TYT Hour 1 January 18, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan36 Comments

Cenk. Trump lawyer: Trump excited to talk to Mueller. John Kelly on Trump’s view on wall. Trump: CHIP should be a long-term solution. Trump going to Penn to boost voting in special election. Murders by white supremacists have more than doubled in 2017. Mulvaney requests no quarterly funding. Pastor Kenneth Copeland got people to buy him a jet.


  1. The way Cenk constantly plugs TYT gear and membership reminds me of those preachers! It seems very hypocritical. Cenk behaves the same way and desires the same thing!

    1. He’s a capitalist, like every other American. At least he pays taxes and u get something made in the USA from shopTYT

      1. Could be worse? Instead of him plugging it, we could have commercial breaks with the same 30 second ad saying to buy a hat every 7 minutes.

    2. Wh…what? You’re comparing a company advertising merchandise (send us money, we send you a shirt/hat/pin/coozie) to religious institutions (with tax free status- mind you) and figureheads soliciting donations (send us money and receive nothing tangible in return, though maybe you’ll feel closer to your god) from congregants who could very well be struggling financially? Being annoyed by advertisements or frequent plugs is one thing but calling it hypocritical and equating to prosperity gospel scams is something entirely different.

    3. Here where i live, if soneone calls u turk, its just means you are a shrewd bssnssman, so i dont hold it agaist him, as long as he doesnt get sponsored by big transnationals, its all good, besides, its pretty cool gear!!!

  2. i know it wasn’t mentioned today, but never-the-less….. I am curious about the huge LA event you have been alluding to this week, for “mid-february”. Any chance of narrowing down to actual dates? Would love to come over from Tucson to play, but usually need a pretty long heads up for planning even short trips. (kind of hoping it is inclusive of the 16th, as Jimmy is performing live!)

  3. I was listening to the jet story. After the second video about the long tube with demons, I was in the same physical position as Cenk when the video ended. Not intended but appriciated.

  4. Sounds to me like that jet was crashed purposefully in order to get a new one. We cant’t stop people from believing in these thieves but we can and should be taxing them at as high a rate as possible.

  5. Random question – is the Talking Points Memo that TYT sometimes references in stories the same Talking Points Memo that Bill O’Reilly used to quote when his show was on Fox?

  6. The “very stable genius” shirt would have been way more funny if the image of the brain was super small compared to the font.

  7. First off I love Mariguana and demand it be given it’s own show.

    Second, Didn’t the chart about terrorism that Cenk put up say 27% of it was caused by RADICAL LEFT-WING groups? And he doesn’t mention that in his story at all. Now the 3% Muslim terror he mentions, but not the radical left. Gee, I wonder if Cenk has a bias here….

    And Also anyone who hasn’t seen the Sam Seder clip on the “Prosperity Gruel” Stayin’ Alive is REALLY missing out!

    1. You misread the graph by mixing up the 2 colours of grey – it was 71% right wing extremist, 26% Muslim extremist, 3% left wing extremist.

      1. Really? Dang it I hate when that happens. Sorry, one of my disabilities makes me mix things up in my head that way, even though I try and concentrate hard to see what’s really there, but sometimes I fail. I apologize for my mistake & rant and thank you for the correction. 26% Muslim Extremist that’s really really bad considering they’re nowhere near that many of them in terms of population percentage, right? But yes the radical right-wing terrorism is the worst.

  8. The obscene upfront cost of these biblebasher’s jets is one thing, but the operating costs (fuel etc) are a whole new obscenity. The rubes get to pay twice.

  9. My thought on when Trump said he wanted a “clear wall” was that he heard someone say that they wanted the wall processe to be “transparent” and he wasn’t listening because they hadn’t said his name for 2 minuets, but he remembered “transparent” and thought that would be cool and wanted to prove he was listening. Then he tried to think why we would want a clear wall so he thought up the throwing pounds of pot over the wall hitting people in the head. lol
    A fence makes more sense for most people, but I would rather imagine it my way. I guess I give Trump less credit than Cenk does.

  10. If Paul Ryan gave 2 rips about CHIP and wasn’t treating it as a bargaining chip, he’d put it on the Floor of the House as a stand alone bill where it would get 400+ votes.

    It would then move to the Senate, where if Mitch McConnell put it on the floor, it would pass with 95+ votes.

