Aggressive Progressives: February 14, 2018

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Gigi Manukyan100 Comments

Jimmy Dore is joined by Steve Oh & Stef Zamorano talk “Cenk vs Jimmy” alleged drama, woman who got dragged off stage for listing big donors, the solar power story that Jimmy never gets to, the ACLU’s freedom of speech decision, and what you won’t believe they admitted at this healthcare agency.

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  1. I just realized that the income inequality may not be just about greed. Is it to create desperate people that join the military so that the military industrial complex have more fodder? Oh, but that is about greed too! OK…it is all about greed.

    1. @llpotter TYT built its reputation on straight talk. Not that sanitized bullshit you see on TV.
      That’s how this place got so big. It was SUPPOSED to be Renegade.
      When injustice is happening, you don’t censor yourself. You say what you feel even if it involves cussing.
      TYT going corporate will be their death knell because so many others are waiting to replace them.

      If you want that phony presentation, TV is that-a-way.
      This is the Internet where people are supposed to keep it REAL & RAW.
      John Lucas

  2. I am a bit flummoxed with the juxtaposition of watching this video 3 weeks after the airing and the comments. I liked this show, for the content and the comments. I have to say that Steph did impress me with her insightful comments and keen social zingers, I am sure that any a public figure were taken down a peg or two. Steve was an integral part of this show and did not play the wallflower. And my goodness, Jimmy came through and showed those years on the comedy club circuit helped in his presentation for his delightful ironic impressions.

    1. Steve never plays the wallflower! Because someone interjects calmly, sensibly, and intelligently, shouldn’t cast one as a wallflower. He always contributes integrally to the conversations. Why do people rag on him all the time. Not that you are ragging, but I always read these comments, and so often people do. He explains some of the crap in our society through our laws, and not in the yelly screamy way Cenk does. It’s nice to have a sense of ‘an adult in the room’ during the rants lol. I truly miss it when he is not on the show.

  3. I’m sorry but I like the reduced cursing. I have little kids that are often in the room when I’m watching. I’d love to watch Secular Talk but he just swears way too much. I can’t have an f bomb every other sentence. A little swearing is fine. Just I mean…come on, bring it down Kyle. Just a little please. I don’t need a note from the teacher.

    1. @autodidact101@gmail,com This is the Internet. Not sanitized TV.
      If you want that phony overpolished presentation, you have a great selection of “mainstream media” to choose from.
      On the Internet, we KEEP IT REAL.
      In times of great injustice, if you DO NOT cuss then you have no pulse.

      If you don’t want your kids to hear the bad words, wear earphones when you watch the shows.
      TYT made its reputation on frank real talk & that is how it should stay.
      What’s the purpose of watching this outlet if it’s just gonna be like the ones on TV already?

      John Lucas

  4. Seriously Jimmy, TYT is no longer your home. I can tell that you feel it and know it. Steve has confirmed that they are in growth mode, not keep it real mode. “Appealing to a larger audience” is classic business speak for selling out. What parent would let their 14 year old watch Aggressive Progressives? So what’s with Steve getting bleeped, here on his own network? Censoring Jimmy is unacceptable. Go your own way Jimmy, if that’s what your gut tells you, you are right: we found you and love you because you are the only counter culture voice left at TYT. We’ve all got your back and you’ll continue to grow. I can’t wait to cancel my TYT membership and transfer that monthly fee to your Patreon. I’m only on here because of you and this show, but the softening of AP for the sake of being palatable for the mainstream is the final nail in the coffin of TYT for me. They no longer represent real leftists.

    1. @sunnydiaz I haven’t logged in weeks. Maybe months. Still pissed about the convenient ousting of Jordan Chariton.

      But am I hearing you right when you say they are NOW bleeping the cuss words on Aggressive Progressives?!?!?
      This is the goddamned internet. If people want that mainstream controlled shit, go back to TV!

      DAMN! I didn’t wanna believe it at first even though I knew better.
      I didn’t wanna believe that the $20 million investment would change them that much.
      But it did. robertjordan18 was exactly right. Deep down I knew he was even though I hoped for better.

      TYT wants to be mainstream. So much for “Rebel HQ”.
      If Cenk wanted to go out like this, he shoulda just stayed at MSNBC in 2011.
      By now, HE may have been the Rachel Maddow pumping up the bullshit Russia Hysteria.
      HE would be getting those millions upon millions.

      Bleeping the Aggressive Progressives. They’re done.
      Kids see WAY more than cussing before they’re 10 years old in this modern age.
      Who in the hell do they think they’re fooling?

      John Lucas

  5. Yeah… Why is this shit not posted on YouTube yet ???

    It’s the free part, and TYT talks a good game about being honest and fighting back.

    You guys are getting slammed because of that fake shit, you need to put this out there.

    I’d love to share it on other sites, but no dice.

    WTH ???

  6. I’d like to share two different experiences of medical care, here in Canada.

    I’m a handicapped woman, and I developed a degenerative spinal condition. In a few months, I’ve gone through diagnostics, treatments and finally surgery. 3 1/2 weeks post op, and I’ doing amazing! No insurance companies getting in my way, and the procedures didn’t cost me out of pocket.

    Now my other story. My younger sister was a passenger in a car crash. Specialists determined that she required spinal surgery. Surprise, surprise… the insurance didn’t want to cover it. They paid another doctor to say that NO treatment was needed. Their dumb mistake was hiring the doctor in the same office as my sister’s specialist. Her doctor went across the hall and tore the insurance doctor a new asshole. Thankfully, she’s received her first procedures. But it’s taken a few years for her to get this far.

    So it’s not just health insurance companies screwing up lives. It’s car and home insurance doing it to.

