TYT Hour 1 January 12, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan67 Comments

John, Jimmy Dore, & Ron Placone. Trump denies saying “shithole.” International responses to his comments. 64% of Mar a Lago employees come from Haiti and Romania. WH plan for states that want work requirement for Medicaid recipients. Wisconsin school apologizes for racist homework. Increasingly difficult to find US recruits for military.

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  1. Jimmy is why I have a subscription. (And I really like Ron.) The main show is CNN/ MSNBC-lite : all Trump all the time. We get that he’s a racist thug who does and says outrageous things every day. But what about the Democrats supporting the genocide in Yemen, Democrats voting for Trump’s authority to wiretap your phone with no warrant, and almost every Democrat voting for the 80 BILLION dollar increase that Trump wanted for the military-industrial complex? Jimmy and Ron do incredible work on these topics on Aggressive Progressives. Jimmy needs to do the main show every day or Aggressive Progressives needs to be 5 times a week.

    1. I couldn’t agree more. He’s a truth teller trying desperately to redirect the dialogue in the right places. TYT has become MSNBC lite and it’s going to start losing them subs. There isn’t enough coverage criticizing the neoliberal Dems apart from the easy shots hitting Senator Manchin and so on.

    2. Cheryltyler11 totally agree with you. Just finished watching the live version of Aggressive Progressives with Steve/Jimmy/Stef – kudos to your research and bringing us stories when don’t often see – about Patient Dumping, brought me to tears. Love to see TYTLive step up their game.

  2. Too bad so many of you are so brainwashed that you can’t get what Jimmy is saying. He is the only FIGHTER left among these tyt people. The rest just want to suck up to the democrats and their miserable excuse for resistance. What a joke. These dems are the problem for our side. They are supposed to be fighting for the people and they haven’t for 30+ years. Wake up. I learn nothing from tyt. I cancelled my sub as of Feb. Jimmy turns out such great content with such honesty about the real issue (dems shitting on their own) that I can’t even listen to tyt at all. Cenk is a joke.. a centrist? How many of you read/listen to real fighters? Have you read Douglas Valentine’s work? Do you know how controlled by the cia that the entire establishment is? How about David Talbot and The Devils Chessboard? I thought so….

  3. Lol John don’t say my “current” girlfriend. Sounds like you’re about to break up with her at any second or something X)

  4. Funny how controversial a Jimmy appearance now is. For years Cenk would call TYT a camp fire of different opinions coming together. Now it feels more like a salad bowl of different bubbles – the main show bubble, the Aggressive Progressive bubble, the Think Tank bubble etc. The shows itself seem to become more and more echo chambers, while the opinions between on one show compared to the other(s) are drifting more and more apart.

    Jimmy’s appearance on the main show, at least from time to time, are important, so are Michael Shure’s. I’d love to have Michael, Jimmy, Hannah, John, Cenk, Ana, Steve, Malcolm, Brett etc. all on the same show – let different stances on Russia, economics, social policy etc clash in an open battle, opinions and convictions actually challenged in real time, with no possibility, no time to think about how your own arguments fit into a cohesive narrative etc. From time to time add NYC people Emma, Nomi or network people like Kyle Kulinski or Sam Seder – have Sam and Jimmy on at the same time etc.

    Unrealistic, impossible, I know, but could you imagine? So something smaller, but similar, again where different opinions and arguments can clash openly without filter and without having the chance to control a narrative would be the best thing ever!!!

    1. I like it!

      What about a twice a year Skype panel? Might be too hard to get everyone in the same room at the same time.
      Pick specific topics, but also a few members questions.

      Make it approximately 2-4 hours long, half on US international policies & half on home affairs.

      Even though they both are the most polarizing, I have a feeling Michael Shure AND Jimmy would be the most considerate players. Surly award would probably go to Sam Seder.

      1. “Even though they both are the most polarizing, I have a feeling Michael Shure AND Jimmy would be the most considerate players”

        Yup! :-)

  5. I am @ the 41:06 point.

    Bottom line?

    The fantasy of the ‘loyal black servant’ was put to the fire during the Civil War.

    As Southern plantations were conquered/liberated the ‘ Decades loyal house Negros’ escaped just as fast as any new field man/woman.

