Aggressive Progressives: November 9, 2017

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Gigi Manukyan80 Comments

On this week’s Aggressive Progressives, Jimmy Dore is joined by Steve Oh and his sunglasses to talk Donna Brazile exposing HRC, the worst thing you can do in journalism, and Keith Olbermann humiliating himself on the view. Jordan Chariton skypes in to give updates on Flint.

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  1. Again?! Okay, it’s 100% clear that they do not read comments, because if they did, they wouldn’t keep pissing off the members. Especially the members who only pay to watch this show.

  2. W………T………..F………….AP aired 2 friggin days early, and its still not up online?! I work nights and dont get to see it live. This is such bullshit.

  3. I hear everyone’s complaint about the postings being late. I agree with you. This has been a problem for many years now unfortunately. I’m hoping once they get the new website up, this will be fixed. If not, then its a company culture thing. Might as well watch TYT on youtube for free and the Jimmy Dore Show for free since 90% of the material is redone on Aggressive Progressive anyway.

    I like to support independent media but I don’t like to support incompetence. It’s a slap in the face everytime this happens.

  4. where is Aggressive Progressives …… it was stream out of the blue during most people’s work hours yesturday way can i not watch it the follow day.

    MEMBERS SAVED TYT! STOP Treating us like crap ….. watching old news sucks. Planning your night to watch AP and it not being sucks.

    Ps I love that you started taping it ahead of time, but it should be posted 30 hours later.

    just like jeb bush says “Cenk can fix it” or will be become “there kicking me out the door” hahaha

    1. TYT get your stuff together. This is two weeks in a row of not posting AP in a reasonible time. Also never heard about the time change whatsoever. Being a member is almost worthless at this point. Probably wont be moving forward with TYT until they get their act together.

  5. I realized why I love Jimmy Dore and Steve Oh so much on AP:
    Jimmy hits em down low, and Steve Oh hits em up high! It’s a 1-2 combo against all establishment stooges whether so-called left or right!

  6. Holy shit…this comment section has a lot of sanctimonious people with way too much time on their hands. It’s hilarious.

  7. Lol Keith Olberman – “stick and stones do nothing to my bones, but words can infinitely harm me….so John & George Jr. are now my friends!!”

  8. I think I can finally identify what I find so difficult about Steve. He’s so naive. It’s obvious he knows NOTHING about psychopathy. These people are psychopaths. They lie. About anything at all. It’s second nature.. they show no galvanic response when they lie… they seem to be a different form of life. An intra-species predator. One of the primary tools of a psychopath is GASLIGHTING. When you hear people talk about someone gas lighting them, they are talking about a psychopath. 6% of the population as recently calculated. In America, that is about 19 MILLION people. The successful ones end up on top because they have no conscience. Two books help explain: WITHOUT CONSCIENCE by Robert Hare; MASK OF SANITY by Dr Hervey Cleckley. Here is Hare’s clinically accepted list of traits: (most ppaths will have quite a few of them…)
    • glib and superficial charm
    • grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
    • need for stimulation
    • pathological lying
    • cunning and manipulativeness
    • lack of remorse or guilt
    • shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
    • callousness and lack of empathy
    • parasitic lifestyle
    • poor behavioral controls
    • sexual promiscuity
    • early behavior problems
    • lack of realistic long-term goals
    • impulsivity
    • irresponsibility
    • failure to accept responsibility for own actions
    • many short-term marital relationships
    • juvenile delinquency
    • revocation of conditional release
    • criminal versatility

  9. Democrats literally transform into the Republican party a little more everyday. They know they can’t win on their shitty policies anymore so they immediately default to gas-lighting, identity politics and avoiding questions with strawman fallacies, vague replies, and just plain ignoring the questioning. They have all but deployed their own “Southern Strategy” for the north. They like the Republicans, would rather maintain government seats by brainwashing you, fear mongering, and dividing people rather than actually taking care of you in order to get re-elected.