    I hope everyone starts to fight these institutions. Because who wants to be in an institution? It’s for the crazy.

  7. Sweden has a mix of (regulated) Capitalism and Social Democracy, AKA Capitalistic Social Democracy (One Swedish Economist talking at Columbia U. called it a Capitalist Welfare State) Whatever the case, health care, education and care for the elderly, families, children and the poor is all part of the system, top tax bracket is about 54% (Denmark is around 63%, don’t know about Norway ,they’re rich, or Finland.)

  8. Relative to your story on WV, I agree with your position on campaign contributions of fossil fuel interests biassing the committee voting on the issue. I do want to give some context for why they want to allow drilling or mining on land with only a minimum of 75% of landowners agreeing. We had the same issue and same proposed solution in Kentucky several years ago.

    The problem stems from the land inheritance practices in the Appalachians. Because it was several years ago, I may have some details wrong. However, with each generation, the land of the parents would be split into smaller parcels (or perhaps joint ownership) so that after a few generations a parcel of land may have multiple owners. This is particularly complicated when one of the heirs leaves the area, then dies and leaves their share to descendents, and possibly the descendents again split it to their descendents. This results in a lot of absentee ownership of small parcels of land that is many times not recorded at the county deeds office (deeds out of date with deceased owners). Not sure how this works out on property tax payments. Sometimes not all parts of the common relatives have maintained contact to know where these current owners currently reside. When the land had little value, this was not much a problem, particularly when the land was wooded hillside whose only income would be if it were logged and some shared use by those living there is accepted.

    This becomes a major headache for the “landman” for the coal or gas company trying to assemble parcels to allow mining or drilling. Getting 100% of all property owners identified and found, let alone to agree, was a major problem, and unlike a holdout at a shopping center where the developer can go around the holdout, particularly for oil and gas, that under the holdout’s property cannot be left in place because of the physics of the way these flow underground. It could be done with coal, but if the seam is very deep, leaving enough coal in place to fully support the ground surface of the of the holdout with underground mining would be very expensive because of what is called the angle of draw. This is the angle projected down from the property line to the mine that defines the prohibited area where very little coal may be extracted, even outside the holdout’s property, to protect against damaging ground movements at the ground surface. A similar issue applies to surface mining, plus there is the requirement to preserve access to the parcel left on the pedistal remaining, though regrading requirements at the conclusion of mining mitigate this last requirement.

    I don’t recall how this worked out. I do recall that a management official of the state mining regulation department resigned over his objection to allowing a permit to be issued with less than 100% of landowners having approved. It is too long ago for my memory, but you could check with Kentucky Resources Council or others who would have followed it more closely.

  9. We don’t need to pay more taxes to have stronger social programs. What we need to do is reappropriate the taxes we already pay! The bottom line is capitalism needs war and poverty to perpetuate itself.

  10. StephZ is , IMHO, the best commentator on US politics on TYT and I wanna know why she is not on the main shows?

  11. For all the people on here who righteously say “Im unsubscribing” (from either TYT or JDS), because of blah blah”, no one gives a shit and it’s not going to make any kind of difference to their viewership or longevity as a media show. I know it’s being done cause you think someone is going to see it and say “Oh my god we better change since this person is unsubscribing” but think again, cause it doesn’t have any impact. If you’re that unhappy to the point of unsubscribing why even take the time to write it all out with your feeble reasons.

  12. fuggy, im in total agreement. you nailed the carlin comparison on the head. carlin didnt swear subconsciously or reflexively. it was intentional. to challenge the squares, to make it clear to them that they didnt control him anymore.

    i love it when jimmy, ana, and cenk cuss appropriately, and it seems to me they have a good sense of when it is appropriate to do so.

  13. I knew if the comments were left alone the “smoothers'” would show their cards, I guess I would call them the Steve Oh faction of the members.

    Just to make one point I think should be obvious. Cenk and TYT built the network up to this point by being opinionated and uncensored. His epic rants, plus Ana’s saltiness, plus Jimmy Dore’s unbridled commentary kept us inspired and connected.

    Why they, (the powers that be), would want to water down the basic format that brought them to this point, thinking it will enlarge the base, makes no sense to me.

    You do know what is happening to “The Walking Dead?”

    We may look back on this time as when TYT jumped the shark. As someone before said, “Fans on the rolls should carry more weight than hypothetical future fans!” Well, something like that.

    1. @muchohorses This is my first time logging in in weeks. Months really.
      I’m still heated about Cenk’s convenient ousting of Jordan Chariton back in November.

      I’m now reading that TYT is censoring cuss words with bleeps.
      Are you kidding me? Are you seriously kidding me?
      This is not TV. This is the Internet.
      Internet media is supposed to be REAL & RAW.

      The $20 million changed them. I didn’t wanna believe it when I first heard it.
      I went out of my way to give them the benefit of the doubt even though deep down I knew it was suspect.
      Now half of the people gained from the Watchers On The Wall campaign are gone from TYT for one reason or another.
      Now Jimmy Dore (and Stef Zamorano, The Miserable Liberal) sticks out like a sore thumb on this network being the one of the only ones who still keeps it real.

      TYT getting it wrong in the past was forgivable because you could chalk that up to their honest shortcomings.
      You didn’t see it as being a sell-out.
      Maybe Cenk got scared of what happened to his old compatriot Michael Hastings & pulled back from the flames.
      Who knows?

      Milquetoast “Liberals” are going out of style.
      After 2020, if you ain’t Bernie or better, you won’t have any place on the scene.
      TYT better wise up before they get replaced.
      ANYBODY can be replaced. I don’t care HOW entrenched they think they are.
      Ask the “Mainstream Media” who got slapped in their faces on November 8, 2016.