    History shows the truth

    The decades ‘loyal’ house servants were just biding time and playing their ‘masters’ for fools.

    MAN …I wish I had the reference books on hand…

    NO man or women is ok with being enslaved…no matter their color.

    Don’t mistake a lack of options for an acceptance of cirumstrance.


  6. Jimmy Dore:

    I am in a love/hate relationship with you.

    Part of me wants to get on board….the other parts feels you’re just a left handed version of Sean Hannity.

    Tone it down, or lose my interest.

    Very respectfully,

  7. Also….just realized…Trump felt like a Genius while spending a life dealing with……victims.

    His problem now?

    He is forced to deal with people who don’t buy his bullshit.

    And are smarter

    THAT is why he fails so bad.

  8. Wow. Just…..Wow….

    So, pretty much, Trump has been dirty for decades and his dumb ass was so stupid he ran for President.

    Basically, he is as dirty as any shit-hole (literal–not figurative) I had to shit in in Afghanistan…and had been GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!

    Please, if Mueller does what I am expecting and hoping he does…I promise…I WILL believe in a God…..

    Justice being the reason why.

  9. More crap aboutTrumo saying stupid addled garbage, funny in a hideously farcical way, but as Jimmy points out, this Trump crap is empty calories, no better or worse than the old entertainment hour 2 that TYT threw away years ago.

  10. I’m not sure who’s worse, Jimmy or his sycophant Ron. John should get a raise for listening to their incoherent rants without losing his patience.

  11. Do people really like it when Jimmy Dore appears on TYT? He doesn’t fit, taints the trustworthiness of the other hosts, IMO.

    1. Yes, I really like Jimmy Dore. The diversity of opinions allowed on the show is what makes TYT trustworthy.

  12. …and their masters named them, many with the same last name. This is how cross check is able to purge so many blacks from the voter records in various states.

  13. re: elementary school homework

    1. That was not a public school. Private schools are not required to hire licensed, qualified teachers. When offering a story denigrating a teacher, please differentiate between actual public school teachers, licensed and trained to teach, and those trying to do a job they aren’t qualified for in the private (and sometimes) charter sector.

    2. As a fully licensed public school teacher with decades of teaching experience under my belt, I’m thinking that this was a bone-headed attempt to fulfill CCSS about argument and argumentative writing.

    3. I teach 8th grade, and our content includes the American Civil War. We might look at the reasons the south supported slavery, and we might debate or write written arguments. In reality, we don’t; there are plenty of topics for debate and written arguments that don’t argue the “benefits” of slavery. We DO talk about the reasons. Eighth graders can separate their own perspective from a look at cause and effect in history. While 4th grade can debate and write arguments, even if the assignment had been set up more appropriately, it’s not developmentally appropriate to do so.

    4. On that note, it WASN’T set up appropriately. They weren’t asked to give reasons why THE SOUTH supported slavery, but why ANYBODY would have supported slavery, as if it were a simple point of view rather than a crime against humanity. Are we going to ask our kids to defend murder, physical and psychological abuse, and more? That’s what “giving good reasons” for is doing: defending the practice.

    5. Finally, asking 4th graders to produce argumentative writing of any kind for homework isn’t good professional practice. Homework is for practicing and improving skills already learned; skills that students can successfully practice without help. That assignment, even with an appropriate topic, should be done IN CLASS, with the teacher’s presence and help.

    1. I don’t see how anyone can listen to Jimmy Dore. Just a continous bleep of profanities , mindless ones that only he knows the meaning of…

    2. I understand the enormous offense that this piece justifiably creates…what in God’s name can be good about slavery? And why encourage children to consider anything good about it? Just the thought is enraging. But at the same, time, I think its a great question to ask. Because to understand an issue like this well, its crucial to humanize it, to feel it, and to experience both sides whether each side is a comfortable fit or not. Im curious of what other students answered and what the conversations were like during the ‘arguement’ phase of this assignment. Id llike to think that more than just one student came up with zero good things. Id like to think that children this age can begin to recognize the horrors, the dehumanization, the depth of the pain inflicted on slaves which continues to effect our society as a whole. But just as important is the pious, grotesque and hideous arrogance of the slave owners’ thinking which justified their actions.. So Id like to think this was the goal of the assignment. Holocaust survivors will tell you that the way to prevent another one is to understand the thinking of both sides rather than just the victim’s.