    We need to dump the Dems. I know making a new party is hard. The GOP and DNC have seen to that. But that this point, I have no doubt that leaving the democratic party and building a new party of Berniecrats and aggressive progressives from the ground up would be easier than tearing down the one we have and then building it back up.

  10. Last week Agressive Progressives was recorded a day early because they did 3 hours of live stream after the hour 1 and 2 of the regular show with Cenk. The 3 extra hours was great, he brought on a bunch of the Justice Democrats who are all running for different positions of office, some in very big races like for the California senate. Fuck the corrupt super rich establishment.

  11. What happened to the live stream last week? I was so excited but then nothing on membership. Didn’t expect this episode after that!

  12. Love you jimmy but it’s so sad to see you repeating the right wing conspiracy theories about Hillary health. So disappointing to see you regurgitate the lies of cretins like Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Cernovich. There is some many valid reasons to be critical of Hillary Clinton attacking her health is not one of them. People attack you because you sound like a Alex Jones conspiracy maniac bringing up the Seth rich conspiracy hog wash. Keep attacking Hillary and the DNC for being corrupt for not representing liberal values stop pushing the nonsense conspiracy theories

  13. Regarding the Seth Rich murder… I’m almost finished with Donna Brazile’s Book. I think one of the problems with the coverage of Donna Brazile’s statement that she was haunted by Seth Rich’s murder and feared for her own life is that many are making the leap that she was afraid Clinton was responsible or was afraid of Clinton. The book reveals that Brazile was clearly paranoid about the Russians. That’s who she was afraid of. She was talking with the FBI and none of that information was comforting to her. Donna Brazile’s Book doesn’t provide evidence for the leap that some are making to justify their previous speculation about Seth Rich’s murder if they were even subtly suggesting Clinton may have been involved. It does suggest that she questioned the “botched robbery” explanation. But- her paranoia about the Russians is a big chunk of the book. I’m not saying she should’ve been that fearful of the Russians, and I’m not saying that Clinton couldn’t have been involved. I’m just saying that the book makes it clear that Brazile was fearful for her life because she thought it was possible that the Russians could’ve been responsible for Seth Rich’s murder.

    Now- why supposed left-wing media outlets would try to discredit her for playing into the right-wing’s “Seth Rich conspiracy” narrative (when she is clearly afraid of Russia) is a more interesting question? These are the same outlets that hand us “Russia Russia Russia” everyday. The actual narrative in Brazile’s Book has the same hysterical tone about Russia that these outlets present on a daily basis. In the context of the book, reporting what she wrote accurately would just add fuel to their fire. The book is NOT some anti-Hillary screed at all. What criticism or admission did she make in the book that has ruffled so many feathers? I’ve still got some chapters to go. I will reserve judgment until then.

    1. First mistake: Taking Ms Brazile at her word. She is a slippery spin doctor, and right now she is spinning to not crush the ridiculous “Russia made Trump President” narrative.
      Do some research independent of the stakeholders and you will find documented evidence that shows there are some “Shenanigans” that emanated from the Clinton campaign that have continued in the HRC-centered DNC; one of them is to spread the myth of ‘Russian Interference’ as the origin of Hillary’s defeat…
      Good luck with that, Suckers

  14. Great show. Vindication!

    I don’t blame you one bit for being jazzed up Jimmy. How can anyone that voted for Bernie be calm right now?!!! I’m ready to scream!

    We watch you from behind the screen, but we have no idea what you go through for having the courage to speak the truth.

    Stay strong, we love you and we have your back.


  15. I am you fan and agree with you a lot. I agree with you that Hillary’s illnesses need to be disclosed. Specifically speculating that Parkinson’s Syndrome was the cause of her fainting or pneumonia implied that you had more medical knowledge than was available. Your list of causes should have been longer and broader. Aspiration pneumonia becomes more common as people age and can come from various causes. It can occur at all ages. Why do you believe the aspiration pneumonia diagnosis and then add on a specific etiology when there are too many unknowns? It’s so cavalier that I think it was a step too far. It like speculating that a president with poor thinking skills has secondary syphilis. Yeah it could be that but there are lots of other causes.

