Aggressive Progressives: April 11, 2018

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Waldo Peterson54 Comments

Jimmy Dore, joined by Steve Oh, Stef Zamorano and Ron Placone talk fake wars, the Syrian chemical attack and media support for military coverage. Conservative justifications for the growing Pentagon budget. A non-profit apparel company meets the needs of the homeless community. Mark Zuckerberg testifies in front of congress. Interviews with actor James Cromwell and NY State Senate candidate Pramila Mallick on bipartisan corruption.

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  1. What’s the status of Wes Clark Jr? Jimmy said he’s a friend of theirs, but no one on the network has ever addressed Wes’ meltdown last summer and his smearing of TYT as a corporation and group, and of individuals working for and associated with TYT.

    Has something changed since then? Or was Jimmy being diplomatic by saying Wes is a friend of theirs?

  2. Jim: I just thought of a way you could hopefully remember which leader is the Father/Son in North Korea; they’re in alphabetical order. Kim Jong Il comes before Kim Jong Un. Father, Son. ??✊

  3. If TYT can’t ever put up Aggressive Progressives within a reasonable time frame, I’m dropping my

    It’s by far their most popular show, but it’s almost like they resent how popular it is. I don’t get it.

    1. OK, it’s official: TYT just doesn’t give a shit. It just doesn’t take that long to encode something, or to edit and encode something.

      Someone just forgot to move a file. F-in ridiculous.

    1. Show runs on Tuesday in the middle of the day. Should be up that night, but typically it shows up late on Wed PM, sometimes the next day.

      TYT’s customer service has not improved in your absence, perhaps the opposite.

  4. Side note: Do we have white privelage in the US? Do we consider it a privelage to Not get murdered by police? Is it a privelage to go to a coffee shop? These sounds like basic human rights to me. I think we need to rethink this incredibly divisive (to half the country anyways) and possibly incorrect term.

  5. DAYAM this was informative. Never knew about that woman fixed up to cry about her fake news before the Gulf War. But since I also can’t say something nice about Barbara Bush…

    ?GREAT ? look with the new cap and shades Steve❣️??

  6. I’m from Michigan Jimmy and we definitely care that you care about Zingerman’s deli! They ship! Get some coffee cake and treat yo’self. Or, come back to Michigan (Kalamazoo!) That’d be even better.

  7. @Everyone

    The problem is the Price System. We have created organizations and institutions that are driven by this alone. They WILL DIE if they don’t keep to the operating characteristics of the Price System going. Whether it is Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Etc. we will continue to descend into chaos and suffering if we don’t attempt to move the conversation into addressing this fundamental issue. The Price System only cares about growth and making money and all decisions are derived from this simple fact. Communism wont fix it, neither will socialism.

    We have already proven that economic growth is directly tied to energy consumption in society. How does exponential growth factor into the physical world?

    Business Sustainability, Energy economics, Industrial ecology, Etc. are starting the see that the problem is fundamentally caused by the Price System. Instead of making the rational, sustainable and humane choices, huge organizations must listen to the lawyers, accountants, ceos, banks that tell them what to do in relation to the Price System. It has led us to War and conflict. Time to move on and address these fundamental issues we face.

    1. Why do we spend TRILLIONS of dollars on the military?

      Because it keeps the Price System afloat. It keeps jobs intact. It moves the economy. Both the left and right are complicit in keeping the status quo because it keeps everything running for the time being. There will be a reckoning and both sides will start to blame each other.

  8. After the ex-Russian spy and his daughter we and e poisoned in the UK by a Russian nerve agent I tweeted to Jimmy after his reaction on the Jimmy Dore show that I thought he was becoming as bias as the corp dems but the other way on Russia and he was not seeing clearly on the issue. That was it! He blocked me straight away? I have lost a lot of respect and feel pretty hurt after he did that. I have been a long time fan and I tried to reach out and find out why he has blocked me but he’s just ignored me Now I can’t watch the Jimmy Dore show or the AP because it fucking hurts to be rejected by someone you look up too

  9. I don’t always get a lot out of TYT, but Aggressive Progressives is more than worth my $10 a month. This week was especially good. I would love to see it more often, is there any possibility? The panel was great, the subjects were great, the guest were great. A week is way too long to wait for another segment.

  10. Why don’t we start an Anti-War Protest and every time they start the national anthem, start singing “Give Peace A Chance”. I will let you decide if you should sing it on your knees or not.

