Cenk. RNC not giving back Wynn’s contributions. Obama FBI texts. House Intel Republicans plan to construct wall. Kennedy on military parade. Russia penetrated U.S. voter system. Fighting Syrian forces. Congress expected to vote on budget.
Could TYT please have a team of people that educate people on the laws and updates of the laws. Just a free youtube channel or something that only does this! Would be nice. I spent sooo much time talking to people I know who talk about sanctuary citys and dont have any clue how its actually working!
Thanks I just had to sing, “Nobody Does it Better,” because of what you said before the break. :) I’m with you on everything and usually, I can say, “Everything, but that one thing.” Not tonight.
The Wynn/Republican hypocrisy story boils down to why the DNC-Dems are doomed to continued failure.
Dem donor is shown (or even hinted ) to be a sexual harasser/abuser.
Republicans scream foul from the roof-tops, run ads, and cry all over MSM & New Media.
DNC-Dems & SJWs cut all ties, reject donations, and force resignations.
Repub donor in the same situation.
DNC-Dems cave on budget, wait for “potential momentum,” talk Russia, give billions more to Defense Contractors, collapse on the Wall, and otherwise ignore issues voters care about (healthcare, wealth gap, etc).
Repubs blame Obama for the stock crash & generally run rough-shod over Dems.
The only thing that makes DNC-Dems fight viciously is the possibility of a Justice Dem being a candidate and threatening the Consultant Whores bank-roll.
Do you americans even know how RIDICULOUS you look if you claim that russia hacked your elections?
Yes thats right you look at ridiculous as you looked when the WMD bullshit was going on.
And to report on this shit with a straight face, cite american intelligence sources, who are nothing more than a global terror network, is the cherry on top.
And to call yourself on the “left” is not only cringeworthy but also disgusting.
Nice response… But is that really the proper word?.. Not the abandoned word “comrade”; but the current Putin centric word “confederate” or “associate”?..
There are several real issues with the integrity of our voting process. However, I am not so concerned with the Russians as I am with corporate oligarchs with the manipulation and corruption of our vote. This country needs to take a step back and go national with a paper ballot system along with a completely transparent count.
Since we are on the topic of voting, we should implement a national voting day holiday and perhaps use Memorial Day for primaries. With the national voting day holiday, a massive campaign to implore our citizens to perform their civic duty and vote.
If you work at any software company, you’d be a fool to think that no one has tried to hack any elections machine, domestic or foreign. The real fool is the public, trusting in weak security solutions provided by the lowest bidder, or whomever is politically connected.
I feel this needs to be said. I maintain respect for tyt because they don’t silence their own. Most recently cenk vs. Jimmys thoughts about Russia. With that being said, Cenk I’m sorry to say but Jimmy is right, this obsession about Russia is dangerous and unjustified. I enjoy hearing both of your opinions on it because it’s important to me to be able to hear both schools of thought.
I hate stories about celebrity gossip. I think much of the media spends way too much time on it when there are more important things to focus on. So if I had a show of my own, I would just ignore the celebrity gossip and cover the things I think are worth covering. I would NOT spend half my show bitching about how the media covers too much celebrity gossip, because that ALSO takes time out from covering the more vital stuff.
Replace “celebrity gossip” with “Russia”, and you see how I think people like Jimmy have the wrong approach to this issue.
Cenk/TYT finally cover US staying indefinitely in Syria & bombing Syrian forces but fails to address how this is against Putin/Russia interests because it undermines his ‘Trump is a Russian puppet” hysteria which has led to severe consequences
Syria for the Russians is a blimp on the Radar. They have demarcation lines with the Turks and the Americans established last winter to organize the fight with ISIS.
The administrative borders of Raqqah province and all the areas east of the Euphrates were the American zone of combat.
Northern and Western Aleppo and Eastern Idlib and Homs and the Jordanian Borders (to a 50km depth) were with the Syrian Free Army and allied militias to Turkey.
The rump of Syria west of the Euphrates was the Russian zone.
Within 9 months ISIS was no more.
The decision last October was for troops of all combatant countries to stay until negotiations were conducted to end the war in Syria but the regime (which may I remind you have stripped half the Kurdish population of its citizenship, is threatening to strip all 7 million refugees from their citizenship after already confiscating their property and killed half a million civilians including 200 just yesterday) with Iranian support (and virtually all those killed were none Syrian shia militias imported from outside Syria) and against Russian orders decided to keep on fighting and launched several raids into the American zone. This was just the latest bombing mission but it made headlines because of the large number and the reason is a message, go back to the negotiating table.
There are other reasons for staying in Syria besides oil and gas (Pennsylvania has more oil and gas than Syria) chief among them the estimated 3 million refugees who will swamp Europe and Jordan if the regime goes into Kurdish controlled areas.
Just like Cenk is skeptical when a government official says that states are working to protect their voter roles I am skeptical when a government official says that Russia penetrated our voting systems Regardless, I still agree that we should protect the vote which means moving to paper ballot something that Cenk didnt mention.
Cenk is conflating things again. Nobody hacked our voting systems, they can’t. You have to be physically present to hack the voting machines, they’re not connected to the internet. Even if they were, they aren’t all interconnected so you’d still have to hack hundreds, if not thousands, of separate systems. But they aren’t, so you’d have to send people to all of these different voting locations in order to hack the machines. That would be such a huge project that our intelligence agencies would easily detect and prevent it.
I’m not against paper ballots, though. They make recounts much easier and improve transparency. As it is we don’t know how much things were muddled by various US actors in the last election because we didn’t use paper ballots.
If you think “they can’t” you are a fool. I am not saying they have but it’s been proven time and time again to be very easy to do. “They didn’t” and “They can’t” are two entirely different things. They might not have but without a doubt can and we should care about that.
I also don’t know what they did or didn’t do, but if Blargimazombie is right and those machines aren’t physically connected to the Internet, then of course he’s right, it’s impossible to do…
Gathy please relax a bit. Jimmy ,Cenk Squash this. Respect each other’s opinions please! Make a bet or something on the side bout Russia’s involment. It’s ego guys, pull it back, help unite pregressives not divide. Our unity behind good rational policy is so key here if we are going to stand a chance at reforming the Democratic Party. Unless someone starts a viable third party now, right now, and wages all out political war against both Republican and Democratic neoliberals/neoconservatives with the full voting power of the independent majority, there’s no realistic chance they could win enough seats in the house and senate. Why hasn’t Bernie done this already? We don’t know, we can speculate. Hoping he’s got some sort of ace in his sleeve he’s waiting to play. Seems he’s stalling to get a large enough progressive caucus to work with. Just my thoughts today. Keep fighting, this is a battle we must win. Don’t even consider losing. Unite, Peace, Love my friends.
