TYT Hour 1 April 5, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Zoe J42 Comments

Orlando, Fl. Pulse nightclub shooting case has new details on the shooter’s motives. Researchers looked into what made people vote for Donald Trump. Scott Pruitt sits down with Fox news for a brutal interview with Ed Henry. A prediction from Cenk. Mick Mulvaney say’s his organization is way to powerful, with little oversight. Mississippi gang laws only prosecuting blacks since 2010.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 13 minutes, 51 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. Cenk, Muslims attack Christians a lot, read about the Christians that are being persecuted in North Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria… those are just a few. Why don’t you also mention that? These Christians are being tortured and killed. Remember according to Islam, Christians are the infidels.

  2. Don’t know why people haven’t seen what the evangelicals have been up to for years. They started out burning witches. Makes the point that religion makes one stupid. Case in point, most of these dopes voted for Trump. Hello Ayatola!

  3. Just watching Friday Show and the polling done….. I could have taken this poll by myself with blindfolds on….. Seriously this is every single person I know in this county they will wrapped it up in ribbons to cover their own level of racism and religious hipocracy but Yes.
    Another thing I hate is a month before the election some “Christian women” bought millions of these little booklets that said if someone is pro-choice that View is more important than any other views completely….. and you should vote accordingly that feeding the poor, helping their education by providing funds for public schools, safe water, food or shelter in neighborhoods -1000% not important only the fetus vote matters ?? than these booklets were distributed to every person in multiple religious indoctrination from Baptists to Lutherans to Roman Catholics…..
    makes me want to throw up anytime I think about it as these are my closest friends and I know there is no way to move them to see the harm they are not only doing to themselves but their children and future grandchildren.

    BTW I live in a middle class county in MI that is 75% White the rest are black or mix of the two.

    1. Those folks who are calling you Kenk and the *TURDS* are watching your show. ka-ching!! kudos come in different ways .

  4. Another topic– I think you are too pessimistic about the political power of the evangelicals for the next election.

    Here’s what I would say to them: Since they KNOW that God wants Trump to be our President, don’t they believe that those who have the GREATEST faith in God should demonstrate that faith in God’s power, trusting that God will insure his victory in the future? God, in His mysterious Ways, will INSURE His victory (just like last time). Those with the greatest trust should be an example to others of faith by realizing they do not NEED to go to the polls. Let God decide!

  5. Cenk, really agreed with you that it’s important to recognize what “facts” really are–not be afraid to change one’s position if it turns out to be wrong. I strongly agree. Perhaps in that spirit, I want to say it not accurate historically to say that the US “was established as a secular nation.” Most people at the time were religious and they probably thought that would be true forever.

    The constitution made clear that the government would not “establish” a religion–essentially they were concerned that the government not “take sides” like was true in many countries in Europe. That would have gone against the grain in this country which was a place people of diverse religions came to practice THEIR religion without be persecuted for it by a state established religion that was different..

  6. My question is why is the Young Turks following all the western media’s example and maintaining absolute silence of the massacre of unarmed Palestinians by the Israelis? Over 1000 injured and over a dozen dead including some shot in the back and not one fucking word about it. If one Israeli would have been killed you would be absolutely screaming about it.

    1. They did several stories about it a couple days ago. Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean they haven’t talked about it.

  7. I have been a member for five years and I love TYT. That said, PLEASE double check what you upload for the first hour podcasts. This is the seventh time the wrong show was uploaded and .armed as the first hour. I download the shows on wifi in the morning before I go to work, and I end up downloading the show again from the website — which is eating up my data.

    Please just double check what you are uploading or stop using whatever new program you are using to upload the shows. Even back in the with all the technical issues it was never this bad — and now you have the money and staff to do this.

    1. I was about to post the same comment! I have been a member for 10+ years and it’s getting really old. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER! You’re better than this nonsense.

      1. I listen to dozens of podcasts with much much smaller budgets, some with no budget at all. NONE of them has ever had this problem, not once. TYT is huge, and can’t manage basic podcast release, or design a website with the basic functions that any kid in computer science undergrad classes could make for them in an afternoon.

