TYT Old School December 21, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan41 Comments

Full for this week’s Old School. Cenk, Jimmy Dore, Mark Thompson, & Ben Mankiewicz talk Cenk and Jimmy’s bet, tax cuts, Feinstein backstabbing the Democrats, predicted Democrat wins in 2018, moving to Italy, Canadian healthcare, co-ops, and shitty tipping.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 31 minutes, 44 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. late to the party – catching up on old OS…
    when talking about why companies are greedy with profits now as opposed to ‘back in the 70s’… yeah. its true – LLCs became a thing in 1977. That’s what Cenk means when he talks about ‘profit motive’ being the only purpose by law of those companies = they are the LLCs (limited liability corporations). although I don’t fully know that the ‘by law’ bit applies, but it is the purpose of structuring a business as an LLC to maximize profits at the expense of everything else.
    Probably no one will see this but it annoys me every time it’s talked about on any of the shows. LLCs!!!! be specific ya’ll!

  2. Cenk, looks like you’re going to have to spend a couple of weeks in the reeducation camps once the revolution starts. Your childish obsession with wealth and capitalism is telling. Also Ben is spot on with his analysis of Republicans; they’re libertarian Ayn Randian free-market extremist, who are obsessed with corporate feudalism.

  3. I hear Ben when he says that the bit of money the average worker will get back from the tax scam. They will feel good about getting a break there. BUT at the same time, those same workers will see their a bigger rise in their health insurance premiums. They will also see an increase in their internet bill because of the FEC ruling. Next year the Republicans will mess with SS, Medicare, and Medicaid, and it won’t be to working class’s benefit. There’s more pork for the billionaires and corporations coming.

    Next year I see a huge blue wave. It could be a huge progressive blue wave if we would try to dig deeper and support the Our Revolution/Justice Democrats/DSA/etc candidates like we did for Bernie. I feel if we support those organizations’ candidates, we can go around the DNC and their corruption and get the sort of progressive voices we yearn for. They need money and volunteers.

    Anyway, that’s my take on it. Great show.

  4. OneOfNineteen comment “Ben mentioned the temporary increase in paychecks for everyone in the short-term for this tax bill. However the long-term impact of this bill is devastating. So I have the same concern that Ben expressed; particularly hearing the Republican talking points for selling this bill. I think the wildcard is the critical-thinking and level of frustration of the voters. The voting pattern for so many decades is a discouraging reality that says voters are easily duped by lies and propaganda. That they don’t see (or want to) the patterns of corruption and that they don’t think long-term.”

    I would like TYT investigates to look into literacy and reading comprehension in the US. At one point I did a bit of googling on the subject because I wondered if it could explain the 27-35% of voters who seem to vote against their own interests. I was shocked. Many may be able to “read” words, but an astonishing percentage have severe deficiencies in reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Great reason for the Repubs to cut education programs.

    I am catching up on Old Schools after not being able to afford membership for a while. My favorite show on TYT! Great set of hosts, and loved the one with Steve Oh and Jimmy recently. Thanks for the great laughs and insight.

    Merry Xmas everyone! –too icy out here in the Pacific NW to go anywhere today. Please put water out for the wild birdies if your area is below freezing.

  5. so Ben is too gullible about U.S. being great in ANYTIME period of History? our Nation was based on British/French/Spanish Companies Colonializing the “New World”

    genocide is built into U.S. ink on U.S. Constitution. Cenk’s explanation actually explains Legalization of Money in U.S. politics……

    Co-ops sound great IF capitalists can’t fix an issue. Not as startup without Capitalists. We need to balance Capitalism within any Marxist-Socialist framework.

    My opinion about u having the Talk with ur Son should be when he first hits Puberty. He wouldnt understand too early and too Late would be Too Late….

  6. the reason you can’t go up or down 6 or more bpm, is that it will change the key of the song and throw everything out of whack. that was before the time of time stretching and advanced djing software.

  7. Awesome old school.
    Super weird. I ended up having a sex dream about Jimmy last night. I didn’t even realize I was attracted to him.

  8. No tipping at restaurants here in Japan, it’d be kinda nice except the prices are so high you feel like you tipped.

    The high prices should support the unwritten minimum wage here of between $9 and $11, but in reality that minimum goes to selected Japanese and very lucky immigrants. There are many working poor here of both native Japanese and immigrant origin who get paid way less by scheming Japanese employers who keep their statuses secret and give them no benefits. Sound familiar?

    Lots of smart Japanese people are watching our Fight for $15, knowing a US victory will force their governments to move too in the war on poverty.

  9. Ben is right. One reason the Republicans want to cut taxes is to starve the government so they can cut programs. Grover Norquist famously said, “I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” Their philosophy is based on personal responsibility and greed. Everyone should take care of themselves and if you can’t, it is your fault because you were – lazy, dumb, flawed, or made bad choices. Government just gets in the way of their greed, which Ayn Rand believes is good for society. They want corporations and business to do whatever they want without limit.

  10. We should just stop tipping at restaurants. People don’t tip in many countries and the service is perfectly fine. Tips lead to sex, age, and racial discrimination. Experiments clearly show that younger good looking women with bigger breasts will on average make more in tips. Most people don’t even realize they are doing it. Maybe in the beginning tips actually meant you got better service, but now the tip is so ingrained in the culture that most people will still tip even if they get bad service. They have talked about tipping on Old School before, and the consensus with Ben and Cenk is that you still tip even if it is poor service because you don’t want to look like a dick. Also, in restaurants, the servers get tipped but, they can’t really do a good job without the help of the cooks and other employees. In high-end restaurants, this has lead to an imbalance where the owner has a hard time keeping good cooks because they leave to become servers. Another issue is that by law restaurants can pay their servers like $2 an hour, with the idea that tips will give them minimum wages. If the waiter says they didn’t make minimum wage the restaurant is supposed to make up the difference. This rarely happens, so if they get stuck on a slow night they might not even make minimum wage. Finally, most servers will under-report their tips to avoid taxes.