I am relaxed. I’m just laughing at certain people. Actually, laughter is relaxing, so I’m extra relaxed. What I say below, is also in a relaxed tone. Here, here’s a smiley face so you can feel relaxed too. :)
This idea of unity is a meaningless phrase. The corporate dems say the same thing. Don’t divide, unify. They mean for progressives to come to their side. They want you to vote democrats, regardless of what they stand for. Unity has to unify around something, and when there are foundational differences between people, where’s the center unifying goal?
If people still think that voting for a losing candidate in a general election does something, that’s damaging. If you think this nonsense is true, what are we unifying around? If you think like Jimmy Dore, you’re damaging a progressive future. Because if people deny reality and think that they can vote change in at the last minute, instead of having to work for it every day for decades, then they’re directly in contrast with reality and workable strategies to achieve actual progressive change.
I’m a communist. Do you think I think any democratic politician or even Bernie represents what I want ultimately? Of course not. If I want someone who will represent me exactly, I’ll vote for myself. It will achieve nothing, but I will have “voted my conscience” (that meaningless phrase). Real progressive change is actively fighting against entrenched power, and they have the power to fight back. You don’t just vote it in after spending 2 minutes in a voting booth. So, this “unity” you seem to think is possible isn’t until everyone is talking about the real existing world, not some fantasy world that makes them feel good.
You know, as a communist, I blame capitalism for this. This whole idea that you just buy something, that you just pull a lever, and then you feel better, that it doesn’t take work and failure and starting again, and work and more work and often really ugly compromises, and then more work, comes from this idea that we just press “like” and feel better.
Blockchain technology will be able to provide secure and verifiable voting online in the future. We will have a far better turnout and you can’t gerrymander the internet.
Not a bad idea indyjonas but then our votes will be permanently and forever tied to our names/ID which will prevent people from voting who are afraid of it being used against them. For instance, you could have a school teacher who carelessly checks off all republican candidates on their ballot not realizing that one of those candidates is a bonafide Nazi (i.e. Arthur Jones running for GOP IL congressional seat) because this voter doesn’t bother to investigate who they’re voting for. That gets out and this person is then punished by the public at large.
Yes it’s a far fetched scenario but you can extrapolate your own scenario from there and see why if it’s not anonymous voting then people might steer away from it. I personally don’t care who knows who I voted for but I know others who don’t feel the same.
Russia? There is another take on this when TRUMP joins in, In fact two. First, by joining in on this is, Trump could be prepping us for a take over of some kind, Second, he’s got something to hide and by ceding this issue, can hoodwink the country, particularly those supporting Democrats and Progressives.
That there was manipulation of the vote is true, that there was voter suppression, and there were massive attempts to purge voter rolls performed b US citizens., who would KNOW who, what and how — the three things the Russians might not know. Furthermore, if it wasn’t done via Cuba, I doubt it was the Russian as a country. Julian Assange has firmly stated the leaks he received were from US citizens.
I’d be careful in any way about taking this hook, line and sinker. Remember the Bay of Tonkin was a FALSE Flag, and how many American lives were lost because of the ensuing war?
Spot on. This is fucking ridiculous. He goes on and on about government agencies “assuring” us that the Russian government attempted to hack into the voter rolls, but these are the SAME AGENCIES that have a near 100% track record, when it comes to “warning” the US public of dangers to national security, of LYING. L-Y-I-N-G, purposefully, in order to manufacture consent for various terrible policies, such as the continued expansion of the US imperial state overseas.
These SAME agencies had us convinced just over 15 years ago, that Saddam Hussein had aluminum tubes he was using to develop WMDs. They said with CERTAINTY that he had them, and the media, just as they’ve done this time, frivolously and mindlessly repeated their claims without question, broadcasting the utmost form of propaganda across the nation and the world (purposefully too, in all honesty).
Cenk, you were AGAINST the war in Iraq partly BECAUSE of this! HOW the FUCK can you sit there and take this stance when NO EVIDENCE has been presented to you so far?
The baseless assertions of anonymous government officials (all you’ve reported on, and what you reported on tonight) DO NOT COUNT AS EVIDENCE!
Who was convinced Saddam Hussein had WMD’s? I never bought into that rubbish. I know most people I spoke to during that time were all coming to the same conclusion. Anyone who knew anything about Bush knew he was going back to Iraq to finish his daddy’s war and to enrich Halliburton with generous defense contracts not to mention fatten up his oil buddies with lucrative oil contracts.
I get the impression that Cenk is upset that the state’s are lacking transparency in their mitigation efforts more than Russia’s purported success in hacking election polls.
Actually all intelligence agencies concluded there were no WMDs in Iraq and Iraq was in compliance. It was the white house which used its privileged access to intelligence that gave a “sanitized” version of those intelligence to the public and Congress. Same was done in the UK (the infamous 45 minute dossier) which lead to the chief WMD investigator taking his own life and the Foreign Secretary resigning before he died on a “hike” not to mention the countless number of spies who also resigned or were fired including Valerie Plame.
First of all if you and the other idiots are so convinced that there is no Russia collusion/interference why not wait until Mueller finishes his investigation. Almost all progressives were just as enthusiastic about the Benghazi nonsense that investigation after investigation (all done by Republicans) cleared Hillary of yet when Mueller is investigating Russia all of a sudden it is BS?
Second, Assange is a proven liar that even Glenn Greenwald, who is no fan of the Russia investigations, disassociated himself from. Furthermore it was proven through the Mueller investigation that the Trump campaign learned about the hacked emails 6 months before their release from Russian sources (Papadopoulos) so either Assange was either working for Trump or for the Russians and the leaker is a spy:
I’m not convinced there’s no interference, just that the interference is along the same lines as Republican interference or corporate interference. They used targeted ads and fake stories to convince people to believe something. This is the same thing all money in political campaigns do, convince you to believe whatever bullshit a candidate is selling. If we’re not going to stop Walmart and the Koch Brothers from doing it, then I don’t see why we need to worry about Russia doing it.
As for waiting for FBI, I don’t trust the FBI, so I don’t wait for their opinion. I don’t trust any spooks, whether CIA, FSB, FBI, NSA, or any other. I already have my opinions about Trump and Russia. He has been working with Russians for decades to finance his businesses. Some of them have been russian mob, some have been russian secret agents, and some have been both. His dealings with these people has allowed them to get some compromising video of him, and he’s been associated with a lot of illegal activity behind the money he is laundering for them.
