Reporting In: Emma Vigeland

In Reporting In - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan12 Comments

Malcolm Fleschner interviews Emma Vigeland about her commentary on the Joe Manchin race.


  1. Can Emma be a guest host on TYT Sports every now and then? Solid assessment of the Superbowl, just got the winner wrong. Go Birds!

  2. if they’re complaining that there’s a media blackout for her, why do they call it “the Joe Manchin race” in the video description? why not “the Paula Jean race”? fuck that other guy

  3. Emma continues to grow in her reporting, excellent on Cheddar as TYT representative on agree/disagree segments. Her recent commentary on TYT Politics about the overdone Russia coverage by MSM is spot on as cable channels continues to focus on reality tv/horse race news for ratings /clicks as opposed to informing the public on topics that matter to them.

  4. It’s Blankenship. I have no idea how he is running since he was convicted for the deadly Massey coal mine explosion and served 1 year in prison. I thought convicts couldn’t run. Yeah the man is a super villian.

  5. Jim Justice and Joe Manchin have sold West Virginia out. The only upside for Justice changing parties is that now a Democrat can run against him. Here’s hoping it’s a progressive Democrat. I’m hoping Paula Jean gets enough $$$ to put ads out. I’ve donated twice to her. We need Bernie to come and get behind her here.

  6. Really great discussion! Emma is so smart, and she’s interesting, so watching her reports are so easy. She has this skill that few people actually have—whether we’re talking about politics, science, or another deep topic—and that is as a political communicator. She not only tells you what’s going on, but gives you the context to understand it, AND manages to keep your attention. She is to politics as Neil deGrasse Tyson is to astrophysics. That she uses this power for good should also be commended.

  7. Before I watch this, I just want to thank Gigi for putting the thumbnail graphic on both the audio and video versions, so my brain would stop and READ for once, and not click on the audio pod by mistake. You’d think I’d have learned this after soooo long, but no. I also still try the door before unlocking my 2014 Altima SLE, so it’s just re-learning automatic cues that I have an issue with now that I’m in my 40s. It makes me feel so old every time. But not this time! So, thank you.

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