TYT Hour 1 February 1, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan50 Comments

Cenk. Trump’s false claims that SOTU audience was largest in history. Trump quotes at Retreat on Orrin Hatch. Gingrich: the elite media is part of the Deep State. Florida House speaker Corcoran releases racist immigration ad. Nunes made material changes to memo. Manchin vs. Pence.

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  1. I love the Fox News comment of “it was never like this with Obama”

    That’s true people just yelled out that he was a liar and get out …. but I guess the GOP didn’t storm out quickly

  2. 7% off all Americans think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Nit sure how that breaks down by party. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/15/seven-percent-of-americans-think-chocolate-milk-comes-from-brown-cows-and-thats-not-even-the-scary-part/?utm_term=.602da8ee4a7d

    “We still get kids who are surprised that a french fry comes from a potato, or that a pickle is a cucumber,” she said. “… Knowledge is power. Without it, we can’t make informed decisions.”

  3. Are there any Dems who watch TYT?? They should because they would get some very good advice on how to handle the GOP. Not cave all the time. Its not hard just stand up and pick apart what GOP are telling the people about both propaganda and whos falt it is if the Government shut down.

    Are they really so stupid and have their head in the sand. It looks like they dont understand the people and how much support Dems really have both on DACA and CHIP. Also about the integrety of the FBI etc.

    I really dont understand why Dems are boving down to GOP and Trump. This is imberessing both for Americans and rest of the world that watch this and see how DNC are doing. They dont live normal Americans lives and only understand Washington. USE the BASE and get what u want!!

    1. what is it that you think they want? Liberals exist to prevent real left ideas from being enacted. These democrats do not want to succeed if succeeding means enacting real left ideas.

  4. Danny, you’re crucial. Don’t forget it’s live & Cenk is in the process of thinking about what he’s saying. Versus just reading off a teleprompter I think Cenk is more focused on saying the most accurate view point.

  5. Wow,
    Great perspective. TYT viewers are super intelligent. I wish I could meet everyone during the TYT party.

  6. Thank you for clearing that up for me. (Andrew/Landru) lmbo…. wow
    I was rolling around on the floor listening to Cenk & Ana the other night & watched that episode & a pattern/funny parallel appeared to me. Cenk said he realized Right-Wingers think God/Landreu elected Trump. I also noticed that the program didn’t know what to do when Kirk defied the program Landru’s workers didn’t know how to process that info. They didn’t know how to deal with the rebilon of the Archons USS. The program must and had to be destroyed befor freedom could take place. To bad it’s just a tv show that it’s a sci-fi & has nothing to do with reality. 2/2/2018

  7. re SAY IT AIN’T SO, JOE — I am somewhat perplexed by Cenk’s approach on this one, because he seems to be genuinely trying to give the audience the impression that he thinks Joe Manchin is naive.

    That makes Cenk seem naive, because it is painfully obvious that Joe Manchin is 100% pure cynical manipulator and con artist. He is just playing a game, like they all play the game. He voted against the tax cuts because the GOP did not need his vote to pass it. If they HAD needed his vote, he would have voted for it. Voting against it is part of the game Joe plays with his GOP pals — “on this one, I will appear to be the opposition.”

    Tomorrow, he’ll be the guy who “puts country over party” and votes with the GOP. None of it is real. Its all just theater. Joe Manchin is 100% corporatist. His votes are always carefully calculated, whether they are for or against the GOP corporatists… The intended outcome is always the same: give their mutual donors what they want.

    I think Cenk knows all this. I don’t know why he chose to portray Joe as some kind of naive fool, in this piece.

    Is Cenk trying to play three dimensional chess?

  8. I can’t agree with Cenk more about the bad strategy by the Dems over the memo. They are making it seem like there is something to it and there is not because Nunes wrote it. End of story.