  8. Cenk, I have opened the Bible many times and i have yet to become an Atheist. I like your news and the way you all present it but bashing Christians is just like when Christians bash Muslims or Atheist and the like. You don’t like it, no one does. There are Christians as myself that have logic in mind and have discernment. I respect your views and don’t make fun of them please don’t make fun of the Bible.

    1. I would wholeheartedly agree with this–though I’m Buddhist, not Christian. I even know people who would describe themselves as evangelical Christians who do not follow Cenk’s unfortunate stereotype. They would take the Gospels more seriously. Putting everyone in the same bag is never wise or accurate. And not the way to persuade..

    2. How about if Christians living in the USA start respecting the Constitution? Everyone knows there are reasonable Christians, but are they same Christians slavishly following President Mulligan? How about if you start by apologizing for the Fundamentalist Christian assault on the US Constitution? Maybe, once we get through this crisis in government and society and all religions are once again equal under US law, we can return to courteous and civil conversation. Besides, nothing Cenk said was that offensive.

    3. Religions are easy targets for ridicule because although they are obviously fantasy stories designed as allegory they are promoted as fact by most theologians. It’s a problem with religion itself, not a problem with the way people discuss religion. The atheist pastor at my local Unitarian congregation was the exception, not the rule.

      Religions are promoted as fact because that reinforces the message of patriarchy, or whatever ideology is behind the religion. Promoting them as fun fantasy takes the fangs out of them and then religion becomes useless as a tool of manipulation. People have to believe it’s real for the con to work on them.

      I’m sorry if that hurts anyone’s feelings but I’m not about to go pretending that supernatural BS is meaningful in any way other than symbolic, and even there, most religions have so much violent and authoritarian symbolism in them it’s no wonder their most fervent followers tend toward authoritarianism.

      The prevailing spiritual belief of the average person is mainly just another tribal legacy from the dark ages. It’s a rallying cry in the war for hearts and minds, with of course the wealthiest admonishing the poorest to await their reward in the afterlife.

  9. Whoever is writing the episode descriptions lately skipped or otherwise evaded all the required English classes at whatever school he or she attended. I own a copyediting company, so I’d be happy to have one of my proofreaders help you guys out by cleaning up the copy for each episode description. Might contribute to the overall quality of the site and improve the brand’s ethos. Or you could just have someone check the writer’s work before it goes live. I’m surprised that Ana hasn’t already voiced some concerns!

    1. Ana hasn’t voiced concerns because she doesn’t know any better. She just said she is embarrassed to say she doesn’t know what “carpetbaggers” means, she should be, out side of what she studies for her daily appearance on this show, she is one of the least knowledgeable people you will see on TV. Almost everyday she says “I don’t know what that means” and someone has to explain to her. Then they have the nerve to say others on this show are dumb, the show is so much better with other hosts and hostesses who are far more intelligent than Miss Eyecandy.

  10. Really??? The podcast feed not right again. It’s really becoming a constant issue. Please fix it and how about some improvement on the issue ?

  11. I was intrigued by the story about the turnout of Christian Nationalists’ and their reasons for voting for Donald Trump’ . Are there any corresponding statistical studies as to why other people failed to turnout for Hillary Clinton?

    1. We already know why Hillary lost. She got her shorts pulled up over her head by a con man because she had zero personal integrity herself, as evidenced by all the contradictory statements and outright lies she told while promoting her book. People’s instincts told them not to trust her, especially after Obama turned out to be such a nothingburger of a president.

  12. Can you guys at least get your shit together enough to make this website not a complete pile of trash?

    I usually get really irritated with people complaining about small things, when you guys are doing so much important work. But for the love of god, I don’t know what important work you’re doing half the time because this website is extremely dysfunctional on a phone or a tablet. I can’t even listen to a minute without getting 3 repeats of a 15 second loop of the video… why not use a video platform that is not hot garbage?

  13. Can you guys at least get your shit together enough to make this website not a complete pile of trash?

    I usually get really irritated with people complaining about small things, when you guys are doing so much important work. But for the love of g

  14. Not to beat a dead horse, but again with the so-called “evidence” that the Pulse shooter was not a closeted gay man because he left no digital trail. Baloney. If he was smart, he could easily been cruising the parks or other public areas that are known to be frequented by other closeted gay men, and that people find out by word of mouth, not the internet. These types of places don’t even have any kind of security cameras for the most part, which is why men frequent them. So, you see, there is just no way of really knowing one way or the other what the shooter was doing. And since he’s dead, we never will know for sure.

