Post Game April 16, 2018

In Post Game - On Demand by Zoe J24 Comments

Cenk talks about King Tut and his conspiracy theory on todays Post Game.


  1. Tut was not the only “missing” pharoah of Egypt. Look up Hatshepsut. In fact, many historians/archaeologists have confirmed it was fairly common practice for new rulers to try to “erase” their predecessors through all kinds of crazy means.

  2. I knew about Geta.
    It’s funny how the Getae (Dacians) dissappeared from history about the same time as Geta, and then, all of a sudden, there were Goths everywhere.
    Some people say that, because the name Geta / Getae was damned, all historians of the era had to start referring to the Getae / Dacian people (ancestors of nowadays Romanians) as Gota, because even the name of Geta itself was banned from use.

  3. I had a thought about why maybe they erased King Tut from history. Maybe he did something that would, to the Egyptians, “embarrass” them and he disgraced the royal family or whatever. I don’t know just a thought.

  4. Check out PatriotLou (Lou Mendez) on Twitter for more about how easy it is to get conspiracy theories started. I admit, I fell for it too, despite having divested from the worst of the conspiracy conveyors well before. I took it with a grain of salt and cross-reading (as I do everything) but damn. Even still. Talk about embarrassing.

  5. Lightning in a Bottle > Coachella

    Going with my wife this year. Not much younger than you, Ana. I think you could still handle a festival.

    1. Off to nowhere festival in Spain with best friend this summer. I’m 51 and she is 44 and we won’t be the oldest there. Give it a few years and am sure you will change, Grandma Ana lol

  6. Careful cenk, I’m a security analyst and those types of emails your getting which target a CEO is very common type of cyber attack. It’s a type of attack called Spear Phishing where attackers will target company leaders as they’re likely to have devices that bypass a lot of the company filters/ security.
    Hope TYT take cyber security very seriously, really don’t want TYT being a victim to those dicks.

    Side note, I appreciate that the website uses https, very nice. wish more platforms would follow suit.

  7. On emails, I have set up a rule that any email that contains “unsubscribe” goes into a separate folder every now and then I will go in and clear it out/unsubscribe. It sux balls that this has to happen, but its about the only way around it. 10 Minute Mail is also good for when you just need an address

    1. I still have a hotmail account. Anything that I am sure will sell my address or send me spam goes there. My business and personal emails are relatively spam free and I just check my hotmail every once in a blue moon

  8. So former egyptology/archaeology student here. Imma dispel some shit. First – the curse is bull, no derr. It’s all coinkydinks etc. Google it, I cant remember any real details!

    okay so Tut did not have a greeeeaaat life. He died at 19, had a bunch of physical isssssues due to all that yummy inbreeding, married his half sister, who was ALSO his cousin (see, inbreeding) and his political reign was basically spent being shepherded around by the viziers who had all the power, given that he was 9 or 10 when his father died and he took over.

    I know you undid the conspiracy by the end, but here’s some info to add to that – they didn’t try to wipe HIM from history, at the time they tried to wipe all the records of his FATHER, Akhenaten (husband to the famous Nefertiti).

    Akhenaten was a ‘rebel’ during his reign and tried to dismantle the states polytheistic religion, to favour a monotheist approach, worshiping only one god named Aten- he moved the center of religious/regnal power from Thebes and took his ‘court’ to establish a new city, (now called) Armana (Google Armana Period – it’s awesome! Awesome for nerds…) All the religious practices changed, the ART styles changed (this is when the beautiful Nefertiti bust was made), the lifestyles/interactions between the royals and the plebs changed in this new city – the priests were NOT happy though (they had previously shared a bunch of power back in Thebes, with the populous spreading out the worship among their different ‘cults’). As with most ancient cultures, power was top down from royals, next went to the head religious authority – they lost authority over the people. So as soon as Akenaten died the old guard took control of Tutankhamun (changing his name to this from TutankhATEN – aten worshiper etc) and moving him and everyone in Armana back to Thebes – they reversed all the changes made over the last 2 decades and tried to erase Akhenaten from all records.

    THIS, this is what I think about every time I think about USA history books 100 years from now and the potential erasure of certain people from history, or the current desires for such erasure. But even if you could delete #45, something would remain…. They tried so hard to erase Armana but it was ultimately unsuccessful and that was a good thing because we learned SO MUCH about the culture and the people from this time period.

    1. I studied archaeology as well, and I was about to respond with a similar thing. So glad you beat me to it!

      This kind of practice is well documented in the ancient world. My studies were focused more on Roman Archaeology, so I know more about when ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire interacted. But, the practice of removing people from records is called “damnatio memoriae” (can google for further information) meaning the “condemnation of memory”. It was used as a form of dishonour.

      It was used mostly on Roman Emperors who were seen as “bad” emperors after their deaths. Some of those emperors include Caligula and Nero (please google for further emperors who were “damned”), but also includes a lesser known figure of Geta who was co-emperor with his brother Caracalla.

      If ever there was a case of bad blood between brothers it was between Caracalla and Geta! After the death of their father Septimius Severus in 211 AD, he stated in his will that his sons would co-rule. That DID NOT last long and Caracalla had a few failed attempts at killing his brother until he succeed in the later part of 211 AD. Supposedly, Geta was killed in his mother’s arms by soldiers loyal to his brother Caracalla during what was suppose to be a peace talk.

      After his brother’s death Caracalla had his brother’s memory damned and attempted to erase all traces of him. of note there are two monuments in Rome today where there is evidence of this erasure. On the Triumphal Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman Forum. Caracalla added a few extra titles to his name where his brother’s name was. And the Arch of the Argentarii, which originally had a family portrait of Septimius Severus, his wife Julia Domna, Caracalla, and Geta. You can see where Geta’s image was hacked off.

  9. I’m so in love with the look that Ana gets on her face when she thinks Cenk is spewing bullshit, and she starts nodding nonstop and side-eyeing the camera crew.

  10. Don’t diss the poncho as functionable and a fashion statement, none the less it’s a serape’.

    1. I agree, it is not a poncho, but it looks like it has a sort of sleeve and I didn’t think serape’s had sleeves.

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