  9. I totally disagree with Cenk, and agree with Thom Hartmann, that Marbury v Madison was a horrible turn of events. Nowhere does the constitution give the right of SCOTUS to declare laws unconstitutional. If laws are enacted that are contrary to our founding principles, democracy has the solution embedded within itself. The people that made bad law shall be voted out of office and their replacements will fix bad laws. This is what we are about to experience (hopefully) with the progressive wave. We have to undo all the shit Repubs have done over the past year. The “right” of judicial review was created by a clerk working for Chief Justice John Marshall.

  10. If you recall history, black men were demonized & lynched for looking at white women ever since they were brought here as slaves. Too many love to hate & demonize anyone not white.

    1. Ironically the exact opposite IS true- White men (especially when they were slave owners) raped black women on a scale so massive it is literally written into the DNA of African Americans (If I remember correctly, the average African American has 23-28 percent European ancestry.)

  11. Cenk, if in the fall of 2015 I had told you that the DNC was actively working to derail the Sanders campaign and that Hillary Clinton and her campaign were actually in control of the DNC and the Primary process, managing all staff and directing all communications regarding the Primary, you would have called me “cocoa for cocoa puffs.”

    Admit it.

    There is a Deep State. Its existence cannot be questioned. Everyone knows about it. When Chuck Schumer went on MSNBC and told Rachel Maddow

    “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,”

    What do you think he meant? What does it mean when a DC denizen like Schumer states plainly that the Most Powerful Man In The World (as you say) was at the mercy of the Intel Community?

    It means that Schumer simply wanted to avoid using the term “Deep State.” And, judging from your derisive rants, Schumer was right to avoid using that term.

    Call it what you will. When the Leader of the Senate Democrats says that the President is at risk of being taken down by someone else within the Government, it should raise flags. Putin calls it the “bureaucracy” – like you. But Putin at least is aware that when it comes to foreign policy, it’s not really the President making the calls.
    Do you really think Trump wanted to send those missiles into Syria? No. He ran on getting us out of Syria, of having better relations with Russia. But he bowed to the Generals (another synonym for the Deep State).

    And as far as the Media being in cahoots with the Deep State, I ask you to simply look at how the Media reacted to Trump’s missile strike. Suddenly he was “presidential.” Hell, Brian Williams creamed over the footage of the strike.

    Wake up, Cenk.

      1. Side benefit- it forces you to proofread yourself and stand by what you posted. Personally I’m a huge fan of it, but I can understand why it’s frustrating. One solution is to use it like people use texting. Reply to you’re own comment with the corrections. Does it look clunky? Yes. By not allowing deletions or edits, though, TYT prevents people from removing context (their first comments that started a convo/debate) and manipulating the conversashun.

          1. Also, just to clarify, I’m not directing the “reply and correct” comment at you Euroyankee. Your complaint is a valid one and one that I see in the comments regularly. Your’s just happened to be the one I finally decided to respond to with my two cents. You did in fact correct yourself. I should have made it clearer that I was not responding to your specific comment but rather to the many versions of similar complaints that have been posted by many people in the comments section. For this I apologize.

    1. yes, I would have believed you. I would have thought you were stupid if you thought the Clinton machine would allow Bernie Sanders to get a fair hearing in democratic primary. You know who else would have told you that in 2015? Bernie Sanders. That’s why he didn’t expect to win, and didn’t even think about running a campaign to win until mid January of 2016, when his polling and funding started to take off despite everything against him. No one with any idea how American politics works would have thought the primary process was going to be fair to Bernie Sanders or anyone not already connected. Of course it’s run toward the benefit of the corporate candidate that the people who fund the party want. Does that now mean anything you say going forward about anything must be true?

      I mean, the deep state does exist, because you can’t run an empire based on a different leader running it every four to eight years. It doesn’t work. You need a consistent, continuous strategy to dominate the world. That’s all the deep state is, people who keep their jobs administration to administration. It exists, because it has to exist. There’s just no way to run an empire otherwise.