  14. My Grandparents came from Norway. I often wish they didn’t, so I could have been born there. But, true, I would not be the same, My Mom is Irish Scottish and Native American. Well, hey, I can wish she moved there. Then I could still be me

    1. LOL, I know how that feels. I got a T-shirt for a tweet of mine. I saved the clip and posted it on Facebook. I am all excited and my non TYT friends are saying “I don’t get it, why was that tweet funny”

  15. Good show. I love john and I have always loved Jimmy, he is too straight forward for a lot of people but his opinions are clear and understandable. He is a regular person and I feel comfortable with him.

    I do wish everyone would stop alluding to the fact that Trump may have dementia. It is an excuse for his ugly behavior. He is a hateful bigot and in the end they will try to use dementia as an excuse. The truth is he is a hateful person. Has anyone ever asked him or most of the GOP why they hate our country? They are destroying it daily. They insult the Constitution, which they have all sworn to protect, they disable the people as much as possible, they even destroy our national parks and monuments. What is left? When doing interviews journalists should start asking the question of all of them. Why do you hate our country?

  16. Jimmy is a moron. He voted for Jill Stein because he couldn’t vote for the surveillance state? Does he honestly, come on people, does he honestly think that if Jill Stein were elected president she”d all of a sudden she’d get rid of the entire surveillance state? That’s magical thinking.

    1. It’s moronic to think that a vote for Jill Stein (in CALIFORNIA, btw) is being naive & is magical thinking.

      Hillary lost this fucking election, with the help of her DNC Consultant Class trolls.

      No one thinks that if Jill OR Bernie were in office it would be easy-peasy, soft & squeezy.

      But, if Progressives keep punching themselves in the face by voting for NeoLibs, how will ANYTHING change?

      1. I voted for Jill Stein. But, I know I live in a blue state, so I knew we would go for Hillary no mater what so I was safe. Unrelated to your comment, I will yell this. GET RID OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, IT IS LAME AND STUPID.

      2. chetzmom, well said. Blaming Hillary and DNC Consultants: comprehensive. Neoliberalism: bad idea and it is not even liberal (in the way we think of the term). Finally, informative: I knew things could be “easy-peasy,” but “soft & squeezy” too!!!

  17. If you don’t get what Jimmy is saying, you are part of the problem that allows the Dems to still suck. You’re the reason why we’re all stuck with Trump. If you weren’t so naive, blindly following the party line and MSM, we might have had Bernie. Instead of disagreeing because you don’t like how he talks, hear what the hell he’s saying and wake the F up. At least this hour wasn’t 90% Trump gossip, 10% things that matter. I’m sick of that $&?! I prefer logic. Keep letting the media and dems control the narrative and we’ll get something worse than Trump.

    1. It’s nice that Jimmy Dore preaches not marginalizing the least among us in society, and even nicer to see that his followers like ‘preach’ blame people like me, a middle-of-the-road person on the political spectrum, for getting us stuck with Trump. The problem however with making those two statements line up is the fact that while I consider myself a centrist and voted for Hillary “Worst Bitch To Ever Fucking Run For President” Clinton, I’m also a disabled transgender pagan with 6 (diagnosed) mental illnesses, 4 (diagnosed) physical illnesses, who gets by in The State of Texas (and as an aside, Cenk, if you see this: Some of us are stuck with Human Taint-Wart Ted Cruz as our Senator, I’d love to be able to have Feinstein and bitch about how she isn’t liberal enough for me) on a disability income (SSDI that I worked and payed into to get, not SSI the charitable program) that for 2017 according to the nice year-end statement I just got from the SSA amounted to $9,408.00, making me, I suppose, one of the “most vulnerable people” progressives are supposedly trying to protect. Oh, and the only person I was able to procure a room to live in from is an over-sexed man, old enough to be the father who abused me and my now deceased mother physically, emotionally, and sexually ever since I can remember (my actual father, not the guy I live with) who subjects me to constant sexual harassment and emotional abuse great enough to trigger my memories of my prior abuse. That’s the problem, in my eyes, with absolutist and litmus tests, and why I don’t subscribe to them. But given that I’m also a total fuck-up who says lots of bad and/or “troll-ish” things myself sometimes, I forgive you ‘preach’, and those like you, because offering that forgiveness now and knowing I will certainly need the same in my own future (however short that is) is perhaps one of the only “good” things I have the power to do for someone else. This is me, my authentic self, for all my faults. I’m where I am because of my own bad choices and apologize to all of you whose time I’ve wasted and thank you in advance for the forgiveness I hope you can grant me.

