I honestly believe that if Bernie runs and wins in 2020 that establishment democrats my purposely tank their own party. In fact, strike that if ANY progressive runs and wins in 2020. I think they will do whatever they can to make a progressive president look like a joke in an attempt to get the people back to their side. So whatever progressive we (hopefully) elect in 2020 will need progressives in Congress.
I haven’t been able to download the podcasts to iTunes on my desktop recently. I can download them to my phone, although they show up as being hours longer than they actually are. What’s up?
Whichever poor employee of TYT has to watch Alex Jones, needs 6 weeks off a year. Face it, that poor person is probably banging their head on their desk and crying. Send them to Denmark in summer. Happiest place on earth.
What is scary, to me, regarding the “secret society” narrative is that it is being pushed HEAVILY by Fox News, not the alt-right crazy websites like…
Breitbart, Daily Wire, Daily Caller, Drudge Report etc. I checked today and there is *barely* a mention or nothing at all about it.
I think we have to keep our eye on Fox News because like Cenk said, they are playing a dangerous game. Alex Jones and the aforementioned right-wing BS factories are not mainstream.
I’m right there with ya, Cenk. LOVE your passion. If I wanted my news for naptime, I’d watch Wolf Blitzer.
The MORE fire the better!
WHY on the gods green earth would ANYONE believe that the current mildew-brained, slug buckets (ie.DNC-Clintoncrat Neolibs) are still worth supporting? Or voting for?
Check your state’s rules (and put pressure to change them if necessary). In California, only the Presidential Primary is restricted to party affiliation. That’s every 4 years. This year, in the midterms, there are no party restrictions here. Everyone who is registered to vote will be able to vote for the candidate of his/her choice, regardless of party.
Primaries are our best chance to impact the system. Low primary turn-out always benefits the Establishment.
I’ve been registering as a Democrat for nearly 6 decades and I understand your distaste for the party establishment currently… I’ve stopped my support completely for the DNC, DSCC, DCCC and such… I continue to support individual candidates, and progressive campaign organizations such as Justice Democrats… Although I quit Justice Democrats because of the Cenk curfullel; I still support the individual Justice Democrats candidates… I register as an independent after the primaries as my protest, but register as a Democrat in time for the primaries… In fact, I was a delegate for Bernie at the county convention; but an Independent on election day…
Without any notice, they changed all of a sudden on Wednesday to be a video podcast instead of Audio, which I’m sure messes with people’s players. Email support as I did to tell them to switch back to audio, or at least offer an option for the audio podcast.
I use the podcast so I can listen at work and in the car. I don’t want to be watching a screen while I’m trying to multitask.
Cenk, you’re a psychopath, period. VALIUM my friend, VALIUM, you need some and BADLY. If you keep this up at your age your head will implode on air. WE already know that Schumer sucks, you don’t have the f’ing yell it at US. Why don’t you tape yourself and then mail the tape to his office, ok? I’m not going to keep paying monthly for your cult to have yell at me everyday. Get counseling, read a book, volunteer, whatever. Maybe just take some vacation time? You’re the Left’s answer to Alex Jones at the moment and it scares me.
The distinction is Cenk is correct and his passion is a reflection of passion and frustration. Polite is passe when we are confronted with the current madness.
I think someone for once is passionate about what they beleive in and are totally correct on how the people feel. I have seen enough of tv pressenters with a monotone voice. Cenk has alot of passion for the people and are not interrested in sending the tape to Schumer!! He wants the people that need protectioon to get it and we all should demand it. The dems have all the cards and CAVED! Why? Even Trump tweetet that dems where losers and also some Repblicans. And the Dems see that and do nothing?? And they say that they have to win in 2018 AND then get DACA done. No they wont. They could have done alot when they were the majority but they are paid and bought for and it is a disgrase. Sorry if my english is not perfect. I am from Norway but are passionate for americans to have both healtcare for all DACA and CHIP. Universal healtcare should not depend on how deep yr pockets u have but a right for all not matter what. I am imberresed by the Dems on how they play the “game”. The Dems are thinking backwords because if they get DACA and CHIP now they will win alot of places in 2018. If they cave what are they going to tell the people that are vointing for them in 2018?
