Jimmy, Stef, and Steve. Coverage on the Arizona teacher’s strike and the groups that the union is defending, which reach beyond just teachers.Judah Friedlander joins the show. Comedy Career’s. Why Congress gives money to war but never gives money to social programs? Amazon workers are punished for taking breaks by peeing in bottles. What will the future bring with the consolidation of corporate power across the globe? Starbucks profiling scandal. MSNBC questions the narrative in Syria.

Why did I get a notice at work that the aggressive progressives were on & then many hours later I try to come home & watch it but it is still not here? Sad Panda
I loved Judah’s Netflix special. I saw it a couple of months ago and it was great!
You guys should bring up the poor people’s campaign. Bring it up. Keep bringing it up and don’t let go of it. This is the work of good people including the late Dr. Martin Luther King. I know you guys know what this is. Please consider this in your future broadcasts.
I love this show, it is the main reason I belong to TYT. Steph, I wish I had people like you to associate with in my everyday life, I just love your attitude and the way you present yourself. I know you call yourself “the miserable liberal” but you never appear miserable and you make everything easier to understand, you must be a wonderful teacher.
Jimmy please get your concern fixed, we need you.
Huge disconnect as just after Jimmy had reiterated the unconscionable amount of money Bezos makes, Steve and Jimmy said they would pay more so Amazon workers could be paid more! NO, Bezos needs to EARN FAR LESS and give that money to the workers. The ultra-rich need to RENOUNCE huge portions of their wealth. The rest of us do not need to pay more so that workers can be treated and paid fairly., the rich fucks need to pay their workers!
you should ask one of us former managers how amazon can’t unionize. there is a very specific strategy we were taught to prevent people from wanting to unionize, it was depressing
Great show … the LA Times Op-ed was an eye opener!
“Automation will massively impact the ability to unionize, and the advocacy of doing so”…”so who’s gonna have money to buy stuff?” “It’s gonna be a strange new world…”
Finally. Someone brings this up, this particular reality of life.
If automation is done right, then we shouldn’t need unions, because we won’t need jobs. If we aren’t willing to change, aren’t willing to consider that survival shouldn’t depend on a market system, then we’re going to be totally screwed.
If we prefer to keep pointing fingers at parties & potuses & ideologies & sexists & racists, then fine. Let’s just admit that our brains need anthropomorphic enemies to fight, are not able or willing to deal with things from a systems perspective, and let’s just plan for our extinction.
There is no way around this. Jobs are going away. We have to find a better way to live, that doesn’t involved ‘buying things’, cyclical consumption, or fraudulent practices like Planned Obsolescence.
That in itself – the removal of money from our lives, our politics, our incentive structure – will eliminate a shtload of problems, that we could never find solutions to. We would no longer have to struggle to ‘get money out of politics’, e.g. We won’t have to be afraid of movements like #MeToo, because we would be confident there’s no profit in it, for some of its proponents. The War Machine would lose its entire reason for existence, when money starts to lose its importance.
We shouldn’t be asking, how to protect jobs. We should be asking, how to move past the necessity of a money-based economic system. Or if it’s possible to have no economic system at all.
Yes, it’s a fantasy, from a 2018 vantage point. But jobs ARE going away, and we WILL need alternatives very soon.
Can you please bring back Lee Camp, to discuss this? THIS, specifically.
Youall are talking about a CONSUMERS UNION!!
agreed, get Lee Camp as a guest I cant imagine he would decline the offer as it seems clear he & jimmy are pals
Taxes don’t fund the govt and they never have.. The US govt accepts US dollars as payment of taxes. But, US dollars did not exist until the govt first created them and spent them into the economy. So the govt had to create the money first and then it could collect taxes.
When the government runs a deficit, the non-govt is running an equal surplus. If the govt is running a surplus, the non-govt is running a deficit. Since the govt literally creates its own money, it can run a deficit indefinitely.. this means that the “national debt” it’s the non-govt net savings… So Every time you hear debt/deficit scaremongering just replace feseral deficit with “private sector surplus” and national debt with “private sector net savings”, so nothing to be afraid of.
Still, there’s no free lunch, while money is not a limit, you still need real resources; you need the pavement, concrete, steel and workers to build the bridges. The work still has to be done, but the checks can always be cashed.