  16. Where progressives and up the middle dems believe that facts will move the opposition, what/who will move us? When do we admit that our failures as a party is part and parcel to the corruption we see in politics; How our inactions have bread the very things we despise most of politicians. If you have more wealth now then when you came into office, you are the problem. Government has become a way to get rich at the expense of tax payers; and everyone is in on it. Dems will continue to lose. The more the establishment embraces these historic* wins, the less likely Americans will come out to vote. The presence of Schumer and Nancy will keep the Democratic Party in a most disrespectful light for some time to come. We should never be so scared of our leaders that we are not critical of them, where the opposite is more common place and proper.

  17. Love AG! Should b on more! O by the way the exit polls of that election had democrats favorability at really really low #s! Not 2 mention this coming up election is already set up pretty hard for DEMS bcuz they have more seats up. O well I’ve out of the Democratic party since they did that stuff 2 Bernie and won’t go back 2 they abusive ways.

  18. Excellent job as always. Steve Oh is great. This show is a weekly reminder that I’m not the crazy one, “they” are. I really appreciate that.

  19. Damn, on and on and on Jimmy goes…Hillary is not the President! What is your point? Do you have a problem with strong women? You rarely rant about men…point out the problem and move on, but those gals, you are like a circling vulture waiting for the next mistake. I should say perceived mistake, you may just disagree with them, or made your own mistake, and therefor they are liars. You do realize Bernie would have had as much luck with this shitty excuse for a Congress as Trump has, but for different reasons of course. Why don’t you start helping unite people? What is progressive about you always being Right? Trump and his mob are a threat and so is Russia…tons of other worries to choose from…move on…your rhetoric is giving me appendicitis!

    1. Wow L~Mo.

      1. Just because HRC lost doesn’t mean we can just move on and unite. Has the MSM moved on? Has the DNC moved on? Is the DNC uniting behind the people? Or are they going further Right? Get your head outta the sand.

      2. Jimmy rants about ALL corruption. The fact that the cheaters and liars in this case happen to be 3 females, doesn’t mean he is focusing just on the females. He rants about Tom Perez, Keith Ellison, Trump, Keith O, Chris Hayes, Chuck Todd. Are those females? You dotard.

      3. Selective outrage much? You want to move on from the DNC cheating Bernie and giving us Trump? THATS WHY WE HAVE THIS CURRENT SITUATION. Letting them off the hook means they will 100 percent repeat their cheating ways.

      4. Bernie would have difficulty with the congress, however, he wouldn’t have appointed crazy people to his cabinet. He ALSO would have forced people to support what the people want or risk getting ousted in upcoming elections. We already see progressives taking over, that would have given Bernie leverage on policy.

      5. What has Trump accomplished beyond normal republican policy being implemented? We also wouldn’t have Trump if the DNC hadn’t cheated. Oh and Dems have gone along with Trump. You must not be up to date on reality.

      6. Russia is a threat? To who? Example? What have they done to damage the US?? Stop the propaganda please.

      WE ARE THE THREAT. MIC is the threat. Predatory Cap is the threat. Citizens united is the threat. The DNC is the threat.

      You have serious issues with critical thinking and your BS detector. You are outraged at the wrong things. Please get your mind right. You are doing a disservice to democracy and progress.