      John Lucas

  14. Republicans always fight Medicare for All, etc., with “you want the government to know your personal medical?” I’d rather that than the insurance companies who are merely gambling on people’s health.

  15. China was originally socialist after Mao’s revolution, which did lift hundreds of millions of people from poverty. However, it is now even more capitalist than the US in some respects, due to revisionism done by Deng Xiaoping decades ago. That’s why Deng is widely known as “betraying the revolution.”

  16. Over the years, I’ve shared TYT you tube videos with other people of my generation, always with the caveat, “PLEASE ignore the language, and watch this video all the way through — its important.” I think its great that nowadays, one can recommend a TYT clip without the need to preface it with that forewarning.

    There is so much important messaging that occurs on both AP and the TYT main show… More people need to be exposed to both. However, the cussing severely limited the audience. When you come from a demographic that cusses as much as 20-somethings do today, you may not realize that for a large percentage of the population, using the f-bomb invalidates anything else you have to say.

    It is not smart to turn your backs on all those people — we need them, at the polls.

    Also, for those of you who feel it is an outrageous infringement on your “freedom” that your news hosts are no longer dropping f-bombs every other word… Please consider that casual use of cuss words can become a habit, to the point where it is so unconscious that it is, literally, beyond control. At which point, you have made yourself un-employable, in most business environments.

    If freedom paid the rent, that would not be a problem.

    1. In general, I agree. Jimmy is an exception in my mind. F bombs are part of his personality. Also, even if it is kind of paranoid, I have a knee jerk “slippery slope” reaction to the language thing. I think, first its this, not a big deal, but what will go next in the name of more exposure.

    2. I’m fucking glad TYT addressed this…


      I’m of mixed thought on this. I’m no wilting violet when it comes to swearing, but I recall the first time I heard Adam Carolla’s podcast, coming highly recommended, and it was…not offensive, but I just shook my head at the fact that every 9th or 10th word was a curse word. It was grating on the ears. I don’t shy away from swearing in my normal parlance speaking with friends, but less is most certainly more. If a significant percentage of every word you say – north of maybe 3% of each utterance – is a curse word you start to sound like you have nothing to say BUT those words for shock value.

      Now that said? Gotta go to George Carlin here, and an interview I heard one time. To paraphrase he said this: “Can I go on The Tonight Show, do a seven minute set of material that kills without swearing? Absolutely. Can I do a full hour show without the words, and still nail it? Well…yes, but there would be something missing, and that’s a certain punctuation of a point that seems to be best delivered with those words.” And Carlin was one of the great masters of verbiage in the 20th century, full stop, comedy or otherwise.

      The TYT moment I think of here is the 2016 Election broadcast, just after 11:00 pm after Cenk went off on a rant about coming for the Democrats (btw I have watched this way too many times). There was a pause, he read the latest vote tallies at that moment, and then said “Brought to you by the fucking morons in the Democratic Party.” I’m sorry, but in that moment, “morons” wasn’t cutting it. I needed no filter. I needed an F-Bomb. That’s why I watched only TYT that night, became a member with conviction, and am still here.

      Now…with all of THAT said…

      Steve Oh is the Business Guy. And there’s just no denying the reality: if the goal is to truly expand the media footprint of TYT, and actually start to truly crush the MSNBC’s and CNN’s corporate psychobabble into the ground? You gotta play the game a little bit, here in 2018. And the fact is that Deb that you’re right, swearing on TV is a turn off for the demo of CNN and Fox viewers. Whole platforms will for the moment ban you, no matter if you have 9999 great words of wisdom but one shit sandwiched in between.

      Now that I think of it, it’s almost like reverse George Carlin: he had to be super G-rated in the 60s on network TV to get his start, but then when the equivalent of internet freedom happened in the 70s – in that case on paid cable HBO – we got the iconic Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television.

      To conclude, I’d be curious to know whether ALL TYT content, including for members (members only AG, Old School, etc) will have to clean up, or whether it’s just shows that will be put on an eventual network channel? I personally would appreciate some sort of enclave of unfettered content if that happens – Old School Late Night – where it’s carte blanche. To paraphrase George’s paraphrasing: two hours of the main show clean is fine. A whole network neutered of those words, including where TYT has lived for 16 years here, online? Well…there’s something missing.

  17. Jimmy, I know you cannot resist a good comedy moment — and the juxtaposition of CNN’s “outraged” text with Dave Jones’ studied delivery was the perfect lay-up, and yes, you hit it out of the park, but…

    Please don’t bust Dave’s balls. He’s good people.

    I had opportunity to Q&A with him in person on current issues and he is on all the right sides — he’s for Bail Reform, ending prison sentences for pot smokers, taking on Big Oil in the fight for accountability over Climate Change… In a relaxed environment, he can even become quite animated. On camera, on CNN… a bit more reserved, as is appropriate.

    Dave is this progressives’ choice for Attorney General (which he is running for in the June primary). Dave Jones has my vote.

  18. Love it Jimmy, I totally knew this was bullshit and good to see you address it. “This is how conspiracy theories start.” Was exactly my thought when I saw the videos start popping up. Like you wouldn’t be out in front screaming “THEY’RE KICKING ME OUT THE DORE!” That would be so un-Jimmy-like of you so thanks again. The people still going on about this can STFU as they simultaneously say that you’re the aggressive progressive yet won’t stand up to your OWN shit being censored? Anyone that believes that is just believing what they want about TYT.

    Hey, idiots! Go watch Kyle’s debate with Cenk and then say he’s being unreasonable, Cenk completely discounts the election meddling and goes for points where we can all agree Trump is being unlawful. Quit trying to sow discontent with such easily fact-checked “theories” and I put that in quotations because if you know how a theory actually works you need evidence to support it. Otherwise you’re just thinking with no basis in reality.

