TYT Hour 1 January 19, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan56 Comments

Cenk, John, & Abby Martin. Trump cutting Puerto Rico funding. Trump wants 95% cut on drug policy. Shutdown: what’s happening. Pentagon drops climate from national defense strategy.

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  1. Funny, I never hear anyone complain that Cenk is sucking the air out of the panel despite the fact that he talks more than anyone else on any other panel. I also never see him get compared to other men the way every single woman on TYT is compared to Ana.

    Men and women panelists shouldn’t be held to different standards.

  2. I do agree with Sessions on one front: we need minimum sentencing. When you crash the economy, defraud the government and steal tax payer dollars, or any of the other fuckery that are labeled as “whit collar” crimes should be treated in the same line as a convicted drug dealer: 25 years in prison and take all of your money as “ill-gotten goods”

  3. No money to Purto Rico put all Americans at risk. There are major drug manufactures based there and now there are shortages of many life saving drugs that are affecting everyone. Oh I forgot Trump does not give a damn even if it is big pharma.

    1. Why are you comparing those two specifically? Besides the fact that they’re both women? Ana usually leads and Abby is the guest- they have two different roles on the show.

      1. cause it stands out? Ana needs to go attack this housing thing- hosting is no longer proactive enough for her and her efforts to “do” more are sucking the air out of the panel- in my honest opinion… which I only share because I feel like all the people too polite to share their opinion uninvited are half of the reason public commentaries are so impolite. From my opinion: opinions are impolite.

  4. Pod Save America are unfortunately corporate shills. I really wanted to like them, but they I nearly threw my phone listening to their Hillary Clinton interview about her book. They made almost no effort in trying to challenge her on any of her bullshit claims(e.g. Bernie kept offering ideas better than hers after her when she basically offered watered down versions of his ideas months later).

  5. The consequences of a Trump presidency is the US becomes increasingly isolated from the rest of the world. Maybe not Israel or Saudi. This will further cause the US to fall behind unless individual states or businesses or industries go their own way.

    AM is a great choice!

    1. Completely agree. She’s awesome, a superb and fearless reporter when she’s out in the field. One of the best online journalists working today.

  6. i am confused, isn’t it the congress and not the president that passes our laws and policies? If congress wanted to they could pass anything and just override his veto. Having a baboon in the White House is no reason the Congress can’t function around him. Which means all of this is the congress’s fault and all the news media does is compain about Trump, IGNORE HIM and get something done.

  7. They are doing more than moving it….They are Stealing/Embezzling the Money . They are killing people and letting them die every chance they get….Trump is a monster, but Who the hell is showing him the Menu? Really am curious…

  8. On the massively misdirected Drug War …

    Just read yday that Tom Peetty died from an accidental drug overdose involving prescribed pain killers

    The medical examiner’s news release said the autopsy found these drugs in Petty’s system:
    acetyl fentanyl
    despropionyl fentanyl



    Now I am not saying that if Petty had been smoking a joint, he wouldn’t have needed these drugs.
    But would he have needed ALL of them? Maybe not.

    We also just lost the Cranberries lead singer, Dolores O’Riordan, to possible fentanyl overdose.
    Didn’t Prince ALSO die of a fentanyl overdose?

    Do we see a pattern here?

    Appears doctors’ prescription pads are the real “gateway drug,” not MaryJane.

  9. Cenk sneeze into your arm not your hand. No wonder others get your illness. I own and operate a daycare. We teach all the kids this.

  10. LOL… let the coozie thing go. The word is old and you guys sound left behind. I guess growing up with the word coozie it’s not nearly as contemptuous to us in the south, but please tell me the meaning is clear… It’s marketing 101… opposite of cozy is warm.. but it doesn’t keep it warm, it keeps it cool… sooooo… duh… i don’t get what’s uncomfortable about it, it’s a cheezy, sure, but it seems to have embedded it’s meaning into our culture and all the jokes about it have be used to death. So now it’s just a fucking coozie. lol

  11. Wonderful to see Abby Martin on! I’ve been following her excellent journalism since the Breaking The Set days on RT. Please have her on TYT whenever she’s available.

  12. Climate disruption is/will create unbelievable change. Shifting climate systems will greatly affect food production inspite of gmo; ecosystem function will be greatly affected & low lying countries like Bangladesh will be inundated. As Abby said if the West doesn’t like refugees then do something to help in their own country.
    I heard an agricultural lecturer say that severer & longer droughts will occur across the Middle East. Much of the unrest prior to the Arab spring & Syria was preceded by droughts & associated rising costs of food etc,

    I feel for John because anyone who studies it closely and applies it to the geographical & natural world can see we are in for a lot of pain if we don’t change drastically.

  13. I’ve just started watching Abby Martin reports on YouTube . Great progressive, feisty courageous & articulate journalist and a great fit for TYT panel. Does her research and is able to join the dots of an issue.

    1. Abby’s far to the left of any “progressive”. She’s an actual leftie, even in an international sense, whereas TYT is quite centrist overall. Still, wonderful to see her here!

  14. Well the Dems jumped, whether the parachute will open that is an entirely different thing but the 55-34 number (which I expected) is not encouraging. The real game of chicken begins right now.

    This looks like its going to be a long one because Trump is uncontrollable and he will extend the shutdown for months and if he is smart he should because by March he will be in a position to force the Dems to do whatever he wants because the independents will only see one thing, the Dems are holding the government hostage for illegals.

  15. Abby Martin is so great! And what a beautiful voice she has. On other note didn’t Marx write that communism would be global and it would come after global capitalism/imperialism, Lenin didn’t agree so he came with the theory of communism country by country, guess that didnt work, but Marx’s theory is still standing. We live in very exciting times.

          1. I basically like her, just find her to be annoying at times. Call me silly if you want, smart one. She says, “all right,” not “right,” but also “incredibly,” and “literally,” not using the latter properly (literally means literally, not for emphasis—we get the point—although no one at TYT seems to get this), and so on ad nauseam. Excellent for those who enjoy drinking games, however.

          2. Also the constant rage simmering on a low boil, perpetual hysteria at its worst, is hard to take at times and a little forced. Just give me the story please. Histrionics are OK, sometimes, but not 60% of the time. We can agree to disagree.

    1. TYT please add a vote down and disappear option to your sight so people who have respect for others do not have to see worthless and trash comments like this.

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