Nerd Alert: February 16, 2018

In Membership, Nerd Alert - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan3 Comments

Kim Horcher talks Incredibles 2 trailer, things to know before watching Black Panther, and what we like what we like.


  1. I wouldn’t say these movies are or should always reflect real life. Its fantasy scifi. T’Challa’s has always been a king in the comics. The theme of the movie was overcoming tradition and if there is a better way to do things which was T’Challa’s character development.

    The monarchy works for them, the king that is willing to physically fight and not just sent troops in to battle, this is why there is trail by combat because its a part of the job as protector, he also looks after his people with no ulterior motive, with the advance technology they not only are self sufficient, they don’t seam to be struggling with normal world issues of heathcare, poverty among their citizens so if it works for them why should it be changed. But as i said its a comic book movie i dont expect real world logic iron man defines physics aswell never mind not passing out from the Gs he is doing. We have magic, and archer who has taken down both alien and robotic armys a thunder God. A sentient planet. When you start accepting the status quo of a movie set up the movie is so much more enjoyable

  2. Winter Soldier was better, in my humble opinion.

    I thought Panther’s sister was more interesting and multidimensional than T’Challa.

    But the big disconnect that bothered me, was Wakanda itself. In a market-driven world, they achieved economic equality.

    But somehow, they failed on political and personal equality. For whatever reason, they think that a Monarchy is an appropriate structure for an advanced society. And a Patriarchy, at that.

    The Kingship itself is achieved not by democratic processes, but by beating your challenger up.

    Good characters and moral judgements and nobility. And a villain you can empathize with.

    But it fell short for me.

    Maybe Thanos will use the Infinity Mind Gem to help Wakanda to understand its own internal contradictions.

    Anyway, thanks the background about the movie and the comments forum, Kim.

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