TYT Hour 2 January 26, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan25 Comments

Cenk, Ana, Ben Mankiewicz, & Michael Brooks. Cape Town will be the first city to run out of water. Hillary Clinton chose to shield top adviser in harassment case. ICE to start tracking license plates across the country.


  1. Sounds like we are headed to paying for high priced “Dune” Still-suits to catch our water and recycle, etc. Just imagine.

  2. Listening to Cenk and especially Ben turn themselves into pretzels being apologists for Hillary Clinton making me want to vomit.

  3. Actually I think Micheal was a good edition, I was too hasty when I got irritated with him in the first hour seeing that he was quite reserved the entire broadcast. I just have a short fuse with the impressions and interruptions from him when I watch the Majority Report.

  4. So HRC 2K8 had a faith adviser for running against Obama. But they won’t use Bibleball tactics against Trump in 2K16. Sigh. (See one of Tom Frank’s 2017 talks or interviews if you don’t understand what I’m talking about.)

  5. As far as the right wing targeting sanctuary churches…remember they have no problem bombing and setting black churches on fire. It would not be surprising to see them take this to that level .

  6. I have yet to log into Twitter without seeing a tweet from some Hillary warrior that is either a) she lost because of sexism or b) that women like me that supported Bernie in the primaries betrayed our gender.

    I won’t get over that, I am sorry, but it drives me insane. To read how I supported Bernie because I am a repressed child with mommy issues. Or I supported Bernie because I can’t stand up to my husband and say “no I want to vote for Hillary”. Or recently comparing Hillary to the judge in the Larry Nassar and saying that people insulting the judge were doing so because “The Hillary effect”.

    The story is bad overall but the extra layer of how we are supposed to kneel to her as a goddess in the feminist fight when she continues to turn her back on women over and over and over just drives me to the edge like few things else do.

    1. I hope that more progressives get voted in to congress in the fall, it is truly disappointing to watch the weak ones we have in office.

    2. i’m with you 100%. my distrust of HRC goes back to “Stand By My Man” days (’91ish). but it took me until just about four months ago to write my HILLBILLY HARANGUE in response to a comment by Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski — that she needed to apologize before criticizing Roy Moore’s alleged sex crimes — because, until recently, the zeitgeist had been in the Clintons’ favor and pretty much ignored the real victims of workplace sexual harassment. here’s a version of it, FYI:


      i agree, Mika — both Clintons need to come to the table with clean hands. but exactly what do you think that Bill Clinton should apologize for? the way i see it, he’s a serial workplace sexual harasser. two victims’ names come to mind: Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky.

      Paula Jones rejected unwanted sexual advances made by Bill when he was serving as her employer, Governor of Arkansas. she was so offended, in fact, that she filed a lawsuit against him alleging workplace sexual harassment — whether she was goaded or otherwise encouraged into doing so is a question of her motivation and not of his guilt or innocence. her lawsuit attempted to lay out Bill’s pattern of workplace sexual harassment; Bill’s deliberate perjury as regards his acts committed with Monica go directly to obstruct such evidence. but i’m getting ahead of myself.

      Monica Lewinsky, the quintessential Thoroughly Modern Millie, initiated her consensual relationship with Bill — by playing “peek-a-boo” with her thong — while Bill was serving as HER employer, President of the United States. Monica was way more photogenic than Paula — she didn’t come from anywhere close to “trailer-park trash,” as Bill’s attack dog Snakehead James Carville would have it (remember when Carville remarked that — and i paraphrase — you never knew what might turn up if you dragged a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park?). Monica was also the very opposite of offended — her attractive, winning smile flashed out at an eager public in many photos and videos — just look at that cute beret. SHE would NEVER think of betraying her lover by filing a lawsuit!

      no, she was so proud of herself that she betrayed Bill by confessing every sordid detail of their affair to an acquaintance — Linda Tripp — who responded to this verbal dynamite by protecting herself as best she could. how was that? why, she preserved oral evidence of the tell-all monologuing by recording it. the public’s reaction to THAT indiscretion was instant, reflexive anger — against the workplace sexual offenders? NO! against the not-very-attractive Linda Tripp, who instantly became the villainess in this imbroglio when it was revealed that, according to D.C. law, she should have had Monica’s permission to record the tell-all conversations. AS IF! i mean, give me a break!

