TYT Hour 1 February 27, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan42 Comments

Cenk. Ajit Pai gets award for saving the internet. NSA director: Trump hasn’t done anything to disrupt Russian cyberattacks targeting elections. Mueller investigation: filed to drop all charges against Gates. Trump back peddles on raising age for buying guns. DCCC internal polling presented to members of congress panned single payer. Kushner losing security clearance. Dems introduce bill banning assault weapons.


  1. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

    “A WELL REGULATED MILITIA (capitalization mine), being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    I have a question for people who claim that they have ‘Second Amendment Rights’:
    Which well regulated Militia do you belong to?

    (Are there any well regulated Militia in the US? Besides of course Army, Navy, Marines etc.)

    Please let me know because I hear a lot about your Second Amendment Rights, but I have not heard anything about the well regulated Militia that you folks belong to…

    1. There are right-wing neo-Nazi terrorist organizations like the Michigan Militia, but they’re obviously not well-regulated, lol.

  2. Cenk doesn’t like the results of the game so he is blaming the referee.

    First, this was a poll to determine the strategy on which you can build a winning coalition. 40% of the country is Dem and 40% are republicans and the rest are wobbly independents who split their tickets. You can guarantee the Dems but it is the Independents and 10% of republicans whom you want and this poll is to find out what ticks those people.

    Second, The way the question was presented is a standard practice used everywhere in internal and general polling especially on a complex policy question that requires the respondent to have general knowledge about the subject matter.

    Third and most importantly and what Cenk and the intercept ignored is the non-Dem voters you need to win and their position. 51% of all independents oppose Single Payer and a plurality still oppose Obamacare so does over 70% of republicans despite agreeing that Single Payer is cheaper and better as this Harris poll says:


    With voters like these who consciously vote on ideological basis even if it was their doom how are you supposed to win if you campaign on such an issue?

    1. Sorry:

      Fourth and final point, the republicans obliterated the Dems in 2010, 2014 and 2016 on campaigning against Obamacare period without giving a single policy detail of their own and it worked. Being vague on policy is better than being honest.

      1. He was absolutely right about the way the question was asked. The Poll could demonstrate a consensus on a few things but whether the base or even the country wants single payer isn’t one of them. If they had actually conducted a poll that reasonably asked about this opinion Cenk would be the first one to acknowledge its findings. This poll’s purported results were intellectual disingenuous at best and out right deceiving at worst. Your point may be right that it was intended to find a winning strategy for healthcare but the memo was instead used to put down the idea of single payer.

        1. They got obliterated because they were forced to defend policies that no one could easily explain.

          Voters don’t understand nuance, they understand slogans and negative slogans like those used by the republicans in the elections referred to above were exemplary.

  3. Hour 1 on fire today! I love being able to watch on your website, the comments section on YouTube is toxic garbage.

  4. So, Hiral Tipirneni won the democratic primary and went on NPR in Arizona today 2/28/18. The question asked to her was how she would appeal to conservative voters in the district. She brought up horse shit ideas which amounted to nothing. Why the hell would conservatives vote democrat when they already have a republican to vote for????

    More of the same bullshit. Either the democrats need to get their damn voters energized or they will continue to lose and lose.

    Very disappointed. Time to now run the Democrat establishment into the ground. They are so disappointing.

    1. Because it is an R+13 district with slightly less than 50% registered republicans living in it.

      It is called Maths.

  5. Democrats at the very best are just Republican Light. It’s clear who controls the Democrat ideas, the same corporations as controls Republicans. They are bereft of ideas. Whe need to support Progressives.

  6. Who would want to be grouped with the previous recipients of the nra award, such as Sheriff David Clark, Rush Limbaugh?

  7. The best way to reduce insurance administrative costs is single payer. Otherwise, we’re paying for redundant cost negotiation between every practicing doctor and insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies.

    The extent to which the Clinton wing is in bed with insurance companies is disgusting, and killing Americans.

  8. The people who received the NRA award in the past like me Sheriff David Clark are the very crapiest people I can imagine.

  9. It’s not all perfect here in WA, but we did legalize pot and gay marriage very early. And current Gov, Jay Inslee, is an up and comer. Did you see how he stood up and schooled Trump on teachers not wanting to carry guns, and maybe less tweeting would be helpful? Priceless.

    1. Yes I saw a news clip. That was great. I hope you sent email or call to his office to say “good job” (its important they hear from us for good things, too!). Also, a letter to editor to be published in WA newspapers, about why you are proud of what your governor did. Carrots are as important as sticks.

