It’s awful to think that if her daughter had presented at a Hospital in the UK – where we have free healthcare for all – she’d have been seen immediately as an emergency, given an injection of Streptokinase to effectively dissolve the clot and most importantly, she’d be alive. This system of not treating life-threatening conditions and injuries etc because someone doesn’t have Health Insurance is a complete disgrace. It’s effectively killing someone as surely as if you’d shot them and killed them on the street ! By denying emergency treatment the hospital killed her daughter – how the hell do they get away with that ?? !!? We have plenty of people who come on holiday to the UK and get sick or injured and we STILL TREAT THEM before we worry about paperwork and Insurance that’s occasionally needed depending on what country you come from. We don’t deny access and send them away in pain or in danger of complications and death!! That’s inhumane and completely disgusting. I’m so sorry for her needless loss and the pain and anger she must feel.
“Dig Once” sounds like a good idea, Jimmy. Except that who ever lays the fibre then owns the fibre. All telecommunications cable should be owned by the people, that is rented to the ISPs CHEAPLY who want to operate in that area. Then you wouldn’t have cable monopolies supplying your internet.
@WarlordZsinj, your right, words can mean whatever you want them to mean, after all, they are just words. Science and scientific consensus disagrees with your concept though and you could use an encyclopedia to quickly fix that. One good thing though, you did awkwardly realize that being a hebephile is better than being a pedophile, well, I assume based on how you used your words, you know, the words that mean whatever you want them to mean. My point was not to attack anyone with my comment though, rather to inform and help foster a more accurate sharing of information. Anyone can take an easy look at history, sociology, and anthropology to see what the different norms are and have been in regards to sex with certain ages. It is very interesting from a social research point of view to vehemently judge something that is considered only recently wrong in this country, compared to all of history and the majority of the world ouside Europe and the U.S. (as far as age of consent goes). It seems to me to be the same tactic that many uneducated, conservative, and or neo-nazis use to separate “us” from “them”. As a side note, I do think it ethically wrong to attempt relations with a 14 year old as a middle-aged person and rape/attempted rape at any age is truly disgusting and should be illegal (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948). But hey, if trolling is needed to make life more interesting, I hear YouTube is a perfect place for that…..
@brandongearhart2, legal definitions only include the actual word pedophile or pedophilia when citing a mental disorder. (I think there has been one case where a judge said that pedophiles include those which are attracted to ages 16 and under but it was never within the law). The word pedophile does get used informally between those which work within and with the justice department, etc. but based on the evidence so far given, he is not a pedophile. Many news organizations do not use the word due to the misunderstanding that using it leads to, and I personally think that is the more professional way to do it (Aggressive Progressives using the word does not bother me as much as the main live show I have to admit because I feel it’s more for a casual audience). Again, I agree, Moore exibits predadatory behavior, or at least has in the past, it just bothers me when so many people use the word or a word incorrectly on a platform which in turn causes an exponentially perpetuated issue with concepualization. We are already berated with enough misinformation and fake news to continually add to it by mistake, not to mention the side-tracking that the corporate media forces on us.
Why does everyone at TYT not know what a pedophile is? Everyone uses the word wrong in every instance that I have noticed. I suggest looking the word up as it is an easy thing to do. Ignorance is now no longer an excuse assuming that anyone reads this. Spreading ignorance I assume is not intentional but it does negatively result in more people having their incorrect assumptions being reinforced at a place that they come to be informed. At most, Roy Moore is a hebephile and a sexual predator if the allegations are true. Love the show, it gives me ways of seeing reality that I might otherwise miss.
Your comment doesn’t make any sense a Pedophile is attracted to pre-pubescent children and Hebephile is are attracted to pubescent children. There is literally a specific line separating the two…. Roy More could be both but that’s not necessarily true.
Actually there is the legal and psychological definition of pedophilia. Legally anyone who engages in sexual behavior with someone under the age of consent is a pedophile in the eyes of the state. However, the psychological definition of a pedophile is anyone who is sexually attracted to pre-adolescent children. But regardless, Roy Moore is still legally a pedophile. And from the way TYT has addressed this issue they clearly have been framing it in the legal sense of the definition and not the psychological. But overall despite the technical hair-splitting differences, Roy Moore is a sexual predator so who the fuck cares whether he’s called a pedophile or hebephile.
