Reporting In: Michael Shure

In Reporting In - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan9 Comments

Malcolm Fleschner interviews Michael Shure about his work with Tel Aviv start-up 124news and whether or not Democrats will win big in 2018.


  1. Some/all of this should be youtube available and shareable. In the long run it will bring more membership. Malcolm and Michael have a great conversation.

  2. I like Michael, I really do, appreciate his work, but I do happen to disagree a lot :-)

    So he is saying that “the Hillary wing” of the Democratic party just see themselves as Democrats, so does that mean there is no such wing? A question for Michael would be “Those Democrats who don’t see themselves as a wing, do they snicker if they hear young people support Bernie Sanders? How do they react in general to people who joined the Democratic party as supposed to people whose parents and great-great-grandparents had been Democrats. Is it true that the latter are more likely to be the group that “doesn’t use labels.” Are they open to new members, new ideas, fresh blood, challenging the status quo or do they have a, what other people would call, more condescending attitude towards if not borderline despise them?” And in the vein of the Friday Post Game Show you can add “totally true or totally bullshit?”

  3. You should both consider doing the “fast 15” (each week) on TYT just like The Shure does on The Edge Show with the very dear Mark Thompson. – Just a thought. You are both the charmers of TYT

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