There’s absolutely nothing the Russians are doing to directly hack election results, just as there isn’t anything like that with Hillary Clinton hacking or distorting the primary election results. The only major affect on election results were the result of Republican voter roll purge activities designed to rip hundreds of thousands to millions of voters off the rolls and thus unable to vote. That directly impacted the election and caused Donald Trump to win. The rest of the things that were unfair in the democratic primaries are based on systemic issues in the primary system designed to keep outsiders out and allow advantages for insiders that were not put in place by Hillary Clinton.
The FBI is not a spying agency, it is a criminal investigation agency full of lawyers and overseen by lawyers and given authority to investigate by Grand Juries approved by judges. If you do not trust the FBI then the country is fucked because the FBI is the police force of the American people and there is no other agency that can be trusted anymore.
Cenk, I love when you’re open with your bias which is why I’m so disapointed with your coverage of Syria. “No one knows” what the SDF is loyal to? You sound like the MSM trying to talk about Occupy Wallstreet.
You said the other day that you love interviews because they hive you an opportunity to learn, why not interview someone like Rukmini Callimachi (NY Times) so you can learn “what the hell is going on” in Syria, and stop doing a disservice to your members.
Honestly, comparing the secular, multiethnic and feminist coalition in north Syria to al Qaeda (who is currently being armed and sent against them by Turkey) is shameful. They want more federal autonomy and civil rights within a unified Syria, and they’re not shy about saying so.
I agree 100%! The treatment of the Kurds is shameful, it always has been – Rojava (unified Kurdish-Syrian region consisting of Afrin, Jazira and Euphrates Region) is hope, Rojava is freedom! They’re based on the principles of democratic socialism, gender equality and ecological sustainability and the diversity of Northern Syria is mirrored in its constitution, society and politics. But who knows who they “really are”, I mean they have all female fighting units (YPJ) responsible for the liberation of Manbij from ISIS, but then again, why not bomb them..?
The PKK has killed 40,000 civilians in Turkey alone, and through their umbrella groups (which the YPG, PYD & SDF being few of many) so many more dead civilians all over the middle east.
These groups kidnap CHILDREN and force them to do the dirty work by forcing them to fight on the front lines even tho they don’t want to. They snatch them from their parents home right in front of them.
They do ETHNIC CLEANSING of Iraqi’s, Syrians, Arabs & Turkmen (Turks) because they want to change the demographics in their own favour for eventual “statehood/independence” referendums down the line.
Their whole “feminism” stuff is just them trying to put a positive spin on the fact that they are forced to get their women to fight because they are desperate for soldiers and higher troop numbers (hence the child kidnappings who are forced to fight on front lines doing the absolute dirtiest work for these PKK umbrella groups).
The US is using them to balkanize and split apart the Middle-East, because them a region is divided, they become much easier to control and/or conquer. It’s the same “Divide and Conquer” strategy they used in Afghanistan when they supported the Mujahadeen/Bin Laden etc & is now fighting against them. If you think about it, it is a continuation of the same policies of division the US has supported since the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman Empire, the entire Middle Eastern, North African, Balkan, Caucasian and Turkish regions were all part of one state. Now, the Balkans, Middle East, North Africa & the Caucuses are all divided and much easier to control geopolitically. Much easier to oppress, it’s not a surprise all these regions (and to a lesser extent the Balkans) have only seen suffering, blood and tears over the last 100 years. THIS IS A LONGTERM PLAN BEING CARRIED OUT AND IT’S WORKING. The benefits for the west are geopolitical, which includes the oil/energy reserves but is not limited to energy.
The WESTERN Media has been doing 100% pro-PKK propaganda on this issue because it serves US interests to further balkanize the region, which is why many americans are falling for the whole “independence of Kurds” stuff. Yes, the Kurds have suffered a lot, but the solution to that is economic prosperity for the ENTIRE REGION as this solves & is at the core of 99% of the problems minorities have in these regions. However, the US and Europe have been doing everythign in their power to prevent these regions from advancing economically. Only recently has Turkey broken free of US/Western oppression and is now on it’s way to becoming a regional superpower and is even a Superpower candidate in the longer term.
The coup in Turkey was a US-supported effort to stop Turkey’s rise using the FETO terror org which Europe/US supports (just like they support & arm the PKK & their umbrella groups directly, to weaken these regions further – it’s all geopolitical). Remember the Gezi Park protests at Taksim square? That was a German-backed operation to topple Erdogan and prevent the construction of the 200 million passenger capacity Airport Hub in Istanbul which is going to decimate the European Airline Industry and Airport Hubs across Europe as Istanbul offers a much more economical route for travel between continents.
Several other infrastructure projects were targeted by those leading the protests, one of many included the Canal Istanbul Project, $10 billion dollar project turning part of Istanbul into an Island and effectively circumventing the Montreux Convention! This project creates another shipping lane parallel to the Bosphorus!!
You’re being played, the mainstream media is lying to you. The leftist media in US have been even more grotesque on this PKK issue. It’s really unfortunate as I myself am a devout lefty! Cenk was spot on re his stance on the SDF.
Yes, agree 100%. Some absolutely fascinating stuff going on in that part of the world.
Remember when a small group of Christian refugees were trapped on a mountaintop, surrounded by ISIS? The siege went on for days or weeks and it was looking very bad. Then, an anti-ISIS fighting force arrived, kicked ISIS ass, and liberated the Christians, bringing them back to shelter and safety. That anti-ISIS fighting force was entirely female. Read an interview with a young man from the Christian group who admitted he’d previously thought of women as lesser, inferior to men, but after watching them destroy the superior-numbered ISIS forces surrounding the mountain, he became a convert — to secular feminism.
PS — apparently, the ISIS dudes believe that it is a disgrace to be killed by a woman, and that no man killed by a woman can get into heaven.
The PKK has killed 40,000 civilians in Turkey alone, and through their umbrella groups (which the YPG, PYD & SDF being few of many) so many more dead civilians all over the middle east.
These groups kidnap CHILDREN and force them to do the dirty work by forcing them to fight on the front lines even tho they don’t want to. They snatch them from their parents home right in front of them.
They do ETHNIC CLEANSING of Iraqi’s, Syrians, Arabs & Turkmen (Turks) because they want to change the demographics in their own favour for eventual “statehood/independence” referendums down the line.
Their whole “feminism” stuff is just them trying to put a positive spin on the fact that they are forced to get their women to fight because they are desperate for soldiers and higher troop numbers (hence the child kidnappings who are forced to fight on front lines doing the absolute dirtiest work for these PKK umbrella groups).