  11. What a crock of shit! These “people” carried obstruction to the point of wiping their asses on the Constitution for 6 years. They refused to have hearings on a SCOTUS nominee for a year in order to cheat President Obama from appointing a new Justice to the Court. That was but one(albeit probably the most egregious) examples of their dereliction of their responsibilities to do their job (per the Constitution) for 6 years! As low as their approval rating is now, history will judge them much harsher. I believe this GOP Congress will go down as being one of the most detrimental and corrupt to the point of being criminal in the history of our country.

  12. Sara,

    Your post brought me to tears. I think you highlighted two major issues: the faux-Christian manipulation of good people and the insane costs of health insurance in our country.

    I guessI just wanted you to know that someone read what you wrote. And it moved me, truly.

    1. I just wanted to say “thank you” for taking the time to read. I know it’s long and these days, people just a headline. I wanted to really explain it though, because if you haven’t ever been there, it’s hard for someone to fathom how regular people can get conned into believing what these men are selling. It’s not stupid people–it’s desperate people. I read a story not that long ago of a woman with cancer and after she died, her daughter discovered she’d been sending “faith” money to be “healed” by Gloria Copeland. Tens of thousands of dollars. She went to the news to show the bank statements so they could see how much had been sent to the Copeland’s. I’m not sure what happened, but probably nothing.

      I don’t mean to say that we aren’t all responsible for our own actions because we are. My parents were devastated that they *allowed* themselves to be taken advantage of. They knew that. It isn’t just the believing that is so devastating though, it’s the fact that the followers (at least quite a lot of them) actually follow the “path.” They give when they have nothing to give. They believe that God blesses those who help others. They’d done everything “right.”

      I know our health care system is so broken. I experienced it with my mom, and then 12 years later when they missed cancer in my Dad, even though he’d just had several X-rays that the oncologist said would have definitely shown since he’d had it for about 2 years at the point they found it. It was everywhere by then and stage 4.

      I saw it with my son, who was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease at age 3, with the way I’ve had to fight tooth and nail to get him his medical supplies that without them, he dies. However, I am lucky in a way my parents weren’t. We do have health insurance. Even with it, it’s a fight. I have so much sympathy for those without insurance, those stuck in the middle who can’t afford it but need it so desperately. I’m excited to see Bernie’s Medicare-for-All Town Hall on Tuesday, though!

  13. I know it’s hard to watch those criminal crooks like Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar and the like and sometimes people can’t understand how some people could believe in them, without question, when they are so clearly fake. So let me tell you.

    When I was young, my parents were having a rough time. My father was self-employed and a very hard worker, trying to eek out a living since he quit school at 16. My mom had been diagnosed with a thyroid condition a month before finding out she was pregnant with me, but they didn’t have insurance and figured that something as simple as that couldn’t be that big of a deal, right? So, since they didn’t insurance, she never went to the doctor. Yes, in the two years after I was born, she gained more than 200 pounds. She had read some book that said you would gain weight after stopping birth control pills and she figured it HAD to be from that. My mother dieted, fasted, ate less than any person ever should, exercised like crazy and the weight just piled on year after year. As they struggled financially, the pressure weighed on them to seek out answers. Sadly, the people they found were people on a TV network called TBN. We were too poor for cable so my grandma would videotape hours of “ministry” and bring over tape after tape, which they would watch for hours.

    I remember those men so clearly from my childhood. Benny Hinn, who we actually went to see in hopes of being chosen by him to faith heal my mom, since she had begun having a host of symptoms besides the weight gain. At that point, they were fully entrenched in Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis and others. They were convinced that if they sent the “seed” money those people asked for, God would provide, just as they’d been told. I remember my mom sending in $1 or $2 from grocery money because it was all she could afford.

    They followed the instructions of these criminals, sharing the “Good Word” with those they knew and we often had several people in our house at all hours, since my parents would never turn someone away who was hurting. Several were men my dad had met that were going through divorces. My parents would talk to them and spread the same things they had been told: “God is SO good. Just hold out for the miracle. Tieth to one of the men on TV or a church.” My house was constantly filled with the sadness of these people and the hope of my parents who just wanted to share these “truths” and “blessings.” They fed these people, while my mom ate nothing since there wasn’t enough to go around. Those people also took advantage, seeing my mom sit there without a plate, and went ahead and ate our food anyway.

    After about 9 years of this, believing and “planting seeds” when they could, the only thing that changed was that my parents were now losing our house, which they had built together, board by board, before they married and the fact that our house had way too many people coming to hear my father tell them the “good word.” My parents had prayed and prayed and they were CERTAIN that there was no way GOD would let the bank take our house. They’d believed, they’d sown. There was nothing my parents were more sure of.