I should point out also, that while possibly unlikely, this could all be resolved to even Cenk’s satisfaction before February 8th. It could still all work out. Cenk’s anger is largely over something that hasn’t even happened yet. That said, I don’t trust McConnell, but I do trust Susan Collins word since she proactively found a temporary compromise between all sides. I have no love for any of them, or Schumer. Dick Durbin is a good guy though and I do hope he keeps working with moderate democrats, because we need his help and support and for him to fight for us. Cenk’s kind of vitriol and Alex Jones-ish rage turns people off to his message, for me, and for a lot of other people.
If you don’t like Cenk’s rage, you probably should just cut your subscription now. Why are you a subscriber anyway? Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think I’ve seen a positive comment from you ever.
While I don’t like Cenk’s rage, I do support many of his (stated) overall goals, I simply feel that (as someone who majored in Speech Communication for 2 years at UT, though I left before I finished for personal reasons) Cenk is damaging his message. He doesn’t need to persuade almost anyone here and he knows that (I assume). If his goal is to persuade the all-important “undecided/independent” voter, and that is part of his goal when he gets worked up, he’s doing damage to his cause (something I’m very familiar with from my own – many I admit – mistakes). Also, I have found in my life that the level of rage he often demonstrates is very difficult to control or channel. At some point it’s a lymbic system type issue with anger, and as a primal emotion most folks can’t control it at that point. I certainly couldn’t, I’d hurt people I care about if I let that much anger through. It’s constructive criticism, and he certainly doesn’t need to give a f*** about my (unsolicited) advice, nor do any of you. But the number of people here who hate on me as a centrist or want me to leave because I have a different way of looking at things troubles me; I’d rather progressives and young people were open to more discussion and ideas. Just looking to see if I have the “Bernie Sanders-Approved” Tag on me (if we had tags), and upon finding I don’t have it telling me to just leave also worries me. There aren’t enough progressives and millennials yet to carry an election to victory (50% or higher I mean) without some independent and centrist support. We can’t do it alone, IMHO. The left can, and here sometimes DOES go too far in thinking compromise is a dirty word; another TEA Party (this time a leftist version) is not going to help us. It’s a path I hope we can all avoid treading. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t offer up my opinions and/or advice, wanted or not. If we’re going to succeed in November, we need to find a middle ground and work together – otherwise maybe we deserve an idiotic a-hole leader like Trump.
That said, I’m human too and so I’ll take a harder, sober look at myself in the next month and see if I should stay or not. And I do say positive things, often some days. I love Ana to pieces and hope I’ve made that clear, and I enjoy her perspective and that of many of the other voices at TYT (especially Grace, Kim, Amberia – forgive me if I misspelled that), and I like the perspective of the many handsome guys at TYT too (John, Brett, Has, and Ben and Ben’s hair!).
I apologize if I’ve soured your TYT experience though, in reality or perception. Feel free to skip over any of my future comments if you feel the need to though, I understand not everyone here is going to want to be my friend. Have a great weekend and I hope that at least come November we’ll both be voting for all the people that Donald Trump doesn’t want us to!