The US is using them to balkanize and split apart the Middle-East, because them a region is divided, they become much easier to control and/or conquer. It’s the same “Divide and Conquer” strategy they used in Afghanistan when they supported the Mujahadeen/Bin Laden etc & is now fighting against them. If you think about it, it is a continuation of the same policies of division the US has supported since the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman Empire, the entire Middle Eastern, North African, Balkan, Caucasian and Turkish regions were all part of one state. Now, the Balkans, Middle East, North Africa & the Caucuses are all divided and much easier to control geopolitically. Much easier to oppress, it’s not a surprise all these regions (and to a lesser extent the Balkans) have only seen suffering, blood and tears over the last 100 years. THIS IS A LONGTERM PLAN BEING CARRIED OUT AND IT’S WORKING. The benefits for the west are geopolitical, which includes the oil/energy reserves but is not limited to energy.
The WESTERN Media has been doing 100% pro-PKK propaganda on this issue because it serves US interests to further balkanize the region, which is why many americans are falling for the whole “independence of Kurds” stuff. Yes, the Kurds have suffered a lot, but the solution to that is economic prosperity for the ENTIRE REGION as this solves & is at the core of 99% of the problems minorities have in these regions. However, the US and Europe have been doing everythign in their power to prevent these regions from advancing economically. Only recently has Turkey broken free of US/Western oppression and is now on it’s way to becoming a regional superpower and is even a Superpower candidate in the longer term.
The coup in Turkey was a US-supported effort to stop Turkey’s rise using the FETO terror org which Europe/US supports (just like they support & arm the PKK & their umbrella groups directly, to weaken these regions further – it’s all geopolitical). Remember the Gezi Park protests at Taksim square? That was a German-backed operation to topple Erdogan and prevent the construction of the 200 million passenger capacity Airport Hub in Istanbul which is going to decimate the European Airline Industry and Airport Hubs across Europe as Istanbul offers a much more economical route for travel between continents.
Several other infrastructure projects were targeted by those leading the protests, one of many included the Canal Istanbul Project, $10 billion dollar project turning part of Istanbul into an Island and effectively circumventing the Montreux Convention! This project creates another shipping lane parallel to the Bosphorus!!
You’re being played, the mainstream media is lying to you. The leftist media in US have been even more grotesque on this PKK issue. It’s really unfortunate as I myself am a devout lefty! Cenk was spot on re his stance on the SDF.
The PKK has killed 40,000 civilians in Turkey alone, and through their umbrella groups (which the YPG, PYD & SDF being few of many) so many more dead civilians all over the middle east.
These groups kidnap CHILDREN and force them to do the dirty work by forcing them to fight on the front lines even tho they don’t want to. They snatch them from their parents home right in front of them.
They do ETHNIC CLEANSING of Iraqi’s, Syrians, Arabs & Turkmen (Turks) because they want to change the demographics in their own favour for eventual “statehood/independence” referendums down the line.
Their whole “feminism” stuff is just them trying to put a positive spin on the fact that they are forced to get their women to fight because they are desperate for soldiers and higher troop numbers (hence the child kidnappings who are forced to fight on front lines doing the absolute dirtiest work for these PKK umbrella groups).
The US is using them to balkanize and split apart the Middle-East, because them a region is divided, they become much easier to control and/or conquer. It’s the same “Divide and Conquer” strategy they used in Afghanistan when they supported the Mujahadeen/Bin Laden etc & is now fighting against them. If you think about it, it is a continuation of the same policies of division the US has supported since the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman Empire, the entire Middle Eastern, North African, Balkan, Caucasian and Turkish regions were all part of one state. Now, the Balkans, Middle East, North Africa & the Caucuses are all divided and much easier to control geopolitically. Much easier to oppress, it’s not a surprise all these regions (and to a lesser extent the Balkans) have only seen suffering, blood and tears over the last 100 years. THIS IS A LONGTERM PLAN BEING CARRIED OUT AND IT’S WORKING. The benefits for the west are geopolitical, which includes the oil/energy reserves but is not limited to energy.
The WESTERN Media has been doing 100% pro-PKK propaganda on this issue because it serves US interests to further balkanize the region, which is why many americans are falling for the whole “independence of Kurds” stuff. Yes, the Kurds have suffered a lot, but the solution to that is economic prosperity for the ENTIRE REGION as this solves & is at the core of 99% of the problems minorities have in these regions. However, the US and Europe have been doing everythign in their power to prevent these regions from advancing economically. Only recently has Turkey broken free of US/Western oppression and is now on it’s way to becoming a regional superpower and is even a Superpower candidate in the longer term.
The coup in Turkey was a US-supported effort to stop Turkey’s rise using the FETO terror org which Europe/US supports (just like they support & arm the PKK & their umbrella groups directly, to weaken these regions further – it’s all geopolitical). Remember the Gezi Park protests at Taksim square? That was a German-backed operation to topple Erdogan and prevent the construction of the 200 million passenger capacity Airport Hub in Istanbul which is going to decimate the European Airline Industry and Airport Hubs across Europe as Istanbul offers a much more economical route for travel between continents.
Several other infrastructure projects were targeted by those leading the protests, one of many included the Canal Istanbul Project, $10 billion dollar project turning part of Istanbul into an Island and effectively circumventing the Montreux Convention! This project creates another shipping lane parallel to the Bosphorus!!
You’re being played, the mainstream media is lying to you. The leftist media in US have been even more grotesque on this PKK issue. It’s really unfortunate as I myself am a devout lefty! Cenk was spot on re his stance on the SDF.
Yes, we need a system Russians cannot tamper with — nor Democrats, nor Republicans.
CA’s Secretary of State was a Hillary super delegate with a long history of corruption. In every CA county that had a paper trail, Bernie won the primary. In the counties that had no paper trail, just computers… Hillary won.
And hundreds of thousands of voters were disenfranchised, their votes discounted. CA rules allow NPP (no party preference, the CA equivalent of “independent”) to vote in Dem primary, but when those NPP’s showed up at the poles on election day, they were given provisional ballots instead, and those were not counted.
I can’t watch this, because it’s Cenk alone again, and that’s usually terrible, but I see Russia in the details, so I predict a lot of whining in these comments below.
Could TYT please have a team of people that educate people on the laws and updates of the laws. Just a free youtube channel or something that only does this! Would be nice. I spent sooo much time talking to people I know who talk about sanctuary citys and dont have any clue how its actually working!
Thanks I just had to sing, “Nobody Does it Better,” because of what you said before the break. :) I’m with you on everything and usually, I can say, “Everything, but that one thing.” Not tonight.
“It’s not compassionate to bankrupt America.”
But it is OKAY to spend millions on a fuckin MILITARY PARADE President Trumplethinskin.
It’s also OKAY to give giant tax cuts to struggling billionaires, Defense Contractors & Corporations.
W h a t t h e f u c k.
The Wynn/Republican hypocrisy story boils down to why the DNC-Dems are doomed to continued failure.