    The difference btw Cenk/Nomi and Michael/Jimmy are minute in most cases, though Nomi? Americans kill journalists too, just not your own.

  19. It’s hard to say what’s going on. All I know is that Jimmy Dore is the man I like. His views about corporate Democrats are spot on. I’m writing this comment to make sure that, if there is any movement to ban Jimmy, my voice will help stop any such movement.

  20. Members are NOT in favor of censorship! We pay monthly to support independent media for a reason. Don’t sugar coat shit for us. We know exactly how Jimmy Dore feels about censorship, he did an entire segment about the 7 swear words weeks ago and stated how he appreciated the fact that he could say what he wanted on this show! You are limiting honest expression, and quite frankly it’s BULLSHIT. Add another editor to the payroll with all of this extra money you’re getting from these new platforms to bleep out curse words for the public, don’t limit us, how about that!

    Signed a Motherfucking Aggressive Fucking Progressive!

    1. Thank you Allen22… It’s a slippery slope when anyone starts “banning” any kind of speaking. And for Steve to say it’s not “banning” swearing/cussing is just naive and Steve is apparently way too conservative to understand that this is the slippery slope of censorship. Jimmy Dore must be allowed to BE Jimmy Dore 100 percent!

    2. I agree. Listen to the members. If some sites are special snowflakes and they get the vapors when someone used bad laguage, then who needs them. And this is the comming from me, an old lady who drops f-bombs one a year, maybe.

  21. Come on guys – I personally am not buying the “You all misunderstood!The tension in the air between TYT and Jimmy was not a thing. Not a real thing at all.” Tonight’s Aggressive Progressives just proved the fact. I have never seen such a non -aggressive show. How did Steve get to be the leading voice? I like Steve but his fire burns a little low and slow. He was the perfect foil to temper Jimmy from time to time but I cannot see Jimmy in the second slot as he was tonight. I feel Cenk is trying, for his part by easing up on the Trump, Trump, Trump, Russia. Russia. Russia coverage and giving us more diverse important news (as long as it does not damage most corporate Dems.) but he did give Pelosi props for her 8 hour grandstand without bringing up what a useless,– well nevermind. You get my point. Just look at the frame above. Jimmy hanging on Steve’s every word. I am not worried about Jimmy Dore. He will rise back up. His Aggressive voice is the voice we need for change.

    1. “as long as it does not damage most corporate dems”

      He’s been ripping into corporate dems nonstop during the budget process, and did a story about corruption in the DLCC. He constantly attacks the Democrats, he just doesn’t focus 90% of his work on them like Jimmy does.

    2. > I personally am not buying the “You all misunderstood!The tension in the air between TYT and Jimmy was not a thing. Not a real thing at all.”

      The fact that they have to start addressing this sort of thing is itself significant.

      And of course Jeffrey Katzenberg has nothing directly to do with this “Cenk vs Jimmy” thing. Katzenberg doesn’t micro-manage TYT but that certainly doesn’t mean there isn’t a deeper problem with being funded by the billionaire who – more than any other billionaire – was responsible for corrupting Obama and making him safe for Wall Street, who is the single most influential billionaire in the upper echelons of the Democratic Party, and so on.

      The effects of this on TYT may not always be directly visible, but I predict that it will become much more visible and relevant during the next elections.

      Also, it’s just nice that people are increasingly aware of TYT’s deteriorating funding situation, with their taking more and more corporate money. People seem to be educating themselves about that, even if they don’t always draw the right conclusions from that (inevitably).

      > Just look at the frame above.

      Hahaha! Well-spotted.

      1. Cenk did a segment on it and said it wouldn’t affect the shows editorially. Cenk has a lot of integrity, so I trust his word on this.

        1. Cenk says a lot of things but saying that you have integrity doesn’t create it. Doesn’t work like that.

          The only way to back up such claims would be by giving us a copy of the written agreement between TYT and firms like Jeffrey Katzenberg’s WndrCo. I’d certainly like to see it but they’ll never share anything like that with us.

      2. I love Jimmy, I love Cenk. Idon’t want either one to change. Having disagreement on some things is part of what makes TYT good. If everyone thinks and says the same thing, then it sounds like “Fake News”

      3. @robertjordan18 Hey robert! Nice to see you on this board!
        This is my first time logging in since last year. I haven’t been signed in since 2018 started.
        I think the last time was in December.
        I’m STILL mad about the all-too-convenient ousting of Jordan Chariton.
        Thank goodness he’s back in the mix (recently subscribed to his channel).

        MAN, you were so right about this $20 million deal.
        I went to the ends of the earth trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.
        Because I was RIGHT about their PREVIOUS corporate funding traceable to 2011 (and unofficially to 2009-2010).
        I hoped that they wouldn’t lose their integrity with the $20 million deal but I was DEAD WRONG.

        Can you believe these members saying that they are now BLEEPING the Aggressive Progressives???
        Bleeping. On a private paid membership outlet. Bleeping.
        Steve Oh even reached out to me on my comment back in August 2017 to give me extra assurance that they were still the same people. That the cash wouldn’t matter.
        LIES. They sold out, man. They sold out. And so easily too.

        Now about all of the “investigative reporters” brought in on the Watchers On The Wall funddrive are gone for one reason or another.
        Now there is no more coverage of the stories Jordan Chariton was covering.
        Just Nomiki Konstandakis giving sit-down interviews.
        Now Jimmy Dore (and Stef Zamorano, The Miserable Liberal) sticks out like a sore thumb EVEN MORE than he did in the 2016 election when compared to the TYT staff.
        Jimmy & his crew are the only ones still keeping it real out here while TYT is getting more & more corporate every single day.