    Changing the tipping culture will be hard, but it will make everyone’s life easier. Yes, prices will go up, but on average not more than you already pay with the tip included. In some places the tip and taxes are included in the menu prices, so knowing what the final bill will be is simple, making it easier and fast to split the check when out with friends. I have never noticed a big drop in customer service in places where you don’t tip. At the end of the day, if service is bad management can replace the server, so they still have an incentive to give good service.

  11. I should have moved to the west coast because i haven’t been able to find anyone my age on the east coast as attractive mentally as these four. Dammit.

    1. There are places on the west coast where you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who disagreed with these four. So, you could research spots for future moves :)

  12. LOL @ Cenk being against co-ops because of how OWS, a protest movement, was run. I’m pretty sure if you’re running a business you’d vote on a boss but you would actually have a boss. Leadership is recognized as important and if it’s not those businesses would fail while those with leaders wouldn’t. In a co-op you’d just have more say in who your leader was and if he did a poor job you’d have a say in firing him and not giving him a golden parachute.

    Also, please don’t talk about the bad guy “getting” the pretty girl as if she’s a prize to win, especially to an impressionable child. Do it like Ben where you acknowledge that people, women and men, can be attracted to danger/excitement.

  13. This was a great old school. Ben is right about Paul Ryan, they do take a certain glee and truly buy into this “bootstraps” we don’t help the poor Ayn Rand bullshit when it comes to cutting social security. He said himself he was fantasizing about it at keggers. That’s not because he has donors, that because he is a sick fuck who thinks poor people should be screwed.

  14. Thanks for bringing OLD SCHOOL back to it’s original premise: friends, having a beer and shooting the shit. Merry Christmas to me:)

  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWv-bR_X-VM

    yeah, the game i finessed it
    i count the blessings
    these diamonds is precious
    aint having no pressure
    i bought the plain phillippe, they said i was being too extra
    i brought the gang with me, he killed 10 with a suppressor
    recording all night, she sleep
    bitch wake up, this dick is for breakfast
    o you tryin to vibe with me, you gotta be day 1, no lesser
    camera surveillance because all of us made it
    mansion is gated
    we go gladiator, snub nose a potato
    all black like darth vader

  16. From the next day’s main show, it was confirmed that it was a bot that was driving the voting for the survey (poll).

    TYT IT should be able to identify these bots based upon IP addresses and block these trolls. I’m guessing that you should be able to create a list of addresses based upon past bot experiences and VPN vendor addresses that have been assigned. I think that the Internet Community maintains a centralized assignment of IP addresses, which should identify VPN vendors and other proxy site addresses.

    I think this level of tracking is important to avoid future DOS attacks that you will experience as well.

    sadly i agree with Ben the money should to Cenk. he can do whatever. I joined Jimmy’s premium show to assist.

    much love everyone, you are the light in these dark times

  18. I think Ben is right about people not caring & going back to sleep because they get $45 taxes back.

    But, not quite for the same reason.
    How easy is it to get people fired up when there is no net neutrality?

  19. I realize that this session was heavy on the politics, but I really enjoyed the insights.

    Ben mentioned the temporary increase in paychecks for everyone in the short-term for this tax bill. However the long-term impact of this bill is devastating.

    So I have the same concern that Ben expressed; particularly hearing the Republican talking points for selling this bill.

    I think the wildcard is the critical-thinking and level of frustration of the voters. The voting pattern for so many decades is a discouraging reality that says voters are easily duped by lies and propaganda. That they don’t see (or want to) the patterns of corruption and that they don’t think long-term.

    The Republicans are betting that they can trick many with the short-term candy of a paycheck increase. The rest of the voters will be subjected to a relentless campaign of lies, propaganda, and ongoing mini-crisis distractions to wear them down.

    The Democrats believe that they have the right messaging points to persuade voters otherwise. However, the previous failures of the Democratic messaging efforts do not bode well regarding results in 2018.

    Democrats are focused on a broad national messaging campaign, whereas Republicans are targeting particular demographics and their base for their messaging. Too often Democrats win the battle of national opinion, but lose the war for the control of the senate and house.

    So IMO 2018 election results depends upon the level of complacency of the average non-deplorable voter and the effectiveness of each party’s messaging.

    The Daily 202: The tax bill is likely to become more popular after passage. Here’s how Republicans plan to sell it.

    The Daily 202: 10 reasons Democrats think the tax bill will be a political loser for Trump’s GOP in the midterms

  20. good call on having people between you two, Jimmy was throwing chairs, we all saw that violence throwing chairs is unacceptable
    -With Love From Nevada Democratic Party

    1. He wasn’t throwing chairs!

      But he looked like he was about to crown Cenk with one in the Post Game, scared the shit out of Brett and since Jimmy popped out from the back NOBODY expected THAT Spanish Inquisition ???

      FABULOUS Old School with Mark and Ben keeping the warring factions at a safe distance❣️??

      1. extra points for the spanish inquisition reference.

        Jimmy had two things going for him: surprise and stealth. And a chair. Three things. Surprise, stealth, a chair… and comedic timing. Four things…

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