Dem donor is shown (or even hinted ) to be a sexual harasser/abuser.
Republicans scream foul from the roof-tops, run ads, and cry all over MSM & New Media.
DNC-Dems & SJWs cut all ties, reject donations, and force resignations.
Repub donor in the same situation.
DNC-Dems cave on budget, wait for “potential momentum,” talk Russia, give billions more to Defense Contractors, collapse on the Wall, and otherwise ignore issues voters care about (healthcare, wealth gap, etc).
Repubs blame Obama for the stock crash & generally run rough-shod over Dems.
The only thing that makes DNC-Dems fight viciously is the possibility of a Justice Dem being a candidate and threatening the Consultant Whores bank-roll.
To say it is depressing is an understatement.
Agreed, but… Instead of being depressed because Dems fight progressives harder than they fight Republicans… take heart.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you… And then, you win.
Seeing as today is my 53rd year on this planet … I will take comfort in that!
Do you americans even know how RIDICULOUS you look if you claim that russia hacked your elections?
Yes thats right you look at ridiculous as you looked when the WMD bullshit was going on.
And to report on this shit with a straight face, cite american intelligence sources, who are nothing more than a global terror network, is the cherry on top.
And to call yourself on the “left” is not only cringeworthy but also disgusting.
lol ok comrade
Nice response… But is that really the proper word?.. Not the abandoned word “comrade”; but the current Putin centric word “confederate” or “associate”?..
There are several real issues with the integrity of our voting process. However, I am not so concerned with the Russians as I am with corporate oligarchs with the manipulation and corruption of our vote. This country needs to take a step back and go national with a paper ballot system along with a completely transparent count.
Since we are on the topic of voting, we should implement a national voting day holiday and perhaps use Memorial Day for primaries. With the national voting day holiday, a massive campaign to implore our citizens to perform their civic duty and vote.
If you work at any software company, you’d be a fool to think that no one has tried to hack any elections machine, domestic or foreign. The real fool is the public, trusting in weak security solutions provided by the lowest bidder, or whomever is politically connected.
When cenk is on I get my memberships worth
I feel this needs to be said. I maintain respect for tyt because they don’t silence their own. Most recently cenk vs. Jimmys thoughts about Russia. With that being said, Cenk I’m sorry to say but Jimmy is right, this obsession about Russia is dangerous and unjustified. I enjoy hearing both of your opinions on it because it’s important to me to be able to hear both schools of thought.
Jimmy is right about a lot. Reporting that Russia sucsesfully hacked 23 states and needs to be addressed is also right. Bot
I hate stories about celebrity gossip. I think much of the media spends way too much time on it when there are more important things to focus on. So if I had a show of my own, I would just ignore the celebrity gossip and cover the things I think are worth covering. I would NOT spend half my show bitching about how the media covers too much celebrity gossip, because that ALSO takes time out from covering the more vital stuff.
Replace “celebrity gossip” with “Russia”, and you see how I think people like Jimmy have the wrong approach to this issue.
Cenk/TYT finally cover US staying indefinitely in Syria & bombing Syrian forces but fails to address how this is against Putin/Russia interests because it undermines his ‘Trump is a Russian puppet” hysteria which has led to severe consequences
Syria for the Russians is a blimp on the Radar. They have demarcation lines with the Turks and the Americans established last winter to organize the fight with ISIS.
The administrative borders of Raqqah province and all the areas east of the Euphrates were the American zone of combat.
Northern and Western Aleppo and Eastern Idlib and Homs and the Jordanian Borders (to a 50km depth) were with the Syrian Free Army and allied militias to Turkey.
The rump of Syria west of the Euphrates was the Russian zone.
Within 9 months ISIS was no more.
The decision last October was for troops of all combatant countries to stay until negotiations were conducted to end the war in Syria but the regime (which may I remind you have stripped half the Kurdish population of its citizenship, is threatening to strip all 7 million refugees from their citizenship after already confiscating their property and killed half a million civilians including 200 just yesterday) with Iranian support (and virtually all those killed were none Syrian shia militias imported from outside Syria) and against Russian orders decided to keep on fighting and launched several raids into the American zone. This was just the latest bombing mission but it made headlines because of the large number and the reason is a message, go back to the negotiating table.
There are other reasons for staying in Syria besides oil and gas (Pennsylvania has more oil and gas than Syria) chief among them the estimated 3 million refugees who will swamp Europe and Jordan if the regime goes into Kurdish controlled areas.
Blimp on the radar? It is a semi-rigid balloon on radar? Amazing!
Just like Cenk is skeptical when a government official says that states are working to protect their voter roles I am skeptical when a government official says that Russia penetrated our voting systems Regardless, I still agree that we should protect the vote which means moving to paper ballot something that Cenk didnt mention.
“moving to paper ballot”
Absolutely necessary!
Definitely. Do it old school.
Cenk is conflating things again. Nobody hacked our voting systems, they can’t. You have to be physically present to hack the voting machines, they’re not connected to the internet. Even if they were, they aren’t all interconnected so you’d still have to hack hundreds, if not thousands, of separate systems. But they aren’t, so you’d have to send people to all of these different voting locations in order to hack the machines. That would be such a huge project that our intelligence agencies would easily detect and prevent it.
I’m not against paper ballots, though. They make recounts much easier and improve transparency. As it is we don’t know how much things were muddled by various US actors in the last election because we didn’t use paper ballots.
If you think “they can’t” you are a fool. I am not saying they have but it’s been proven time and time again to be very easy to do. “They didn’t” and “They can’t” are two entirely different things. They might not have but without a doubt can and we should care about that.
I also don’t know what they did or didn’t do, but if Blargimazombie is right and those machines aren’t physically connected to the Internet, then of course he’s right, it’s impossible to do…
Gathy please relax a bit. Jimmy ,Cenk Squash this. Respect each other’s opinions please! Make a bet or something on the side bout Russia’s involment. It’s ego guys, pull it back, help unite pregressives not divide. Our unity behind good rational policy is so key here if we are going to stand a chance at reforming the Democratic Party. Unless someone starts a viable third party now, right now, and wages all out political war against both Republican and Democratic neoliberals/neoconservatives with the full voting power of the independent majority, there’s no realistic chance they could win enough seats in the house and senate. Why hasn’t Bernie done this already? We don’t know, we can speculate. Hoping he’s got some sort of ace in his sleeve he’s waiting to play. Seems he’s stalling to get a large enough progressive caucus to work with. Just my thoughts today. Keep fighting, this is a battle we must win. Don’t even consider losing. Unite, Peace, Love my friends.
