TYT Hour 1 January 26, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan114 Comments

Cenk, Ana, Ben Mankiewicz, & Michael Brooks. NY Times article on firing Mueller. Reactions to NYT article: Hannity, Fox & Friends. Trump’s DACA proposal.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 10 minutes, 42 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. fuck that. swearing is a part of our language. get over it. pathetic to bow down to people who are ‘offended’ about something not offensive. please don’t conform

  2. As far as the cussing goes, I’m honestly disappointed. I feel like I’m hearing an actual real life dialogue. Isn’t that one of the main draws to independent media? Being 100 real is why I love this network. Hopefully it won’t get more restricted. If so, what’s the point? I get the concept that we don’t need curse words to prove as point but when you’re passionate about something, a few f bombs should be dropped ;) still love the show, keep up the good work!

  3. hmmm…I don’t even care about the cursing, and I don’t think anyone else does either. What we care about is that it looks like you are willing to compromise to look “legitimate” for whatever platform you were talking about DESPITE the fact that you’re getting huge push-back from your audience. That’s pretty different from you constantly talking about how it’s all about the members, how we make this show, how we are your bosses, etc. Hope this doesn’t go any farther.

  4. While I am in agreement with everyone below me that this new censorship is a huge minus and will definitely leave a hole, it wont take away from the quality of the reporting and if it means being able to reach an even wider audience that could affect even more positive change then maybe there’s a silver lining.
    To everyone idly threatening to cancel their subscriptions, I’ll gladly write a program for you that will interject sound bites of people swearing while you watch and sell it to you.

  5. This is the start. We want more platforms so oh, ok, lets not curse. Well, ok, lets not make fun of Trump. Oh well, we get more opportunities if we don’t get so mad. Now you are Morning Joe.

  6. Fuck censorship! Independent media is supposed to make their own rules, that’s what I pay for! If that’s not what I’m getting I will walk. If Jimmy Dore has to stop using “swear words” I’m fucking done. If we cannot turn to TYT for honest expression, where does it exist?

    1. Yes. how can the show be the same if ppl have to pretend when they talk. Say the real words, If serious FM won’t let you, then get rid of them

  7. I don’t understand why no one says that chain – family migration is the most successful type of immigration. People are helped out by their own family, and end up contributing the most to society per capita, outperforming average Americans, contributing even more tax dollars.

  8. Just a suggestion. If you are going to have your content on platforms that restrict coarse language, perhaps you can put the transmission to those platforms on delay so that the curse words can be bleeped instead of eliminated entirely.

  9. What the fuck do you mean “We have new rules on cursing”?! I’ve been a TYT member for 2 years and don’t support this move in any way. Fuck this censorship bullshit. Starting to reconsider giving my money to this.

  10. Cursing on air isn’t the most important thing on a news show……but it IS something that set you apart and allowed us with no voices to be heard in a real way. Despite what the right wingnuts say about Progressives, we are not snowflakes, so quit acting like we are. Grow the fuck up.

  11. TYT is not the same i know because of your backers your just like FOX now i want you to say SHIT and the F word i am thinking of pulling my subscription i will give you time to be the old TYT if not see you .

    1. Looks like the show is being broadcast on more channels with restrictions. But it seems like no cursing is better for credibility. It looks pretty juvenile to have a news source cursing like a tween out of earshot of their parents.

      1. Agreed. While I am not against cursing and it is a useful way to add punch to a statement, it does not help make you look smart. Some would say the opposite. I see it as a good trade off in order to enable TYT product to be more publicly viewed. An adult with kids may want to watch but is used to shielding their kids from what they may consider bad language. We need those kids to grow up seeing progressive ideas.

  12. To Ben’s question of “who would run the stories” did the election prove that social media has more power than CNN and MSNBC? Who cares if they don’t run the stories run it on social media. Every day Democrats should be posting these pictures online. Who would run the story? Who ran the ads and fake stories that helped get Trump elected?