God damn it. I am so sorry for all our dreamer neighbors, families, fellow god damn Americans all. I gave up on the Dems when they wouldn’t move on impeachment after Pelosi took it over the table in 2006 (H.R. 333/Kucinich, look it up). My beloved Bartcop: “What’s wrong the Democrats? The Democrats won’t fucking fight!” Obama, such a great response to Bush/Cheney, I wanted to believe. Then he became the deporter in chief, all those drones, of course it was a mixed bag with Obama but he was never a progressive, so I stayed a non Democrat. And then fucking Trump. He had to go, so I signed back up as Dem and voted for HRC, who I still believe would have been a total war hawk and in the pocket of Wall Street, but I voted for her because FUCKING TRUMP are you kidding. And then he gets in, and I’m like, now I have to be a real Dem, get out there and work in 2018 to defeat Reps in local districts, hold your nose and tell complete strangers that Dems are better than Reps. And they are. And this is what Dems do. Schumer’s my senator in NY, the bastard. People protest outside his home here in Brooklyn all the time. And now we’re supposed to work for this party, because of Trump? The answer is yes but it makes me fucking sick to line up with these guys. Thank you Cenk, bring that fire. fuck these guys. Trump will probably self destruct sooner or later. Schumer & Co. will go on forever. Banging my fucking head over here.
By the way: where is Elizabeth Warren in all this? Lining up like a good Dem or railing/working hard and being ignored?
On the DACA issue, Cenk needs to take a chill pill and look at the polling, something he always rails about, and realize that the DACA card is a very very bad hand to play with.
The white working class, which is the largest swing and independent group by far, is either anti-immigration or very wary of it. The white working class voted mainly because of his immigration policies not trade nor economics and every survey shows that including this:
Fighting for DACA alone is a losing strategy when those same people above, and an increasing number of black and hispanic people, are dying because of opioid abuse and defunding, because of bad infrastructure, because of pollution etc. All these are not only popular policies but policies people think are worth shutting the government down for in order to solve these problems as the following poll shows:
Progressives need to stop short term thinking and start strategizing. They should strike a temporary deal with Trump on DACA while he is in the mood, win congress and the presidency and in 2021 change the law as they see fit. If they continue battling wind mills there won’t be a majority progressive Dem congress in 2021 nor a progressive president for that matter.
sec86379, I’m sure you’re right about the polls. Cenk’s right too. The polls are the only thing Dems like Schumer care about. That’s the problem. What the hell is the point if this is what the good guys do? Dems don’t fight for anything but their own ass.
I am not surprised whatsoever that the NRA is taking Russian money. That’s what I’m trying to get at, Russian influence in the right-wing (by the way not only in the US, but also in Europe and around the world) is way bigger than Trump. So the conclusion can not be that they only gave the money because they’d spend it on Trump, they gave the money, the NRA spends it on Trump. They also gave money to representatives of the alt-right, Breitbart etc.
The problem with tying all those things too close to Trump / make it seem like it’s something new or exclusive to Trump etc. is that we underestimate it, that’s making excuses for Russia and their “friends and partners” in the US. Paul Manafort’s only job hasn’t been campaign manager for Trump, he got linked to foreign money, foreign dictator money more than 30 years ago, when he and Roger Stone had an agency to support candidates. What Nomi would call a “vendor”.
Cenk, John and others always ask the question if people aren’t worried about future elections, and the answer is yes, of course we do. That’s exactly why I don’t want the establishment to fall back after Trump leaves office. If the corruption, if foreign money influencing US elections is tied to Trump, they have an excuse to never talk about it. We are naive though to think it’s only Trump. If I actually go by Cenk’s standard here “organizations that get foreign money and spend it on American elections”, of course one comes in mind immediately. But you don’t have to go there. Are you actually telling me that the way the system is set up by now, the independent expenditures and dark money etc there has never been foreign money spend in US elections before? “Oh. Who’s being naive, Kay?” Germany, France, Italy, Canada, let alone Saudi-Arabia, Qatar etc NEVER spent any money on US elections..? Come on
I grew up in Germany and had only English in school for several years, I had to learn it from conversations, movies, TV shows. I think I can speak relatively well, but yes grammar is clearly not a strength of mine. Is it usually close to impossible to understand what I want to say..?