I am relaxed. I’m just laughing at certain people. Actually, laughter is relaxing, so I’m extra relaxed. What I say below, is also in a relaxed tone. Here, here’s a smiley face so you can feel relaxed too. :)
This idea of unity is a meaningless phrase. The corporate dems say the same thing. Don’t divide, unify. They mean for progressives to come to their side. They want you to vote democrats, regardless of what they stand for. Unity has to unify around something, and when there are foundational differences between people, where’s the center unifying goal?
If people still think that voting for a losing candidate in a general election does something, that’s damaging. If you think this nonsense is true, what are we unifying around? If you think like Jimmy Dore, you’re damaging a progressive future. Because if people deny reality and think that they can vote change in at the last minute, instead of having to work for it every day for decades, then they’re directly in contrast with reality and workable strategies to achieve actual progressive change.
I’m a communist. Do you think I think any democratic politician or even Bernie represents what I want ultimately? Of course not. If I want someone who will represent me exactly, I’ll vote for myself. It will achieve nothing, but I will have “voted my conscience” (that meaningless phrase). Real progressive change is actively fighting against entrenched power, and they have the power to fight back. You don’t just vote it in after spending 2 minutes in a voting booth. So, this “unity” you seem to think is possible isn’t until everyone is talking about the real existing world, not some fantasy world that makes them feel good.
You know, as a communist, I blame capitalism for this. This whole idea that you just buy something, that you just pull a lever, and then you feel better, that it doesn’t take work and failure and starting again, and work and more work and often really ugly compromises, and then more work, comes from this idea that we just press “like” and feel better.
Hey, I hope you’re still feeling relaxed. I am.
The Hit Job on Porter and Kelly… My money is on Bannon in league with Pence – Yes Pence and Bannon.
Blockchain technology will be able to provide secure and verifiable voting online in the future. We will have a far better turnout and you can’t gerrymander the internet.
Not a bad idea indyjonas but then our votes will be permanently and forever tied to our names/ID which will prevent people from voting who are afraid of it being used against them. For instance, you could have a school teacher who carelessly checks off all republican candidates on their ballot not realizing that one of those candidates is a bonafide Nazi (i.e. Arthur Jones running for GOP IL congressional seat) because this voter doesn’t bother to investigate who they’re voting for. That gets out and this person is then punished by the public at large.
Yes it’s a far fetched scenario but you can extrapolate your own scenario from there and see why if it’s not anonymous voting then people might steer away from it. I personally don’t care who knows who I voted for but I know others who don’t feel the same.
I love the idea though.
Russia? There is another take on this when TRUMP joins in, In fact two. First, by joining in on this is, Trump could be prepping us for a take over of some kind, Second, he’s got something to hide and by ceding this issue, can hoodwink the country, particularly those supporting Democrats and Progressives.
That there was manipulation of the vote is true, that there was voter suppression, and there were massive attempts to purge voter rolls performed b US citizens., who would KNOW who, what and how — the three things the Russians might not know. Furthermore, if it wasn’t done via Cuba, I doubt it was the Russian as a country. Julian Assange has firmly stated the leaks he received were from US citizens.
I’d be careful in any way about taking this hook, line and sinker. Remember the Bay of Tonkin was a FALSE Flag, and how many American lives were lost because of the ensuing war?
Spot on. This is fucking ridiculous. He goes on and on about government agencies “assuring” us that the Russian government attempted to hack into the voter rolls, but these are the SAME AGENCIES that have a near 100% track record, when it comes to “warning” the US public of dangers to national security, of LYING. L-Y-I-N-G, purposefully, in order to manufacture consent for various terrible policies, such as the continued expansion of the US imperial state overseas.
These SAME agencies had us convinced just over 15 years ago, that Saddam Hussein had aluminum tubes he was using to develop WMDs. They said with CERTAINTY that he had them, and the media, just as they’ve done this time, frivolously and mindlessly repeated their claims without question, broadcasting the utmost form of propaganda across the nation and the world (purposefully too, in all honesty).
Cenk, you were AGAINST the war in Iraq partly BECAUSE of this! HOW the FUCK can you sit there and take this stance when NO EVIDENCE has been presented to you so far?
The baseless assertions of anonymous government officials (all you’ve reported on, and what you reported on tonight) DO NOT COUNT AS EVIDENCE!
Who was convinced Saddam Hussein had WMD’s? I never bought into that rubbish. I know most people I spoke to during that time were all coming to the same conclusion. Anyone who knew anything about Bush knew he was going back to Iraq to finish his daddy’s war and to enrich Halliburton with generous defense contracts not to mention fatten up his oil buddies with lucrative oil contracts.
I get the impression that Cenk is upset that the state’s are lacking transparency in their mitigation efforts more than Russia’s purported success in hacking election polls.
Actually all intelligence agencies concluded there were no WMDs in Iraq and Iraq was in compliance. It was the white house which used its privileged access to intelligence that gave a “sanitized” version of those intelligence to the public and Congress. Same was done in the UK (the infamous 45 minute dossier) which lead to the chief WMD investigator taking his own life and the Foreign Secretary resigning before he died on a “hike” not to mention the countless number of spies who also resigned or were fired including Valerie Plame.
First of all if you and the other idiots are so convinced that there is no Russia collusion/interference why not wait until Mueller finishes his investigation. Almost all progressives were just as enthusiastic about the Benghazi nonsense that investigation after investigation (all done by Republicans) cleared Hillary of yet when Mueller is investigating Russia all of a sudden it is BS?
Second, Assange is a proven liar that even Glenn Greenwald, who is no fan of the Russia investigations, disassociated himself from. Furthermore it was proven through the Mueller investigation that the Trump campaign learned about the hacked emails 6 months before their release from Russian sources (Papadopoulos) so either Assange was either working for Trump or for the Russians and the leaker is a spy:
The WE is not a pro Hillary paper either.
I’m not convinced there’s no interference, just that the interference is along the same lines as Republican interference or corporate interference. They used targeted ads and fake stories to convince people to believe something. This is the same thing all money in political campaigns do, convince you to believe whatever bullshit a candidate is selling. If we’re not going to stop Walmart and the Koch Brothers from doing it, then I don’t see why we need to worry about Russia doing it.
As for waiting for FBI, I don’t trust the FBI, so I don’t wait for their opinion. I don’t trust any spooks, whether CIA, FSB, FBI, NSA, or any other. I already have my opinions about Trump and Russia. He has been working with Russians for decades to finance his businesses. Some of them have been russian mob, some have been russian secret agents, and some have been both. His dealings with these people has allowed them to get some compromising video of him, and he’s been associated with a lot of illegal activity behind the money he is laundering for them.
