Nerd Alert: December 5, 2017

In Membership, Nerd Alert - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan3 Comments

Kim Horcher and Jacqueline Coley talk Senators trying to stop net neutrality, Disney possibly controlling Marvel superheroes, and what was going on in Luke’s mind during Star Wars ep. 7.


  1. This is kinda off of the subject but I really value your opinion. If there is a place to post questions to TYT please let me know or please make one availabe. Ok is there any website you would suggest to help me develop an app idea that I have? I am not a programmer but think I have a good idea.

  2. Building publicly owned networks, or getting access to the ones you already paid for but your governments are not allowing you access to, would be a permanent solution to this problem. Make sure your politicians understand that we can have net-neutral local providers on publicly owned networks instead of big telecoms. Hell, most of you can get municipal fiber if you want it and avoid corporate providers entirely.
    A link to over 450 towns, cities, etc. that have already done this.
    the petition for the fight for this in my town.
    (Note: Our mostly Corporate Democrat government tried to get rid of this by making a deal with the super anti-net neutral CenturyLink and before that Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, etc. The Corporate Democrats can’t be trusted either. Sure, they may want Net-Neutrality, but they also love big telecoms who will try to remove net-neutrality as often as they can.)

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