  13. Michael we love you buddy, but we couldn’t even make it 2 minutes into the first story without an interruption from you. You’ve already let impressions take over the Majority Report, leave the cool kid schtick at home man, it’s bad enough you interrupt everyone on your own show and basically bullied Kelly into leaving.

    1. That was so fucking annoying. Stop fucking talking while other people are talking, I can’t hear them!!

  14. I wish they would have given Ben more time to adequately explain his disagreement with Cenk’s analysis of the situation. This has happened several times in other shows where they have run out of time and Ben hasn’t been able to fully flesh out his position where he has disagreed with Cenk. I love Ben to death, but I can’t help but think that he is so caught up in his pragmatism that it leads him to be politically naive. He has said before that he doesn’t believe that money in politics is the main driver of our political process which is so out of sync with popular opinion. That’s in spite of the fact that there are mountains of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. Ben position essentially is (IIRC) that the personal political positions of the lawmakers combined with the political realities of give and take in our political system have more influence than does campaign contributions. In reality, I think it’s a combination of those things, the Washington elitist corporate consultant bubble, and money in politics that are to blame, with money & consultants being the large deciding factors.

    1. Has he actually said that explicitly? I’ve been a member for about 9 years now (wow I don’t think I’ve ever thought about how long I’ve been a member), and watched the show and missed nary a one in that time and I don’t think I’ve heard him outright say that he thinks other factors are more important than money in politics. Not saying that he hasn’t, I do often listen while working so I’m not necessarily giving 100% of my attention to the show, just I find that surprising and alarming. How would you explain the (Princeton?) study that figured out that there was 0 correlation between public opinion and actual policy/legislation, and that the strongest factor was money? Cenk used to mention it all the time, still does from time to time, so Ben clearly must know about it.

  15. Please explain your new “no cursing” rule because that’s actually a little alarming… Who is telling TYT not to curse anymore?

    1. Ok I just heard Cenk’s explanation. Thank you. Just happy it’s not one of your investors or advertisers.

    2. TYT is expanding if you can remember when they got the investment they said they would be looking at doing a mini bundle for cable that is probably where that comes from. This has happened many times over TYT long history when they first got on amazon is one instance.

  16. I think it’s just fine to eliminate cursing which isn’t really a limitation at all of the important things your commentators need to say. I get pretty tired of continual use the meaningless adjective “fuckin’ ” rather than making greater effort in making precise , meaningful and more insightful commentary. You will do just fine without it. Or even better.

  17. Curious what the point is of throwing out the “elections matter” phrase on the show whenever Trump does something we do not like. Yeah, of course they matter. But is the point of Ben, Anna and John I. (who all use it a ton) that you should always vote the lesser of two evils? If so, they got their wish. More Bernie supporters voted for Hillary than her voters did for Obama in 2008. So are they talking about all the eligible voters who did not vote at all? If so, shouldn’t you be aiming your disgust at the candidates and their policies that do not motivate them to come out and vote? You can no longer B.S. voters into voting for more of these crap neo-liberals and their anti-99% policies. Spend your time going after corporate Dems and their destructive policies and we might get somewhere. Are you also okay with punching up? Talking to you Ben.

    1. I think the point they’re making is that there are realities that come with allowing the worst option(s) to win and lead the country. Of course, “worst option” is subjective. But I don’t disagree with the larger point.

  18. I’m downloading with great anticipation… The very best shows are those with Ben aboard… Can’t wait… Well, I guess I have to…

  19. I feel Ben’s position on any subject is as follows …

    Did Cenk (or anyone) criticize establishment Dems in any way?
    If yes, then Cenk is automatically wrong and has not fully assessed the situation.

    Did Cenk praise Dems?
    If yes, then Cenk has given a thoughtful and well researched answer.

    example: Cenk thinks Corporate Dems should stop eating kittens.
    Ben is positive Cenk is wrong, as it’s a fact that kittens are delicious.

  20. For thirty five years since registering as a Dem in the 1980’s I voted “blue no matter who” in what I now recognize was stupid, lazy, blind faith that the Democratic Party was better than the alternative. My 35-year complicity enabled the Dems to spiral down the toilet until the sad day came we got shafted with Hillary. I now accept the role my 35 years of stupid uninformed voting played, in making Hillary happen.

