TYT Hour 1 April 18, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Zoe J40 Comments

Cenk & Ana. Nikki Haley goes toe to toe with Donald Trump. Cenk and Ana weigh in on her policy approach.Mike Pompeo has visited North Korea and spoken to officials. Trump makes a mistake on twitter. Other world leaders showing Trump “respect” to avoid tariffs and other implications of his temper. House GOP calling on Sessions to prosecute Trump’s foes. Senate repeals auto-loan guidance, previous studies show that minorities are getting charged more for car loans than their counterparts. Beyond I do, LGBT married couples fighting for rights beyond marriage after a lesbian couple’s daughter is denied treatment.

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  1. See this is why I love ya’ll, I would totally crack a pun like Cenk did, but I react to anyone else’s puns like Ana. Its nice to see real people reporting instead of a professional script read.

  2. please invite some trumpsters on the show and calmly ‘discuss’ whats going on… if my parents and gramma could get on that list too, id really appreciate it ..

    everything is still fake news to them…….

    ~all health

  3. Love this show, love the content, love being a member. Absolutely can not go a day without watching, hate the weekends because I have two long days without tyt and how am I supposed to know what’s going on! You guys are great, really!
    Think it could benefit from a quick read about a specific law to clear up some confusion about some complicated medical issues.
    Or search EMTALA where ever you’d like.
    Frequently there seems to be confused issues relating emergency medicine to other health care areas. I’d like to point out it is already illegal for anyone to be denied Emergency treatment by any emergency worker for any reason. I am an ER nurse and we take it very seriously. It’s called EMTALA and it is very specific, (Cenk, so no one bleeding out could ever be turned away and left to die by an emergency doctor). This means no one gets turned away, ever. If you come in for hand pain after beating the heck out of your family, we will see you and treat you, even if it makes us want to cry… it isn’t always easy, but it is followed meticulously. If it is ever violated should be reported because the fines are insane, even if the patients decide not to sue, (which they should).
    I would never turn away someone in the LGBT community and shame on her small mind for doing so, however, do you really want someone taking care of your child as their pediatrician because they are forced too by a law? I don’t. If a provider can not get over their prejudice, I’d rather them arrange another person to take care of me immediately and then give me the opportunity to find someone who isn’t such a narrow-minded jackass. Pediatricians are largely known as some of the biggest hearted health care providers in practice, but I don’t want someone who secretly dislikes me and my child forced to be with us for 18 years if they happened to be as narrow minded as this Dr has shown her/himself to be. I’d rather know so I could switch to someone who would genuinely care for our family. Unfortunately, doctors are people too and they have bias just like everyone else ( no idea why someone would go into practice with that particular bias, especially if it’s that strong) but if someone feels that way, I’d like to take my business and my baby else where. It’s wrong, it’s so wrong, but I don’t want a law to force someone to see me because if that clouds their judgement and they miss something, it’s my family who suffers. Appropriately reviewing the doctor and voicing this experience to call attention to the unfairness and the double standards and the insanity that is what they went through is needed of course, but I don’t want a law forcing the doctor to pretend they want me there, I’d rather have someone who really cares and is going to be focused enough to do the best job possible for me. The doctor’s brain is the service needed, and if they can’t do good job for any reason, I don’t want that service. If they have personal issues and can’t focus that day because they were up all night, I don’t want them. If they have a stick stuck up where the sun don’t shine, don’t want them either and I don’t want a law forcing them to see me because they might not do the best job and that baby deserves the best. I pray that baby finds a pediatrician who adores her and her family, and I pray the other doctors practice closes because of patients switching better practice’s. There should be no room or business for a practice like that in any city.

  4. Regarding the pediatrician – as a parent, I would want to know if the doctor held these beliefs. What kind of quality of care would I be receiving if the doctor didn’t approve of the babys’ parents? I don’t want someone pretending to care about the quality of my childs care if they in fact do not. This way I can find a doctor that is right for my child.

  5. Thank you Anna. You’re exactly correct about how South Korea had to be the adult in the room. Exactly right!

    1. Dude, JR is the producer of the show! His job is to help decide what stories get covered and then put it together to make it a great newscast. He is essential to the show and a big reason why this show is so good. Being on the show is not his job, yet they think he has such great insights that give him the opportunity to chime in when he wants.

    2. The Brotha works behind the scenes. He’s a producer (or something like that I believe). Jayar is on the panel sometimes, but in general he works in making the show happen.

  6. I don’t understand why you are assuming that this Doctor is a Christian, Dr. Roi is probably a Muslim, she is not Christian. Muslims are avidly against LGBT not just Christians.

    But whether she is a Christian or Muslim, she shouldn’t practice medicine because she is not willing to practice it on the person who needs it.

    Muslim men also treat their women very cruel and remember in many Muslim countries, women do not have rights, not even to drive a car.

    So you all keep attacking the Christians but do not mention that Muslim/Islamics have countries who ban the freedom of religion and do not have women’s rights.

    There are plenty of doctors out there and Dr. Roi isn’t the only one. If they really did their research they would have known her practices as i am sure this isn’t the first time Dr. Roi has done this. I looked up Dr. Roi and that Dr. has very bad reviews.

    The statement given by the Dr. Roi at least was honest, why would you want to force someone to care for your child who was going to do it in a bad manner.

    Cenk, When going into an emergency room with an emergency, Doctors cannot refuse treatment. This was not an emergency situation.

    Everyone has a right to their religion, regardless of what it is; you criticizing that is just as bad as those who criticize people who are fighting for gun control.