Speaking of far-fetched ruminations on a statement made in jest: What if “secret society” was a kind of naughty romantic code for an amorous rendez-vous between the two agents? This would actually sort of fit with the ironic tone of the intro of the text and with the “lover’s complaint” aspect (so to speak, of course) of her resenting her not having received an invitation to attend some meeting or other — or perhaps I have them reversed and it was he, not she, who was doing the complaining? Ah, well. Either way. In any case, it doesn’t really matter . . . as it was a JOKE!!!
HOLY SHIT, a long segment that speaks truth to power and calls out the establishment without devolving into 21st century red-scare propaganda? OLD CENK IN THE HOUSE on TYT tonight!
Enjoyed the colourful show today :) My neighbours complained that MY DEVICE WAS TOO LOUD! What jerks. So very glad You swore heaps, so they went inside and stopped bothering Me.
I like it when You are Mr. Personality!
Hallelujah Cenk! Keep Preaching!
Thank you guys!
I honestly believe that if Bernie runs and wins in 2020 that establishment democrats my purposely tank their own party. In fact, strike that if ANY progressive runs and wins in 2020. I think they will do whatever they can to make a progressive president look like a joke in an attempt to get the people back to their side. So whatever progressive we (hopefully) elect in 2020 will need progressives in Congress.
Thank you. I will be voting in the Democratic primaries from now on, and it will be for truly progressive candidates.
my podcast app says this episode is 4 hours. Is that true?
Cenk bringing the fire and fury!!! Exactly what I need to get motivated this morning!
This is my FAVORITE side of Cenk!!! FIGHT! PASSION! Cenk is right!!! This is why I love TYT!
I haven’t been able to download the podcasts to iTunes on my desktop recently. I can download them to my phone, although they show up as being hours longer than they actually are. What’s up?
Whichever poor employee of TYT has to watch Alex Jones, needs 6 weeks off a year. Face it, that poor person is probably banging their head on their desk and crying. Send them to Denmark in summer. Happiest place on earth.
What is scary, to me, regarding the “secret society” narrative is that it is being pushed HEAVILY by Fox News, not the alt-right crazy websites like…
Breitbart, Daily Wire, Daily Caller, Drudge Report etc. I checked today and there is *barely* a mention or nothing at all about it.
I think we have to keep our eye on Fox News because like Cenk said, they are playing a dangerous game. Alex Jones and the aforementioned right-wing BS factories are not mainstream.
I’m right there with ya, Cenk. LOVE your passion. If I wanted my news for naptime, I’d watch Wolf Blitzer.
The MORE fire the better!
WHY on the gods green earth would ANYONE believe that the current mildew-brained, slug buckets (ie.DNC-Clintoncrat Neolibs) are still worth supporting? Or voting for?
They NEVER stand up for anything!
vanBronco, you are gracious, but there is no need to apologize to a jerk…
TYT changed all of a sudden on Wednesday changed their podcast over from audio to video.
I use the podcast so I can listen at work and in the car. I don’t want to be watching a screen while I’m trying to multitask.
At least offer an option to get the audio instead.
I want to vote in primaries but it means I have to register as a democrat, not sure I can stomach that.
Check your state’s rules (and put pressure to change them if necessary). In California, only the Presidential Primary is restricted to party affiliation. That’s every 4 years. This year, in the midterms, there are no party restrictions here. Everyone who is registered to vote will be able to vote for the candidate of his/her choice, regardless of party.
Primaries are our best chance to impact the system. Low primary turn-out always benefits the Establishment.
I get it.
But suck it up, buttercup ;)
We need every progressive vote we can get if we are going to turn this country around. Don’t sit this one out, please.
It’s not that hard.
I’ve been registering as a Democrat for nearly 6 decades and I understand your distaste for the party establishment currently… I’ve stopped my support completely for the DNC, DSCC, DCCC and such… I continue to support individual candidates, and progressive campaign organizations such as Justice Democrats… Although I quit Justice Democrats because of the Cenk curfullel; I still support the individual Justice Democrats candidates… I register as an independent after the primaries as my protest, but register as a Democrat in time for the primaries… In fact, I was a delegate for Bernie at the county convention; but an Independent on election day…
Love your passion Cenk. Keep it up.