      That doesn’t mean they think with one mind and one voice. There are upstarts and turf wars and pushback, and not all the ruling class agrees on everything. The agencies themselves fight for dominance. They’re territorial. The fall of the USSR hit the CIA really hard. When Rumsfield tried to create his own agency in the Pentagon, that was hot for awhile. Putting everything ostensibly under Homeland Security shook things up a bit too. Then we have things like seal team 6 and JSOC running covert ops. When you have secret budgets and secret teams working on secret missions, there’s a lot of room for rogue actions.

      But to think that the whole, huge, bloated apparatus is working together to take down Trump is just absurd. Why would they do that? He’s not threatening their mission or power. He talks shit, but his only affects have been domestic, crushing the poor and killing the environment. There are a million back channels to deal with his big mouth. His obnoxious five year old whining makes the elite uncomfortable, especially the rich ivy league liberal types, because they jack off to the myths of America, and a buffoon in their treasured statesman office makes them squirmy. But the generals in the military and the spooks overseas running the game don’t give a shit about that stuff.

      The media isn’t with the deep state, though. It’s just corporate. They want to sell ads, not rock the boat. They’re cowards, not secret agents. The reason they always love the military and war and bombs is because it increases ratings and because they get paid by military contractors who buy ad time with all the corporate networks. So, any time any president does war stuff, they get excited. People seem to want it to be one big vast conspiracy that’s in control of everything, everything having a purpose and a goal. It’s really not like that. It’s a bunch of rich assholes. They have money. They get people to do things they want. A bunch of rich assholes together, pushing people around to get more for themselves, becomes the US empire.

  12. Cenk is totally authentic. He keeps it real. He voices what so many of us are thinking. He’s doing it to expose hypocrisy and corruption and his efforts are certainly appreciated and valiant. I look forward to every broadcast and am never disappointed. Thanks TYT!

  13. We in the sane world warned you that once you opened the door to that rabbit hole called “The Deep State” there is no coming back. The moment the right finds itself in trouble it will cry foul and say it is all a deep state conspiracy and this is exactly what is happening.

    A frightening number of people on the left think that Trump is been persecuted, not prosecuted, by the deep state because he is an outsider and they view the Russia investigation from this point of view.

    There is no such thing as the deep state just as there is no such thing as Global Masonary (there was a powerful anti-Masonary party in the US between the 1820s and 1850s). American’s obsession with conspiracies is as old as the country itself because it is the most convenient way to justify political failure at the ballot box.

    1. Well, that is just silly. Of course there is a Deep State. You think Oswald did it all alone?

      The Church Commission was nothing. We know that the CIA is operating internally, it is all just one big mess.

      I was lucky enough to have lived in Germany at a time when it was possible to speak with older Germans who had been there during the Nazi times. At the time, I thought, “well, these are Germans, they are unique, they are different, they have a natural attraction to order and authority. We Americans are different.”

      What a fool I was.

      The truth is that the American public have been groomed for perpetual war, just like a pedophile grooms a target. We have been slowly convinced that what is wrong, what is abominable, what is disgusting and totally unacceptable, is actually completely normal.

      It’s normal, and it’s OK, because we are special, we are different, and what other people do or don’t do, well, that doesn’t apply to us.

      1. OF COURSE we should have 11 aircraft carriers while the entire rest of the world has only 10
      2. OF COURSE we should have military bases in 120 countries around the world
      3. OF COURSE we should have special forces and military operations active in 80 countries around the world
      4. OF COURSE we should refuse to join the International Criminal Court
      5. OF COURSE we should not have to join with other countries in the Paris Climate Accords

      If you want to raise a big stink about number 5 above, and you never raised a stink about 1 thru 4, then you are a hypocritical puppet.

      Just saying.

      1. Yes, Oswald did it alone and anyone who believes otherwise is delusional. In most cases the simplest explanation is the only explanation and in the case of the JFK assassination this is the case.

        JFK was the darling of the establishment which bent over backwards to let thousands of dead Illinois voters vote, he sanctioned at least 5 coups personally intervening in 3 of them (the Iraq, Zaire and Vietnam coups the last of which was only 23 days before he was shot) and was instrumental in turning Vietnam into the mess it would become.