    2. Agreed!
      I will also add that if the Clintoncrats had their way, and Hillary had been crowned, the majority of the country would still be asleep. TYT, Secular Talk, Democracy Now, etc. would still be fighting just as hard, but no one would be paying attention. You think Justice Dem candidates would be surging? NO.

      Do you think ANYONE (outside of the ONLINE Progressive community) would get more than a little cranky at what the NeoLibs & Rethugs would be doing?

      Hillary would be Obama 2.0, and though she isn’t as charming, she would still talking pro-environment (while expanding drilling & fracking), fighting “terrorism” (more wars), fiscal responsibility (cutting social programs) and on and on. But no one would care or notice till it was too late.

      Jimmy may be a jagg-off nightclub comedian, but he’s getting to the basic core of the problem.
      DNC NeoLib Dems will NEVER CHANGE. NEVER.

      The shiny, swollen & festering carbuncle that is American politics needs to be lanced, scraped & flushed out.
      Enough with dabbing the oozing pus and crossing our fingers!
      Time to operate!

      1. I’m so glad that people who have nothing to lose think that a Trump presidency is better than a Hillary presidency because now progressives will “be fighting hard”.

        Meanwhile the human race could be wiped out by a nuclear holocaust. Oh yeah, and the judiciary has been completely reshaped for a generation. And the government is being dismantled. And people are losing their medicaid.

        But at least we don’t have crooked Hillary! *rolls eyes*

        1. Cwalker …the judiciary? REALLY?

          Tell me again how hard OBAMA fought for his moderate, pro-corporate nominee?
          He didn’t because he knew DNC-Clintoncrats would use the SCOTUS to scare people into voting for Hillary. Not voting for her because she is the better candidate, but voting, ONCE AGAIN for the “lesser of 2 evils.”

          The judiciary had ALREADY been changed by John Roberts & Samuel Alito, appointed by W. It was changed waaaay before Trump got here. All he did was replace a dead conservative with a live conservative. The only difference being that Scalia is less of a kiss-ass than Gorsuch. Also, I think Little Buddy Clarence Thomas is lost without his Skipper, Scalia.

          No one is arguing that Trump is better than Hillary.
          Both Obama AND Hillary, wanted to privatize Social Security. Both are pro-corporate, pro-war, pro-Big
          Pharma, pro-private prisons, etc, etc.

          And how do you know whether I have anything to lose or not?
          Just because I voted for Jill and not Hillary doesn’t mean I’m independently wealthy and without a family.

          And for the 500 millionth, billionth time… JILL STEIN VOTERS DID NOT LOSE THE ELECTION.
          Hillary & the DNC-NeoLibs did. You can blame THEM for Trump.

  18. Jimmy is politically naive. Yeah, Trump plays the media by getting them to report on things he says. But getting the media to stop reporting on him saying Haitians have AIDS is just never going to happen. Saying they should report on policy also, sure! But we can’t be like some libertarians and say, “Well, my agenda will work once the whole world is transformed and we can control vast cultural phenomena at will.” Will never happen.

    Plus, stop being mystified by Trump’s base. Yes, the racism will still drive the base, but it drives a lot of other serious people away. You think he gets away with a coup in this country when he’s saying weird shit like this and can’t control himself?

    Yes, many Democrats are very rightwing too. Many are also black congresspeople from the inner city who are not like Chuck Schumer. Jimmy’s simplistic mindset to constantly buttress his own prejudice frustrates me.

