Nerd Alert: January 31, 2018

In Membership, Nerd Alert - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan1 Comment

Kim Horcher and John Iadarola talk Ant Man’s return, list of nerdy Oscar-worthy food, face recognition technology used for porn, Elon Musk’s flame thrower, amount of plastic in coral reefs, and viewing the beard of a man that was killed by his beard.


  1. The really scary part about the fake porno thing is how many of them will have Trump in them. And what happens then when the real one comes out?

    They could also probably hack your voice and then recreate entire speeches of you saying things you never said.

    If you want a good laugh, go to YT and search for Leave It To Bush. Some guy in my home town made then back in the Bush days, only 3 short animated videos starring Bush, Gary Busey, Bill Cosby, Christopher Walken and more. The guy used audio clips from all of them and made the speeches a word at a time!

    Now stuff like that can be created even faster. Pretty soon, bots will be online reading and scanning articles, spewing random talking points from preconstructed lists, then creating random porn videos and throwing them all over the Internet, all with no human guidance whatsoever! Welcome to the new postmodern age.

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