    2. @L~Mo After reading your response all I have to say is, how long have you been in the tank for HRC, DWS, Tom Perez, Barack Obama and they’re open faced aggression to the American people’s Civil liberties? Your statements are exactly counterproductive to the policies of progressive. That’s not us forget that HRC was a republican Goldwater girl long before she met and married Bill Clinton. Her policy or should I say lack of policy lead her to fall back on what she knows the best and that is lying hiding the truth and gaslighting the American people. She goes into character no matter what stage it is that she is campaigning she will adopt their believe system in order to get by but once she leaves that district she is on to the next character in her large roster. It was easily spelled out to everyone who watch the show that the Russians are not responsible for the way you voted by the way I voted if you believe this to be true then you must also believe A proven true with United States has overthrown democratically elected government to install puppet regime that do our building. We interfere with other countries elections all the time this is nothing new. What is new is bringing back an old set of technic one red bathing and read scaring to the Southern strategy that was utilized during MLK‘s time when we all gather together for voters rights and the poor peoples March. I could go on and on in history about how wrong you are in your statement but it would just be a waste of time and energy for I truly believe it not only falls on deaf years but in my heart of hearts I believe you are Pedro someone who comes in to discredit the show and you are more than welcome to do so just know this your money that you pay to being a private member goes to support our Progressive agenda. I thank you for your participation financially in this political revolution. What I will not abide by is out right lies that are meant to discredit true reporting in order to create a division amongst progressive that are young impressionable and may not have a photograph of history. I believe more in them and their ability to be open and look for themselves with the technology they have today at the tip of their fingers it will show a history of true Democratic Party. You will find that you were alone voice in an ocean of truth in an ocean of debate focused on troubleshooting and utilizing the best of our minds to thread the eye of the needle in order to save our democracy from Olive Garden and multinational corporation that will receive massive tax breaks that allows Americans tax paying money to go and support economies of these multinational corporation. Look up panama papers compare them to paradise papers and see which banks name and which client continuously papa rather than wag your finger at TYT utilize your time By being your best advocate and looking up any and all information that pushes back on your narrative in order to pop the bubble you live in. If you truly believe what you say then you would not fear and do not fear opposition to your point of you you would welcome it.

      1. @L~Mo After reading your response all I have to say is, how long have you been in the tank for HRC, DWS, Tom Perez, Barack Obama and they’re open faced aggression to the American people’s Civil liberties? Your statements are exactly counterproductive to the policies of progressive. That’s not us forget that HRC was a republican Goldwater girl long before she met and married Bill Clinton. Her policy or should I say lack of policy lead her to fall back on what she knows the best and that is lying hiding the truth and gaslighting the American people. She goes into character no matter what stage it is that she is campaigning she will adopt their believe system in order to get vote but once she leaves that district she is on to the next character in her large roster. It was easily spelled out to everyone who watch the show that the Russians are not responsible for the way you voted by the way I voted if you believe this to be true then you must also believe a proven truth that the United States has overthrown democratically elected government to install puppet regime that do our bidding . We interfere with other countries elections all the time this is nothing new. What is new is bringing back an old set of tactics one is red bating and red scaring two is the Southern strategy that was utilized during MLK‘s time when we all gather together for voters rights and the poor peoples March. I could go on and on in history about how wrong you are in your statement but it would just be a waste of time and energy for I truly believe it not only falls on deaf ears but in my heart of hearts I believe you are someone who comes in to the show too n attempt to discredit the show and you are more than welcome to do so just know this, the money that you pay to be a private member goes to support our Progressive agenda. I thank you for your participation financially in this political revolution. What I will not abide by is out right lies that are meant to discredit true reporting in order to create a division amongst progressive that are young impressionable and may not have a photograph of history. I believe more in them and their ability to be open and look for themselves with the technology they have today at the tip of their fingers it will show a history of true Democratic Party. You will find that you were alone voice in an ocean of truth in an ocean of debate focused on troubleshooting and utilizing the best of our minds to thread the eye of the needle in order to save our democracy from Oligarchs and multinational corporation that will receive massive tax breaks that allows Americans tax paying money to go and support economies of these multinational corporation. Look up panama papers compare them to paradise papers and see which banks name and which client continuously Propagate lies as you then wag your finger at TYT utilize your time By being your best advocate and looking up any and all information that pushes back on your narrative in order to pop the bubble you live in. If you truly believe what you say then you would not fear and do not fear opposition to your point of you you would welcome it