    Nov 2016 was the first time I did not vote for the Democrat in the presidential race.

    No regrets about my choice. None. Nada. Yes, Trump is a terrible president. Hillary would also be a terrible president. They are both terrible, in different ways. Neither deserved to be president.

    Trump is not the problem. Trump is a symptom of the problem. If we don’t fix the problem, we have worse than Trump ahead of us.

    That’s why I will be voting for Alison Hartson (CA Senate), DeLaine Eastin (CA Governor) and Gayle McLaughlin (CA Lt. Governor) and other progressives… ONLY. I will not vote for a corporate Democrat under any circumstance.

    I have already pledged $500 to the Draft Bernie movement. If the Dem establishment rigs the system again to prevent a progressive from being the DNC candidate in 2020, I will be spending a lot more and throwing my whole-hearted support and volunteer hours into the Third Party.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Ben.

    1. Couldn’t agree more.

      I was brought up solidly union/Dem family. I’ve come to beliee that much of what I thought was ‘good” about the Dem party is either gone, or never really existed.

      Continuing to prop up a corrupt Dem party helps NO ONE except the current Establishment.
      Continuing to vote for the lesser of two evils, is NOT better, it’s giving up.

      Ben believes our current system is the best we can hope for, with some minor tweaks. Best to not rock the boat!
      That attitude is EXACTLY what the Corporate Dems are counting on.

    2. You’re still missing the point. Your one vote for the last 35 years is irrelevant. Unless you can control thousands of votes, your single vote makes no difference at all. No matter how many times you come here and scream at Ben or anyone else, because they (we) rightfully mock you for feeling proud of yourself for voting 3rd party, you did nothing. You didn’t cost Clinton the election. You didn’t elect Trump. You didn’t send anyone a message. You did nothing. You did nothing, because you still think of your role in politics as someone who casts a vote.

      Politics is based on the work you do every day that isn’t a voting day. If you’re working for these candidates, that’s one thing, and I hope you’re serious about that. Trying to elect third parties by waiting until election day and voting for them is fucking idiotic. That’s all Ben and everyone else is saying. By the time the general election came around, there was only 2 choices. It was too late at that point, and voting for a third party, or not voting at all will not elect the person you want. I voted for Jill Stein, and I think Jill Stein is a fucking idiot. I did it, knowing my state was safe anyway, and my vote as a single person is irrelevant. You know what happened? I voted for an elector to represent me and a few hundred thousand other people, and when my state went majority for Hillary Clinton, my elector who I voted for, voted for Hillary Clinton. I literally did nothing just like you.

      If you want to change politics, you have to get off your ass and work hard every day. It’s not a lazy afterthought you do every couple of years, and then boast every fucking day to people that you did something heroic or moral.

      1. thank u – that saved me a lot of energy and i don’t think i could’ve stated it as well as you. i’m tempted to cut and paste this for inevitable future use ;-)

  21. I am upset that TYT is now conforming to FCC decency rules. Its not only the main show, I have noticed it on other shows. Hosts about to say a word like ‘shit’ before self-correcting quickly. I never wanted a profanity laden show – but one of the reasons I liked TYT so much and became a member was that they talked like normal people. Whats next, a teleprompter?

    1. I’m pretty sure this has to do with new(ish) YouTube policies, under which videos with profanity are demonetized. I’m a fan of profanity myself, but I understand that revenue from YouTube is really important to the company.

      1. If its because of Youtube, then I will look more closely at post games and member only content. Those should be uncensored since they are not uploaded to youtube.

  22. Um, does that mean that brilliant expression of truth like Cenk’s epic rant about USA Today will not happen again? I believe he says “god dammit” in that rant.

    Some people just swear “like a truck driver,” and some people do not.
    But, if you are someone who uses colorful language, and then you STOP using it because of a corporation (Sirius, YouTube, etc), it doesn’t feel right.

