Post Game December 1, 2017

In Post Game - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan45 Comments

TYT Politics’ and “TYT Genius” Emma Vigeland joins the 3 amigos to bring both a female and youthful voice to the panel.

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  1. OMG Steve, I also stir my drinks with knives!! Everyone is telling me that’s weird, well, now I will be telling them it cannot be as TYT Steve Oh is doing it on air so go to hell you weirdos!

  2. Dude, your Proud 19 reference doesn’t fly. There’s 41 comments, and most folk don’t comment. Or what, eh?
    Hi Emma!

  3. Malcolm, your Te reo was almost spot on. Your map of New Zealand was rubbish. I am sure you could have got a better one. Great show.

  4. LOL
    if TYT book club starts up “Manufacturing Consent” has to be on the list and Steve Oh has to be on the show that reviews it :D

  5. Regarding the ignorance of Americans regarding animosity of the Muslim world toward the US;
    Scarborough went on a 5 minute rant about about the middle east saying repeatedly, “They hate us cause they hate us”. Not just ignorance, but also stupidity.
    Another example of this is Adam Carolla (who happens to be very racist). He was on Dancing with the Stars a few years back. On the show he repeatedly said that “they” hate us for our freedoms. This dance show was one of the freedoms that they supposedly hate us for. And everyone nodded in agreement as if we were attacked on 9-11 because we have dance shows on TV.

  6. Love you guys…but seriously? Just because Saudi Arabia is bad, doesn’t mean that Houthis/Iran are good. Fight for the civilians…there are no good guys in power. Don’t whitewash the Houthis and Iran because Saudi Arabia and the United States rightfully need to be criticized.

  7. Been NUTS since getting back from England and Wales a couple of weeks ago, my mind’s a sieve! But I think of the three choices I’d love a book club up in here, I have GOT to read more of what I buy. Watching way too much TV trying to get caught up on the recommendations like Speechless (almost caught up Malcolm). Having a book club would force me to sit still and read at least ONE book to the end in this social media, iPhone frenzied world. I read just like Steve does, how I got through all the Harry Potter books TWICE is miraculous BUT they did indeed end just before Facebook and such got kicked into crazy. I want to be encouraged to read again and discuss it with Steve, Malcolm, Dave and Emma! Love you guys!

    Dave you were priceless up in the building today. Thanks for keeping things so real and for pointing out what ain’t nice!

  8. Keep up the good work Post Gamers! I’ve been one of the proud 19 for a few months and love you guys!
    Great to see Emma in the studio! Malcolm and Dave love your content and Steve love your perspective!
    Malcolm I’ve been playing the video game Metal Gear Solid 5 and it takes place during the 1980s and puts the imperialism of the Cold War into the spotlight. Its sci-fi but still goes into depth on the conflicts of the time in Nicaragua, Angola, and Aphganistan. It goes through the many ways Empires take away a peoples’ identity like taking away their native language (the CIA have parasites that kill speakers of non-English languages lol) It is from the perspective of an old mercenary who’s lost everything and is making a nuke-backed PMC to avenge all his fallen comrades. It’s crazy how relevant the story is to current events!

  9. UBI (universal Basic Income) would allow that the conservatives to get what they want, which is end all help from the government. It might work if everyone uses the money wisely. I worry that poor and uneducated people will be taken advantage of and end up agreeing to give someone all their income for an apartment or something. Also, what do we for the people who make bad choices and spend all their money on drugs or alcohol every month and end up homeless? Already payday lenders take advantage of poor people and squeeze huge profits from the poor, now they will have greater incentives to mistreat people. How do you prevent fraud – like someone dies and people pretend they are alive to collect their check. Will this encourage people to have more babies to collect more money? The UBI would have to be equal for all people, so why wouldn’t I want kids to get more money? If someone wants to just get by without working, is that good or bad for society? I don’t know the answer to the question. I suspect most conservatives will be against that idea because they will say they are stealing from those that work.