There’s absolutely nothing the Russians are doing to directly hack election results, just as there isn’t anything like that with Hillary Clinton hacking or distorting the primary election results. The only major affect on election results were the result of Republican voter roll purge activities designed to rip hundreds of thousands to millions of voters off the rolls and thus unable to vote. That directly impacted the election and caused Donald Trump to win. The rest of the things that were unfair in the democratic primaries are based on systemic issues in the primary system designed to keep outsiders out and allow advantages for insiders that were not put in place by Hillary Clinton.
The FBI is not a spying agency, it is a criminal investigation agency full of lawyers and overseen by lawyers and given authority to investigate by Grand Juries approved by judges. If you do not trust the FBI then the country is fucked because the FBI is the police force of the American people and there is no other agency that can be trusted anymore.
Cenk, I love when you’re open with your bias which is why I’m so disapointed with your coverage of Syria. “No one knows” what the SDF is loyal to? You sound like the MSM trying to talk about Occupy Wallstreet.
You said the other day that you love interviews because they hive you an opportunity to learn, why not interview someone like Rukmini Callimachi (NY Times) so you can learn “what the hell is going on” in Syria, and stop doing a disservice to your members.
Honestly, comparing the secular, multiethnic and feminist coalition in north Syria to al Qaeda (who is currently being armed and sent against them by Turkey) is shameful. They want more federal autonomy and civil rights within a unified Syria, and they’re not shy about saying so.
I agree 100%! The treatment of the Kurds is shameful, it always has been – Rojava (unified Kurdish-Syrian region consisting of Afrin, Jazira and Euphrates Region) is hope, Rojava is freedom! They’re based on the principles of democratic socialism, gender equality and ecological sustainability and the diversity of Northern Syria is mirrored in its constitution, society and politics. But who knows who they “really are”, I mean they have all female fighting units (YPJ) responsible for the liberation of Manbij from ISIS, but then again, why not bomb them..?
The PKK has killed 40,000 civilians in Turkey alone, and through their umbrella groups (which the YPG, PYD & SDF being few of many) so many more dead civilians all over the middle east.
These groups kidnap CHILDREN and force them to do the dirty work by forcing them to fight on the front lines even tho they don’t want to. They snatch them from their parents home right in front of them.
They do ETHNIC CLEANSING of Iraqi’s, Syrians, Arabs & Turkmen (Turks) because they want to change the demographics in their own favour for eventual “statehood/independence” referendums down the line.
Their whole “feminism” stuff is just them trying to put a positive spin on the fact that they are forced to get their women to fight because they are desperate for soldiers and higher troop numbers (hence the child kidnappings who are forced to fight on front lines doing the absolute dirtiest work for these PKK umbrella groups).
The US is using them to balkanize and split apart the Middle-East, because them a region is divided, they become much easier to control and/or conquer. It’s the same “Divide and Conquer” strategy they used in Afghanistan when they supported the Mujahadeen/Bin Laden etc & is now fighting against them. If you think about it, it is a continuation of the same policies of division the US has supported since the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman Empire, the entire Middle Eastern, North African, Balkan, Caucasian and Turkish regions were all part of one state. Now, the Balkans, Middle East, North Africa & the Caucuses are all divided and much easier to control geopolitically. Much easier to oppress, it’s not a surprise all these regions (and to a lesser extent the Balkans) have only seen suffering, blood and tears over the last 100 years. THIS IS A LONGTERM PLAN BEING CARRIED OUT AND IT’S WORKING. The benefits for the west are geopolitical, which includes the oil/energy reserves but is not limited to energy.
The WESTERN Media has been doing 100% pro-PKK propaganda on this issue because it serves US interests to further balkanize the region, which is why many americans are falling for the whole “independence of Kurds” stuff. Yes, the Kurds have suffered a lot, but the solution to that is economic prosperity for the ENTIRE REGION as this solves & is at the core of 99% of the problems minorities have in these regions. However, the US and Europe have been doing everythign in their power to prevent these regions from advancing economically. Only recently has Turkey broken free of US/Western oppression and is now on it’s way to becoming a regional superpower and is even a Superpower candidate in the longer term.
The coup in Turkey was a US-supported effort to stop Turkey’s rise using the FETO terror org which Europe/US supports (just like they support & arm the PKK & their umbrella groups directly, to weaken these regions further – it’s all geopolitical). Remember the Gezi Park protests at Taksim square? That was a German-backed operation to topple Erdogan and prevent the construction of the 200 million passenger capacity Airport Hub in Istanbul which is going to decimate the European Airline Industry and Airport Hubs across Europe as Istanbul offers a much more economical route for travel between continents.
Several other infrastructure projects were targeted by those leading the protests, one of many included the Canal Istanbul Project, $10 billion dollar project turning part of Istanbul into an Island and effectively circumventing the Montreux Convention! This project creates another shipping lane parallel to the Bosphorus!!
You’re being played, the mainstream media is lying to you. The leftist media in US have been even more grotesque on this PKK issue. It’s really unfortunate as I myself am a devout lefty! Cenk was spot on re his stance on the SDF.
Regards from Melbourne Australia.
Yes, agree 100%. Some absolutely fascinating stuff going on in that part of the world.
Remember when a small group of Christian refugees were trapped on a mountaintop, surrounded by ISIS? The siege went on for days or weeks and it was looking very bad. Then, an anti-ISIS fighting force arrived, kicked ISIS ass, and liberated the Christians, bringing them back to shelter and safety. That anti-ISIS fighting force was entirely female. Read an interview with a young man from the Christian group who admitted he’d previously thought of women as lesser, inferior to men, but after watching them destroy the superior-numbered ISIS forces surrounding the mountain, he became a convert — to secular feminism.
PS — apparently, the ISIS dudes believe that it is a disgrace to be killed by a woman, and that no man killed by a woman can get into heaven.
Thank you for the links, super interesting!
The PKK has killed 40,000 civilians in Turkey alone, and through their umbrella groups (which the YPG, PYD & SDF being few of many) so many more dead civilians all over the middle east.
These groups kidnap CHILDREN and force them to do the dirty work by forcing them to fight on the front lines even tho they don’t want to. They snatch them from their parents home right in front of them.
They do ETHNIC CLEANSING of Iraqi’s, Syrians, Arabs & Turkmen (Turks) because they want to change the demographics in their own favour for eventual “statehood/independence” referendums down the line.
Their whole “feminism” stuff is just them trying to put a positive spin on the fact that they are forced to get their women to fight because they are desperate for soldiers and higher troop numbers (hence the child kidnappings who are forced to fight on front lines doing the absolute dirtiest work for these PKK umbrella groups).