  10. One of these days Ana is just going to come down from the control room with a fire-axe, head towards Cenk, lifts it up, and then all we’ll see is the TYT title card for the next hour…

  11. Welp, the JD lost. Third party anyone? In all seriousness, what are the merits to trying to “retake” the democratic party rather than try and form a third party and bust the 2-party system?

    1. Winning as a third party candidate is way, way harder. If you want a realistic chance of change, reforming the democratic party is your best shot.

      Let’s wait and see how many JD win. There are 52 in total. No sane person expected -most- of them to win. If, say, 20 out of the 52 end up winning, that would be a big success story. If 2 win, well, that’s bad (particularly because 2 of the 52 are incumbents afaik). Anything in between, well it depends where in between.

      And in particular, let’s see how the California Senate Race goes. That’s the big story. If Alison Hartson wins, that alone is big enough to make the entire JD project a sucecss. Theoretically the same is true for the West Virginia race, but that seems to be highly unlikly.

      It’s entirely possible that after the election season is over, you have good reason to be pessmisitic. But let’s not give up after the first loss when we expect a majority of losses anyway. Also, maybe I’m an outlier here, but I didn’t find Westbrook to be a particularly inspiring figure, and being inspiring is pretty big in politics. I see a fairly big difference between her and, say, Sarah Smith.

      1. Thank you for the reply, I agree and we’ll just have to see what happens. And yea, the reasons for not running third party make sense, it’s just so frustrating!

    2. Because the right is unified and if you have a viable third party you will end up with a perpetual republican government.

      The right successfully hijacked the republican party and if Progressives are as popular as they claim they are hijacking the Dems won’t be that difficult.

  12. If you really want to tear your hair out try going to an Iowa Democratic Caucus sometime. Nowhere will you be allowed to even see the party platform being put out by the Democratic establishment let alone be able to debate items in that platform.

  13. Arizona 8th District

    Two Democrats were running in the primary:

    Hiral Tipirneni — 21,533 votes, 59.6% (Leading by 6,907)
    Brianna Westbrook — 14,626 votes, 40.4%

    Surely polling must predict outcomes such as this and as we saw with Democrats in California. Statistically, these Justice Democrats are just not in play.

    I don’t like it, but that just seems to be the fact.

    1. Aren’t some JD currently leading in their races?

      This one was always a long-shot. Most others probably are, too. But the positive outcome was never to win most races. If 10 out of 50 JD win, that would already be impressive.

    2. 40% is a freakin awesome huge amount, for a first time newbie. More typical is 2%, which is more than Bernie got in his first race.

      This is a marathon, folks, not a sprint. We attack on many fronts, and we never give up.

      Brianna did very well, and next time she’ll do better. Stay calm and carry on.

      1. It is worth pointing out that we could be facing worse news than that a transgender candidate “only” got 40% of the vote. Arizona is a very red state. And yet, the transgender candidate got 40% of the vote. That’s pretty fabulous, if you don’t mind my looking at the glass as half full.

  14. Mitch O’Connell – smart guy? They’d be wiser to speak the Southern way, Mitch O-Connell, bless his heart, is a dumbass.

  15. Great segment on Zaid Jilani’s Intercept’s Democrat memo but the real truth behind the bias against Bernie Sanders and Single Payer was mentioned in last week ‘s segment on Laura Moser. In the segment Cenk pointed out how DCCC’s Executive director, Daniel Sena, is married to Elizabeth Christie Sena., a partner at Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, and how in the 2016 campaign cycle, the DCCC paid GQR $395,000 over two years (from Intercept’s article by Grimm/Fang/Dayen https://theintercept.com/2018/02/22/national-democrats-go-nuclear-publicly-slam-a-dem-candidate-as-corrupt-for-far-less-than-its-own-officials-do/)

    Hmmm…didn’t GQR help with the data for that Democratic memo? And we wonder why they are bashing progressives, Bernie and single payer….it’s all about the $$$ and keeping that consultant class in power. Would love to see Nomiki Konst on the live show to get her perspective on these stories.

  16. Not one fucking mention of the teachers work stoppage in WV…after 4 days, its over now, I would hate to disturb the progressive movement by bothering you guys with poor WV…but you seriously missed a great point (Paula was there)

    1. Emma did a segment a week ago on TYT politics. Hopefully they’ll do a follow-up segment now that it’s resolved.

  17. Washington State Legislature passes Bump Stock Ban bill and a second bill to raise age for assault weapon purchase!!!

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