    It may seem like a small thing, but I agree with others who say it’s one of the things that keeps TYT “real.”
    How many compromises, for the sake of some weird, unsustainable “good” behavior, will TYT continue to make?

    Cenk (with others) starts Justice Democrats. Then he & Kyle are forced to “resign” because Cenk’s past writings ruffle the SJW Staff. JD Staff just showed everyone a giant weakness that can be exploited.

    Now, Cenk & TYT must stop “swearing” to appease some corporate standard?
    Btw, since TYT has a global viewership, will they also refrain from using words that may be considered off-color in countries besides the USA?

    1. Different strokes for different folks. I love Brooksie and his wide repertoire of Donald/Ivanka Trump incest jokes.

  23. Cenk and most of tyt are wrong on the immigration issue. The Dems should fight hard, but how far do you go? Trump put them in an impossible situation. As Cenk loves to point out, most Americans support a permanent fix for DACA. What Cenk leaves out is a CNN poll that found “A majority of Americans says it supports keeping the government open over finding a solution for the DACA program.” 56% want to avoid a government shutdown and 36% for continuing DACA. If the Dems push too hard for DACA they will lose support among moderates and independents. Yes, fixing DACA is the right thing to do, but it will cost you votes and support if you go too far. Since Trump and the Rep now know that the Dems have little leverage, even with a government shutdown, they can make huge demands. Simply going on TV and showing the stories of DACA kids might help, but it won’t be enough to move the moderate Republicans to vote for a fix. I doubt many people will go out and vote against the Rep because of DACA.

    I am curious from everyone: what should we do about illegal immigration in the US?


    1. The republicans were very very good about their messaging as to the reason for this government shutdown, unlike ones in the past. This was over a single issue, and the media made that clear to the people. That is why this time it was different, and the dems would lose support if they pushed it too hard. I agree with your assessment.

      1. No they were not, Dems were very bad at picking policies that people actually vote on and relate to.

        People care about CHIP, infrastructure, Healthcare overall, the opioid epidemic not DACA people who are, all emotions aside, law breakers in the eyes of the average American.

        In the 1995 and 2013 shutdowns the republicans fought to curtail spending because the recent tax hikes were just the beginning and Independents were supportive in both shutdowns and the voters blamed Obama and Clinton and lead to losses in the subsequent general elections.

        Progressives need to sort their priorities.

        1. Not sure that the Obama was blamed for 2013 or Clinton for 1995.

          You are correct that DACA is not really an issue to shut down the government over. Most Americans want at a fix for DACA but it is not a priority and the issues you listed are more important to moderates and independents.

          1. Clinton lost 9 points in approval rating in an election year while Obama, just of of an election year, lost around 5 and the Dems lost in the 2014 elections largely due to the shutdown and they had a decent chance.

            Check the Gallup polling records.

  24. No swearing, keep promoting the russiagate myth, being dissmissive to people who who did not vote for HRC? I’m taking my 10 bucks and giving them to Jimmy from now on…

  25. We may never get to see what the Hillary administration would do. Saying she would have been better is like saying Nader would have done better than Bush, perhaps; but who’s to tell. Absence can not be quantified. Can we say that politicians overall are corrupt, or must we caveat that Hillary may be less so before stating the obvious? For who? To what affect? For Hillary? I voted for Hillary…..as she was forced down our throats. #NoLuck

    1. If you can’t see how Hillary would have been a better President than Trump you’re delusional. And you’re trying to blame other people for your vote like they made you vote for her? Get outta here.

      1. If you think it is relevant to discuss whether Hillary’s presidency would have been better or not… YOU are delusional. It would be a better to use your time discussing how many angels can fit on the head of a pin.

        We’ve moved on.

  26. What platform are you getting on that is preventing you from swearing? I don’t get it. Are you taping these shows and putting them on television?

      1. It can’t be Sirius Satellite radio that is preventing him from swearing on air, since they also have Howard Stern.

  27. I know it’s a bit of a minor story but I kind of wish you guys would have mentioned that the Doomsday Clock has been moved to 2 minutes to midnight (tied with 1953 for the closest it’s been to midnight). It was an interesting little announcement stream on Thursday and more than a bit scary.