    This is a wrong situation, shouldn’t happen and doesn’t make it right. But not everyone in this world will see everything the same way.

    I am part of the LGBT community and also have a child and have a partner and live in Houston, TX…. I have not received that kind of treatment and i don’t feel the need to disclose my situation to everyone that I come in contact with as if it was a parade everyday. There’s this thing called privacy.

    I am also a Christian. I pray and there’s nothing wrong with praying.

    you guys are good at giving the news but sometimes when these issues come up you guys inflame the situation and/or take it out of context.

    I value my privacy.

    If that were me i would be like, “Good riddance, why would i want you any way!!!?” the doctor did them a favor by disclosing that to them and being honest about it. The doctor didn’t want to go, because she probably felt that situation would escalate into a confrontation.

    They probably feel hurt but at the end of the day, their daughter got cared for and now they know not to seek medical treatment from Dr. Roi and probably should pick a different pediatrics clinic.

    1. Whether or not she is Christian or Muslim has no relevance, but as a former Christian I can tell you I have seen a lot more hatred and barbarism in Christians than I have ever seen in Muslims. What Muslims or anyone else do in over countries is of no consequence this is America and it is American values that matter here.
      Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm This woman is causing harm by not treating a patient she agreed to treat. Her license should be revoked.
      I would never take a child to this woman, if she will renig on her oath for this reason, she will for any reason and she can not be trusted to follow through on any treatment. I don’t care how many other doctors there are, one bad apple spoils the bunch and her actions reflect badly on all doctors and especially the ones she is shares a practice with.

    2. Damnit TYT, you’re not lumping all Muslims in the world together as one unit that believes the same thing for this “christian” commenter. Why can’t you just make all Muslims into one simple stereotype, so this “christian” doesn’t feel personally attacked by your lack of Islamphobia?

  7. Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ? Trump ?

    1. I knew Matt Gaetz would be on that list. He’s been the #1 proponent of just locking up the entire FBI. Such a moron.

  8. I miss having the graphics. I really want an updated Republican Cat Fight graphic.
    We are sending a STRONG message to Russia, about how WEAK we are on Russia!

    I keep thinking that attacking other people is how the religious focus attention away from their own sins and their own guilt. It’s easier to attack people than to work towards creating nice things.

  9. The Evangelicals who deny medical care, marriage licenses, etc. REVEL in their “pure beliefs.”

    It’s never about compassion or empathy.
    They don’t care about what Jesus would do in the same situation.
    It’s all about themselves making a possibly life threatening decision over someone else. They want to be seen as proving how devoted to their faith they are. It’s their martyr-complex turned to eleven.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that anyone who claims they “know” that THEIR religion & rules are the “right” ones is at their heart selfish, vicious, and aching to cause pain & suffering on other people.
    Not anything I would associate with Jesus at all.

  10. Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ?? Russia ??

      1. You’re welcome!! Jimmy, Malcolm, and Steve are more than worth it. I don’t swallow everything TYT puts out there, unlike yourself. If you had half a brain you would appreciate the constructive criticism that aims to push TYT on a more progressive path rather than the MSM position they’ve been pushing lately. Your tribalism is pathetic.

  11. I love you guys so much. Worked all day and evening and I finally get to relax and listen to the news.

    You both look amazing btw. Haters gonna hate.

  12. That jacket was the FIRST thing I noticed. That jacket is offensive to living beings everywhere! If anyone loves Cenk at TYT they need to take that jacket off him and stick it in the paper shredder!

    1. YES. Or donate it to charity. That jacket is not Cenk, and does not fit him well. Makes him look like he’s going to host a bad variety show.

  13. Cenk nice jacket very vivid and Ana beautiful hair today!! Guys look great ! Thanks for the awesome news!

  14. Thank you Cenk and Ana for standing up to the anti LGBT scumbags. It means a lot to have someone from outside that community, stand up and be vocal in support of us. I appreciate you guys more than you know.

  15. Sorry Cenk but your wrong on car salesman I am a gmc Salesman and I have no control over what rate a client gets, I don’t talk to banks and I don’t add anything to a clients interest rate. That’s the problem with stereotypes, we are the low man on the pecking order and we get blamed for all problems in the car business. Its like blaming the cashier at a fast food joint for how much a hamburger cost. I have been selling cars for over 20 yrs and I have never seen a salesperson dd interest onto a car loan. Now if the banks and the owner have a side deal, then that is something us car salesperson know nothing about and have no control over. So stop calling us thieves. We provide a service and get paid for that service, If I got a cut of the interest rates, I would be so rich I wouldn’t have to hustle up the 10 dollar a month I pay for your channel. If that is happening, it is not the car salesperson doing it, I can prove that in any court of law, I love you guys, but I am calling B.S. on that story..

    1. So you don’t do the rate but you are really going to sit that and say that you are completely innocent of adding bs extras and extra cost to cars? If so then you are like one person. I was in a serious relationship with a car salesman and hung out with his buddies all the time. My parents were great friends with people that owned many dealerships. The sterotypes of cars salesmen was well earned. Now it may be that the job requires it of you but you are getting a little huffy all things considered. You can inform about not being responsible for the rates with a little less “woe is me we don’t do any of that nasty stuff at all”

      1. Megan ~ I feel like YOU are the one who “get’s huffy” all the time.

        Every comment angry & accusing.

  16. Thank you for finally uploading but next time you should make sure these shows are up BEFORE you start uploading the free clips.

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