    1. People can take advantage of poor people now, wouldn’t giving them more money give them more choices so they are taken advantage of less?

      People already make bad choices. If we give people money and they make bad choices it’s the same thing as now. They will have to live with the consequences of those bad choices. But yes, there should be help for addicts, mentally ill and homeless people. A lot of them need more help than just money.

      Payday lenders will have less opportunity to mistreat people because people will be less desperate for money since they have more of it.

      Fraud-same thing as bad choices. It happens now and it will happen if we adopted UBI. There should be protections in place to try and prevent and stop it as there are now.

      Babies-just put a cap on how many you can have without getting more money. I’d say 1 per person or 2 per married couple.

      If people would want to get by without working–I think there are 2 groups there. One group is the lazy. I think it would be great if the lazy stayed out of everyone’s way. Then only the motivated would work and you’d only have to work with and deal with motivated people. No more lazies that we have to pick up slack for at work or deal with when we want something done for us at a store or wherever. Let them smoke pot and play video games all day-who cares? Second group is the artists and creative types. I think more art, literature, etc would enhance society. Creative people would have the time and energy to work on new ideas, inventions, etc that I think would also enhance society.

      As to your last comment, that is why EVERYONE GETS UBI. No exceptions. No one is stealing from anyone else. For some reason people have trouble with this concept. Even Emma was like, oh yeah great idea everyone gets it so you don’t have to worry about bureaucracy. Then she goes on to say only certain people under a certain income level should get it. One of the main points of it is that it is UNIVERSAL. That’s the selling point.

      1. My point about the poor being taken advantage of is that poorly educated and unsophisticated people will be targeted more because they have more money to con them out of. I don’t trust most bankers to do the right thing. And there are scam artist who have no problem conning people out of money and now they will have more reasons to con people.

        The reason that conservatives would agree to UBI is because the government will shrink – no SS or welfare or food stamps – that is their wet dream. If people are homeless or children are hungry because of bad choices or they were conned, will we as a society just shrug it off and say “well they made bad choices with their UBI” and not help them? If the government then tries to help those people, we defeat the whole point of UBI. Who knows, maybe the people who make terrible choices will be so small that private charity will help them.

        I am not against UBI, I’m just skeptical. I would love to do a job I love rather than take a job just to pay the bills. I like the idea of taking time off of work and not worrying about how to pay rent. UBI would also have to include Medicare for all for it to work.

        Not sure about putting a cap on the number of children. If I want lots of kids, why shouldn’t I be allowed? Why should the “extra” kids suffer? They didn’t ask to be born.

  10. I have personal experience in Chinese public toilets, and they are beyond awful. They are among the worst public bathrooms in the world. Even the tourist locations and restaurants are bad. One of the problems is that the Chinese do not clean the bathroom properly. I’m not sure what cleaner they use, but it always smells. I have heard that they dip the mop into the urinal to get it wet, which only spreads the urine everywhere. I suspect that they don’t use a good bathroom cleaner to mop the floor or clean the toilets. Many bathrooms burn incents to hide the smell. With the exception of airports, the toilets are squatters and toilet paper is rarely provided. Sinks only provide cold water and no soap. (Pro tip: when in China carry a small packet of tissues in your pocket. You can purchase them in convenient stores).

    Train station bathrooms are bad because smoking is prohibited in the station, so everyone smokes in the bathroom. You get a disgusting mix of urine, incents and smoke smell that makes it hard to stay in the bathroom. I recommend you breath through your mouth while in there. Bus stations have the worst bathrooms. For many years the Chinese have placed a sign at the urinal that says something like, “a small step closer is a big leap for civilization.” It hasn’t worked. It is a great mystery to me why the bathrooms smell so bad. Exceptions are airports (marginally acceptable) and fancy hotels.