    I agree with Jimmy and crew since I take the time to read the comments section since this is the one site that has mostly well thought out comments, and I learn shit. Full Disclosure about fake wars: The US Army has lost every war since WWII. I was born in the years after the shame of the Korean Police Action. The army and marnes didn’t win on the ground. But we unleashed our Air Froce and destroyed a country and killed 20 to 30 million people. The Boys in Blue did their part in helping Dow Chemical to defoliate Southeast Asia and there were more bombs dropped on Laos than during all of WWII. Prosthetics makers look on Laos as the gift that keeps on taking; lives and limbs. I have a friend that is an orthopedic technician and he understands that I no lonber give to Handicap International since I think that there should be a tax put on every weapon and the corporations should support making prosthetics. Why not also make journalists be required to work in a MASH unit for every war that they sell. Make it personal for them.
    Why is there no mention for America’s greatest military success; Grenada. I remember that there was a medical school there and they ran out of rum for the Pina Coladas on a Saturday night and Reagan went in and took over the island. Phil Ochs did a great song about it, or was it about Santo Domingo? So many police actions, so many protest songs and we are going on 70 years of an insane foreign policy. We let the Dulles Brothers and the CIA take over our foreign policy, and we use this bullshit two party system as an excuse to always wipe the slate clean. America did war crimes, but tat was W. Bush and now we have Obama. Our foreign policy should be held up to the lowest common denominator, instead of always holding us up to our “exceptionalism”. We are Abu Ghraib, we bomb hospitals and funerals and weddings. We even double, triple, quadruple and even quintuple attack hospitals. We arm Saudi Arabia and so we should assume every policy action that they do. They have public beheadings, they drop American Cluster Bombs on the poorest people because they can. USA; USA; USA.

    The New York protestors had it right that American has been colonized, but it is not you that are doing it, it is the Trilateral Commission. You have Greenwashed Europe for too long, and the only thing is that they have taken other people’s resources for so long (leaving shithole countries) and they take them back to Europe and sit on the profits (making shitpile countries). Did you hear about the negotiations of the president and his administration and his ministers spending several days this week rolling back the requirements for automobiles so that they would not have to convert to EV? No, it wasn’t Trump, though I think that he was also doing something similar. It was Germany and Angela Merkel. They hate EV in Germay since they love burning your fracked dinosaur juice and Tar Sands bitumin from Canada. When Bernie was gaining ground in the primaries, I was telling the Europeans that they should be careful that if Bernie would have won, they would have to convert to another fuel source. They did their part in Europe to make sure it was going to be either a Neo-Liberal or a Neo-Con that would win. Remember that Les Moonves was speaking at a UBS event when he gave his statement about Trump and ratings.

  11. Difference between Russian Power and Western Power: Russia’s qualifies as an oligarchy(they have real oligarchs, “(using an old chinese term, the “Moscow Mandarins”, )), while Power in the West resides in a plutocracy, Rule by Wealthy Class…
    Please stop misusing ”oligarchy” to describe political Power in USA. We find Power in America is class-related; it’s in hands of a Ruling Class (the “1%”), not under control of few families, an oligarchy… Get It??
    You assert “words matter…” Yes, they do! Stop saying “oligarchy”, while there’s a word to express to we think you actually mean; Plutocracy, i.e. Rule by a wealthy-elite Class.
    You’re welcome.

  12. That song Brian Williams quotes from to laud the US? Cohen said it was a song about him admiring the spirit behind terrorism.

  13. 10:50 — This is why Dennis Kucinich advocates for forming a “Department of Peace” — Because it seems like the State Department no longer fills that role — Our last several Secretaries of State have been just as gung ho as the Pentagon.

  14. At 06:45 Jimmy tells us all we had was MSM. I had Amy Goodman & Democracy Now. I knew the incubator story was bullshit.

  15. Some of us political prognosticators said before the 2016 Prez voting that nothing could be worse than a Clinton victory; that Trump as Prez would be best thing to happen for progressives since FDR… Plus, that we would be more entertained, and more focused on politics than at any time since anti-Vietnam War civil actions…
    Wow! Were we Right or What??

