TYT Hour 1 April 3, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Zoe J34 Comments

Memo’s from portland, from KATU General Manager with directions not to cross Sinclair broadcasting. Issuing a hard ban on any communications with the press. Sinclair handing down outlandish punishment for violations. Jared Kushner’s deal with Sinclair. SBG chairman states that they don’t deal with print media. Rep Beto O’Rourke raises an astounding amount of money for his campaign, all from individuals. Alison Hartson is killing the competition with her fundraising efforts. Pres. Trump tweets caravans of immigrants are coming our way. Potential shooter exposed after venting online about attempting a mass shooting. Mark Stein referencing Camp of The Saints as “coming true”. 


  1. Apparently the CEO of Sinclair isn’t even educated enough to know that the word he was looking for is “drivel”, as in “all content run by Sinclair stations is meaningless drivel”, not “dribble”, which is how you are supposed to move a basketball.

  2. In British English, a ‘caravan’ is a small trailer (generally 4-6 persons – one that is taken to and from a short vacation rather than a static home that is left on site).

    Whatever the news story about this caravan actually is, it sounds a lot less concerning in British English…

  3. Would you verify the Sinclair contract penalty clause applies to firing as well as quitting? The reporter being sued (B something, I don’t have it up right now) quit his job. Is there a case of them firing someone and trying then to get back the 40% of salary. It is bad for quitting, but if it also applies to firing, it would be particularly onerous for someone fired either for incompetence or due to reorganization of staff.

  4. You got the caravan story wrong two days in a row. Pretty easy to verify. Reuters: Central American ‘caravan’ to end in Mexico City, migrants defiant

  5. I checked what Sinclair owned in my area yesterday (Minneapolis). Just the CW channel. Thank god, nobody is watching the CW anyways.

  6. And I would much rather share this country with a dozen caravans of honest, decent Hondurans and Mexicans than a single soulless white supremacist.

  7. You might want to learn how to use basic grammar and spelling before you comment on anyone’s reporting you racist half-wit.

  8. gotta say bad reporting here. there is a caravan and military has be used on the border multiple times. love the show but this is just bad reporting.

  9. More consistent errors made by TYT and Genk. The blatant lie that the caravan was mythical and made up by Fox News, lol, and the use of fallacy, after immediately cutting off Mark Stein before he can even finish his sentence, Genk says and I quote “he’s saying that the camp of the saints is a GOOD book…” seriously, HE NEVER FUCKING SAID “GOOD” BOOK! You are reporting things like that as fact!

    Pathetic! Sad! Step your “journalism” up TYT!

    1. TYT are not journalists. They are news commenters and opinion. Also, You don’t have to say “and I quote” in print. We can see you’re quoting, because you’re using quotes. People say that when they speak, because you can’t see the quotes. Also, Cenk is spelled with a ‘C’.

    2. Let me get this straight – you accept everything Fox News says with no evidence and then you call anyone with a shred of skepticism a liar? Do you know the word for people like you?

  10. Sinclair just did a big show of their power by making people read their hostage statements. It was on Deadspin last week and John Oliver last year. John Oliver did a follow up too.

  11. All you need to know about the Mercers, the people behind Sinclair, is that Steve Bannon said they were extreme in “Fire and Fury.” He said Rebecca Mercer was “feral.” (I think I understand why they dumped Bannon). If someone is extreme to Steve Bannon, that’s a special kind of crazy.

  12. Correct me if I’m wrong (if there’s a lawyer on here, I’m not one), but aren’t there very troubling constitutional issues with sending the US military to guard the border? What I mean is, he didn’t say The National Guard, he’s talking about the US Army, Navy, etc. Each of our states is supposed to be sovereign and self-governing. These states, so far as I know, have not declared immigration a disaster or asked for federal help at the border. Well, in Texas, the majority of nut-case right-wing people here would call that an INVASION (at least most of us did with “Jade Helm”, remember that one?). Also, the border is with (obviously) another country, in this case Mexico. Generally speaking, when one country does a military build-up on someone else’s border they don’t take it very well. Mexico has an army, too. Fox & Trump are f’ing morons and we’re all going to die. Thank you.

  13. There actually is a caravan of around 1200 people moving up from Mexico. Most major media outlets are now reporting on it. I wish TYT would have done even the smallest amount of research on this before putting it on air.

    1. They appear to be trying to come into Mexico from Central America, mostly Honduras.
      They are not carrying drugs, they are FLEEING a desperate situation. Some need medical help and are looking for help in Mexico. Will some try to make it to the US?
      Probably. Is it a swarm of killer bees? No.

      Trump is a fucking idiot and the only thing the MSM does well is FEAR-MONGER.
      They are not interested in facts OR bringing clarity to any situation.

      Here’s my source

    2. Also, it seems every year around this time, there are large demonstrations involving people wanting US immigration to be addressed in a reasonable way. Some of this “caravan” may be people involved in that organized activity.

      Immigration, illegal or not, is down.
      Who wants to come to the US to be demonized by that Fox-fed, blotchy bloat of a wobbling Weeble?
      Only if your other choice is drug gangs threatening whole towns.

  14. I work in an office setting with about 1,000 people for a large company similar to YouTube’s headquarters. Increasingly I have been experiencing anxiety about possible active shooter situations. I’m at the point where if I hear someone start yelling or I hear a loud noise, I am brought to the verge of tears, trying to smother the overwhelming feeling of an anxiety attack and struggling to not hyperventilate.

  15. I’m wondering why you guys are reporting on the Sinclair situation now? This was reported months ago in print.

    I would like to see you guys lead the story before it comes out in mainstream media.

  16. Anyone able to tell me how to get rid of the constant repeating? I know other people have experienced it through previous comments.

    1. I have the random repeat like a skipped record every once in a while. I don’t think its on our end, probably something to do with JWplayer or the automatic quality switching.

      I usually have repeats watching on my iPhone

  17. I love the flag behind Cenk because it is in tatters. Progressive patriots need to patch it.
    Is it obvious that Tucker Carlson’s boss is also Trump’s boss. I’d love to see a montage of Trump repeating Fox News like all the anchors did with Sinclair’s script. Trump appears to be Rupert Murdoch’s puppet and fox isn’t even hiding or coding it.

  18. It’s on purpose. The thugs are deliberately buying the local TV stations in order to brainwash the vulnerable.

  19. I was surprised to see some of my local stations, In fucking Boston, the liberal bastion of the US. to be under the thumb of sinclaire broadcasting.

    Some of my favorite stations are done to me. Thats why the world needs TYT.

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