        His actions in Cuba and central America are well recorded and his congressional record and hawkishness are well documented (you should read his 1939 pamphlet: Why England Failed?). His death made him the “martyr” he doesn’t deserve to be.

        As for the Church committee and its findings, the reports are clear. Elected officials knew about what was happening and sanctioned it and both Democrats and Republicans, new faces and veteran politicians all knew about the CIA activities and decided to do nothing about it.

        Secrecy and independence is the hallmark of the “Deep State” (the Turkish and Italian deep states being a prime example of that) and in the case of the CIA, the NSA and others their activities were neither secret nor independent from elected politicians.

        1. JFK was a darling of the establishment, a war hawk, and all that. Yes, that’s true, but he wasn’t killed by the establishment. He was killed by gangsters in Cuba and Allan Dulles. The mob was furious with the Kennedys for RFK’s mob crack down that was having a real affect on the old cosa nostra, They had also just lost the printing press that was Batista’s Cuba to Fidel’s revolution, and they wanted revenge. They had the help of a very bitter Alan Dulles who hated Kennedy for firing him and taking him away from what was basically his sole control of US empire, for Kennedy fucking up the bay of pigs which Dulles had planned, and Dulles happened to have lots of experience with assassinating presidents.

  14. By deep state we mean the oil, gas, nuclear, pharma and military society. 9/11, JFK, WW1,… look up on youtube: JFK to 9/11,everything is a rich mans trick. Cenk, here you are missing the point ?

  15. Please cover us tomorrow or Monday! Our union is on strike!

    Ya’ll did a significant piece on us back during the Oregon primary, the Burgerville Workers Union (BVWU) the first and ONLY fast food workers union in the United States. Today we launched our strike lasting all weekend to gain recognition and build working class power. We can’t say it all now, but it’s going to be a lot bigger throughout the weekend. Our coworkers are afraid, but they’re standing up to win this for all minimum wage workers and we need all the coverage we can possibly get to force them to the negotiating table so please please cover our strike

    Also TYT Old School rules

  16. Sorry, but Republicans are usually from middle-America, and that’s farming country. I’ve met MORE liberals who don’t know where their food comes from than conservatives. And it isn’t because I live on a farm now because I didn’t always live out here.

  17. Speaking of Alison, I got a call from a Finestein volunteer asking me for $150. donation. $150. And I live in Wasington State. I hung up on her and then thought of all the comments I could have made.

  18. Great Show… I lmbo…This Show has me rolling on the floor laughing…. I know Cenk is attempting to reach the Right thinking Left.
    But the Country is Rightwingged on auto/programmed.
    In order to break the program it’s considered Left.
    It’s like the Right is Andrew & TYT are the Archons…. (Star Trek Epsisode 1/22)…

    1. Holy shit … love the Star Trek reference!
      Except ep.22 is Space Seed (“KKKKHHHAAAAANNNN!”)

      Landru is the 6000 yo computer (interesting that it’s the same age as what evangelicals say the Earth is) that controls the inhabitants.

      The USS Archon fail, btw. Blown up by Landru.
      Kirk & Co. save the planet inhabitants by destroying Landru & allowing the people to advance their society beyond a simple, no-tech farm life.

  19. This “deep state shit” is nonsense. It’s an adaptation of old school liberal conspiracy to imagine a fake conspiracy theory. 50 years ago.

    Can they just come out and claim its about the jews? seems like an alt right code word to me.

    It never really existed on the left, and certainly never did on the right. Its a dog whistle to promote anti semitism.
    “deep state”….the “secret sect that rules the world”
    Gee…where is this going?

    1. Yeah, I think you are on to something here. I understand Cenk being upset, but yeah, I don’t think “Deep State” means to the 38% of people who think it’s out to get Trump the same thing that you or I or Cenk mean when we would use the term. I think they actually mean “establishment” and by that most of them mean the “Jews” when you get right down to it.

