TYT Hour 2 April 17, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Zoe J37 Comments

Ana corrects that teachers are protesting for a promised pension rather than the previously reported raises. More on Stephon Clark, police waited five minutes all the while he was bleeding out. Police are dehumanized in their training. Bernie Sanders is pushing for consequences for drug manufacturers. His new bill proposes new liabilities to those companies contributing to our epidemic. Barbara Bush has passed away.  Alex Jones is facing a defamation lawsuit from three parents of Sandy Hook students killed in the 2012 massacre. Jones claims that the incident was fraudulent. New type of airline seating arrangement, standing seats.

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  1. With the correction it makes what the governor said even worse. So they aren’t even going after raises just literally what they are owed and we still tried to say they were going to cause the death/assualt of children. What a great guy.

    It went from I would say like 9.5 to a 10 on the a-hole scale

    1. What about the teachers having to work 2 or 3 jobs? they also have to leave their kids alone the whole year long. Aren’t they being place in “mortal danger” too?

      1. Oh I am totally in agreement I am just saying that the statement appears even worse now that we know that the teachers weren’t even protesting for a raise. It was just the extra cherry on top of what was already a sh*t sundae

  2. I wonder if those airline seats help with blood clots/DVT problem that people have when flying. Just a thought…

    1. No they wouldn’t because it’s not simply standing that is needed it’s actual movement. Standing will help a little but without moving around it is almost meaningless. That is why on long flights they tell you not to just stand up but actually walk around, also why if you are still standing completely still at a standing desk you aren’t really helping yourself. You can clearly see with the spacing of the seats that there is no room to move your legs or anything, you will still be standing stock still. You might build up those issues more slowly but they will still be a problem.

      Not only that but this has NOTHING to do with customers safety or comfort. NOTHING. So any benefit that might happen as a result is not the airline’s intention so this still goes into another long long long line of things airlines have done/considered to make flight even worse for the people that use it.

  3. Once again, we are reminded of the genius of Malcolm — this time, his “Have a Shitty Birthday” segment on AP.

    Now that she’s dead, everyone is falling over themselves to praise Barbara Bush. No one dares speak the truth.

    1. Just to clarify… not that he did a Shitty Birthday segment on Barbara Bush. Just the point he makes that when people die, no one is allowed to criticize them.

    2. ya thy should tell it how she really was chickens. her and her husband thy were bad… liars and drug dealers, in with the banks and so much more. how much did she know ??

  4. One thing almost everyone forgets to mention in these police shootings is that the victims are often running AWAY. How is that endangering the police? It’s like ANY suspicion of ANY crime is punishable by death if you decide to give police a run for their money. Arrest and closure quotas are also not mentioned much. It’s all in police culture and training.

    1. drugs are much cleaner for sue aside then shooting your self and making a big mass . that is half of the deaths. New heroin users are a lot of the deaths. the people that take it for long time pain don’t die from it .people that take it for recreational. Take to much and O/D the big problem is young kids thy have to be told the consequences and then thy well do what thy do .

  5. Pain Pills: How interesting that Bernie feels suing the drug manufacturers for their role in the opiod epidemic considering that he voted against allowing us to sue the gun manufacturers for all the deaths that their weapons have caused… I CALL BS! Furthermore, those of us like myself who are on pain management therapy continue to have our lives made hell because we actually NEED pain medicine to function. My doctors and pharmacists have warned me that the government was getting ready to try this, that will ultimately lead to an arbitrary, set amount of pills manufactured and apportioned to each state AND if there are more of us patients with legitimate need (I have a degenerative spinal condition with no cure) exceed the number of pills allotted to our state, oh well we’re f*ck*d because some stupid or bad people abuse or sell their medication. Only TWO PERCENT of pain management patients abuse, misuse, or sell their medication; NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT of us follow ALL the rules. We take regular drug tests (and if you test positive for THC you’re kicked off your meds), sign contracts to not abuse meds, keep all of our meds at ONE pharmacy, etc. Please TYT, stop painting us all with the same brush!!!

    1. As usual you are wrong but who has time to keep up with dratheart’s infinite unending wrongness and bile-spewing?

      On this one occasion, I will point out that the bill Bernie voted against all those years ago would have held the individual small STORE OWNERS responsible for any crime committed by anyone who bought a gun in their store. There’s a lot of small stores in Vermont that sell guns. Bernie was voting sensibly on behalf of his constituents.

      I would have voted against that bill, too.

      1. Deb, this is well known, but it keeps being distorted over and over. Is like the drip that penetrated the stone. They never quit and apparently they never remember.

        1. Just because the forces of evil keep spreading lies is no reason for good people to give up.

          The Establishment’s wealthy cronies financing “Correct the Record” (sic) spend literally tens of millions of dollars paying people to spread lies.

          Whereas, the truth must rely on an all-volunteer and unpaid army.

          Reporting for duty!

          PS – Bernie talked about this bill at the time, explaining that he supported making assault weapons illegal… and wanted Congress to do just that — make assault weapons ILLEGAL, dammit. But so long as they ARE legal, he opposed imprisoning legitimate store owners for selling something that is LEGAL to sell. A totally reasonable and rational position.

    2. I think this post is missing context. The government should not go after good actors but bad ones. If a drug distributor ships nearly 21 million painkillers to a town of 30 thousand, (7,000 each if every citizen used them), surely there’s something fishy there? Further not every area is as well regulated as yours appears to be. It’s such a straw man or slippery slope argument meant to protect illegitimate profits. Eg, if government wants to re-ban assault rifles, then all of a sudden “They’re coming for our guns!?” This seems like common sense legislation, which ultimately means no legislator will support it because there’s no profit in it.