The US is using them to balkanize and split apart the Middle-East, because them a region is divided, they become much easier to control and/or conquer. It’s the same “Divide and Conquer” strategy they used in Afghanistan when they supported the Mujahadeen/Bin Laden etc & is now fighting against them. If you think about it, it is a continuation of the same policies of division the US has supported since the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman Empire, the entire Middle Eastern, North African, Balkan, Caucasian and Turkish regions were all part of one state. Now, the Balkans, Middle East, North Africa & the Caucuses are all divided and much easier to control geopolitically. Much easier to oppress, it’s not a surprise all these regions (and to a lesser extent the Balkans) have only seen suffering, blood and tears over the last 100 years. THIS IS A LONGTERM PLAN BEING CARRIED OUT AND IT’S WORKING. The benefits for the west are geopolitical, which includes the oil/energy reserves but is not limited to energy.
The WESTERN Media has been doing 100% pro-PKK propaganda on this issue because it serves US interests to further balkanize the region, which is why many americans are falling for the whole “independence of Kurds” stuff. Yes, the Kurds have suffered a lot, but the solution to that is economic prosperity for the ENTIRE REGION as this solves & is at the core of 99% of the problems minorities have in these regions. However, the US and Europe have been doing everythign in their power to prevent these regions from advancing economically. Only recently has Turkey broken free of US/Western oppression and is now on it’s way to becoming a regional superpower and is even a Superpower candidate in the longer term.
The coup in Turkey was a US-supported effort to stop Turkey’s rise using the FETO terror org which Europe/US supports (just like they support & arm the PKK & their umbrella groups directly, to weaken these regions further – it’s all geopolitical). Remember the Gezi Park protests at Taksim square? That was a German-backed operation to topple Erdogan and prevent the construction of the 200 million passenger capacity Airport Hub in Istanbul which is going to decimate the European Airline Industry and Airport Hubs across Europe as Istanbul offers a much more economical route for travel between continents.
Several other infrastructure projects were targeted by those leading the protests, one of many included the Canal Istanbul Project, $10 billion dollar project turning part of Istanbul into an Island and effectively circumventing the Montreux Convention! This project creates another shipping lane parallel to the Bosphorus!!
You’re being played, the mainstream media is lying to you. The leftist media in US have been even more grotesque on this PKK issue. It’s really unfortunate as I myself am a devout lefty! Cenk was spot on re his stance on the SDF.
Regards from Melbourne Australia.
The PKK has killed 40,000 civilians in Turkey alone, and through their umbrella groups (which the YPG, PYD & SDF being few of many) so many more dead civilians all over the middle east.
These groups kidnap CHILDREN and force them to do the dirty work by forcing them to fight on the front lines even tho they don’t want to. They snatch them from their parents home right in front of them.
They do ETHNIC CLEANSING of Iraqi’s, Syrians, Arabs & Turkmen (Turks) because they want to change the demographics in their own favour for eventual “statehood/independence” referendums down the line.
Their whole “feminism” stuff is just them trying to put a positive spin on the fact that they are forced to get their women to fight because they are desperate for soldiers and higher troop numbers (hence the child kidnappings who are forced to fight on front lines doing the absolute dirtiest work for these PKK umbrella groups).
The US is using them to balkanize and split apart the Middle-East, because them a region is divided, they become much easier to control and/or conquer. It’s the same “Divide and Conquer” strategy they used in Afghanistan when they supported the Mujahadeen/Bin Laden etc & is now fighting against them. If you think about it, it is a continuation of the same policies of division the US has supported since the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman Empire, the entire Middle Eastern, North African, Balkan, Caucasian and Turkish regions were all part of one state. Now, the Balkans, Middle East, North Africa & the Caucuses are all divided and much easier to control geopolitically. Much easier to oppress, it’s not a surprise all these regions (and to a lesser extent the Balkans) have only seen suffering, blood and tears over the last 100 years. THIS IS A LONGTERM PLAN BEING CARRIED OUT AND IT’S WORKING. The benefits for the west are geopolitical, which includes the oil/energy reserves but is not limited to energy.
The WESTERN Media has been doing 100% pro-PKK propaganda on this issue because it serves US interests to further balkanize the region, which is why many americans are falling for the whole “independence of Kurds” stuff. Yes, the Kurds have suffered a lot, but the solution to that is economic prosperity for the ENTIRE REGION as this solves & is at the core of 99% of the problems minorities have in these regions. However, the US and Europe have been doing everythign in their power to prevent these regions from advancing economically. Only recently has Turkey broken free of US/Western oppression and is now on it’s way to becoming a regional superpower and is even a Superpower candidate in the longer term.
The coup in Turkey was a US-supported effort to stop Turkey’s rise using the FETO terror org which Europe/US supports (just like they support & arm the PKK & their umbrella groups directly, to weaken these regions further – it’s all geopolitical). Remember the Gezi Park protests at Taksim square? That was a German-backed operation to topple Erdogan and prevent the construction of the 200 million passenger capacity Airport Hub in Istanbul which is going to decimate the European Airline Industry and Airport Hubs across Europe as Istanbul offers a much more economical route for travel between continents.
Several other infrastructure projects were targeted by those leading the protests, one of many included the Canal Istanbul Project, $10 billion dollar project turning part of Istanbul into an Island and effectively circumventing the Montreux Convention! This project creates another shipping lane parallel to the Bosphorus!!
You’re being played, the mainstream media is lying to you. The leftist media in US have been even more grotesque on this PKK issue. It’s really unfortunate as I myself am a devout lefty! Cenk was spot on re his stance on the SDF.
Regards from Melbourne Australia.
Love you Cenk
We don’t need a different way to vote in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
We need ONE way to vote…
and that way is on PAPER-FUCKING-BALLOTS.
There!!! Russia can’t hack the actual election data.
Yes, we need a system Russians cannot tamper with — nor Democrats, nor Republicans.
CA’s Secretary of State was a Hillary super delegate with a long history of corruption. In every CA county that had a paper trail, Bernie won the primary. In the counties that had no paper trail, just computers… Hillary won.
And hundreds of thousands of voters were disenfranchised, their votes discounted. CA rules allow NPP (no party preference, the CA equivalent of “independent”) to vote in Dem primary, but when those NPP’s showed up at the poles on election day, they were given provisional ballots instead, and those were not counted.
You just made my night!! Couldn’t agree more about the whining!! Not Cenk though; he rages so I don’t have to have an infarction.
“If it was just that…”. —>. “If it were just that…”
Always use “were “ after “if” = conditional tense.
Love the passion on the welfare for the Rich by Republican and Democrat sellouts.
Thank you.
I’ll keep my subscription for awhile longer.
I can’t watch this, because it’s Cenk alone again, and that’s usually terrible, but I see Russia in the details, so I predict a lot of whining in these comments below.
Does Nunes need a safe space?