      Linda Tripp, no fool she, had observed both Clintons as they systematically demolished every one of Bill’s accusers — the real victims and those who may not have been; that question still goes unanswered without a full confession from the perps — both Bill and Hill. i do not blame Tripp for her act of perceived “disloyalty” against her friend Monica — exactly what kind of friends were they to each other, BTW? life-long? undying? or acquaintances of but a few years’ (or maybe months’) cultivation? what level of loyalty did Linda owe Monica, in the face of any defense against an angry Clinton Machine in full attack mode?

      at any rate, we have those damning confessionals — from the cigars to the stained blue dress — to help deflect both Bill’s willful perjury and Hill’s willfully withheld silence. is there any question that, but for those tapes, Linda Tripp would have either gone down in flames or been forced to hold her tongue or been forced into various acts of — willing or unwilling — perjury? i suggest that any perjury that might have been committed by Linda Tripp would have been engaged in with far more reluctance — and self-guilt — than that engaged in by the POTUS himself, when he looked directly at all of us, pointed his finger in our faces, and denied having had sex with “that woman.”

      so, Mika, i ask — what exactly do We the People either want or need from Bill the Predator or Hill the Enabler? nothing less than their voluntary signatures, admitting to the veracity of the tale as told herein, at the bottom of this statement, as well as any legal penalties that may ensue therefrom.

      maybe then we can go forward in our condemnation of such alleged perps as Roy Moore — who flat-out denies any wrongdoing, a la the Clintons — or Al Franken — who has admitted wrongdoing, apologized for it, and requested a Senate Ethics Committee investigation of himself? certainly, such admissions would finally — and for once in their political lives, perhaps — see both Clintons before us with clean(er) hands.

  7. I don’t think Ben was defending Hillary. I think that with all the things going on in the world right now he just didn’t the story as one that ought to take up TYT’s air time. Although it is a case of blatant hypocrisy, people are often hypocrites about a lot of things, that’s why it’s not as big of a “gotcha” as many believe. That’s also why I think Ben didn’t have a lot of patience for the story; his position had nothing to do with “defending Hillary”.

  8. So nice to hear Michael Brooks’ input without the distraction of his constant voice impressions. I’ve avoided his and Sam’s shows because of that, but I really appreciated his perspective today and hope to hear more from him.

  9. WTF, Ben? Ben is APOLOGIZING for Hillary because she’s – what? Of a different time?
    BEN … you have a daughter. Would you be saying the same thing if YOUR daughter was that staffer?

    I get that you think people made a huge mistake in not supporting Hillary over Trump.
    But, you don’t have to continue to defend her! You even bitch when Ana presents her hypothetical scenario.
    Hillary went after women who supported Bernie as doing so because they wanted to please Bernie Bros!
    This is getting beyond ridiculous.
    I now think that Ben consistently defending Hillary, on everything, is a giant joke.

    1. I agree with you… Off with Hillary’s head… AND, more importantly, how can Ben attempt to be reasonable?.. Off with his head too…

  10. Ben should re-watch A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS for a cautionary tale about how laws, rules and constitutions are written to protect us from abuse of authority and the mere fact that you think one president is a good guy, is not good reason to allow that president to dismantle any part of the laws, rules or constitution.

  11. I think TYT is making a move to prime time, hence the dumbing down. Everything that happens in the world is systemic, in America, more so. Every little bit affects the whole, even if most wont admit to it. If the default position of the Democratic Party is nothing, then greedy oligarchs and a like are winners by default. Making no move on daca was a win for trump. #NoLuck!

  12. We have limited air time. Why are we STILL talking about Hillary?!

    Don’t turn TYT into the progressive version of All Clinton all the time Hannity show.

    She should have fired him. Times were different and she didn’t. For better or worse this is no longer news because Hillary should no longer be news with so many other important things to be discussing.

    1. Agreed. I was under the impression most people were already aware (at least now, anyways) that turning a blind eye to sexual harassment/assault by powerful and important men was just par for the course. Don’t most people already know Hillary Clinton is a ruthless and corrupt political machine obsessed with winning the presidency? What’s the story here? If I never here the name “Clinton” again it will be too soon.

      Side note, why are we still talking about how corrupt/stupid/racist/full of shit Donald Trump is? I don’t understand the fucking point of the story about him attempting to fire Mueller 6+ months ago; it seems everyone is wringing their hands and shouting this from rooftops. I mean, he already ACTUALLY fired an FBI director and then said on NATIONAL TELEVISION he did it because of the investigation. So, I’m struggling to give a shit about this or any of the 100,000,000,000 other insane things the president says or does at this point.

    2. agree. I am so tired of hearing about her. She is done, gone, over, let’s move on and leave her behind where she belongs. She is part of the old establishment we don’t need to waste any time on her.

  13. Wait, what? (26:00) Ben says he’s ok with Obama’s expansion of the surveillance state if the Obama guys were going to run it for the rest of time. Why? Because (as Jimmy would say) Obama has a “pretty face?”

    It made me physically ill when I heard Ben say those words–to realize that we’re surrounded by smart people like him, who feel they can safely relinquish their constitutional protections, as long as it’s to the right people.

    Ben, it is absolutely not any more disturbing now than it was when Obama was stripping away our rights to privacy, due process, and freedom to protest. There aren’t any good guys who want to take away our constitutional rights, even if they appear benevolent and stable and intelligent.

  14. Want to know how 106 girls were assualted overs years. Simple protect the man who’s doing it because it will make you organization look bad. Hillary must have asked MSU for advice.

    1. i think it was the other way around. HRC began her Protection Racket for Bill back when they first joined forces in law school at Yale in the early early ’70s — an unholy alliance if ever there was one!

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