    However, after watching PCCC event I’m reminded of how boring doing the correct things are; that being intelligent, accepting enlightenment while utilizing scientific facts do not make for attention-grabbing shows.
    Is there a funny, entertaining sarcastically-real progressive-Presidential-Candidate for 2020??
    Bill Clinton & Barak, for me, were the worst because they were establishment-wolves in progressive-sheeps’ wool, but they did show the kool-panache, the liberal Mtv swagger, which the nation longed for sooo badly after out-of-touch straight-acts of Reagan and HW Bush…
    We need a kool-funny-shiny Bill Clinton/Obama-type who is actually a Progressive! Not one, as
    Obama , who just use progressive-terms to swindle our Votes.
    Hillary tried swindling us again last time, but thank God she sucked sooo bad that we got Trump instead. And as predicted, Donald’s the best item to arise for Progressives ever! Imagine Hillary as Prez now… OMG! We’d have had troops steppin-off in Syria long ago, no Samantha Bee Full Frontal, and be sooo boringly uninterested; plus Republicans certainly would maintain their choke-hold on Congress, i.e. no Connor Lamb nor Doug Jones.
    Thus the real news, the real battle; in actuality, the only righteous political fight, is currently for control of the Democratic Party! Dems are going to win at all levels, making the struggle between us Progressives and the establishment-Dems supremely important.
    Progressives have a golden opportunity, and a message that will sell to Voters… How can we win the Prez in 2020?? Keep non-Pac-individual donations flowing, and utilize a Progressive-Test check-list to qualify any Candidate…

    ( I love Bernie & ‘Liz but each has issues nationally; age & gender factor negatively, but the truth is they’re just not entertaining enough, not exciting enough… we need a truly progressive Barak?
    A JFK with some overt soul…
    Fuck!! Al Franken would’ve been perfect. I hate that the soulless Dems prematurely threw him under the bus just so that they might have better ‘optics” than the uncaring Republicans for a Day… Al’s quitting his post in the Senate was a betrayal and a fantastic victory for the Conservatives! Just another indication of establishment-Dems’ stupidity!
    ( I suppose Al will comeback as comedy-act…hope so, we miss him…)).

  16. Check out PBS’ newshour for April 12. There’s this guy at a Capitol Hill hearing for the financial consumer protection…. something or other. There’s another guy in the background wearing a tophat, pince-nez, and a fake mustache, and he’s making faces. It’s hilarious, and the optimist in me says its a form of protest. How did he get in? It’s like something out of the movie Zelig.

    1. Doug – That was Amana Werner from Public Citizen, Eric Byler interviewed her before

      Great topic once again today by the panel about America’s incessant focus on war as opposed to peace. Ronan Farrow has a book coming out in a few weeks called the War on Peace that talks about this topic and may be a nice interview for AP unless he just blames it on the Trump administration in order to get on MSM instead of focusing on the real cause like the panel points out. I’ll put out my wish again for the show to be on more than once a week. Great points Stef about the over focus on impeachment as opposed to following the $$$.

  17. The Russians have developed an unmanned (drone) nuclear submarine, relatively small in size, that’s capable of delivering nuclear warheads. That’s 1.
    2, they’ve developed a cruise missile that has not only a nuclear warhead, but a nuclear engine. That’s the innovation Jimmy was referring to. A small nuclear engine that fits into a cruise missile.
    That missile is not ballistic, meaning it doesn’t follow a specific trajectory. It can adjust course, go up and down, left and right. And, in theory, it can do that for a very LOOOOOOOOONG time, it hasn’t got range issues like regular cruise missile.

  18. yay we are going with a full panel!
    hopefully this means they are preparing others to handle the show when jimmy can’t make it. i think Ron could do it!

  19. EVERYONE needs to learn about the EXCELLENT federal Job Guarantee and DEMAND IT. It will change the power paradigm, eliminate poverty, improve the economy and lives and COMMUNITIES, and is NOT the old-style jobs programs still promoted by Repubs and the ‘fauxgressives’ (like Center for American Progress).

  20. I love it when Jimmy invites environmental heroes like Cromwell and Mallick! Thanks Jimmy, Steve, Stef, Ron, and crew!

  21. dear Jimmy, the importance of a Nuclear Submarine is its autonomy, size and “fuel efficiency” of its nuclear engine. sad news for ‘assall’

    1. No, the big thing about a nuclear sub is how long they can stay underwater. Diesel Subs must come up to run, they need air while charging the electric batteries to dive. Nuclear subs only need to come up for food and supplies.