    1. Oh shit… I hadn’t realized they’d moved it from 2.5 minutes. The terrible just keeps getting worse. I can’t remember what it’s like not being miserable, anxious, or furious every time I look up.

      1. What surprised me the most is the reason they moved it forward had less to do with the looming threat of Global Warming and a greater focus and concern on nuclear weapons, including renewal in updating arms, failure to actually de-arm, Russia’s greater inclusion of nuclear arms in any military conflict, and a change in US policy. I figured Global Warming would drop us lower. Considering none of these things are likely to change, I wonder if we’ll get 30 seconds closer next year…

  28. Great to see Ben throwing a bucket of cold water on Cenk and the others and telling them the reality of the situation instead of dreams.

    Hoping that others would listen.

    1. This is why I love when Ben is on. He has a superb insight into how politics and Washington actually operate, which helps us understand how to fix this broken system.

  29. Woahhhh the new policy of no swearing is a big red flag. Something is influencing them to do make this change and that most likely is money. Behind money there’s always someone providing it. This is an big red flag that they’re now being influenced by investors.

    1. They mentioned it was because of platform rules. Youtube did something similar a few years back by demonetizing videos containing “sexual humor” and “inappropriate language.”

  30. Swearing is by far NOT the most important part of your show, but it’s something that definitely sets you apart from mainstream. Changing your show is a sign of selling out and/or compromising and that’s supposed to be your whole premise…..not selling out. I’m done with TYT’s if they try to censor Jimmy Dore though.

    1. if there is no swearing when the Government is doing something horrible to the American people, I will tend to think “what is wrong with the news?”. Swearing is more descriptive than a bunch of words that I can see are trying not to say a swear word.

      1. The swearing in part gave TYT the credibility that they are real, and differentiated them from MSM news outlets. You can see their passion, like Cenk’s rant the other day that struck home hard. He wouldn’t have been able to have a rant like that if he had to worry about not swearing, and that would be a HUGE loss to the show. Because of that, swearing is integral to TYT.

  31. They are probably less idealist than you. They will agree Hillary is not good, but she less bad than TRUMP, and to them, that is the right call. Hillary does not pass massive tax cuts, she trims regulation, not scrapping it. She puts money into climate change, a bit, she presses with fracking, and continues war, but not a wall. And dreamers are in. Compared to trump, she is boring, trump is not.

  32. You’re right, he’s worse. If you don’t want to see the evidence, then that’s your problem but he’s told his police to literally murder any drug user.

    1. He’s encouraged vigilante justice by encouraging the the civilian populace to turn against any they believe are drug users as well, which has led to mobs of people murdering the innocent and the police at best turn a blind eye to it.

  33. Could be, if you consider tv to be selling out? I mean what other ways are there, they are already on satellite radio, and Internet streaming, so that leaves TV. Perhaps I am wrong.

  34. Michael Brooks??? YES!!! Lets see more of him. Love the Majority Report and The Michael Brooks show :)

    BTW, please don’t eliminate profanity entirely. It’s cathartic when Cenk gets angry and tells someone “fuck you” or “fuck off”. I usually shout “YES!” in agreement. Everything in moderation. I feel like there hasn’t ever been too much profanity on TYT, it’s pretty tame.

  35. You are HIGHLY mistaken about President Duerte. He is NOT a Filipino Trump. While he IS acting very totalitarian, he HAS viciously attacked corruption and drugs inside the Philippine Institutions.

    You can criticize his methods….but you can’t say he isn’t (and hasn’t) been cleaning house in a way that will positively affect the Philipines for decades.

    Don’t kid yourself…..the VAST majority of Filipina’s adore him…..and the flak he gets is from the ‘Democratically elected’ leaders in Government who are as corrupt as it gets.

    Once again….feel free to disagree with his methods, but don’t compare him to Trump.

