TYT Hour 1 December 29, 2017

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan54 Comments

Cenk, Ana, & Alonzo Bodden. Trump interview with NYT. Trump: media needs me to win the next election. Trump doesn’t know difference between climate and weather. Sanders most likely candidate to challenge Trump in 2020.


  1. Love hearing talk of Nina Turner as a candidate! Unfortunately, I don’t think she currently has the name recognition or international experience (though I would trust her to hire very competent advisors on international affairs) to compete. If Bernie does get the nomination, I would hope that Nina would be on his short list as a running mate.

  2. Does TYT have any issues to discuss?
    Show used to be interesting/informative.

    Now it is bad Trump based comedy show with one joke – Trump is Dumb. hahahahahaha. So funny the first 10K times.


    Try to be interesting in 2018!

  3. I misread the headline and read “Trump interview with TYT” and lost my shit for a second.

    Anyone else dyslexic enough for that?

    1. Right!?!? Unfortunately, not funny. I wish Lenny Bruce had been funny and not just a thought pioneer. Oh well, thanks Lenny and George for speaking truth.

  4. I just had one more thought partially regarding Bernie Sanders, and I don’t mean this in a discriminatory way, but Bernie Sanders is Jewish and if he ran and one he’d be the first Jewish American President, and that’s fine but… Look at what Trump’s moving our Embassy to Jerusalem caused, with new calls for uprisings and terrorist attacks against the United States all over the world just for that. What would happen to our middle-east peace efforts and relations with the “Arab World”? I’m NOT saying we can’t elect a Jewish POTUS or that if Bernie was the 2020 nominee liberals shouldn’t vote for him. I’m just saying this popped into my head really for the first time with the embassy stuff and it is giving me pause. Was this discussed in detail somewhere during the 2016 elections that I didn’t see? I don’t remember him talking much about his religious views but maybe I missed that.

    If he does run again and is the nominee, what can we do to assuage our allies in the middle east? How do we retain their trust (assuming we can get it back after Trump which may well be wishful thinking on my part)? Is there a Progressive or Independent person who he could pick as VP that is Muslim or of middle-eastern descent that could be a good VP? Did he ever say who he’d have liked his VP pick to be in 2016 (had he won the nomination)?

    I just ask this because I, like many people I think, REALLY don’t want another f’ing war in the middle east (or anywhere).

      1. I’m asking what I think is a legitimate question. Yes, I voted for Hillary, but I also had some concerns about how she would deal with the problems in the middle east given that so many of those cultures are extremely sexist. I wondered if she could be taken seriously by the men that dominate those countries. Are you saying you have no concerns at all that if we did elect a Jewish President he might not seem impartial to the Muslim world?

        1. That’s the worst excuse I’ve heard in a long time. You should never fail to do the right thing because you afraid of how someone else might react; merely be aware of it. People tried to used the same justification to say why Hillary should never be president because other countries wouldn’t respect a woman president, or why we should have elected McCain or Romney instead of Obama.

          Our allies are pragmatic. While it is true that certain demagogues can use it as a wedge, hatred is not a true governing policy and fails to move economics. People generally see through it. Further Sanders is far more likely to keep us out of war in the Middle East than those who try to act tough to leverage power. By being Jewish and yet criticizing far right Israeli policies, his criticism comes across as more legitimate.

          We retain their trust through economics. Keep the money engine rolling and they might complain on the surface but act business as usual on the inside.

          Pragmatically, I don’t think Sanders could get elected in this post 9-11 climate with a Muslim VP. Thinking too far ahead.

  5. Anna watch the blood pressure your neck vein is bulging, Pres. Trump illustrates how broke the system is, in your face corporatism does not matter how popular a bill is or how much other politicians hate or like him as long as paid to play gov. reps in the house and senate get there way. as a side is it just me or is it like Pres. Trump was given a list of every thing Pres. Obama did as a undo list so his handlers can pump him up “You did GOOD Sir the Bad Black Man is gone and you got rid of his Greatly Gratly harmfull rulls and regs your the best Pres. that ever was your such a good Pres.’

  6. China is likely the oldest country in the world with a national history of about 6000 years. The region has been inhabited more than 250000 years. So Trump was the best treated over this entire history. What’s the problem.

  7. Why are so many people IGNORANT about the fact that amendments become actual language in the bill that is passed into law. Stop with the stupid comments about Senator Sanders not accomplishing anything. That is such unadulterated bullshit!

    1. Not sure why my comment didn’t show up in the right place. It is in response to dratheart’s ludicrous comment about Bernie Sanders.

  8. I’m surprised that Tulsi Gabbard isn’t being mentioned more often as a very strong potential candidate. I wonder what Cenk’s opinion of her is. I don’t know how the American populace would react to her, but if she plays her cards right, IMO she’s the only person who could win 42 states, as per one of Cenk’s predictions for 2020.