        The question I have to ask is why didn’t Cenk just accept what MSNBC told him to do back in 2011?
        If he did, HE would be the Rachel Maddow pumping up the bullshit Russia Red Scare Hysteria & getting millions upon millions to do it.
        Imagine how much money he would make if he had been doing this for 7 years.
        Way more than $20 million, I tell ya that much.
        Why go through all this farce of creating Independent Media when he coulda easily bought in before?

        If he was smart, he could at least keep up the illusion of keeping it real by allowing Jimmy to go HAM on Aggressive Progressives to fool those of us who still believed TYT stood on its own 2 feet.
        But now they’re bleeping Aggressive Progressives. That ain’t Progressive & that DAMN sure ain’t Aggressive.

        Well Robert, it looks like we’ll be fighting TYT when they push Kamala Harris or Joe Biden or Oprah Winfrey over Bernie Sanders in the 2020 election.
        But I hope that even THEY know that nobody’s stopping Bernie in 2020.
        And please don’t try to boost weak-ass Elizabeth Warren. We’re not buying it.
        Tell the “investors” that they won’t get their money’s worth.
        The Revolution is coming whether they like it or not.

        John Lucas

  22. So just going 2 b honest. I feel that Steve o was being a little condescending at the 1st part and 2nd part of this show. Plus 2 make things worse Jimmy didn’t defend anything or really say anything! Listen Steve! JIMMY was the 1 complaining on his show about having 2 stop cussing/swearing and saying it was dumb 2 have it on tyt. Even saying that it’s fake if u don’t cuss. Listen Steve! When Jimmy did his live stream he was talking major crap about tyt not inviting him on the main show. He didn’t say banned but did explain how upset he was and wanted 2 out show tyt on viewers. I don’t watch tyt main show so don’t really care if jimmy is there or not. Would rather watch him on his own show anyways so I don’t care if him and Cenk r n a fight. I’m very disappointed n jimmy on not standing up 2 Steve and rolling over not saying anything and throwing his fans under the bus! JIMMY could of at least admmited 2 his actions on his shows. Just saying maybe I’m the only 1.

    1. I am such a slow typer your comment came in as I was thinking through mine, We are basically at the same place and thank you for bringing out what I did not put into words, Jimmy’s subservient attitude towards Steve. I think Steve enjoyed being able to show everyone he has a big stick when it comes to TYT. Subservience is not a natural position for Jimmy so I do not think he will tow TYT’s line for long.

  23. Check out the DME industry. Send TYT politics and lets see the corruption with that industry and the medical insurance parasites.

  24. Please Steve O, keep the cursing at least for the members portion! With a lot of these issues there NEEDS to be cursing IMO! Can you at least just edit it out for whatever other platform requires it?

  25. AFAICT Jimmy never explicitly said the TYT audience was brainwashed. I took it as a rant about mainstream news sources and their focus on the Russia collusion, which is more about distraction.

    I see Cenk following the Russia collysion narrative more in mockery of the mainstream news sources, rather than a fervent belief in it.

    Don’t forget you can also become a Jimmy Dore member (like me).

  26. Not so aggressive today. It must be the swear word ban. :-)
    On the plus side… least I can now watch TYT in front of my 6 year old.

    Followed the scandal sceptically all week waiting for a rebuttal. Still need to see JD on the main show with Cenk to be assured. :-)

    I also just realised I watch more JD on youtube each week than the main show. Honestly without AP I would cancel my membership and maybe return around Primary time.

    I also noticed a growing amount of vitriol around TYT, its new funding, Cenk’s stance regarding voting for Clinton and the whole Russia thing. I think we should put an end to blaming everyone for how they voted (even Republicans) as they all had their reasons regardless of your weighting on their assumptions or your perception of their ignorance.

    Maybe there should be a segment to address the various views of members, staff and donors and how that contributes (or doesn’t) to the editorial.

    I am afraid of TYT becoming just another corporate network.

    1. @LeoFromOZ TYT did it to themselves,man. They still had a lot of credibility & it seems like they picked short-term money ($20 million) over long-term money (building a true independent media empire).

      I gave TYT every bit of the doubt when that deal went down in August 2017.
      I knew they had been corporately-funded ever since the December 2011 Current TV deal.
      I can take it back further to the MSNBC contract that Cenk obviously used to vamp up the set in late 2010.

      But my wake-up call was with the sudden convenient ousting of Jordan Chariton last November.
      They JUST did an interview with him on that Reporting In series on November 15th.
      On November 17th he was “suspended” but actually fired right there on the spot which we found out days later on November 20th.
      Then you see Nomiki Konstandakis on December 1st grinning big with Donna Brazile on her Instagram.
      A little bit later she’s high fiving Donna like old friends in an interview (attempted heel-face turn).
      After realizing the bad optics of such a move, she does a video to the critics subtly discarding Jordan’s work confronting Donna Brazile & justifying her buddy-buddying with Donna.

      Since then I have been watching TYT decline piece by piece.
      “Investigative Reporters” we funded in the Watchers on the Wall campaign quietly drop out one by one for various reasons.
      No more reporting like Jordan did covering those needed stories like Flint & St. Louis & Mississippi.
      Only sit-down interviews with Nomiki.
      Everybody online noticing more & more how phony TYT is getting & calling it out.
      Jimmy & his crew being the only ones who still keep it 100% real as they look more & more out of place on this network.

      They did it to themselves. But that’s OK. Where they fall others will rise.
      Like The King says, They Don’t Care About Us.
      The ones they listen to are the big money “investors”.
      That’s fine. That’s the road they picked. We’ll just pick another road.
      There will be a time when Jimmy realizes that his time at TYT has run out & he’ll return to the trajectory he was on before he joined TYT. Talent rises to the top.
      He is honoring his time with TYT & is rewarding them with loyalty like a good friend.
      Eventually he’ll figure his way out of the crossroads & outshine his former TYT allies. It’s his time now.