We’d had enough of this soulless health system we need to fix this and CRUSH any political opposition we will not accept half measures our lives are on the line
One thing that most commentator’s are leaving out about Charles Barkley’s comments is that he wasn’t even asked about democrats, Jake Tappers question was – “What is your message for Donald Trump” ? It was the last question of the interview and instead of answering it, Bakley got onto the topic of democrats, presumably because he thought it was the more important thing to get across ?
Second time I have seen an interview with Amy and I she just keeps getting better! I work in Plaintiff’s medmal and I am sorry to say that EMTALA is violated more than one would think, and COPIC and other defense medmal providers fight the claims tooth and nail, which is truly appalling. If we had universal healthcare, it would end those claims, which I would think they would be in favor of…but alas, they are not. Money, money, money…
GO COLORADO!!! I live in Colorado and I can honestly say our state is way more progressive than some might think! Yes, we have Colorado Springs, but we even managed to get a progressive majority on the Colorado Springs city counsel recently!
Steve mentioned that Repubs & DNC-Clintoncrats want the same pro-corporate agenda.
Repubs are fast-tracking it, and Clintoncrats are moving more slowly toward the same goal.
I would argue that the Clintoncrats are MORE dangerous.
It’s Bomb-Drop politics vs. the Slow-boiled Frog.
Americans are a combo of slow to action, working too much & EASILY distracted.
They need the Bomb-drop to anger them.
The Clintoncrats’ Slow-Boil is the smart & sure way of getting what Corporations want.
Progressives should be thankful that Corporations’ greed is bottomless and has NO patience.
They want their shit NOW.
Those you tube pricks are throttling you back, so your service is barely watchable ( anti Trust )
Your videos are part oi your history and stellar record for a truth teller.
Where are the archives of Aggressive Progressives like the ones I can watch on TJDS?
If TYT can’t archive by subject and date on their site or you tube, ( all 90 minutes ) then leave them. .
The. only way to acieve the revolution is to take the independents and half of the democrats , and some Republicans with a FULL progressive platform in order to achieve very quickly, the minimum threshold
of 2/3rds . Primary all the deadwood out
Love this show! Bought a 1 year membership just so I could have the whole AP show each week. Totally worth it. Keep giving them hell Jimmy!
Don’t freak out!!!
You gave to the wrong organization. Much better to put it into Jimmy Dore’s Patreon (search for it) because hey, Patreon contributions go directly to James.
It’s ridiculous to donate a measly 100 bucks to an organization that has just received $20 million from venture capitalist and Jeffrey Katzenberg in August. That’s exactly like dropping a nickle down a dark and smelly well.
By far the best show on the network! Love you guys! It was moving to hear Amy tell her story and talk about her run for office. Hopefully the repeal of net neutrality doesn’t inhibit AP/TYT from getting its message out. Stay strong!
Race is interjected into the climate for one reason, it divides. The people are so busy trying to honor their ancestry and bloodlines, that we forget we are actually countrymen and women. Our leaders have profited from this strategy for a long time. It’s time we as adults admit fault and move the fuck on.
Regarding Chris Mathews, I guess its good for progressives to be pushed hard to say what they stand for. We need to stand up to his bullshit. I noticed how reluctant she was to stand up for OUR values. The more we do the further he will be pushed out of the picture then maybe one day he’ll finally disappear (loud mouth douche bag).
It’s awful to think that if her daughter had presented at a Hospital in the UK – where we have free healthcare for all – she’d have been seen immediately as an emergency, given an injection of Streptokinase to effectively dissolve the clot and most importantly, she’d be alive. This system of not treating life-threatening conditions and injuries etc because someone doesn’t have Health Insurance is a complete disgrace. It’s effectively killing someone as surely as if you’d shot them and killed them on the street ! By denying emergency treatment the hospital killed her daughter – how the hell do they get away with that ?? !!? We have plenty of people who come on holiday to the UK and get sick or injured and we STILL TREAT THEM before we worry about paperwork and Insurance that’s occasionally needed depending on what country you come from. We don’t deny access and send them away in pain or in danger of complications and death!! That’s inhumane and completely disgusting. I’m so sorry for her needless loss and the pain and anger she must feel.
