Cenk, John Iadarola, Amy Vilela, and Alyona Minkovski for Fridays power panel. Blake Farenthold resigns, trade war, China tariffs. Trump proposing trade wars with China. Trump on trade war w/Bernie & Sid–We’ll take a hit, but be stronger for it. Larry Kudlow–There is no trade war with China…yet. Trump’s recent comments on the South American caravans. They are victims seeking asylum. Talk about sending troops to the Mexican border to prevent this non-existent problem. Despite TYT’s efforts to ban Donald Trump and Ann Coulter they are dictating policy and running the country. Will Scott Pruitt be fired? John catalogs his scandals. In John Kelly’s opinion he should be fired. In Trump’s opinion John Kelly should be fired.
Find Amy at Amyforthepeople.com and on twitter @amyforthepeople
Prosecute and Jail ALL corrupt bankers and politicians NOW.
This is a non-partisan issue.
Did anyone else think of One Week by the Barenaked Ladies while John was talking about playing chicken with China?
“Chickity China the Chinese chicken”
Alyona recently appeared on The Michael Brooks Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vVFPP5z2pc
Check it out.
Vote for Amy Vilela in the upcoming primaries plz!
Alyona’s mama is a Putin puppet in the Duma.
The state of yo momma jokes in 2018…where my country gone?!
Alumnae mama is a Putin puppet in the Duma.
Great panel. Best show all week.
It really was! There’s such a wealth of discussion with real DEPTH when you have 4 people there instead of just Cenk, IMO. And I’m so glad they made the Power Panels 4 people again instead of just 3. I’m just sad they didn’t have as much “meaty” material this show; like there was no Friday firing by Trump and it was disappointing!
Ok seriously, what the HELL is up with this FUCKING, GOD-DAMNED cursing ban thought up by some stupid SON OF A BITCH? We’re members! Who are these weird supposed other outlets airing TYT that won’t if we make them have to bleep out the cursing?! I’m sorry but I don’t care what TBN thinks, and Cenk I don’t think you should either! I mean SHIT! What happened to TYT retaining creative control?! I want REAL answers!!!
PS- I too quite like Aylona chica, I didn’t think I would at first but she was poised, smart, tough, and all around TOO STRONG! Please have her back sometime soon :-)
outlets —> radio —> public airways —-> FCC —> curse on air = fines
i think:/
Uh… YouTube’s never cared about the cursing (Have they changed that? Like maybe “We won’t monetize any of your videos if you don’t stop cursing?” – YouTube I mean), and I don’t think the FCC has jurisdiction on satellite radio, do they? I’m pretty sure you can curse on serius.fm (sp), I mean, again they used to do it before. And TYT isn’t on network television, or even cable tv anymore are they? And it’s news to me if TYT is on any public AM/FM stations. I think it has something to do with the sponsors and advertisers Cenk wanted to attract like Aspiration.com and they told him no cursing on air. He makes these deals and things behind the curtain as it were and we never hear the details, and we’re MEMBERS. They always praise members but that whole thing about them being accountable only to us is an outright lie used to get more people to sign up. There’s just no other way to interpret what they SAY versus what they DO as I see it. But whatever, I guess we’ll never know.
Totally agree. Censoring language is where it starts, content is next. Don’t become what you hate TYT
I’ve not seen Alyona Minkovski since RT. Good to see her.
Wait she was on RT? As in that Russian propaganda network? I thought that last name of hers sounded suspicious! Dammit! I always trust the wrong people!
RT has plenty of good journalists and guests
Excellent power panel !
The two guest are intelligent and sharp!!
Alyona is just so gorgeous and sexy tho . I’m not saying anything except for what I just said.
Thanks for having Amy Vilela on and introducing her to us. I just donated to her campaign!
I think inviting more candidates on the main show would be fantastic!
I don’t. Cenk resigned from the Justice Democrat organization under their great displeasure. I know he wants to help more win for his ego and so he can get credit for helping create them, but Cenk stepped away and he needs to keep away so those candidates can remain squeaky clean optics-wise. That’s just my opinion. But either way I think very few of “his” candidates are going to win regardless so maybe it doesn’t matter, though I hope some of them do as I’ve seen some genuine, kind, thoughtful people among the JD’s and here in Texas I certainly want Beto O’Rourke to take down Ted Cruz!
