Nerd Alert: December 15, 2017

In Membership, Nerd Alert - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan7 Comments

Kim Horcher talks watching Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the robbing of net neutrality, new Harry Potter fanfiction, Walking Dead spoiler, Henry Cavill’s mustache dilemma, and amount of assets Disney is taking from Fox.


  1. SWTLJ was beyond stupid, a total trashing of the SW franchise. The Rey character is a total Mary Sue, a term for female or male characters that are perfect, know everything. The plot holes are big enough to drive an imperial cruiser, and things that are inexplicable, like Mary Poppins Lea.. not going into all the faults, issues and absolute failure.. this film destroyed the franchise forever.

  2. I loved the SW movie. I didn’t see the humor as too much or not fitting in with the other SW movies. They all had humor. One thing that was a bad idea was Leia surviving the vacuum of space. That was pretty stupid.
    And as all fans want Disney, in the next movie, no CG Leia, if you spice together something to give her character a death, make it short. Better yet, just write it in, have someone tell the story. We all know why she won’t be in the next movie.

  3. Did anyone else find these new Star Wars films to be racist? All the new characters of importance are droids or humans. Sure we got a little maz, a little chewy, but most aliens are milk cows, caretakers or wildlife. Can only humans be Jedi? Can only humans be code breakers? Can only humans be admirals. They killed ackbar.

    1. I must LOL this. First SW is racist because the 3 main characters are white. So they put many races in in. Now its racist because they are humans. WTF? are you serious?

  4. I thought it was a decent movie, but wasn’t a good Star Wars movie. It spit on Luke and all he stood for. It made a Mary Sue out of bb8 and Rey. It made Force Awakens a joke. Abrams set up Rey being someone. The piece of the map on Jakku along with the Falcon. The lightsaber calling out to her. Kylo Ren saying it is you. So much more. This movie destroyed all that came before.

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