Cenk, Ted Cruz praises Trump, after Trump accusing Cruz’s father a murder and calling his wife ugly. Cruz is running against Beto O’Rourke, Cenk predicts he will foldin this election once more. CNN reporting that a handful of senators will not support Trump’s bid for a second election. Kris Kobach held in contempt for blocking voter registration. Michael Cohen is in danger, NY attorney general is asking to change state laws to avoid hindering state prosecution of Cohen. Ed Schultz has been told not to cover Bernie Sanders on MSNBC. Even halting the airing of the Sanders nomination interview minutes before it was set to air. TYT Investigates with another story on corruption, Koch Industries shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars to republican organizations. Taxpayer’s contribution towards the cost of war.

I would already cringe when Cenk would repeat “it’s not the bug it’s the feature” multiple times a show, but now that I know he’s quoting Ted Cruz I’m done hearing him say it. I’ll just skip to the next story like I usually do when his Cenkisms take over.
Beto just voted to repeal the volcker rule so maybe he’s not as awesome as you think
Let me know if you need a pro editor! Too many obvious typos my peeps! Peace and Luv……pc
The new person is so bad at her job that the conspiracy side of me wonders if she’s a plant of some kind.
Also want to politely mention the messed up podcast. It’s annoying when you get to work, thinking you have the show from last night, and it’s the wrong podcast.
I thought cable news was irrelevant, Cenk told me so time and time again.
I had to laugh during the Michael Cohen story when it turns out his other trusted lawyer friend is named Jay Goldberg. It’s just like Trump to have such stereotypically Jewish-surnamed lawyers, right?
This annoying. A couple times a month the members feed podcast is wrong.
I keep offering to help. The feed should be easy.
I’d like to repeat what other members have posted here: the podcast feed has been consistently loaded with the previous broadcast, not the current over the past few weeks. I only listen via iTunes while commuting to work. Could someone there at TYT look into this? Please. And thanks.
I don’t know why TYT can’t figure out how to put up the right podcast.
The postcard for this episode is screwed up again. It’s playing the episode from the day before. Love the show keep it up?
It’s obvious that one motivation for Billionaires is greed. The Kochs, Jeff Bezos, etc. can not begin to spend all the wealth they have.
But, I think the driving force for them is a game. Who can be the richest guy on Earth! They are so far removed from the rest of the PLANET, that they don’t care what happens to the other beings that live on it.
Why else would Bezos, who cannot begin to spend all the billions he has, park an ambulance outside Amazon fulfillment centers, cuz he doesn’t want to pay for air conditioning? Force workers to work w/o breaks, etc. because he needs to see how far he can push Americans toward third world country margins?
I agree. I no longer believe it is for money, with their billions that doesn’t make sense. It is some sort of sick game, like Hunger Games.
Yes, at that level of wealth, you’re so far beyond the concept of money being related to needs, it becomes nothing more than a game. I totally agree.
Cenk, you need to put: “You don’t want a criminal lawyer, you want a ‘Criminal’ lawyer!” on the soundboard. You’re going to be needing it a lot!
Ya… Please take your intern off of doing the podcast feeds. Half the ones on the past month have been wrong.
For the tenth time in the last couple of months, the podcast is a repeat of the previous day’s feed. I figured after the first couple of times you guys would have fixed the problem. This is just par for the course with the lax quality controls at TYT.
Why spend time on this nonsense. You could spend time on corporate lobbying as a determent to your society?
Have an episode about climate change. Why not invite on of America’s great scientists who got cut short by Pruitt to explain how important his knowledge is? Why not talk about the effects of modern world economy and why US citizens are not being informed properly about their salaries and inflation, why not invite Mark Blythe?
Yes 2!
The GOP masters got there tax cuts thanks to Trump, the idea now is to disown him and put a new candidate up than can compete with a corperate democrat if the DCCC are stupid enough to ignore Bernie Sanders.
They may also vote with the Democrats 2018 if they get the majority in both houses and go for impeachment in the hope that Trump supporters will stay with them for 2020 (President)
I say we hand this investigation over to Mariska Hargitay!
When you consider the percentage of that money paid to the Pentagon went to shit that just blows up it really does fucking piss me off.
My husband was a 22 year veteran and I can tell you that money is not going to support the men and their families. Unless you count the generals.
Cruz suffers from classic cuckold syndrome, Jerking off to a real man fucking his wife in front of him because he can’t get it up otherwise.
You got to give it to Trump, he is all flaws but he has a super-human ability, he can sniff out cuckolds and exploit them to his advantage.
The podcast stream for 19 April is a rebroadcast of our one from 18 April. Please fix this? I only listen to you guys via the RSS feeds.
Just want to echo the sentiments above. If a 76 year old con learn to use iTunes why can’t you get the right podcast posted instead of a repeat of the day before? Hr 2 and post game were correct. I listen to many podcasts and this has never occurred on other feeds.
I remember my high school teacher in politics was so cynical about the American government. I wonder what would have happened to generations of kids if we had been actively engaged in regional politics and understod how it directly effected the people around us. Maybe we could have had generations of budding voters fighting for them and us if we had understood more back then. I am not blaming him or us, but if people around us don’t care or understand the world how are the newer generations expected to understand.
Agreed, I learned so little about my government that I had no idea how it really works. I am just learning now and I am 72.
The difference between Al Jazeera and BBC is not that one is ‘western’ and therefore ‘good’, it’s that one covers their host country without bias and one does not. You said it yourself, Al Jazeera will cover Qatar with a certain bias, but you did not mention that BBC does not cover UK news with a bias towards UK. (Same goes for Australian govt funded ABC – it certainly doesn’t shy away from criticising the government, which is why the right wing party constantly want to defund it! I agree with you that Al Jazeera does a lot of good work – but your argument about state media is flawed if you leave out that one crucial point. I think it depends on how secure the democratic free press is in a given country, as to how it’s state media will cover it’s own politics.
I know it’s the not the main point – this was about cable news establishment biases (which is a relatively new thing in Australia and super worrying!) but had to get that one out because no one ever fights back on the bbc/al jazeera thing when it’s mentioned every now and then on the show
Those of us who have believed in TYT and supported it & who also think about canceling our subscriptions find TYT’s day to day shifts between mainstream media fluff pieces and the real deal reporting of tonight’s show, baffling. Let’s stand courageous together against the lies and not back down. I can only imagine the kind of pressure you guys are under right now.
they called it a GOTCHA QUESTION LMAO
RSS audio link has yesterdays show.
Test upon post please.
Thanks for not wearing that blue suit Cenk.