Amazing how many Republicrat assholes do Darth Vader cosplay. ;)
anyone having issues podcasting all of the main show stuff?
Without any notice, they changed all of a sudden on Wednesday to be a video podcast instead of Audio, which I’m sure messes with people’s players. Email support as I did to tell them to switch back to audio, or at least offer an option for the audio podcast.
I use the podcast so I can listen at work and in the car. I don’t want to be watching a screen while I’m trying to multitask.
Cenk, you’re a psychopath, period. VALIUM my friend, VALIUM, you need some and BADLY. If you keep this up at your age your head will implode on air. WE already know that Schumer sucks, you don’t have the f’ing yell it at US. Why don’t you tape yourself and then mail the tape to his office, ok? I’m not going to keep paying monthly for your cult to have yell at me everyday. Get counseling, read a book, volunteer, whatever. Maybe just take some vacation time? You’re the Left’s answer to Alex Jones at the moment and it scares me.
The distinction is Cenk is correct and his passion is a reflection of passion and frustration. Polite is passe when we are confronted with the current madness.
I think someone for once is passionate about what they beleive in and are totally correct on how the people feel. I have seen enough of tv pressenters with a monotone voice. Cenk has alot of passion for the people and are not interrested in sending the tape to Schumer!! He wants the people that need protectioon to get it and we all should demand it. The dems have all the cards and CAVED! Why? Even Trump tweetet that dems where losers and also some Repblicans. And the Dems see that and do nothing?? And they say that they have to win in 2018 AND then get DACA done. No they wont. They could have done alot when they were the majority but they are paid and bought for and it is a disgrase. Sorry if my english is not perfect. I am from Norway but are passionate for americans to have both healtcare for all DACA and CHIP. Universal healtcare should not depend on how deep yr pockets u have but a right for all not matter what. I am imberresed by the Dems on how they play the “game”. The Dems are thinking backwords because if they get DACA and CHIP now they will win alot of places in 2018. If they cave what are they going to tell the people that are vointing for them in 2018?
I should point out also, that while possibly unlikely, this could all be resolved to even Cenk’s satisfaction before February 8th. It could still all work out. Cenk’s anger is largely over something that hasn’t even happened yet. That said, I don’t trust McConnell, but I do trust Susan Collins word since she proactively found a temporary compromise between all sides. I have no love for any of them, or Schumer. Dick Durbin is a good guy though and I do hope he keeps working with moderate democrats, because we need his help and support and for him to fight for us. Cenk’s kind of vitriol and Alex Jones-ish rage turns people off to his message, for me, and for a lot of other people.
Why the fuck do you pay for membership then?
Clearly Cenk is too strong for you.
Delete you account.
Sad Baby!
If you don’t like Cenk’s rage, you probably should just cut your subscription now. Why are you a subscriber anyway? Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think I’ve seen a positive comment from you ever.
While I don’t like Cenk’s rage, I do support many of his (stated) overall goals, I simply feel that (as someone who majored in Speech Communication for 2 years at UT, though I left before I finished for personal reasons) Cenk is damaging his message. He doesn’t need to persuade almost anyone here and he knows that (I assume). If his goal is to persuade the all-important “undecided/independent” voter, and that is part of his goal when he gets worked up, he’s doing damage to his cause (something I’m very familiar with from my own – many I admit – mistakes). Also, I have found in my life that the level of rage he often demonstrates is very difficult to control or channel. At some point it’s a lymbic system type issue with anger, and as a primal emotion most folks can’t control it at that point. I certainly couldn’t, I’d hurt people I care about if I let that much anger through. It’s constructive criticism, and he certainly doesn’t need to give a f*** about my (unsolicited) advice, nor do any of you. But the number of people here who hate on me as a centrist or want me to leave because I have a different way of looking at things troubles me; I’d rather progressives and young people were open to more discussion and ideas. Just looking to see if I have the “Bernie Sanders-Approved” Tag on me (if we had tags), and upon finding I don’t have it telling me to just leave also worries me. There aren’t enough progressives and millennials yet to carry an election to victory (50% or higher I mean) without some independent and centrist support. We can’t do it alone, IMHO. The left can, and here sometimes DOES go too far in thinking compromise is a dirty word; another TEA Party (this time a leftist version) is not going to help us. It’s a path I hope we can all avoid treading. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t offer up my opinions and/or advice, wanted or not. If we’re going to succeed in November, we need to find a middle ground and work together – otherwise maybe we deserve an idiotic a-hole leader like Trump.