  9. Look, I’m gonna catch shit for that but Bernie Sander is a DREAMER, not a DOER, period. If I’m wrong show me ANY legislation he wrote himself that got passed. Do we need dreamers? Absolutely! A dream is aspiration, what you fight for – it ignites the masses and starts making change happen. But as we’ve seen with Trump, a vision isn’t enough! You have to have the practical skills to get that stuff passed and made into reality. Every single person in politics who isn’t Bernie isn’t wrong when they say some things are near impossible or flat out unrealistic – they just aren’t. I don’t want to vote for someone who promises me the world if he doesn’t have the practical skills to deliver. I’d rather vote for someone who is honest about what they can realistically do for me who succeeds at that than someone who promises me the moon and can’t even get me a black of green cheese, even if that makes the said politician less appealing. I appreciate someone who tells me up front what they can get to someone who lies popular lies to me. My secondary concern is that Bernie is just so old – we need fresh blood in politics, someone younger. I don’t know who that is, it’s not Hillary and I understand that, but I don’t know who it is, and 3 years away from the next election I don’t think anyone else here KNOWS either. Just my $.02.

    Also, having Alonso back was great! It really was a pleasure, please call him back soon TYT! We need a few laughs mixed in with all the trauma of Trump’s plane-wreck tragedy, to keep us sane if nothing else. Thank you for bringing your perspective and your humor and your wit to this hour Alonso!

    1. Just go dust off your “I’m with Her” signs. Or are you printing up new Biden or Kaine placards?

      If Bernie got into office, could he get everything done Progressives want? No.
      But tell me how much Obama “got done” for Progressives?

      Now tell me how “being centrist” and working with Rethugs (like the Clintons LOVE to do) has gotten the Progressive agenda? Both the sweet-talking Obama, Bubba & Queen $hillary wanted to privatize SS.

      At least Bernie & free-thinking politicians (not paid to think by their Corporate Overlords) would TRY to do something! NeoLib Clintoncrats will never do anything progressive.
      Except maybe count their progressively growing piles of bribe – uh, donated- money.

      1. From a recent Newsweek Article:

        “The 2017 survey marks the 16th consecutive year Clinton has been the most admired woman,” Gallup researchers reported. “She has held the title 22 times in total, more than anyone else. Eleanor Roosevelt is second with 13 wins.” – Hillary Clinton, AGAIN, the Most Admired Woman in the United States. That’s pretty f’ing good in my view.

        Full Article Link:

  10. Please quit getting people’s hopes up for a Bernie 2020 run. For as much as I love Bernie, he’s going to be too old. As will Biden. We need experience, honesty, and honor in the highest offices. I really like the idea of Elizabeth Warren and Joe Kennedy, III. Intelligence and honor on one ticket (not to mention name-recognition.)

    1. Warren is weak.

      She is all bark and no bite.
      She likes the Progressive name, but will buckle under pressure.
      She is not brave or a fighter.

      Can she be helpful to ACTUAL Progressives? Absolutely!
      But a LEADER? No. Weak, weak, weak.

      Joe Kennedy III? Don’t know enough about him.
      Is he a Robert Kennedy Jr. type? A REAL progressive who’s political voice is STRONG.
      Or is he a pretty-face who is like Patrick Kennedy, crazy against legalizing pot so obviously bought by Big Pharma or Big Booze, etc.

      Bernie or Nina Turner matched with Tulsi Gabbard.

    1. What is delusional is refusing to believe the polling data and other science that is out there confirming Bernie as the most popular politician in the country. Every month, the Harvard Harris poll shows Bernie to be way out in front as most popular. He continues to have the highest job approval rating of any Senator. He is now the de facto representative of the Democratic Party and has become TV’s gho-to guy for matters ranging from healthcare to budgets. You cannot just ignore these facts because of your own personal gut feeling and bias.

    2. In 2016 he was a wild card but in 2020, the way things are looking (both politically and economically) the race is Bernie’s to lose.

      The US never sustained a 4% unemployment level more than 2 years in a row. Even if the tax cuts produce growth I doubt it will delay the next recession beyond 2020.

  11. i love Alonzo, and your panel makes all the diffrence in whether i watch or not for the day or just catch hihglights. you should have him on much more often.

    1. Also agreed, Alonzo is awesome. TYT is such a personality driven show, and there have been some… questionable choices in hosts the past year or two. I used to watch every day, now I chose whether to stay or tune out based on who’s hosting. Alonzo is A team material!

  12. Regarding Trump’s global warming tweet – the difference between weather and climate is a good counter argument, but it isn’t the only counter argument, nor the best. The fact that it is cold in the East is only half the story. Temperatures have been way above normal in Alaska for several years. Right now, Homer is warmer than Washington, D.C. The arctic has been warming about 5 times as fast as the global average due to melting ice and increased sun absorption. This reduces the temperature gradient from the equator to the North pole, weakening the jet stream. The jet stream becomes wavy, bringing warm air to the arctic and arctic air to North America. This is science, so we can’t expect the Donald to understand. Take a look at the current jet stream here and watch it over the next few days:

    In other words, this extreme cold snap is evidence for climate change! It is not something that needs to be explained away or apologized for.

    Yesterday, December 28th, 2017, had the lowest arctic ice extent ever measured for that date. Check it out on the National Snow and Ice Data Center: https://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/charctic-interactive-sea-ice-graph/

  13. Properly orchestrated, Steven Munchin would be the perfect albatross for Ms. Harris. She made to call, and it could be used against her. …….Seriously, the optics he keeps doing with his wife make them easily compared to the ultimate Bond villains.

      1. True.
        That’s why you need to “shoot for the moon”, not because you think you’ll get there, but because that’s the only way you’ll make any progress. You can’t start a race thinking, “I’m planning to run only half the distance” because you won’t even make it that far

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