Awesome show! Awesome JD candidate! I wish her victory. Her daughter’s story is heartbreaking …
“Dig Once” sounds like a good idea, Jimmy. Except that who ever lays the fibre then owns the fibre. All telecommunications cable should be owned by the people, that is rented to the ISPs CHEAPLY who want to operate in that area. Then you wouldn’t have cable monopolies supplying your internet.
@WarlordZsinj, your right, words can mean whatever you want them to mean, after all, they are just words. Science and scientific consensus disagrees with your concept though and you could use an encyclopedia to quickly fix that. One good thing though, you did awkwardly realize that being a hebephile is better than being a pedophile, well, I assume based on how you used your words, you know, the words that mean whatever you want them to mean. My point was not to attack anyone with my comment though, rather to inform and help foster a more accurate sharing of information. Anyone can take an easy look at history, sociology, and anthropology to see what the different norms are and have been in regards to sex with certain ages. It is very interesting from a social research point of view to vehemently judge something that is considered only recently wrong in this country, compared to all of history and the majority of the world ouside Europe and the U.S. (as far as age of consent goes). It seems to me to be the same tactic that many uneducated, conservative, and or neo-nazis use to separate “us” from “them”. As a side note, I do think it ethically wrong to attempt relations with a 14 year old as a middle-aged person and rape/attempted rape at any age is truly disgusting and should be illegal (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948). But hey, if trolling is needed to make life more interesting, I hear YouTube is a perfect place for that…..
@brandongearhart2, legal definitions only include the actual word pedophile or pedophilia when citing a mental disorder. (I think there has been one case where a judge said that pedophiles include those which are attracted to ages 16 and under but it was never within the law). The word pedophile does get used informally between those which work within and with the justice department, etc. but based on the evidence so far given, he is not a pedophile. Many news organizations do not use the word due to the misunderstanding that using it leads to, and I personally think that is the more professional way to do it (Aggressive Progressives using the word does not bother me as much as the main live show I have to admit because I feel it’s more for a casual audience). Again, I agree, Moore exibits predadatory behavior, or at least has in the past, it just bothers me when so many people use the word or a word incorrectly on a platform which in turn causes an exponentially perpetuated issue with concepualization. We are already berated with enough misinformation and fake news to continually add to it by mistake, not to mention the side-tracking that the corporate media forces on us.
this is great everything is on POINT!!!!
Why does everyone at TYT not know what a pedophile is? Everyone uses the word wrong in every instance that I have noticed. I suggest looking the word up as it is an easy thing to do. Ignorance is now no longer an excuse assuming that anyone reads this. Spreading ignorance I assume is not intentional but it does negatively result in more people having their incorrect assumptions being reinforced at a place that they come to be informed. At most, Roy Moore is a hebephile and a sexual predator if the allegations are true. Love the show, it gives me ways of seeing reality that I might otherwise miss.
Hebephile is still a pedophile, and by trying to word lawyer around you are trying to diminish the charges.
Your comment doesn’t make any sense a Pedophile is attracted to pre-pubescent children and Hebephile is are attracted to pubescent children. There is literally a specific line separating the two…. Roy More could be both but that’s not necessarily true.
Actually there is the legal and psychological definition of pedophilia. Legally anyone who engages in sexual behavior with someone under the age of consent is a pedophile in the eyes of the state. However, the psychological definition of a pedophile is anyone who is sexually attracted to pre-adolescent children. But regardless, Roy Moore is still legally a pedophile. And from the way TYT has addressed this issue they clearly have been framing it in the legal sense of the definition and not the psychological. But overall despite the technical hair-splitting differences, Roy Moore is a sexual predator so who the fuck cares whether he’s called a pedophile or hebephile.
And the winner of the word debate is…(drum roll) Brandongearhart2. (and the crowd goes wild)
We’d had enough of this soulless health system we need to fix this and CRUSH any political opposition we will not accept half measures our lives are on the line
Toomy is def a repub.