That said, I’m human too and so I’ll take a harder, sober look at myself in the next month and see if I should stay or not. And I do say positive things, often some days. I love Ana to pieces and hope I’ve made that clear, and I enjoy her perspective and that of many of the other voices at TYT (especially Grace, Kim, Amberia – forgive me if I misspelled that), and I like the perspective of the many handsome guys at TYT too (John, Brett, Has, and Ben and Ben’s hair!).
I apologize if I’ve soured your TYT experience though, in reality or perception. Feel free to skip over any of my future comments if you feel the need to though, I understand not everyone here is going to want to be my friend. Have a great weekend and I hope that at least come November we’ll both be voting for all the people that Donald Trump doesn’t want us to!
God damn it. I am so sorry for all our dreamer neighbors, families, fellow god damn Americans all. I gave up on the Dems when they wouldn’t move on impeachment after Pelosi took it over the table in 2006 (H.R. 333/Kucinich, look it up). My beloved Bartcop: “What’s wrong the Democrats? The Democrats won’t fucking fight!” Obama, such a great response to Bush/Cheney, I wanted to believe. Then he became the deporter in chief, all those drones, of course it was a mixed bag with Obama but he was never a progressive, so I stayed a non Democrat. And then fucking Trump. He had to go, so I signed back up as Dem and voted for HRC, who I still believe would have been a total war hawk and in the pocket of Wall Street, but I voted for her because FUCKING TRUMP are you kidding. And then he gets in, and I’m like, now I have to be a real Dem, get out there and work in 2018 to defeat Reps in local districts, hold your nose and tell complete strangers that Dems are better than Reps. And they are. And this is what Dems do. Schumer’s my senator in NY, the bastard. People protest outside his home here in Brooklyn all the time. And now we’re supposed to work for this party, because of Trump? The answer is yes but it makes me fucking sick to line up with these guys. Thank you Cenk, bring that fire. fuck these guys. Trump will probably self destruct sooner or later. Schumer & Co. will go on forever. Banging my fucking head over here.
By the way: where is Elizabeth Warren in all this? Lining up like a good Dem or railing/working hard and being ignored?
On the DACA issue, Cenk needs to take a chill pill and look at the polling, something he always rails about, and realize that the DACA card is a very very bad hand to play with.
The white working class, which is the largest swing and independent group by far, is either anti-immigration or very wary of it. The white working class voted mainly because of his immigration policies not trade nor economics and every survey shows that including this:
Fighting for DACA alone is a losing strategy when those same people above, and an increasing number of black and hispanic people, are dying because of opioid abuse and defunding, because of bad infrastructure, because of pollution etc. All these are not only popular policies but policies people think are worth shutting the government down for in order to solve these problems as the following poll shows:
Progressives need to stop short term thinking and start strategizing. They should strike a temporary deal with Trump on DACA while he is in the mood, win congress and the presidency and in 2021 change the law as they see fit. If they continue battling wind mills there won’t be a majority progressive Dem congress in 2021 nor a progressive president for that matter.
sec86379, I’m sure you’re right about the polls. Cenk’s right too. The polls are the only thing Dems like Schumer care about. That’s the problem. What the hell is the point if this is what the good guys do? Dems don’t fight for anything but their own ass.
b-bbb-b-ut Cenk, Bernie is not an actual Democrat pfffffffff
I am not surprised whatsoever that the NRA is taking Russian money. That’s what I’m trying to get at, Russian influence in the right-wing (by the way not only in the US, but also in Europe and around the world) is way bigger than Trump. So the conclusion can not be that they only gave the money because they’d spend it on Trump, they gave the money, the NRA spends it on Trump. They also gave money to representatives of the alt-right, Breitbart etc.