Ha, Stef KILLed it, with that KILT comment. I almost KEELed over.
I sure hope that KYLE KULInski watches this.
My first ccmment was just to help you out Jimmy, because you don’t look comfortable. But you guys did a great show, especially since you had a world champion on. But you are all world champions in your own right. Especially Steph since she is a teacher. Are they the ones that are going to get Americans off their asses? You have been talking about unionizing Amazon and Walmart for years. Leave it up to a teacher to show you how it is done. I used to teach and I have been talking to the school system in Switzerland and they might let present a course to students about my speciality; Back Pain and Climate Change. I will show my daily exercise routine which takes 30 seconds. But you have to do it every day. I have fascist tendancies. I will tie it in with their future, and it will be a nice segue to then talk about climate change and our dependance on fossil fuel. I don’t know if your viewers believe in climate change. I have done a little bit of reading and I have come to believe that this might be something that we need to look into. But I know that our present political leaders are going to do their best and will lead us to a utopian future. I just saw a TYT video of Johnny Pie going to the Arctic. Gosh, I could have sworn that it was the Disney Channel or Good Morning America it was so fluffy. I am so thrilled that some progressives know the right words to use. It makes me feel so warm inside. Oh, shit, that was my incontinence and I didn’t have my bottle ready. Great Show, I will clean up and see you next week for another rousing piece.
I would not pay more on amazon so workers get paid a living wage while bezos makes a couple hundred grand a minute. Bezos needs to pay up.
We did a conference on groin pains and there was a surgeon that gave a talk about hernias. He said that the hernia is a non-painful condition. When there was post-operation pain, they would do a second surgery and cut the nerfe coming out of the Dorso-lumbar vertebrae to stop the pain. In fact, D/L pain often will mimic groinn pain OR low back/sacral pain. Since I was the chairman for the conference, I asked the surgery that if someone had pain with a hernia, would he recommend that they go see a Chiropractor for a treatment of the D/L area. All of my colleagues smiled at the answer. So Jimmy, you can see someone to work on your Dorso-lumbar area, and it doesn’t require manipulation since I don’t manipulate because of a shoulder problem. You can try massaging the area in your back. Or take a rolled up small towel and place it in the small of your back as you are sitting.
know its hard, but man you gotta stop shopping there if you wanna change anything. its not gonna kill you!
I do not use amazon & face book or wall mart i was looking for a pt job was ask to think about amazon i said i like me i am a great person now i have a great pt job .
Horses know when you are afraid. That isn’t a joke. I rode horses a lot. A horse that I knew well as a good easy going guy acted up, refused to go anywhere and misbehaved in general when my friend rode him. He knew she was uncomfortable and unsure of what she was doing.
For a minute I thought this was a transcript of the show.
Jimmy Dore – I know a fair bit about our country’s money system now, after learning from the professors of econ who inform the public (their youtube channel is Deficit Owls). I at least know some basics and some history, enough to FINALLY understand why THIS country somehow just could not provide the decent, humane things that so many OTHER countries provided a long time ago. It was greedy, lying sociopths and money addicts – NOT the lies about ‘high taxes’ and other crap we have been told for so long. Here is a bit of the history and the schemes and scams. And I warn you – when you realize what HAS and HAS NOT been done in the name of pure greed, it can cause you to become ENRAGED and even GRIEVE FOR DAYS. That was my reaction, and I have met others who experienced the same. Just a little SENSIBLE PLANNING and HUMANE people in charge would have resulted in things being MASSIVELY different – for this country, for others, for millions and millions of lives, and for the planet.
Even before we went off the gold standard, the federal govt could spend quite a bit with just a little planning. The greedy profited immensely from our wars, for instance – companies like GE and Ford and others. I heard from Chris Hedges that after WW2 they did NOT ‘tool down’ for peacetime. But we know that the CIA was created around 1949, I think? So I believe that the CIA was really a means for the greedy to KEEP SELLING WEAPONS and make profits! Remember you did the segment about the Bruce-Lovett Report in the 50’s, which found that the rising anti-American sentiment was due to the CIA doing CRAP all over?? (And the Koren War, and Vietnam – everything based on LIES for the profiteers. smdh) Well, that crap continued, and the greedy kept scheming in many ways, always to enrich themselves as much as possible. The rich in California recruited a likable actor with name recognition and got him in as Governor (imagine how thrilled they must have been to get him in as PRESIDENT much later!!). The greedy got us OFF THE GOLD STANDARD in 1971, and took their scam of privatization GLOBAL, plundering the now-unlimited funds from MANY COUNTRIES that followed suit when we went off the gold standard. Our wars ramped up, military actions and interventions ramped up; hell, our CIA helped to OUST a decent Australian Prime Minister in 1975! He obviously said ‘no’ to their corrupt plans.