    1. Why having a vicious war on drugs something that should be considered a positive? The progressive movement fights against this kind of thinking. Drugs need to be legalized, or at least decriminalized, all of them, and spend the money that was once used to prosecute and incarcerate on education and treatment. Drugs aren’t evil. Addicts aren’t criminals, they have a medical condition that needs to be looked after, and their are economic and social factors that contribute to the negative repercussions of drug addiction in communities that also are in desperate need of systemic reform.

      1. @Nothing when I have more time I will respond again in a more thoughtful manner. For the time being: being a ‘progressive’ does NOT mean we all share identical minds. It means being accepting of all minds of thought.

        I often tell people I have right wing hardware with progressive software installed.

        You are right….addicts aren’t criminals, but while drugs are not inherently evil they are a tool used by evil people that has created illegitimate wealth among horrible people—–who then use it to seize political power.

        Bottom line: As progressive as I am (and is so many ways—I really am) I have never used an illegal substance in my life and don’t want to live in a society where you can run around high as kite anymore than I wan’t smoking in restaurants.

        What you do in your own home is your business. But that isn’t what we are talking about here…..Duerte has gone after the DEALERS not the users 90% of the time…..as for the 10% of the time look at what China had to do to resolve its opium crisis centuries ago. Sometimes a death sentence is all that will get through to ppl that addicted.

        1. Good God that’s a frightening attitude, using China’s death sentences as an example of the ends benefit the means for drug control to justify the murders going on in the Philippines under Duterte. Normally I’d say agree to disagree, but in this case I can’t just shut up, since you’re obviously reasonable and well spoken so you should be able to open your eyes here.

          Until someone has the balls to try the progressive solution to drug addiction, which is a massive public effort towards education and treatment, you can’t seriously reiterate these right wing talking points about people walking around “high as a kite” as if that creates some sort of danger to you, and that a death sentence would be the only way to get through to people “that” addicted (whatever that even means).

          You, as someone who has never used an illegal substance, need to admit that you really don’t know anything about addiction. People who are addicted hate being addicted, every single one of them. Then again, there are ways to use drugs that do not cause addiction as well. Either way, the purpose of decriminalizing and/or legalizing is not to create a society where everyone gets high, it’s to get people off of drugs that are dangerous to their own health and get them into a healthy state of mind, because the main reason for using drugs is to self-medicate in some form or another, because our society has a massive lack of mental health services available and backwards attitudes towards drug use in general.

          I really look forward to continuing this discussion, after you’ve had time to come up with a better way to describe your view and hopefully minds can be changed, because I really doubt that you meant that you’d like to see death sentences, and I believe your mindset for any of it is simply due to a lack of modern information about mental health and addiction.

          1. @nothingbeforus You make some great points that make me want to be clear I am not fully set in my line of thought. In fact, it has taken me awhile to respond because I was truly troubled (in a good way) by your words.

            So in response I would like to say this:

            #1: I am an alcoholic. I can assure you that addiction IS something I understand.

            #2: I was not suggesting what China did was *ok* or morally right. I certainly don’t see it as something that would be anything less than holocaust in nature. My point was just that the opion Crisis had gotten so bad THAT was the only solution the leadership deemed would fix it.

            An contrary to the belief that the culling was targeted at poor people…..it was actually target against parasite landlords whom worked their servants to death and spent all their wealth on opium.

            Regardless, I AM NOT suggesting that is an appropriate way to solve addiction problems in modern Society.

            #3: There are many fundamental reasons for addiction. Much of mine is rooted in PTSD issues I still struggle with. For others It is a ‘self medication’ in place of professional treatment they cannot afford.

            The portion of addiction that causes as social crisis is founded on poverty , and the cycle that prevents people leaving poverty. For this I 100% agree with you that a massive public effort is needed and should be taken. Hence one of the many reason I identify most times as a progressive.

            #4: I am not out here to tout Duerte as a Great man, by any means. But I do know enough that I believe his intentions are good, despite the road to hell he may be paving with them.