    Then, it happened. The bank took back the house and my parents were struggling to find a place to live without any money. Not ONE of those people who’d taken up years of their lives, eating their food and stealing their time, offered a DAMN thing. They were stunned, some as much as my parents. My parents lived the Godly Life and this was NOT supposed to happen to Godly People.

    My dad did find a place, an absolute dump of a mobile home, and found someone to rent a piece of farmland to put it on. When we were forced out, not one of those people had come to help. My parents were through with those TV preachers and their BS. By now, I was 15 and I was through with that shit, too. I watched my parents go through a grief process, of having everything they were certain of, beyond a shadow of doubt, disappear. By now, my mom was very sick. She was beginning to fall asleep while talking, she looked puffy and pale. My dad found a crappy factory job and for his 20 years old welding experience, he got paid $7.25 an hour.

    Shortly after, my mom finally agreed to go to the doctor. Her non-functioning thyroid had caused the weight gain of course, which put a strain on her blood pressure and cholesterol. She now had an enlarged heart and there was no fixing that. We still didn’t have insurance but she began to go every three months and started on medication for the cholesterol, extremely high blood pressure and, of course, thyroid medicine. Six year later, she became very ill, constantly throwing up and we were sure she had the flu. My mom didn’t want to go to the hospital since they would have to pay in cash, but after much coaxing, she agreed to go to her regular doctor on 2 days later on Monday. At the doctor, they found she had suffered a heart attack and she needed to go to the hospital. My mom was beside herself, since this hospital bill would be outrageous. When she arrived, they discovered she’d suffered multiple heart attacks. They aren’t sure how many. Only that now, 3/4 of her heart was completely non-functioning. We were told they could try and place stents, but she needed a heart transplant.

    Three days later, still in the hospital, waiting for the bureaucracy of hospital negotiations to try and find a charity to pay for a transplant, my mom suffered another massive heart attack and died there, at the age of 46.

    I’m sharing this story, not for pity, if anyone has even read this far, but to put a face on people who believe these criminals. If you had met my father later, you would have never believed that he could have been manipulated into buying into that shit in the first place because he was grounded in reality. My dad used to say after, that every one thinks they can’t be manipulated–until they are. All it takes is a desperate situation and people can believe just about anything.

    Ever since then, whenever I hear the names of those same people talked about, I silently curse them because I know from the way they speak, they know exactly what they are doing and that every word they utter to hopeless people is bullshit. And they don’t care because they get rich off all those sending grocery money. I’m sure my story is probably repeated all over the country, with other desperate people seeking hope and ending in tragedy.

    1. Sara, these people are deplorable. Perhaps, if they cannot be stopped from scamming people, they could be taxed!

      Like Republicans, who twist the Constitution to fit their wants, Prosperity Preachers twist the Bible to get money. In the Isaiah passage, “high places” could potentially reference places for religious worship for obvious reasons, closer to heaven, closer to god. Perhaps, the passage was to indicate the church would take care of you while you worshiped all day long. If so, Copeland’s followers should drop by his house around suppertime for their just desserts.

      1. I agree they should be taxed. I was old enough to remember one episode where the Copeland’s said they needed a car for their daughter. They’d been saving and, of course, praying and asking all those watching to pray with them. Low and behold, they announced, they had just received a “faith” donation from someone for $3,000, so now they could buy the car! They said it with such jubilation. In the belief system, they brag about donations, but they say it’s a sin to be jealous of your “brothers and sisters in Christ,” so instead you are to rejoice in their prosperity. I was maybe about 12 or 13 then. Two years later, my parents would talk about how blatant the Copeland’s had been and how they used bible verses to pick and choose what would fit with the message they had for that day, which fit the narrative of, “be happy for us, poor people, don’t be angry.” How they realized then that the “faith donations” they and others were sending weren’t being used to help others, but to enrich themselves.

        I know my dad was angry enough to talk about writing them a letter. I don’t think he ever did though. I’d ask him but he passed away a few years ago.

  14. Regarding CHIP; The republicans are so gross. Ugh.

    Its hard to watch from the outside, I can’t imagine how informed Americans feel.

    1. Personally, I think we need a Behind the Scenes ad with various clips of Ana ranting at Cenk for repeatedly overrunning his hour.

  15. Yall said that coozie is such an unfortunate word… what about Causey? thats my actual name and people have nicknamed me coozie for decades lol

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