Wars are always IMMENSELY profitable to the privatized war companies, which can get unlimited money from the governments of MANY countries. The USA has many DOZENS of privatized war companies, and probably many of the wealthy here are ‘shareholders’ in the privatized war companies in Israel, England, France, etc.
The scam of privatization is why the greedy sociopaths want to DEFUND EVERYTHING – it is so they can TAKE OVER EVERYTHING, pretending they will run things more efficiently, while they actually get ENDLESS GOVERNMENT MONEY! They actually DEFUNDED STATES back in the 90’s, and I am sure this is part of their long-term plan to have things ‘fail’ so they can lie to us about how good privatization will be. That defunding is why we have underfunded education, crumbling infrastructure, Flint MI and so on. STATES do not issue our currency, so they DO use taxes and federal block grants to ‘pay for’ things. (And this is why states should NOT be doing ‘healthcare for all’ – most states do NOT have the money to fund such an expense, and then the failure will be used by the lying sociopaths to tell us that ‘healthcare for all can’t work in this country’.)
Of course, after decades of seeing how privatization has NOT been good, the public is FED UP and there is a backlash against privatization and a push to NATIONALIZE many things again. But the greedy rich know the trends, and they now have a new term to try to fool the public – ‘public/private partnerships’. BEWARE. This is privatization – and privatization allows the people running a system to bill the federal govt ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY, providing massive exec salaries and millions/BILLIONS in guaranteed profits (because the money IS unlimited and there is NOT ANY OVERSIGHT).
So our OFFENSE system (I no longer call it ‘defense’), federal prisons, healthcare insurance, Medicare Part D and MUCH MORE are already privatized. They are working on education and infrastructure now, and they have a LONG LIST after that because they plan to privatize EVERYTHING. To hell with real people, these greedy sociopaths have commited an AMERICAN HOLOCAUST – here and in other countries – as they pursue MORE MONEY. We need to call for Nuremberg-type trials for what they have done – most of Congress, heads of MIC companies, heads of corporate media, heads of energy, and so on. Have you ever read The Powell Memo of 1971? It was circulated to the rich SECRETLY, and detailed how to do a complete corporate takeover of the country – and then Lewis Powell was appointed to the Supreme Court! EVERY American needs to read that full memo, and see the LIES and the GREED and the SCHEMING (knowing they were basically using propaganda), and the UTTER CONTEMPT AND DISDAIN for regular people, dismissing workers as ‘an obvious class’. smdh
Anyway- there are also ways that the corrupt get access to our unlimited federal money from the STATE level; they have done many scams, lying to the public so they can ENRICH THEMSELVES massively. For example:
– drug testing for welfare recipients. You see, welfare is a FEDERAL program, so if someone can tie something in to a federal program – they can get access to the unlimited money! So for instance, the scummy governor here in Florida who had ALREADY COMMITTED THE BIGGEST MEDICARE FRAUD EVER wanted to make it a law to drug test welfare recipients. Many scummy politicians push this in other states. The Florida governor had a DRUG TESTING FACILITY (in his wife’s name) and if that law had been passed, that facility could bill the federal government ANY AMOUNT! And the execs could be paid ANY SALARY. And so on – and there is no oversight, so if the billing includes charges for tests that were never done, and fake ‘consulting’ or ANYTHING, that is no problem. Just MORE PROFITS.
– Welfare itself is subject to the greedy TAKING MONEY for themselves. Block grants to the states are apparently not subject to real oversight, so the amount of money to a state for welfare does NOT correlate to the number of people approved to receive it. Yes, a LOT OF MONEY disappears!
– EMERGENCY FUNDING also is what the corrupt love, and a lot of money can disappear this way, too! Like Chris Christie who got over a billion dollars for Hurricane Sandy, and 2 years later people were WAITING for their money, and only because of Jim Keady and people like him did some start to get the money they needed. Now that f***er Christie is back pretending that he CARES ABOUT PEOPLE, demanding that Congress give him tons of money to help with the opioid problem – he just wants ANOTHER WINDFALL he can take before he leaves office!