      John Lucas

  27. Jimmy Dore shares my exact views on nearly every issue and also my passion. We are both from Chicago although I’m from the West Side. Ever since this Russia issue came to be I feel like the Jimmy Dore Show’s community has been a little bit too alt right for my tastes. I also don’t like the fact that Jimmy’s audience (right now) is so anti-tyt and he never says a damn thing about it. How do you not comment on the fact that everyone calls TYT a group of sellouts and you called the TYT audience brainwashed and then have the nerve to show up on the panel? I don’t get why all of this came from Cenk criticizing Russia. Why is Russia worth throwing all of your coworkers and the TYT audience under the bus. And for what? A bunch of Right wingers who like you just because you bash Dems all the time? I don’t get it. I keep subscribing and unsubscribing. I keep resubscribing because frankly you have really-really good commentary and you’re hilarious. I keep unsubscribing when I notice a pattern of you ignoring or redirecting everything that Trump does or even Russia does. It doesn’t mean you have to even believe they influenced the election or that there’s proof of collusion or anything which is fine. It’s just these 2 people can’t seem to do ANYTHING explicitly wrong in your eyes. You will often say “Trump is bad” but there’s ALWAYS a “but” somewhere. I know I’m ranting, but I just wanted to say I still support you, Jimmy. I’m just butthurt that you threw us under the bus for a bunch of stupid fucking right wingers who share your vids on facebook to validate their own right wing viewpoints.

    1. @NomadFH You ever think that it was TYT who’s in the wrong here?
      You ever think that Jimmy accurately calling the outcome of the election & CONTINUING to call things correctly is winning him some unlikely crossover fans?
      Fans unused to hearing such strong conviction from one who they assume is their enemy?
      You ever think that Jimmy being a bridge to “The Left” is a good thing?

      So what if Trump voters dig what Jimmy is doing.
      At first I thought it was a bunch of campaigners & trolls fluffing him up.
      But now I realize he’s really breaking through the political silos we’re put in & reaching these people.
      Jimmy is CONVERTING them, NomadFH.

      His political instincts are SHARP.
      He knew Hillary was toast & a lot of what he said before the election is coming true.
      (Even though he spared his “I told you so’s” on Election Night for his friends’ state of mind)
      THAT’S why he’s getting so much support from “The Left” AND “The Right”.

      The Young Turks have fallen off & they know it. As much as they try to hide it & downplay it.
      And the longer they stay on this track, the better Jimmy will look by comparison.
      Jimmy ain’t milquetoast like weak-ass Sam Seder. Jimmy brings that needed FIRE.
      That’s what keeps voters motivated & keeps them from getting foggy memories.

      The Democratic Party NOW BELONGS to the Bernie Movement. PERIOD.
      We’ll teach them this the easy way or the HARD WAY. But they’ll be taught.
      Moderates are finished. We’re moving HARD “LEFT”. And we’re doing it NOW.
      It is not the Republicans who are stopping progress, it is the Democrats who allow these Republicans to stop progress. So the key to making progress is to BREAK THE BACKS of these sandbaggers in the Democratic Party if not the Party itself.

      Keep up what you’re doing, Jimmy Dore. The others will catch on or they’ll be left behind.
      Boogeymanning about Trump ain’t solving a damn thing.
      It’s all about making sure we can create a worthy opposition to reclaim power.
      THAT’S what Jimmy & crew does on his show. And he does it with comedic edge to boot. EXCELLENT!

      John Lucas

  28. Aetna story is the norm. How else will insurance companies make bank?

    Conservatives cry, “Socialized medicine will lead to Death Panels!”

    News Flash! We already have Death Panels, they are called Insurance Companies.

  29. Congratulations to James on his two-hour-and-a-half long interview with Joe Rogan.
    Half a million views and counting.

    Say what you will about Rogan’s libertarianism and his silly friendship with Alex Jones (and I do have plenty of negative things to say about that) but you have to admire that guy’s honesty and his willingness to let his guests speak their minds at great length, uninterrupted (which is why Jimmy got in more than a few of his bread-and-butter rants). It’s also fantastic to hear Rogan shit on neoliberal bankable war hawks Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama without restraint.

    Furthermore, Rogan was more receptive to Jimmy’s political ideas than I expected. He’s certainly open to critiques of the failing political and economic system, it’s the accents and the nuances that he puts on them which are more rightwing-libertarian…but never to the point of dogmatism or Randian orthodoxy.

    And I especially like Rogan’s more idiosyncratic views on Big Agro-business and on wild life. The instinct to decouple oneself from a corrupt system is a good one (though, as he says, it’s not possible for the vast majority of people to act on that impulse so you end up more with political fantasies than anything else. Still, the instinct in itself is good.)

    1. I thought it was fantastic!

      I laughed a lot, and I definitely thought they had a lot more in common than differences. I enjoyed it and hope they do it again. Maybe it’s because they come from the same rough childhood & comedian roots. Made me go check out Joe’s interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson, another fun one.

      1. @chetzmom Jimmy is in Pokémon terms going through a Mega Evolution.
        In Dragon Ball terms, Jimmy’s going Super Saiyan. Maybe Super Saiyan 2.
        Watching him develop the past 2 years has been GLORIOUS!
        He’s in rare form right now. In the ZONE. Can’t wait to see what happens next with him & his crew.