  22. The fact that the Russian cruise missiles are nuclear powered is INCREDIBLY important. It means that they have, essentially, an unlimited range. They are not limited by the amount of fuel they have on board. This is what makes nuclear submarines so effective: they can stay submerged indefinitely and they can stay on patrol around the entire globe without needing to be refuelled.

    The new missiles from Russia that are nuclear powered can be fired from anywhere to strike anywhere – even if they have to circumvent the earth to avoid detection before eventually reaching their target.

    I am not sure about this, but it may also mean that, unlike ballistic missiles, the nuclear missiles can be re-tasked, retargeted or redirected mid-flight.

    1. I believe Chekov and Uhura will discover them on 1980’s Earth.
      Same place NeoCons & NeoLibs are looking for them now.

  23. ALL – Hooray for this Aggr Prog Show, the HUMANITARIAN Show, the ANTI-WAR SHOW, the ANTI-Venomous-Corporatized-State SHOW!!! More of this show – 3x a week!!!!

    I REALLY appreciate all the hosts, guests, interviewees, smarty-pants real journalists, dedicated progressive thinkers out there & revolutionary activists!

    Tell us what is our world-wide unified main organization for ANTI-WAR so we all can join!!!!!!! I voted for the Anit-war Greens – Jill Stein – but are they leading this charge?

  24. Jimmy – ‘Our viewers are the smartest – I like to think that.’

    You are right Jimmy – we are the smartest, because we are the most humanitarian.

  25. I was going to comment on this last week when you were talking about gig economies but since you did the little segment on the homeless I will carry over my forgotten comment.

    As bad as things are with the income inequality, the shitty wages, the having to work multiple jobs and the housing crisis – if you’re in any way disabled – you are totally fucked. Our disability system is broken and cruel and so far my experience has been to live in poverty even with the temporary disability I had. I was just reading on twitter that they are talking about expanding drug testing for people on welfare and food stamps. Seriously? I live in LA, my SDI for the year was less than $20K and I was able to get food stamps for a couple of months last year – know how much it was? $15 a month. But I guess, fuck poor people, right?

    Sorry, I guess this was more of a little rant than a comment. I. have. anger! (and chronic pain and Depression)

    I also have no shame and don’t want to live in a tent under a bridge so I’m going to post this:

    1. Daisy – I am very sorry for your situation, and sorry that I cannot contribute at this time. Just getting back to working part-time, hoping I can get by for a while. Had to stop paying my credit cards, first time EVER and I am almost a senior. But your situation sounds scarier.

      So – EVERYTHING is ‘broken’, because we have had pathologically greedy corrupt sociopaths and money addicts running things for DECADES! You know why any politician advocates drug testing for welfare recipients, etc? Because they usually OWN A DRUG TESTING FACILITY, and if they can pass a law to test a FEDERAL SYSTEM, they then get to BILL THE FEDERAL GOVT ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and millions/BILLIONS in profits!

      Other scams they do to access federal money include emergency funds (see how much money is NOT ACCOUNTED FOR that went to Chris Christie re Hurricane Sandy!) and welfare block grants, among other things. No oversight, no real accounting, so TONS of this money ‘disappears’ and does NOT get to the people who should have it!

      Why? Because the greedy knew back in 1971 when we went off the gold standard that the federal govt would be able to issue ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for anything that is physically possible. And they devised the biggest scam ever, ‘privatization’, and took it GLOBAL back in the 70’s and 80’s. People running a privatized system get to bill the federal govt ANY AMOUNT, which is why they want EVERYTHING privatized!
      And yes, our many DOZENS of MIC companies (OFFENSE companies, we should all call them) are privatized, which is why we have the propaganda for constant, endless and MULTIPLE wars. Now they want to really go after Syria because Assad said ‘no’ to the US pipeline back in 2011. I suspect we may need the MILITARY to disobey in order to get real change.
      Here is a bit of an overview about our monetary system (not at ALL what the liars tell us, of course, since we do NOT have a national ‘debt’ and are NOT broke and do NOT borrow from anywhere, etc.) and the scam of privatization.