  20. I love Cenk and forgive him, it’s just that I’ll hear a sentence from him- trump uhhh ummm said he uhh ummm uhh ummm uhhh… I’m sorry, isn’t this your job? Don’t you have all day to prepare what you’re going to say? You can’t wait until you KNOW what you’re going to say before you say it instead of forcing us all to struggle along with you? Yes, I’ve been ignoring it, like an adult, Snipp, but I think Cenk should prepare himself better, practice his public speaking, and do his job better and more professionally, you know, like an adult. It would be perfectly fine if it were 1 or 2 uhh and umms every 20 minutes but I’m serious, it’s hundreds every. single. day. I’m sorry that I want my public speaker to not babble and blunder and fumble for what he’s gonna say next, I want him to pause like a good speaker and then say only what he means, not an average of 10 umms and uhhhs a minute, that’s pathetic and yes, annoying. I love Cenk and I doubt he’ll change, so I’ll keep watching and deal with it, but constructive criticism can only help him become better at what he does, and I’m sure he’d appreciate the advice. I’m still an adult if I give constructive criticism, if I continued to ignore it, id just be a cowerdly polite adult all the same. You do you, I’ll do me.

    1. Couldn’t disagree more. Cenk obviously doesn’t use a teleprompter. He relates to the news like a real person, which is central to his appeal. If you want smooth and “professional”, there’s always Brian Williams.

    2. I feel the same way about Ana when she reads. I love, love, love Ana but some days it’s rough and I cringe a lot.

      This is said with peace and love.

      1. On the other hand there is the entertainment factor of speed-reading the visual when they put the quotes on screen, and guess which words Ana will hilariously mangle.

        The inability to read out loud could be attributed to dyslexia. I am more annoyed by the “you knows” and “ummmmms” …. DannyBEADS observations are spot-on for Ana, not for Cenk.

  21. its not about logic its about my team vs. your team, thats why none of these excellent points matter. everyone attaches their politics to wh they are as a person and its fucking toxic

  22. Seriously I stopped the clock at 2:00. That’s two minutes into the show and I already counted 20 “umm” and “uhh”s. it’s so annoying and so easy to practice and not do. It makes you 1000x better to listen to and you’ll sound 1000 times more wise and intelligent.

  23. One thing I’ve always noticed, Cenk says “umm” “uhhh” “ehh” “ahh” like 500 times a show. It’s annoying as fuck. It’s basically the same as a 14 year old girl saying “like” over and over. You’re a professional public speaker, you’re supposed to know not to use those fillers. It doesn’t matter that there is no script or TelePrompTer, just stop doing the ummm uhhh fillers. That’s what seperates great speakers from annoying ones. Obama my sound like he pauses a lot, but he would sound annoying as shit if he were filling those pauses with umm uhhh ahhh. Pausing instead of that is a sign of a disciplined speaker and a good speaker. Practice that Cenk. Please. It’s annoying as fuck to hear 40 “uhh”s in 2 minutes of talking. It’s so easy to practice and stop doing and you’ll sound 1000x more intelligent and wise.

    1. lol i just finished watching and didnt notice it so im not sure wether to be pissed at you or to be pissed next time i listen and i start to notice it.

      either way i forgive cenk because i like the content of his speech but i guess any constructive criticism should be welcomed

  24. Cenk,
    If you’re sick, you know you CAN let John host in your place. He does a really good job. I’m 30 minutes in now, and we got sooooooooo much time on Trump lying about his SOTU numbers. Ok, that’s a total waste of time. Who is this for?

    Then a random aside about conspiracy theories. Ok, If I stretch really hard, I can see this as somehow relevant to the narrative that the wing-nuts have moved into the mainstream, but we do have a pretty damn good handle on that news a year into Trump’s presidency. It really seems like you think you’re addressing Trump voters, as if they’re watching this show.

    If you’re sick, you don’t gotta push yourself, man. Take the day off.

    1. It’s rude to go to work when you are sick, you get everyone else sick. I’ll give poor people who need every dollar they make and don’t have sick days a pass. But if you have a choice…stay home.

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