    3. how did trump come to be president? HILLARY
      How do we avoid another 4 yrs of TRUMP or another Dictator ? Recognizing the rot in our system (hrc/dnc corruption)
      do you want to keep making the same mistakes. we could have bernie right now. we could be passing laws to help citezens in a million ways! climate too!
      if you think for one moment that progressives are always about being right, you literally would have said slaves want to be free bc they were just lazy. your missing the whole damn point! if the dems wanted unity, you would get transperancy and apologies. we dont get that EVER. if they wanted unity they would unite behind the most progressive person. not try to find obama or hillary 2.0 by pushing Kamala or Booker or or or. grow up. sotp pointing fingers when you havent even addressed the actual problem and for god fucking sakes….dont subscribe to someone whos goal is to find and tell the truth. HOLD THE GOVT ACCOUNTABLE if its gonna physically hurt you. go in your back yard. dig a hole and have someone shove your head in there for you so you can go back to feeling comfy and cozy in your blanket of MSM lies. LOVE YOU JIMMY DORE! KEEP FIGHTING FOR US

  20. What the hell happened to Olberman? He used to be a progressive, and used to not be afraid to stand up to corporate media when they tried to feed him lines – it’s why he’s stuck working for some fashion magazine today. Howard Dean, Olberman, John Oliver…how is it that everyone who used to be on the right side of history have suddenly become corrupt establishment stooges?

    1. i don’t know. while i can admit that olbermann has definitely been on the right side of some issues throughout his career, he’s certainly always been pretty hit or miss and he’s always been an emotionally driven windbag ever since he left ESPN. i think saying he was ever truly a progressive is giving him a bit too much credit. i’ve agreed with him on some things in the past too, but he’s still never really been one for championing any sort of nuanced or logic based opinion on anything.

  21. Dear Steph, I love Jimmy. I just needed to get that out of the way. Please don’t be concerned that I might have any *crazy-stalker-mrs-david-letterman* issues…no, it is more of a familial love and a deep appreciation for Jimmy *the gladiator for truth* …oh, and thank- you for making another miserable liberal laugh (whenever you’re on the panel). One last thing: We are now entering cold season. Please make sure that you ALL have your flu shots…also, a good multivitamin…I ‘m looking at you too: Steve, Malcolm, Ron, Jordan, Nomiki (and progressives everywhere:-)
    PS: please, please,please BRING YOUR SHOW TO ARIZONA:)

  22. Steve is such an excellent foil to Jimmy. I love the two of you guys together so much. Steve is so calm and measured, and it is immensely comforting and soothing.

  23. First off Jimmy, I adore you, but being in a medical profession I have to correct this.

    It’s Aspiration Pneumonia, and it’s a type of pneumonia one can catch after they inhale particles that should not be in the lungs. People who have trouble swallowing, or a decreased gag reflex for any reason – such as if one is under anaesthesia – puts someone at risk for developing it. It can be commonly seen if you vomit under anaesthesia, and is a common problem in end stage multiple sclerosis, due to the inability of muscles to work properly in general in that condition.

    So, if Clinton had aspiration pneumonia, my huge question is how the heck did she get that? What did she inhale that triggered it? Did she choke shortly beforehand? Did she have a surgery we didn’t know about? Does she have some sort of neuromuscular disorder that lead to it? You don’t just accidentally get aspiration pneumonia, there is always a precipitating event. So yes, it’s not contagious, but that makes their dodge an even WORSE problem.

    1. she has neuromuscular disorder. She has shown signs of it. It might be online some where, during an interview the camera caught her face distorting.

      1. Exactly, I think i’ve seen some of those same articles. If she’s got a problem, just tell us. If it’s bad enough that she probably shouldn’t be president, then that’s definitely something we had a right to know before the election.

        Same thing for Trump, or Feinstein, or any other ancient politician who is clinging to power when most others should have retired.

