TYT Old School April 19, 2018

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Zoe J34 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz, Malcolm Fleschner host. A word is invented. “Lope” means that you lie about the amount of money you make. Discussing Comey and Dennis Prager. Being recognized for being on TYT in public. Ben was called Jimmy Dore. Cenk was mistaken for Deepok Chopra. Discussion of LeBron’s strategies off the court to play well. How lefty sports teams are, including ones you wouldn’t expect to be liberal. Colin Kaepernick’s fate. The elites of football live in their own bubble and hate the kneeling. The idea of “distraction” is a terrible excuse that is often used in politics and sports. Why does the establishment claim to only want one candidate in the race.Discussion of the DNC and who is winning and who isn’t. AT&T has a billboard that says “More for your thing, from our thing”. What? Discussion of the allocation of the money that TYT received.


  1. Christ, I listen to old school for calm social / political info and when Ben is on I’m just getting pissed. Like having a DNC person giving talking points and Cenk and crew soft ball him. It’s shitty. And he gets by because he has charisma with every other topic especially sports. *sarcasm* Why is Jimmy Dore the Hot Spot for network!? *end*

    1. How are you calling Ben a DNC person, he was for Bernie? he has for what I can understand no mayor policy differences from anyone on this panel. It doesn’t matter what kind of form the messages comes in, they may disagree on strategies but the message is the same, and Ben is almost always on the right side of issues.

  2. Food and memories

    There is a place in Yuma Az (where my grandmother has lived my whole life) that we go to many times when we visit her. I swear by it, my sister swears by it, my cousins, etc etc all swear by it. That’s how it works… You will never convince me or anyone else in my family it’s not the best even though objectively I know it’s good but not great… It is the best LOL

  3. I like how the meat eaters talked about pastrami and corned beef for 20 minutes while the vegetarian had to sit there and listen to them. It was bound to happen with Ben and Cenk, they love to talk about their terrible diets. Taking off the broccoli? Oh, boy.

    So maybe we should vote for Republicans over the corporate Democrats if it means there will be a change in the Democratic party. Maybe that will be what it takes for progressives to finally win, to first lose to the Trumpians. TTOTB?

    All ads have to aim for is brand recognition to make money. Nothing else matters, not whether their ads are clever or make sense or anything.

    People still think their freedom is being taken away if someone else gets theirs.

    1. So they should not talk about what they literally talk about every old school because Malcolm is there?

  4. Best idea yet a two hour Old School!
    I saw Bob’s years, let’s see more of Bob.
    Great show!

    Cenk, family is so important, why would you question letting your nephew live in your garage? I have nephews and they can disappear out of your life so quickly ( they move away, they mature and get busy lives of their own) cheish them (even the annoying times) while you can.

  5. Concerning the Att marketing topic- I’ve never understood why companies go with those, so called, clever slogans. Simple research would show that the majority of people in America, are not clever, and therefore will have zero clue what the slogan is intended to mean. So instead of the whole “our thing/your thing,” it should be something simple like “Att, we give you more.” Hell, I would even argue that it could/should be simpler than that and just be “Att equals more.” Then if you want to be clever for the more liberal markets (yes I consider liberals more clever bc studies show they are more intelligent) you would put on a billboard “Att > _____” or something along those lines.

    Basically my argument is that people don’t want clever in their advertisements, they want simple and they want cheap.

    1. Ben brings a different perspective but because he’s not as die-hard you guys shit on him. Wake up you need people like Ben maybe instead of dismissing him listen to him… wait that might make you less like the exact same as Hillary supporters. And yes YOU are being exactly like a Hillary supporter right now so good on you it worked well for her I am sure it will work well for you

    2. The shows that Ben Mankiewicz is on are the best shows. Not because I agree with him most, but because he always brings a reasonable, realistic, and honest perspective to a different point of view.

  6. It’s very interesting that they’re spreading information about a candidate’s grandparent being a terrorist. Fred Trump was arrested when the police broke up a klan rally. It was not confirmed that Fred Trump was a member of the klan, but it would be understandable that people might believe that given that his name was in the paper as having been arrested at a klan rally. Now how many local, state, and federal politicians do you think have klan members in their family tree?

    The klan beat and murdered and lynched countless people. When activists came to the south in the 60s, the klan firebombed a moving bus and tried to keep the people inside from getting out. Conspired with the cops to give them time to beat activists before the police would step in. That was after decades of making being black and anything other than invisible a death sentence. The klan was a bona fide terrorist organization and they, along with the White Citizen Council made up the Southern power structure. When power is inherited between the generations, I guarantee you that members of our national congress are the descendants of terrorists and have never faced any repercussions.

  7. I don’t know if Cenk sees this but it really needs to be pointed out that he is somewhat wrong on the context regarding the race in the California 50th that he mentions at about 53:00 minutes in. There is almost no person in the local San Diego democratic establishment or even statewide that support Josh Butner. I live in the CA-50 and try to regularly attend San Diego party meetings so I follow this race closely and Ammar has almost universal support and proved that when the got the state parties endorsement with I believe 97% of the vote. What the Intercept piece is mentioning is how the DCCC is maybe considering (and other groups like End Citizens United have already) backing Butner but even that isn’t a for sure thing. I also think there is a lot in the Intercept piece isn’t considered about the CA-50 race like when Butner ran for school board in 2016 and got the party’s endorsement then. So he either lied to the party at that point and stole their endorsement or Ryan got something wrong. Cenk is still overall right but I think that context is very important.

    1. And I should have waited before their discussion on the topic ended because of the problem with how Cenk is framing that story is evident in how Ben is taking in the information. Other than the DCCC, which has not made any endorsement official, every level of the state and local party in the CA-50 support Ammar. Again, Cenk is still correct for the most part but he is giving a distorted context, at least in that case.

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