      1. I’m not trying to overreact or straw-man or whatever else… I’m a patient with a degenerative disease for which there is no cure whose had doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other patients tell me all the horrible things that are going to happen. I also react the way I do because I have a medical background myself and cared for my mother for years with this disease until her death and so I have seen EXACTLY what will happen to me. In the end she couldn’t even hold her head up (literally, her chin-bone would touch her chest), and already I feel my neck harder to keep up. My chiropractor too says my condition is deteriorating.

        Look, I’m only on regular codeine (Schedule III, below Vicodin now). At the end my mother was on morphine, double-strength vicodin, Fentanyl, and Indomethacin among other meds and SHE STILL HURT ALL DAY. She was only 58 years old. She was my best, and perhaps only, friend. She wanted to live. She wanted me to live. But now…

        1. No one is saying end all pain pills or close down all companies so yes you are straw manning this.

          You did in the first place with not giving full context to Bernie’s vote and you are here with “don’t go after people causing a massive problem because people like me need the pills” even though you will still be able to get them.

          Literally all these arguements are is over reacting and being a straw man

    1. Yes, and her looking sexy is the only thing that counts. The fact that she is dumber than dirt isn’t important. I can’t count how many times I have heard her say “I don’t know what that means” or I’ve never heard of that” or just look at another host with a blank expression on her face.

  6. ……”When the administration censored images of the flag-draped coffins of the young men and women being killed in Iraq – purportedly to respect “the privacy of the families” and not to minimize and cover up the true nature and consequences of the war – the family matriarch expressed her support for what was ultimately her son’s decision by saying on Good Morning America on March 18, 2003, “Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? I mean it’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”

    Mrs. Bush is not getting any younger. When she eventually ceases to walk among us we will undoubtedly see photographs of her flag-draped coffin. Whatever obituaries that run will admiringly mention those wizened, dynastic loins of hers and praise her staunch refusal to color her hair or glamorize her image. But will they remember this particular statement of hers, this “Let them eat cake” for the twenty-first century? Unlikely, since it received far too little play and definitely insufficient outrage when she said it. So let us promise herewith to never forget her callous disregard for other parents’ children while her own son was sending them to make the ultimate sacrifice, while asking of the rest of us little more than to promise to go shopping. Commit the quote to memory and say it whenever her name comes up. Remind others how she lacked even the bare minimum of human integrity, the most basic requirement of decency that says if you support a war, you should be willing, if not to join those nineteen-year-olds yourself, then at least, at the very least, to acknowledge that said war was actually going on. Stupid fucking cow.”
    ― David Rakoff, Don’t Get Too Comfortable”

    1. After Katrina, she toured a gymnasium in Texas that had been turned into a shelter for displaced victims — hundreds of cots set up in neat rows, piles of donated clothing, food being dispersed from tables along the wall…

      Whereas others might look at the hundreds of displaced people who lost their homes and have compassion, Barbara Bush surveyed government largesse in action and saw moochers whose lives were improved by now living in Texas. “Well, this worked out quite nicely for them, hasn’t it?”

  7. Thank you for putting up April 13. I realize the 14th and the 15th we’re weekend. Still wondering where the 16th is though

  8. Where is April 14 15th and 16th of our two? There was information there I wanted to share with my family and it’s not listed at all. It ends at April 12thand starts at April 17th Not sure what’s going on is there a way to please fix this thank you.

  9. Cenk, if you are ever in SF, please let me cut your hair. You need help. Love you guys and want to help!

    1. yh those mistakes are getting annoying.. shes trying to read fast, seemingly without actually comprehending what she’s seeing before she says it

    2. She didn’t misread anything she has trouble saying the word, guess what we all have words that we have difficulty with or flat out can’t say. This is common thing that people know about it.

      Get off Ana’s ass

  10. Those standing seats might actually be more comfortable. I’m tall and when I’m seated regularly I have to either manspread or tuck my knees over into the next seat’s legroom so I can actually physically fit in the row. If it’s more like standing my legs won’t stick out so far and bump the next seat. I’d give it a shot at least.

  11. The comments made by Ana on the AJ piece were not exactly correct. Aj lost custody but has not given up custody. He is fighting his wife vigorously in courts trying to bankrupt her into submission. It is time TYT had a talk with Kelly the ex. See what evidence she has the courts would not allow then judge for yourselves. I’m sure with the team TYT has reaching out to Kelly wouldn’t be difficult. Her twitter handle is @AlexJones_Ex and she is easy to talk to.

    1. THANK YOU for the clarification!! I could have sworn I heard her talk about how he still has the kids but TYT said the last several times they’ve talked about him, “thankfully he doesn’t have the children anymore” so I was extremely confused. I hope like they hell they correct this information on the show so the entire TYT audience understands, no, this monster DOES still have custody, technically if not entirely legally, and he’s keeping the kids from their mother. Despicable.

      1. Kelly Jones won in court. She won a jury trial but now a judge in Alex’s pocket is helping him keep her from getting the children. Judge refuses to allow another judge look at case or have it removed from the county it is in. She is exposing their corruption and he is afraid others might find out. Another example of justice going to those with the most cash.

        Meanwhile Alex is doing videos driving intoxicated with his son in the car. Having son Rex on videos. F*#King sickening. AJ has slammed so many court cases against her that the 10% settlement she got will never support the lawyers she needs. The man is the lowest form of worm on legs.

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