Thank you for this show Malcolm and TYT. I don’t have a lot of time to watch all of TYT Politics but am a strong proponent of the progressive movement and this is a good show to give me a quick synopsis of some progressive related issues. Long time member and happy with all the extra content you provide.
Thanks for this episode, Malcolm and Emma! I learned about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez through TYT when Cenk first highlighted her. She’s a compelling advocate and candidate, and I’ve enjoyed all of TYT’s coverage of her positions and campaign. Emma’s extended interviews of Alex on TYT Politics are a welcome addition to TYT Network’s shorter (but also excellent) interviews. Keep it up, Emma!
Great show Malcolm! Very appreciative of the time & effort everyone at TYT puts into making these members only shows. Keep up the great work & stay strong!
Fun to watch today!
Good prediction, Emma, and good interview Malcolm! Thank you
Thank you for this show Malcolm and TYT. I don’t have a lot of time to watch all of TYT Politics but am a strong proponent of the progressive movement and this is a good show to give me a quick synopsis of some progressive related issues. Long time member and happy with all the extra content you provide.
Thanks for this episode, Malcolm and Emma! I learned about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez through TYT when Cenk first highlighted her. She’s a compelling advocate and candidate, and I’ve enjoyed all of TYT’s coverage of her positions and campaign. Emma’s extended interviews of Alex on TYT Politics are a welcome addition to TYT Network’s shorter (but also excellent) interviews. Keep it up, Emma!
Great show Malcolm! Very appreciative of the time & effort everyone at TYT puts into making these members only shows. Keep up the great work & stay strong!