        John Lucas

    2. Really loved that conversation, haven’t heard that kind of a relaxed exchange of multifaceted thinking from two intelligent, clear thinking individuals in a while. I didn’t know Joe Rogan was such an interesting guy. Especially enjoyed the portions on

      i) Importance of trying and gaining mastery over new things as a constant way of revitalizing yourself and growing as a person,
      ii) Men and women forming worldviews of each other based on personal experience and relationships and how that potentially leads to devolving into a loss of basic trust and hatred for the opposite sex. I sometimes get frustrated at how one dimensional and predictable discussions on gender relationships get among young hosts (including some of TYT’s younger hosts).
      iii) Super interesting perspectives on hunting as an ethical option (although this is true in a limited sense, if the human population as a whole resorted to hunting for food even as a thought experiment, it would lead to severe sustainability and ecological balance issues).

      I think Rogan could have been a bit more nuanced and sensitive where he discusses transgender issues. The part about “misery likes company” probably comes from a personal blind spot, since he obviously cherishes and celebrates his maleness. As a transwoman, my self realization as a woman and experiencing a feminine transition has only been cathartic and liberating. I do share the skepticism and caution with premature transition (generally speaking, I can’t stand it when people try to give politically biased opinions on things that doctors and scientists are still trying to figure out the best way for).

    3. @robertjordan18 Jimmy’s going Super Saiyan, man. I’m LOVING his growth lately.
      Been a Patreon member of his since the YouTube Adpocalypse last April.
      He’s getting in rare form. Just advancing at a rapid rate.

      I don’t give a damn about Joe Rogan but I watched that interview.
      NOW my observations have been confirmed why Jimmy is so hardcore.
      I KNEW it had something to do with his working class roots.
      But when he broke down his medical issues, it further underlined why Jimmy goes so hard.
      Him & his wife LIVE in the working class/middle class & this stuff is not a game to them because of survival.
      Stef being a teacher in a teacher’s union shows why she don’t play the goddamn radio with Democrat dithering.
      Jimmy having such horrific medical issues, working the comedy circuit, & working as a bricklayer shows why he ain’t got time for da bullshit with weak Democrats.

      I had to delete Joe Rogan stuff out of my feed afterwards but I HAD to watch that Jimmy Dore interview.
      The dude is really in his zone right now & he’s only gonna get better.
      A jagoff nightclub comedian. The most unlikely people become heroes sometimes. Hahahaha.

      John Lucas

  30. I unsubbed from Jimmy and canceled my JD membership. I think Jimmy has a nice POV very similar to Kyle – though I think Kyle is more right in social issues and so am I- however he has gone batshit crazy against TYT even though hacking probably is an important issue. Also, he is terrible at debating his ideas and lost against Sam Seder easily. Just stop attacking others and improve your own thoughts. Or GTFO. Take your alt right leaning audience and stop misleading progressives. It’s a one percent of the ALL policy issues and having larger audience than side-TYT channels DOES NOT mean you’re more accurate or a better journalist.

    Finally, Allard Prize is an OK prize, as someone who goes to the college that awards it I am familiar with it. Our school is full of SJWs and minorities who obviously are apolitical -i’m also a minority- So dont get over your head.

    1. Wait, you were subscribing to the JDS? I thought for sure that a person who thinks they are “more right on social issues” (whatever that means) would never have gone there.

      I don’t think Kyle is very well served by having an incoherent fan like yourself, either. But I still encourage you to contribute monetarily to Kulinski’s Patreon. Also, check out Kyle’s interview with Joe Rogan, to be broadcast later this month. He does deserve the attention.

    2. I suggest The Michael Brooks Show instead – he’s a “far left” perspective who doesn’t dismiss Republican harms during his (thoughtful and compelling) critiques of Dems, and he has a more ethical/reasonable view on social issues and civil rights than Jimmy. He also offers substantive critiques on policy issues for both parties, instead of spending 2 seconds on “hurr durr isn’t Trump a dummy?” and 20 minutes on why Kamala Harris isn’t progressive in her heart, why Clinton has Parkinson’s, or how Seth Rich was killed as a result of a conspiracy. Secular Talk is also still worth watching because Kyle actually gives analysis of both parties’ wrongdoings as warranted, and is largely less prone to shallow emotional repetition and “Clinton would have been as bad as Trump” nonsense.

      Thank God Malcolm and Steve are on AP to bring some reason to the conversation. Jimmy when left to his own devices on youtube churns out a lot of crap for hits. One look at the comments of a Jimmy Dore show makes it clear who he plays to when left on his own – it’s swarming with alt righters and Trump supporters.

      1. So is he too “far left” or too “far right”? Make up your mind, because you’re all over the place, ideologically speaking.

        You’re not doing a good job of defending neoliberal centrism by using such scattershot argumentation.

        > why Kamala Harris isn’t progressive in her heart

        What does her “heart” have to do with anything? She’s not progressive in her policies and in terms of who is funding her. She has conservative policies and she is backed by conservatives. Read this article: “The Two Faces of Kamala Harris”

        1. In terms of where they fall on the political spectrum, maybe (though Michael is more left on social and foreign policy, and doesn’t fall into the trap of dismissing issues that hit minorities hardest as unimportant or necessary casualties of the kind of dangerous accelerationism Jimmy seems enamored with). The Michael Brooks show takes its time in thoughtfully offering and disseminating arguments from a left perspective without softening Trump/Republicans and actively cultivating alt-right/Trump supporter views like Jimmy does.

          Overall I find Michael’s show far more educational and intellectually honest. It has less subscribers and patreon supporters, though, since he actually calls out the right wing and thus he can’t (and doesn’t want to) rely on hits from the alt right/Trumpists for his personal enrichment.

