor industry provided a lot of money to fight legalization of pot, but didn’t prevail… It was an added benefit to have the extra taxes coming in… Here in Colorado, we also are under the yoke of the Bush/Trump/Ryan tax cuts and there is not enough revenue to meet the state’s needs in many area…

      1. Well then I beg your pardon, yates3243, I thought I’d heard the huge taxes on the marijuana to help fund state programs (and I assumed education/teachers included) was a major argument in favor of the legalization back when they did it. But hey, my memory sucks sometimes! Nevertheless, didn’t they put a huge “sin tax” on the recreational marijuana when they legalized it? And setting that aside, CO is not a poor state, is it? I mean I figured Colorado already did/does well from the tourism industry alone. Where DOES all that marijuana tax money go if I may ask (if you know)?

  6. I’m offended at the use of my last name, Donyes, as a joke in this segment… ? But mostly I’m surprised, it’s never pronounced correctly!

  7. Shapiro did come out and defend the professor’s right to her speech (he obviously did not condone what she said). Kyle has covered it.

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