Anyway – I hope this helps with an overview. It is far from thorough, and I am not a teacher, but I definitely want to help others learn what I learned BIT BY BIT so we can all DEMAND what we should have had decades ago!!
Update: we are going to Strike in AZ.
OMG, so glad that Jimmy Dore is SHOWING ABOUT OUR MONEY being created with just APPROVAL BY CONGRESS! (But the petrodollar is NOT a concern, Jimmy – ask the economics professors, don’t believe the bullshit propaganda.) THAT is how it works, but we have been DUPED for over 40 years by the GREEDY CABAL!! Yes, our federal govt CAN ISSUE ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for anything that is phsyically possible!! So, YES, we can plan for and AFFORD healthcare for all, free education, GOOD infrastructure, GOOD public transport, and so on.
But here is what the greedy did instead – they did the PRIVATIZATION SCAM and took it GLOBAL!
segment on msnbc was the reason why i don’t watch them anymore or any other msm shows
Good show beginning to end, I had to re watch it I could only partially listen to it the other day I missed a lot of stuff like Agressive Progressives talking about, from the M too the M too the T. Monetary Theory , perfect First line quotes from Dr. Stephanie Kelton. S. precedes T. T is the final destiny/and demand momentum of S, productive exchange/velocity utility is what happens on its way to T. S can only flow through the market at the rate/volume of productive out put/goods and services/full employment. To much cash exceeding output/demand is inflationary. But is not solved by austerity. Its solved by proportional distribution of profit representative of productive labor/customer, seventy percent of the economy, not too execs and capital skim. QE is inflationary to passive investment i.e. rental property banks don’t want excessive reserves so they side invest it (free money) free profit over valued investment property.
Look up stuff on amazon first, then go to Ebay or Etsy.
Dish Network and most corporations r like Amazon being just draconian/cut throat here n the US. Dish don’t let u take any time off the phone and no time between back 2 back calls(take over 100 calls a day). Explaining the terrible policies and how they charged them all these fees with all the equipment being expensive 2 replace but ur paying them all this $ monthly. Managers response sell them insurance, HBO, and etc. HBO what lol. There should b a call center union at least!
It should be noted that Jeffrey Sachs was a Bernie Sanders advisor / supporter. So the ideas he is presenting are the ideas that animate Bernie’s foreign policy outlook.
Likewise, Stephanie Kelton – Professor and advocate of MMT and proponent of ponies – was Bernie’s chief economic advisor in the 2016 campaign.
See where this is going?
All the obvious, logical and practical expertise is on Bernie’s side.
Great panel – great production as well – kudos to the staff in the control room, and kudos to Jimmy for managing the breaks etc. so well.
I’d love to see Stephanie Kelton on the show!
As the great Jon Stewart said: “You can’t fire missiles and teachers at the same time”
If you want to be an organizer or just be a part of a union join the Industrial Workers of the World. Almost anyone can join.
I just want to mention that as recently as 10 years ago, this type of news wasn’t easily accessible. Of course, we have networks like KPFA and local non-profit programming that espouses progressive political discourse. But, because we have the Internet and the technology around the Internet, we can have access to shows like AP and independent networks like TYT. This is a blessing.
News travels very fast now and has taken on greater meaning in people’s lives. Certainly, this ‘revolution’ or disruption in tech has given my life greater purpose. I am emboldened to act and have become politically active in the causes that I believe in. Many of those are introduced to me by Jimmy, his shows and others (Humanist Report, Rational National, Ring of Fire). I was introduced to Jimmy from watching TYT. Keep up the great work, guys. La Lucha Continua.
Great, how the teachers are exposing the frauds we’ve elected…
This is what happens when all the smarties get together:-)
Thanks very much for getting this posted, Zoe! Hoping to see Old School posted tonight!
OMG. What a great freaking show! Jimmy’s balls hurt so bad, he can’t even laugh properly! LOL!!! Holy shit, Jimmy get that shit fixed bro. Hernias suck. This show is why I subscribe to TYT. Get better Jimmy.
whats up with the video quality? its only 240p. can someone please fix?