Cenk & John. Hope Hicks resigns. Teacher barricades himself in classroom with gun in Georgia high school. FL officials announce a voluntary program to train and arm teachers. Georgia Republicans threaten to stop Delta tax break over NRA decision. Shady ties between Fedex and gun manufacturing companies. Trump slams Jeff Sessions.

My only real sincere question to TYT is, why so little, extremely little, labor coverage? Ten’s of thousands of school teachers are on a statewide wildcat strike in West Virginia, the first in 28 years, in the the middle of the Supreme Court deciding the Janus V AFSCME case (the most important labor case since the 1970s) and the largest fast food strike by the only fast food union in America was done in Portland a few weeks ago by the BVWU (which y’all did cover 2 years ago when we started, I’m a member of the Burgerville Workers Union ). I hope that in the future y’all can cover more stories about workers putting their likelihoods on the line to make the world a better place