    1. You seem to have conveniently missed the part where they said he didn’t know about the Pulse nightclub until an hour before the shooting.

    2. What we do know is that the shooter explained his motives for the shooting when he spoke to police. It had nothing to do with gayness and everything to do with US foreign policy of neoliberal colonialism in Iraq and Syria.

      That fits with the other evidence indicating that gayness was not a factor. Pulse was not the first place he considered targeting, it was just the first target he felt was soft enough for him to get his gun inside.

      There’s the audio of the police phone call in this Intercepted podcast. You decide for yourself if he seemed like he really cared about what was going on inside of the USA or if he was trying to send a message about what the USA was doing outside its own borders:


      Remember, the narrative of it being anti-gay Muslim bias behind the shooting fits a convenient need to deflect attention from US foreign policy. This happens regularly in the press. Occam’s Razor informs me that this was another such ploy, based on the convenience of the target being a gay club. Distract, distract, distract.

      It doesn’t take much to get a publicity seeker, an NSA operative, or an evangelical/Christofascist to step up and pose as a gay lover. Take your pick.

      True we may never know for sure but so far the evidence all seems consistent. It’s probably just another Muslim who blew his stack over US foreign intervention, the most obvious reason of all for a Muslim terrorist to go shoot up a nightclub.

      1. it doesnt matter if The Extreme fringes of The Left dont “believe” in facts….just look at Jordan Peterson….he attacked by Non-Binary Trans and Binary Trans community called there Non-Binary counterparts as monsters and traitors for making Canada harder to live in & support Jordan’s Lectures.

  15. I ended up looking up the etymology of carpetbagger, because I’d heard it used but never understood. Turns out they’re called that because they’d bring cheap luggage (made of carpets) to the places they had no ties to. I’m easily amused.

    1. You never learned this in school? What are they teaching these days, people come out more ignorant then when they went in.

  16. Cenk, I’m not buying the feds so called “evidence” concerning the Pulse shooter either. I did a google search also for nightclubs in my town and the first thing that comes up is NOT a gay club. And when a gay club is listed, it plainly states that the club is gay. So the guy had to know, it would state what the club was right in the description.

    Second, how in the hell do you find “evidence” whether or not someone is a closeted gay man? Science has yet to find a method definitively identifying who is gay and who is not, so how is some dipshit working for the feds going to do it when science can’t? What about that guy that gave an interview saying he was the shooter’s lover? About comments the shooter made about Hispanic gay men? So all of that was just made up? By whom? Is anybody investigating that? This whole thing stinks, and now we’re supposed to roll over and believe everything that comes out of the feds mouth because they admitted to railroading his wife?

    Thanks for straightsplaining everything to me.

  17. Trump voters are an example of human devolution:
    Homo sapiens is for anatomically modern humans: the wise man or the thinking man.
    However, recent brain research has demonstrated that the brain structures of conservatives (larger right amygdala) are different than the brain structures of liberals (larger anterior cingulate gyrus). Different anatomy, hence, conservatives are more emotional/fear-based in their decision-making, while liberals take in and process new information in their decision-making.
    Therefore, conservatives are not wise and thinking humans; they are more fear-reactive which leads to poor decision-making.
    I have decided that this calls for a subspecies of modern humans — say a “twig” off the branch of Homo sapiens:
    Homo stolidusfututor.
    (That’s actually 2 Latin words — stolidus + fututor — do a Google/search “translate stolidus fututor”.)

  18. I agree! I hate watching the show from the website. Total pain in the ass and sometimes I have to interrupt to look at the recipe of whatever I’m cooking.

  19. Yeah, the podcast feed issue is getting to me. I am on my phone and streaming the show from the website is a pain in the ass.

  20. Podcast feed is still busted. Instead of hour1 it is a rebel headquarters episode.

    At this point, i am very curious. There must be some story behind the constant fuck up.

    (It takes an extra minute for me to get the show via direct download)

    1. … To clarify, i am very curious as to why whomever is responsible for the podcast feed does not test their work.

      Interns? Just guessing.

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