Nerd Alert: January 19, 2018

In Membership, Nerd Alert - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan4 Comments

Kim Horcher talks Nintendo’s new project for kids, deadliest cat in the world, The IT Crowd remake attempts, new mobile Harry Potter game, and Final Fantasy V11 at Universal Japan.


  1. I would not use the word“ creative” when describing how kids will interact with this product. When you play with this you will only be able to build the stuff in the kit. Regular cardboard can be anything. Still looks fun though.

  2. In regards to Labo, Kim you have made a small error in your assessment which is totally cool considering we all got Labo dropped on us at the same time. The Labo expense is due in great part because of the software, the cardboard bits will be cheap and replaceable and even printable if you have the stuff to do it. So consider it a game purchase with an additional fee of 10 to 20 dollars respectively for the variety set (great value) and robot set (niche but I’m hoping they have a lot of titles lined up to work for it, perhaps Arms or a new Punch Out). I’m looking forward to it and hoping to see some Luigi’s Mansion themed cardboard get ups for Halloween. :)
    Love Nerd Alert, love the show and team, keep up the excellent work!!

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