  26. So to further Steve’s comment about how there is no current legislation planned and that no one is proposing any legislation, I’m going to say that it is both in the best interest of Facebook AND Facebook’s users that any legislation not come from this current Congress. I only watched a teeny bit of that hearing and that was an embarrassing clusterfuck of incompetence. On the main show, Ana (who I guess watched most of it) said it was basically an hours long tutorial on fb. Plus these are the same MOC who voted to allow our ISPs to sell our browsing information to 3rd parties, leaving everyone to scramble to put VPNs on their devices and they let Net Neutrality die. It may very well be that we do need some kind of legislation to regulate fb and maybe other social media but I seriously hopes that doesn’t happen until Congress is made up of some of the younger generations who actually understand the technology better.

  27. To: Jimmy Dore, ( the one broadcaster that will do something about this ).
    Born 1951, I recall when network News started using the term “millions” without context, as a sensation; as though common folks knew what a “million” meant…; while I attended UC Santa Cruz, Networks similarly shouted “billions”; always w/o context making the assumption that listeners would comprehend and say ‘Wow! What a big number!’, acquiescing never questioning its use… thus far, News has been right.
    Without context those numbers are a fraud, and the News business knows it. Now, big number exploitation has evolved into common display of “trillions”! All News shows exploit it!

    I feel the 1st Show to place big numbers into context will be an achievement, and be credited for doing so.

    Those numbers are necessary for studies of biology and cosmology; however, talk of money and wealth, and illustrations of war, disease and pain are human displays. Therefore, those numbers must not be surrendered to exploitation; keep human numbers in context!

    30 million have no health insurance. What’s that mean to a citizen? Not so difficult to put into context. Select a city of a million, Pittsburgh, Jacksonville, Sacramento, Seattle… then say,’ imagine the folks that live around Pittsburgh, now see them w/o health insurance, now imagine 30 Pittsburghs with no health …’

    How about at least remind listeners occasionally that a “billion” is a thousand million!! ”Imagine you have the job of giving away a billion dollars at one million dollars per family… How many families must you visit?? A Thousand! Holy shit! Where am I going to find a thousand families?! Damn! A ‘billion” is a REALLY big number!”

    “Would a million dollars fix your school? Your street?
    Well a billion dollars would fix it a thousand times…”
    Would a billion dollars fix your County?
    The 80 billion dollar-bonus just paid to Pentagon would pay for your school, your street, 80 thousand times!!
    Or for fix 80 Counties!!
    Might you educate taxpayers that the new big number,
    a “trillion” , equals a THOUSAND Billion!!
    I consider the exploitation of big numbers by the News a real dis service, bordering on fraud… Please use human- big numbers in context. thanx, Dan

    1. Better yet – learn that our federal govt can issue ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for anything that is physically possible, with a decision by Congress. All we need is people who will plan sensibly, but for decades we have had pathologically greedy money addicts and sociopaths who have approved federal spending to ENRICH THEMSELVES and their buddies, mainly via the scam of PRIVATIZED systems (MIC, federal prisons, healthcare insurance, etc.).

      Anyway – look up the professors of economics on the youtube channel Deficit Owls, who inform the public about how we have been DUPED and lied to – we do NOT have a national ‘debt’ (it is actually our national SAVINGS account), we DO NOT BORROW from anyone, and our taxes DO NOT FUND FEDERAL SPENDING. Also, listen to Alan Greenspan tell Paul Ryan back in 2005 that the government can issue all the money it wants, it just has to ensure that there are things to BUY with that money!! There is a transcript to help.

      1. debtee, my degree is in economics and I’m well-aware of that point of view, interesting. thanx… But duhhh… whats it got to do with topic of my submission here..? i.e. Newspeak of broadcasters using “big-numbers”… millions, billions and now commonly utilizing “trillions” without context as to size/volume of those astronomical integers … Those numbers are incomprehensible to most, making them meaningless for common listeners. Please re-read . Whats 30 million mean to You?
        (are you a Deb-Tee, as in deborah-T, or a person in debt making U a debtee??)

  28. That’s hilarious. I paused this and put my kids to sleep. What was I reading to them? Charlotte’s web. When I turned it back on that’s when Steve Oh said that. One of my kids was complaining saying she didn’t like the book and my oldest, who had it read to her and had read it herself many times were shaking our heads. “It’s a classic! Kids today have no taste.” My 9 year old being funny.
    Love Jimmy Dore. I won’t pay $5 to download a movie but I pay $10 a month to watch Aggressive Progressive.

  29. “When your enemy is nearly defeated, and final victory is at hand, gas your own people so that nations greater than yours will intervene and destroy you.” – Sun Tzu (The Art of War)

    LOL!!! Made me laugh hard!!!

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