  11. Steve Oh shouldn’t have revealed that “D” is not a legitimate answer. I wouldn’t lose respect for Emma is she chose “D” for any of the questions. Emma’s great. That’s what’s fun about about a new player in “Weekly Whirled News.” Glad to see the three amigos. As long as the three amigos are there for the Friday Post Game, plus one is okay. And Ms. Vigeland is a wonderful “plus one.” I just wish the Friday Post Game was longer.

  12. I think I enjoy the Friday post game more every time I see it. I like these random bits of news from around the world. Malcolm and Dave are always fun to listen to.

  13. Canada’s minimum income project sounds a lot like Japan’s life-long employment social contract that most Japanese corporations are held to by society. The only difference is that instead of the government, corporations must keep paying salaries even though they might not be making a profit, layoffs are unthinkable. Japanese banks keep financing the corporations so they can make payroll and in the end like in the US government at some point might end up bailing out an industry, because it’s taboo for government to bailout a socio-economic group of society. The result is that people keep their jobs during economic downturns, the corporation takes on debt instead of the workers and because people don’t lose their jobs the economy remains strong. Consumer demand is more stable and provides fuel for an economic upturn. When the economic downturn passes the corporation can then pay off its debt. It is one of the macro-economic pillars that holds up Japanese economy. Canada’s idea is pretty socialist but the Scandinavian countries prove that it does work and it can really benefit society.

  14. Many things can be most efficiently done by government or government regulated utilites, such as parks, health care, child care, environmental protection, food safety, education, and basic utilities like water, sewer, electricity, and transportation. If these are provided by government funding, perhaps in some cases with co-pays to avoid wasteful use, then the basic income provided can be lower. The use of basic income should be to provide for clothing, food, housing, and some discretionary income that allows some limited recreation. If someone chooses to play easy rider, they can, but their lifestyle will be limited. With this as a floor, there would not be desparation or a driving need to go outside the system to make money. There would still be a drive to get jobs for additional money to get better or more goods, housing, etc. , because of human nature supplemented by advertising. Low-end services like fast food, haircuts, and others might cost a bit more because of the increased pay, but not necessarily because everyone would already have the basic income, so income from a job would be on top of that. Someone making minimum wage now or a bit more would not necessarily have to get increased hourly pay because this would now be supplemental to the base. Businesses would not have increased labor costs, may have less, because part of the labor cost is subsidised by the basic income. They would just have to provide enough to incentivize the workers to work for them. Their costs for the taxes would probably rise, but taxes are based on profits rather than gross income, so marginal businesses would actually be helped by reducing labor costs.

    The tax system would be based on marginal income above the base and progressive. This would assure distribution of the wealth of the society to all members at a base level, especially if public services are adequately funded. Taxes would fall on those most able to pay because of its progressive nature. The greater discretionary income of the general population would spur demand, promoting the economy so those at the higher end would see abundant income also, though not to their current extravagant degree.

    There is a need for a major change in our worldview concerning labor and distribution of wealth, because the minimum needs of society can be met with much less labor because of automation and modern manufacturing. Even now we need to promote demand through advertising to keep the economy going. George Bush was actually right after 911 when he told the public to keep buying to stimulate the economy. Republicans are wrong in strangling the workers’ incomes that kills demand. If you provide a basic income and provide necessary public services at rates accessible to those with basic income, then the desire for more will spur demand for products that will provide the additional jobs needed to meet that demand, including new demands for services that can only occur when enough people have enough discretionary income to purchase things they can do without.

  15. Hey I just wanted to know why even though the Friday post game is filmed on a Thursday, it is all ways put up a couple hours after the main show on Friday. It would be nice if it could be up once the Main show is over.

    1. Author

      I used to upload it automatically after the Main Show was over, but a lot of members were not fond of it since the Main Show was not up on the podcast yet. Now, I just publish it after the Main Show is up on the podcast

  16. The Houthis allied themselves with the deposed dictator and occupied Sanaa and overthrew the legitimate government of national reconciliation, Iran supported them in that.