            I can’t say ‘All’ but I do know through military connections I have [did you know American Soldiers are actively fighting against drug cartels and Terrorist in the Philipines? Did you know Duerte TRIED to reconcile with the Islamic people causing problems in the Philippines but was rejected?] that the people being killed (admittedly without trial) have been the Drug Kingpins and their pushers.

            Small villages oppressed from these Cartels have readily assisted because they know action will be taken.

            And now HERE is the rub and where I can just say “I don’t know what the right answer is.”

            The problem you likely will have (and should have!!) with my above statement is that I appear to be suggesting moral causes can acceptably ignore the law.

            I do not, and never will, believe this. Without the rule of law we are each just highly intelligent animals.

            But what do you do when corruption is SO systemic…..SO ingrained into a government that family members of Drug cartels are regular placed as judges? Where High ranking officials live in lavish mansions paid for by Government funds and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT but nobody in power does anything because EVERYBODY does it?

            What do you do when the ranking member of a majority party administrators a Prison in which the inmates RUN THE PRISON because she Receives kick backs.

            Did you know most of the Government officials who most oppose him and are causing him political problems with the United States (and elsewhere) are many times extended family members of Cartels or in direct receipt of money from Cartels?

            My connection lets me know they have seen proof of it through S-2 and are not just taking Duertes word for it.

            These are not just ‘outlier’ examples….but norms acrss Filipino society for DECADES.

            Drug Cartels and organized crime elements have run the Government because the WERE the Government for DECADES.

            Is Duerte’s answer the moral, right answer…..no.

            Do I have a better answer? No.

            So until I do I Can’t look at all the death and suffering in the world and choose President Duerte as being the ‘one guy’ I would use an example of what is wrong with the world.

            That DOES NOT mean I agree with all he does or wish there was not a better solution.

            My main issue is comparing Duerte to Trump…..when they are exact opposites.

            Duerte lives in a simple house, and is fundamentally trying to do what he thinks is the right thing by declaring literal war against corruption in his country. Would I allow it here in America? Of course not.

            But the Philipines aren’t my country…..and the vast majority of the people love Duerte because they still, to this day, feel he is fighting form them .

            Anyways…I hope I have better explained my point of view. Much of what I saw in the Army has left me a little less sensitive about death. Not that I enjoy it or want it…..but when you have seen so many innocent people go for no reason other than they pissed of some local warlord…….it is hard to get made when Cartels Families lose the protection of the law and treated just as they have treated others.

            Very respectfully,

  36. Mueller: “The reason you said you fired Comey was to get rid of the “Russia thing.”
    Trump: “That’s right.”
    Mueller: “What Russia thing?”

        1. And it shouldn’t even be about what other people agree with or don’t agree with, all the hosts have expressed relief about being able to express themselves emotionally without worrying about having to censor themselves, so it’s what THEY believe and now they are going against their own beliefs, and that is worrying because if they’re willing to go against their own beliefs on something like this, what is the next one they’ll go against?

    1. This swearing rule bothers me a lot. Cussing isn’t being vulgar for vulgarities sake, it is a form of expression showing strong convictions. These are all words adults know and use. It’s ridiculous to censor one’s language these days. I lived through the 60s and 70s, and it was such aa relief when censors lightened up. It is censorship getting it’s toe in the door, reducing an alternative voice and pulling it into the main stream. God DAMN it, and I just got my TYT Member hat!!

      Trust me, you pull this on Jimmy Door and I will walk too. I don’t say this lightly. I’ve loved Cenk and crew since 2008, and while I understand having to grow a business, I do not accept this chipping away at their voice.

    1. Considering how many times TYT hosts have bragged about their ability to swear on air as a plus vs MSM, there is no other way to look at this other than selling out. Sure, it might not be in a major way, but it still is bending to someone else’s standards (for some sort of financial reason, such as a contract with someone for distribution) when it goes against what you actually believe, so that is selling out.

    1. As much as I hate Hillary, if you didn’t vote for her ober Trump, then you’re partially responsible for the election results.