Heck, a lot of Republicans hate his guts here, too (2 of my “republican” friends have already said that if the choice is down to Ted Cruz or Beto O’Rourke that Ted Cruz will NOT be the box they check!) We ALL hate him and can’t stand him. He’s been an embarrassment to our state and even some of the hard-liner Republicans are very displeased with him for continuing to not follow our Senior Senator’s lead (Majority Whip John Cornyn) and also for the government shutdowns. But I digress…
Back to the JD’s on the main show idea, there are plenty of other regular guest hosts I’d rather see again like Amberia, Grace, Maytha, Aida, Michael Brooks, Michael Schure, loveable sweetheart Grace, and hell, It’d even be good to see Hasan again (where has been lately?!?)! Is Sam Schaefer (sp) still with TYT? I haven’t seen her on a TYT show in a LONG time either. I’d love to see Sam again so long as she doesn’t try and turn us all into vegans in the post-game! Also no Hannah. Ever. Please!!
Oh I left a very important person off my main show wish list! Ben! Ben is ALWAYS welcome to come back because of his hair – it has some kind of psychic power over me… want.. to see… Ben.. and Ben’s hair.. again! Need… fix… of.. Ben’s hair! ;-)
Great idea to have Amy Vilela on your Power Panel! It gave us an opportunity to view a candidate from a different perspective by participating in your discussions.
Hope you’ll feature more candidates in this manner.
Especially enjoyed this show very much because of that.
Jack Daniels is a whiskey that is famously distilled in Lynchberg, Tennessee. Bob Corker is one of its Senators and has been an outspoken critic of Trump. Is this a coincidence that the Chinese government has targeted whiskey for tariffs, or is this part of a greater plot by the inscrutable Chinese?
Harley-Davidson Motor Company is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Paul Ryan is the U.S. House of Representatives member from Wisconsin’s first district and Speaker of the House of Representatives. Ryan controls the House agenda and the House controls the purse strings. Is this a coincidence or is the inscrutable Chinese government trying to put a hammer lock around the economic throat of Ryan in an attempt to force the Trump administration to cry, “Uncle”?
Do I need to go on?
There seems to be a method to the Chinese government’s madness, and the Master-of-the-Art-of-the-Deal has been out-played before the game ever started. The next chapter in “The Art of the Deal” will be written by the Chinese!
Trump Mini-Me: Trump’s Mini-Me is Jared Kushner, except the voice nodule has not been installed, yet. Pop psychology states daughters marry their fathers. In this case, there are a lot of disturbing similarities between Trump and Kushner.
Coulter: another demographic that murdered to send messages was the Nazis. If resistance broke-out, they’d publicly execute “hostages” to stop it. Not only is Coulter advocating inhumane actions, but she is using Nazi atrocities as her role model.
Pruitt: Like all other Republicans, Pruitt is using Trump to get what he wants. Pruitt is not following Trump; he is playing Trump. My message to Trump: Caveat Emptor. In an administration where everything is for sale, eventually the president will be sold down the river!
Milwaukee is not a part of Ryan’s district.
Why is it that when an illegal immigrant gets a job in the U.S., Americans scream that they stole that job from a hard working U.S. citizen? I, on the other hand, want to know why Americans aren’t pissed at the American companies who GIVE our jobs knowingly to illegal immigrants in order to make a bigger profit by not having to pay a U.S. citizen a livable wage nor worry about health insurance for said worker. Why the hell do so many love punching down? Who has the money? Who has the power? But we choose to be pissed at the poor bastard just trying to get by and find a better life, WTF?
Perfectly said!
Love the comment. I just recently got laid off from my job of 12 years. Did an immigrant take it? No. It was the company’s stock tanking from 22 a share to 4. They trim the management/highest paid employee.
great point!
tennesseehusky, I know you know the answers to the questions you posed. We all do. It is a shame Trump supporters do not put as much mental power into analysis that you do. Besides corporations/businesses operating as you state, they also ship our jobs overseas. Can that behavior not be controlled by tax code? Yet, no CEO is penalized. Why? The Oligarch’s are in charge. I thought the transition to oligarchy was in process and could be stopped, like a small fire started by a carelessly discarded cigarette by the side of the road and the small flames have not yet reached the dry forest yards away. It is not like that. Oligarchy is already here!
thom hartmann talks about that a lot. readgan stopped enforcing the laws against hiring illegal immigrants. US companies advertise jobs in mexico, then hire them, papers or no papers. arrest the highest ranking guy who hired them. poof! immigration solved. get rid of the demand for cheap labor
Great fast upload guys!