One thing that most commentator’s are leaving out about Charles Barkley’s comments is that he wasn’t even asked about democrats, Jake Tappers question was – “What is your message for Donald Trump” ? It was the last question of the interview and instead of answering it, Bakley got onto the topic of democrats, presumably because he thought it was the more important thing to get across ?
Second time I have seen an interview with Amy and I she just keeps getting better! I work in Plaintiff’s medmal and I am sorry to say that EMTALA is violated more than one would think, and COPIC and other defense medmal providers fight the claims tooth and nail, which is truly appalling. If we had universal healthcare, it would end those claims, which I would think they would be in favor of…but alas, they are not. Money, money, money…
GO COLORADO!!! I live in Colorado and I can honestly say our state is way more progressive than some might think! Yes, we have Colorado Springs, but we even managed to get a progressive majority on the Colorado Springs city counsel recently!
Steve mentioned that Repubs & DNC-Clintoncrats want the same pro-corporate agenda.
Repubs are fast-tracking it, and Clintoncrats are moving more slowly toward the same goal.
I would argue that the Clintoncrats are MORE dangerous.
It’s Bomb-Drop politics vs. the Slow-boiled Frog.
Americans are a combo of slow to action, working too much & EASILY distracted.
They need the Bomb-drop to anger them.
The Clintoncrats’ Slow-Boil is the smart & sure way of getting what Corporations want.
Progressives should be thankful that Corporations’ greed is bottomless and has NO patience.
They want their shit NOW.
brain food yum
The interview at the end was terrific!
Those you tube pricks are throttling you back, so your service is barely watchable ( anti Trust )
Your videos are part oi your history and stellar record for a truth teller.
Where are the archives of Aggressive Progressives like the ones I can watch on TJDS?
If TYT can’t archive by subject and date on their site or you tube, ( all 90 minutes ) then leave them. .
The. only way to acieve the revolution is to take the independents and half of the democrats , and some Republicans with a FULL progressive platform in order to achieve very quickly, the minimum threshold
of 2/3rds . Primary all the deadwood out
Love this show! Bought a 1 year membership just so I could have the whole AP show each week. Totally worth it. Keep giving them hell Jimmy!
Don’t freak out!!!
You gave to the wrong organization. Much better to put it into Jimmy Dore’s Patreon (search for it) because hey, Patreon contributions go directly to James.
It’s ridiculous to donate a measly 100 bucks to an organization that has just received $20 million from venture capitalist and Jeffrey Katzenberg in August. That’s exactly like dropping a nickle down a dark and smelly well.
Perhaps you need to take your lead from this:
It’s not just the DNC , the consulting class has infiltrated all levels of the Democratic party, from City Councils to the Presidency.
Wow I’m donating 2 her campaign! She is awesum! Another great show AP!
Pat Toomey is a repug.
Was gonna say – I live in PA, and Toomey is definitely a republican
Jimmy, you should have Charles Barkely on for an interview.
Toomey is a republican – I’m unfortunately one of his constituents
Nomiki Konst is on fire. Give them hell Nomiki!
How much time did Jimmy and Stef actually get? Seems like the show is becoming all about Cenk’s agenda.
Amy Vilela is lovely. She told her backstory on Rebel Headquarters.
Cenk wasn’t on this episode. What show are you commenting on?
By far the best show on the network! Love you guys! It was moving to hear Amy tell her story and talk about her run for office. Hopefully the repeal of net neutrality doesn’t inhibit AP/TYT from getting its message out. Stay strong!
Race is interjected into the climate for one reason, it divides. The people are so busy trying to honor their ancestry and bloodlines, that we forget we are actually countrymen and women. Our leaders have profited from this strategy for a long time. It’s time we as adults admit fault and move the fuck on.
Pat Toomey is a Republican Jimmy
i think amy vilela just became my new favorite politician.
Regarding Chris Mathews, I guess its good for progressives to be pushed hard to say what they stand for. We need to stand up to his bullshit. I noticed how reluctant she was to stand up for OUR values. The more we do the further he will be pushed out of the picture then maybe one day he’ll finally disappear (loud mouth douche bag).