The problem with tying all those things too close to Trump / make it seem like it’s something new or exclusive to Trump etc. is that we underestimate it, that’s making excuses for Russia and their “friends and partners” in the US. Paul Manafort’s only job hasn’t been campaign manager for Trump, he got linked to foreign money, foreign dictator money more than 30 years ago, when he and Roger Stone had an agency to support candidates. What Nomi would call a “vendor”.
Cenk, John and others always ask the question if people aren’t worried about future elections, and the answer is yes, of course we do. That’s exactly why I don’t want the establishment to fall back after Trump leaves office. If the corruption, if foreign money influencing US elections is tied to Trump, they have an excuse to never talk about it. We are naive though to think it’s only Trump. If I actually go by Cenk’s standard here “organizations that get foreign money and spend it on American elections”, of course one comes in mind immediately. But you don’t have to go there. Are you actually telling me that the way the system is set up by now, the independent expenditures and dark money etc there has never been foreign money spend in US elections before? “Oh. Who’s being naive, Kay?” Germany, France, Italy, Canada, let alone Saudi-Arabia, Qatar etc NEVER spent any money on US elections..? Come on
inglisch is clearly your second language
sorry :-(
I grew up in Germany and had only English in school for several years, I had to learn it from conversations, movies, TV shows. I think I can speak relatively well, but yes grammar is clearly not a strength of mine. Is it usually close to impossible to understand what I want to say..?
my apologies
* for a couple of years :-)
whiteprivlog, given your response to vanBonco, asshole is clearly your favored language
don’t be a dick, whiteprivlog.
You’re doing great, vanBronco. You have a better grasp of the English language than our POTUS and his followers.
Speaking of far-fetched ruminations on a statement made in jest: What if “secret society” was a kind of naughty romantic code for an amorous rendez-vous between the two agents? This would actually sort of fit with the ironic tone of the intro of the text and with the “lover’s complaint” aspect (so to speak, of course) of her resenting her not having received an invitation to attend some meeting or other — or perhaps I have them reversed and it was he, not she, who was doing the complaining? Ah, well. Either way. In any case, it doesn’t really matter . . . as it was a JOKE!!!
HOLY SHIT, a long segment that speaks truth to power and calls out the establishment without devolving into 21st century red-scare propaganda? OLD CENK IN THE HOUSE on TYT tonight!
I say “weak sauce” and “thanks God” all the time now. Of cooouuursssse of course I do!
ha. i say ‘have at it, hoss.’
Let’s see what happens.
Enjoyed the colourful show today :) My neighbours complained that MY DEVICE WAS TOO LOUD! What jerks. So very glad You swore heaps, so they went inside and stopped bothering Me.
I like it when You are Mr. Personality!
Is Alex Jone the son of Rush Limbaugh.?
This is one baby-boomer who plans to vote the losers out.
“Where the fuck is your resistance?” Love your passion Cenk. I will be calling my weak sauce senators (Feinstein and Harris).
Cenk on fire … love it!
“there are elections coming up, so I must vote against something 60% of America agrees with.”
Cenk, Love your calling out the corporate Dems. Perfect analysis. Keep it up!
wasn’t there complaints about Hillary taking money from foreign money through the Clinton Foundation?
I’m already there, brother. I am fighting.
Your passion is inspiring to many, Cenk—keep it up.
I remember reading about that Russian NRA story in the paper the other day. Still surprising