    By the way the deposed dictator revolted against the Houthis in the last two days because their Iranian brand of sectarianism became unbearable in a country that is 70% Sunni and most Zaidis don’t support the Houthi’s sectarian views.

      1. I think this is one of TYT’s biggest anger points. Literally been talking about the free pass Saudi Arabia received post 9/11 — and that it’s allowed them to move into Yemen; contract slave labor without being reviewed and criticized openly; and have undue influence in our politics. We are in great need of leaders willing to diagnose our 15+ years of war and all the elements that are influencing this continuation. Including the unadulterated want from this nation to continue trade policies unfettered; while contributing money and weapons. We need to stop allying ourselves with this — but you know with how domestic issues are right now — Holy Fuck is that going to be difficult.

  17. I agree with Emma on the 10% of drugs being phony answer. It wasn’t “surprising” at all. (I paused and typed that right after you gave the answer, so I was pleased that others agreed. But now I can’t trust Malcolm’s adjectives anymore.)

  18. If TYT is going to bitcoin i will leave TYT just like i don’t use Facebook & Twitter & Amazon so do you even reed my comments and i want my member hat?

  19. I think the other thing with basic income is it lets you get rid of a lot of social programs. It’s almost a conservative idea in that it keeps decisions out of the government and puts them back in the hands of the people. The government can stop funding poverty, homelessness, food programs, maybe even arts & culture, because the people can afford to fund what they want themselves.

    1. and its better than trying to artificially manipulate the economy to create the exact number of jobs and people. and locking people up is expensive, easier to just pay people to not commit crimes. ending homelessness with ubi is cheaper than locking them up or dealing with them any other way. ubi is an investment in a secure society in which to do business. just like how every dollar we spend on college education gets the country $7 back in taxes because they have a better job an earn more. just like how giving everyone healthcare saves hundred of billions of dollars each year…and saves 30,000 lives yearly. its cheaper to invest now to solve and prevent problems, than it is to wait for problems to fester. ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure

    1. @trentdev She’s already on there. But sort of hidden.
      You gotta actually click on “Host Bios” under the About tab.
      You’ll find her brief bio at the bottom of the page & when you click on her picture NOT the “View Emma Vigeland’s Bio” link presented for you, you’ll see her full bio.

      When you read her brief bio at the bottom of the page, you’ll find this write-up.

      “Emma Vigeland is a producer and commentator for TYT Politics, the fastest growing channel in TYT Network. You can find her ranting and raving about political corruption alongside her mentor and friend, the intrepid, Jordan Chariton.”

      When you click on her picture to see the full bio, you’ll find this write-up.

      “Emma Vigeland is a producer and commentator for TYT Politics, the fastest growing channel in TYT Network. You can find her ranting and raving about political corruption alongside her mentor and friend, the intrepid, Jordan Chariton. Emma began working for TYT as an intern, and slowly climbed her way into a permanent position with the company.

      Emma was an avid fan of The Young Turks before she joined TYT Network, finding solace in Cenk Uygur’s honest coverage of the 2008 election in a sea of mainstream media hot air. She cites working for TYT as a dream come true.

      Emma is a graduate of Lafayette College, where she majored in Government and Law and wrote her honors thesis on campaign finance reform. She is a dogmatic New York Giants and New York Rangers fan. Her guilty pleasures include reading celebrity gossip and obsessively watching awards shows.”

      There you go.
      John Lucas

  20. They tried Basic Income in Western Canada several years ago and it worked beautifully. They saw results rather quickly. I suspect it ended because of a change back to Conservative gov’t. I have high hopes.

  21. Interesting! Many countries have talked about a guaranteed annual income, but now we have several experiments actually in progress. I too am skeptical, but we must all simply wait long enough for all the unintended consequences to show up. Who knows, we could all be proven wrong! The best experiments are the ones that don’t just confirm our pre-biases. Patience…

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