  19. I hope Trump keeps up his racist tweets, remarks etc. This helps us get angry at GOP and Corp Dems.. They need to go and America now knows that.. Not only will we vote the GOP out of power, but Trump will never get a 2nd term.. I love it when he puts us down with his racist remarks for America will be running to the polls to vote those idiots out of office.. Watch how bad the GOP gets beat in Nov… I want Trump to keep up his racist white America for there are far to many brown people out there that voted for him and the more he does it the more votes he loses for the GOP… I’m brown and I see it every day out here, he is losing alot of votes, so please Trump keep up the good work… Call us all shitholes, spics, rapist and any other racist term you can come up with. Thank You Trump..

  20. Re: “crop sharing” I think what Ron was referring to is Community Sponsored Agriculture, where small organic farms distribute boxes of fresh produce that changes with the seasons. You subscribe for a full share or half share and pick up a box each week in your neighborhood.

  21. Jesus Christ, John has the patience of a saint. Jimmy Dore is such a fucking idiot. Grandpa has come out of his shed and is shouting about his usual nonsense. Ok, grandpa. Go back to your youtube clips. That’s right, grandpa, you’ve got the whole thing figured out. OK, have your weed and go back imagining you understand what Einstein’s relativity theory says, grandpa. Good job, grandpa. Yeah, you’re super smart. We know. Why do they let that fucking idiot onto their air?

    1. Because if Jimmy wasn’t on , you would have nothing to complain about.
      You are happier in the role of contrarian.

      Jimmy & Ron are rarely on TYT Main, so think of it as an opportunity to convince people to hate them!
      Besides, it’s good to let Grandpa out once in a while, he sweeps out the cobwebs.

    2. at gathly…

      whereas, sensible, smart, mature people understand that there is nothing we can do to change anything, we should bow down and lick the boots of the elitists who crush us, and admire the Corporate Dems who live like royalty whole the vast majority of people in this sadly beleaguered nation.

      1. The thing is, when gathly started here, he was usually the one having a more radical, more left, more aggressive stance than Cenk, now he hates on Jimmy all the time :-) time’s gone by … time’s gone by …

  22. I think the main difference between Jimmy and Cenk is that Jimmy just curses the darkness while Cenk tries to light candles.

      1. I don’t think Trump curses at darkness. It’s more like he blows out the candles so when he does evil, no one sees.

    1. This is exactly why I prefer Cenk’s approach. You can fight hard while also being solutions-oriented in a way that helps you navigate out of the dark…or you can plop down and scream into the void.

  23. Practice makes permanent Jimmy. Container gardening is a good way to start. Tomatoes are a great companion plant to share space with an herb that you may like. I appreciate your honesty about the college bread bowl as well. Great hour from all, I like this grouping.

    1. Hey, I’m in Oly too! Working outside is what keeps me fit–I’ve got a big backyard and I’ve planted all kinds of fruit trees and veggies too. I never have to go to the gym; I enjoy doing hard work that has a purpose!

      Yes, tomatoes are not the easiest veg to start with in some areas, especially where the marine layer hides the hot sun on the coast. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has tried to grow the most expensive tomatoes in the country.

    2. I have a container garden each summer too.. Terracotta pots… My mother once told her co-workers that her son was growing a pot garden… then immediately regretted the phrasing, so I now affectionately refer to it as my pot garden.
      I’ve had good luck with tomatoes. While I can’t grow that herb, other herbs tend to grow easily. Mint is always fun as well, pick a handful to enjoy with the coffee each morning in the summer.

      1. How is denying reality and following along with the intelligence community thought narrative, currently being driven into the minds of the public (as Cenk, Anna, and John have been doing for a year now), “constructive”??? No one has ever denied that Trump is corrupt or has laundered money through foreign banks-most of the elite are, and have-it’s that there is STILL NO evidence for the original claim of Russia “hacking the election”, and there never will be, because it never happened. Even Cenk has started to roll back his original stance, mirroring EXACTLY what I’m saying here (Watch Cenk on the first hour a few days ago). NEVERMIND that it’s well-documented that the Clinton campaign dreamed up the media narrative for this whole 21st century red-baiting propaganda on the night of the election, over cheeseburgers, as a strategy of how to spin their abysmal loss to Trump.

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