  37. Does Hannity like the Dr. Suess? When he added the green to his own picture….he looked remarkably like the Grinch. Why else would he add green?

  38. Cenk , here is replacement words for Son of Bitch & Horse shit. ” I will be a son of a Siberian sack of ship, get off my horse and fall in shifting sand”

  39. I appreciate TYT reporting and agree with their analysis. In fact, I recommended membership to a friend of mine. I did warn her about the excessive verbal vulgarity employed at times. My opinion is that this vulgarity does not help the progressive cause but detracts from it, at least in the case of senior citizens like me. I remember one rant from Cenk that I felt was beyond disrespectful of listeners and felt sorry for Anna. I believe in Cenk and his message but I feel like washing his mouth out with soap when he over-does (joking of course).

    1. Why would you feel bad for Ana, because Cenk cussed in front of her? Is she a delicate lady or something that can’t handle words? This isn’t a children’s show, get out of here with that bullshit about “verbal vulgarity.” If you can’t handle some one cussing I would say grow up, but considering you’re a senior citizen it’s probably too late.

    2. Have you not heard Ana swear or something? She swears just as much as the rest of TYT, and every normal person anyway. It’s terrible that they are censoring themselves now. These hosts should never censor themselves, especially since part of the progressive movement is fighting against censorship in the first place.

  40. Indeed, elections matter?

    So I should vote for a pro-corporate, pro-fracking, Henry-Kissinger -loving war hawk.
    If I wanted to be scolded for not voting for Clinton, I’d watch CNN or MSNBC or Bill Maher. Why are Michael and Ben still wagging their fingers at people who couldn’t hold their noses and vote for her. Clinton’s incompetence and corruption gave us Trump. No more panels like this one PLEASE!!!!!

    1. Yeah, Ben acts like he is the only person that had the foresight of donald trump being a really shitty president, like we didn’t weigh that factor in when voting. any chance he gets to blame progressives like that he will. like in his mind he thinks he is smarter than us because he predicted trump would do bad things to our country if he got elected. Also very telling at the end here when Ben thinks Cenk is wrong for thinking the dems need to get way more aggressive and demand to be heard. I totally agree with you about getting rid of Ben, i actually didn’t mind michael in this, he was kind of funny.

      1. Ben is as progressive if not more so than Cenk, Ben is also a realist. What he said today is exactly what he said before and it is happening exactly how it he, and many other, said it would play out. His argument to throw the dreamers under the bus is based on the fact that people won’t go to the polls in November lamenting the fate of the dreamers, they will go wanting infrastructure, opioid spending, veteran health, public health etc.

        Elections have consequences, if your one cause in the last election was immigration than you should have voted for Hillary.

        1. What is your evidence of Ben being MORE progressive than Cenk?

          His continuous support for Hillary & establishment Dems?
          That seems more in line with the weak, whiny, “let’s hope they only fuck us a little and not a lot” liberal.
          Progressive he is not.

          1. I have been following TYT since 2008 and I saw with my own eyes, Cenk adopting many of Ben’s positions day by day including on DACA and immigration in general. Cenk himself admits that in almost every Old School episode and even to this day Cenk admits that Ben is to his left on many issues.

            Cenk has the zeal of the convert, once he converts to a position like DACA for instance he becomes obsessed with it and blinded to other facts relating to it. Only 35% of voters (Almost exclusively the Dem base) wanted a DACA related shutdown vs 80% (including a majority of Trump supporters) who wanted a CHIP related shutdown. Now that CHIP is funded 80% want a shutdown on infrastructure while the number on immigration has not changed:


            There is a winning battle and a losing battle and DACA is a losing battle especially in this climate. Dems and progressives can win bigly, to use a Trumpism, on Infrastructure and Healthcare and get to not fund the Wall and keep the current immigration policies intact if they only fight on Infrastructure and Health (both of which poll at 80%) but if they only fight for DACA then they will lose and lose bigly.

  41. Finally you have someone on that I can fully stand behind. Majority Report daily listener and weekly TMBS listener, and definitely a HUGE Brookes fan. Good job and great panel.

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