          1. Jimmy dismisses issues that hit minorities hardest? Have you listened to Jimmy?
            His regular show is all about how the DEMOCRATS(DNC/Neolib/Clintoncrats) have left behind and kicked in the face unions, minorities, women, students,etc, etc.
            Just because Jimmy isn’t slurping at the trough of Russia Hysteria doesn’t make him a fan of Trump or “actively cultivating” his crazies.

            Better yet, tell me exactly how the neoliberal “centrists” have helped women or minorities?
            Also tell me how SJW are helping anyone?
            Seems they LOVE them some Private Prison cash, warmongering and bashing other progressives.

  31. As recently as last week, Jimmy was commenting on the Patreon-contributors-only audio streams about how much he enjoys cussing. He also added that saying “fuck” and “piss” and all that is healthy (this is true, academic research shows that it reduces the stress levels of the speaker).

  32. Feinstein saying she “doesn’t want the Government in her healthcare” is the height of hypocrisy:

    She has been receiving Federal or State/City provided insurance for 36 years (Mayor of San Francisco ’78-’88, Senator from California, ’92- present). When she retires (or is thrown the fuck out) from congress, she will get a generous pension, including retirement health benefits.

    It’s not that she doesn’t want government in her healthcare; she obviously loves government as involved in her healthcare as possible. What she means is she doesn’t want government in YOUR healthcare. How would she get campaign contributions and speaking fees if THAT happens?!?

  33. Though I understand bleeping out “words” to attract viewer and allow/play A P on other platforms, censoring my PAID MEMBERSHIP view is deeply offensive. After all, as a member, I made a grown up decision to support TYT, so I think I can handle a few naughty words…I will give you folks a pass (on this episode) and chalk this up to growing pains, but come on: get your shit together!

    1. I feel you on this. The shows have lost a bit of their authenticity in my eyes, not just the dirty words but the frank talk and casual discussion demeanor has waned slowly. I hope it’s just a phase that they are trying out for more marginal profits since I want TYT to succeed and do big things. I get why though and I’ll be sticking around to see how they make it their own, just not a fan of that type of censorship (self censorship) but I totally get it.

    2. TOTALLY AGREE! They bleeped out Steve saying fuck when he was saying they weren’t going to edit paid content. It’s not a “conspiracy theory about censoring the show” Steve; you and the others spent a solid 10 minutes referencing the new censorship last week. We were referencing what was discussed on the show, not inventing the fact from thin air.

      Steve, you are making a huge mistake censoring the show. I realize you want to make more money, er get your message out, but you are already making money from us. Your turning away your current customers in hopes of hypothetical new ones.

      Additionally Steve, what happens when these new platforms say “we are going to fine you or age-gate you if you don’t stop bashing Hillary”. Do you capitulate then as well so your message can get out? Where do you draw the line of not giving in? Will you be able to when you get a taste of that sweet, sweet ,money? This is the problem with current media: they give in to what the moneyed desires are. Once you start censoring yourself, you are part of the problem

      1. TTDM – what are you smoking? Can I have some?

        You really need medicare 4 all because your crazy. I love that Jimmy himself laughed at all the “conspiracy theories” from last week.

        1. I was referring to censorship, which Steve discussed during the show and the sound fading on “fuck” that the show did during editing. It is not a conspiracy theory when it was a topic of discussion during the show and censorship was actually occurring. But thank you for showing your astute reading and listening comprehension. You are a shining example of why we need immediate public education reform

    3. The censorship is just another sign of how TYT is evolving into a miniature version of MSNBC, while also increasing their subservience to dodgy platforms like Facebook and Youtube. Draw your own conclusions.

        1. He’s never going to leave, let’s be real. His job here is to bash TYT and try to get more people to funnel money directly into Jimmy’s wallet through his independent show.

  34. China is a dictatorship. Ok, this is how it goes:
    Lenin was a communist, he gave the land to the peasants so they could feed themselves and the communities. Stalin (who was not next in line) was a dictator. He took the land from the peasants and made them feed the state.
    Yes they direct some money to the people but they keep the majority of it, even Pinochet restarted social programs before his end.

  35. Retired Air Force -TRICARE- I Pay $48 month for me, the misses and my son until he finishes school or turns 23. Why can’t Government do this for everyone?

    1. I grew up with socialized medicine — my dad was career military. Was so sad to say goodbye to full health and dental when I turned 23. It was 15 years before I had comprehensive healthcare again.

  36. Steve Oh has amazing integrity, I really admire the way you address the recent Jimmy issues/rumors head on. TYT is lucky to have you!

    1. Can not help myself – HERE IS A TISSUE. WIPE THAT BROWN OFF YOUR NOSE.

      Geeze – How I hate it when viewers become celebrity FANS. Like Ana’s FANS. What a pretty dress – I love your hair!

      1. Thank you! Agree. Steve is not aggressive so why is he center stage? This is Jimmy’s purview. So, no swearing? Gee.. maybe this is for ADULTS. Who the fuck lets their kids watch adult stuff? Let them be fucking kids. Adults blow off steam when they are being thrashed by a system.. get over it. If language is more important to you then the content of Jimmy’s rants… you need to get real. You can live in a nice, clean upright fascist state. Go back to tyt main and rant about drumpf and RUSSIA all day instead of facing the issues ON OUR SIDE. Without addressing that with vigor, you will get 4 more years of this reich-wing bullshit “government”.

        1. You totally missed the point of my comment. It was in no way directed at or about Ana. I was commenting on the “FANS” that sometimes disregard her intelligence and insight and choose to focus on her appearance. Then you decided to attack me personally – SHAME, SHAME, SHAME (tinkle. tinkle.}

  37. Hilarious video out there of Mark Halperin on Morning Joe once, where he called Obama a dick, and they all flipped out. Not because he insulted the president so much as because he said “dick” on air.

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