TYT Interviews – Nomi Prins In Membership, TYT Interviews - On Demand by Zoe JApril 24, 20181 Comment Ana interviews Author Nomi Prins to talk about her book Collusion: How Central Banks Rigged The World. Sorry, the video player failed to load.(Error Code: 101102)
April 24, 2018 Log in to Reply Dan Campbell Nomi got into IBM? Cool. “They broke the world, James”. – Nate, in the final episode of Leverage, referring to the bankers and financial institutions involved in the 2008 crash. This title, reminds me of that quote. Gotta sleep, will watch the rest of this, during the week. Thanks, Nomi and Ana.
Nomi got into IBM? Cool.
“They broke the world, James”. – Nate, in the final episode of Leverage, referring to the bankers and financial institutions involved in the 2008 crash. This title, reminds me of that quote.
Gotta sleep, will watch the rest of this, during the week.
Thanks, Nomi and Ana.