  24. Anytime you’ve got Steve Oh on the panel you know it’s going to be good. AP is consistently excellent, but the appearance of Steve Oh will get me to watch any segment on the network. He’s bound to drop some sage advice. Jimmy’s obviously hilarious and great as well, but Steve always gives such a measured view of things and knocks it out of the park. Keep up the good work Steve and Jimmy!

  25. I just replied to you but it didn’t post correctly as a response to you. It posted as it’s own post. Our website sucks! Can’t wait to roll out the new one soon.

    1. For real, trying to reply to a comment never works for me. Awesome that you actually read the comments and bring them up for discussion steveOh!!! Keep doing great work!

  26. Hi there. You make a lot of great points here. I don’t think Jimmy would disagree. He hates Trump and wants to avoid more Trump. Jimmy is on a mission to diagnose the problems that gave us Trump. Because others do a fine job of dismantling Trump, Jimmy tends to focus on things that no one else is focusing on – the continued corruption and incompetence at the DNC (though the Dems had a nice night in VA and NJ). Anyway, I’ll remind him of your points here. Thanks for not only watching, but also contributing thoughtful commentary.

    1. Thanks Steve, I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I think you guys on AP often make a number of thoughtful and necessary points about the Dem establishment, and it’s important that we have people who offer constructive criticism so we can push for progressive change at all levels. But it’s equally our responsibility to not let our judgment be clouded such that we make the mistake of softening or underplaying the truly ugly realities of Trump/the Republicans’ policies, and not dismissing the harms that people have suffered in ways directly attributable to those parties now controlling the government.

      If Trump & co. aren’t much mentioned here based on the reasoning that it’s sufficiently covered elsewhere on the network, I can respect that. But I also hope that Jimmy doesn’t fall into the trap of sugarcoating or misrepresenting the actions of Trump/Republicans in the process – it’s not necessary to validate his points on Democrats, and it’s not fair to the show or the audience. You guys are better than that. The viewers don’t need to have Trump’s garbage handwaved in order to honestly acknowledge or evaluate the flaws of the Democratic party.

      Anyways, thanks for the effort you guys put into the show. I may not necessarily always agree with everything, but it’s valuable to get another perspective and for all of us to critically analyze our own positions from time to time.

  27. “Donald Trump has not had the opportunity to do horrible things yet”

    No. Just no. So because he hasn’t committed war crimes, he’s not that bad? Unbelievable. Don’t glibly gloss over what he’s done so far just to criticize a dumbass statement by Perez or Olbermann on some insipid talk show watched mostly by stay at home moms. If you’re going to spend 11 months post-election still evaluating the problem with Clinton or on the Democratic side, at least show some intellectual honesty in doing the same for Trump the few times you mention him. Here’s a rundown of only a TINY PART of what we’re dealing with here:

    Muslim ban (despite Jimmy claiming its been overturned, it’s only been limited somewhat in scope – it is still very much in effect, as is the block of the refugee program). Reneging on the Paris climate accord and the Iran deal. The woefully paltry response to Puerto Rico’s humanitarian crisis. Freezing all pending regulations until they are approved directly by his administration (or by an agency led by Trump appointees). Advancing the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines. Pardoning concentration camp overseer Joe Arpaio. Trashing DACA. Hiring Scott Pruitt, who is now staffing the EPA with lobbyists in the coal and gas industries. Slashing the epa budget by 1/3rd. Defunding anti-terrorism programmes aimed at white nationalists. Signing and expanding the gag rule on abortion overseas, crippling efforts to cure and treat HIV/AIDS, malaria, Zika and Ebola. Decimating ACA funding. Hiring Sessions, who reversed the Obama administration’s shift away from private prisons. ending a rule meant to prevent waste materials from coal mines entering water sources. Stopping the rule requiring oil, natural gas and mineral companies to tell the SEC if they made payments to foreign governments. Stopping a a mortgage rate cut for people with low incomes. Dumping the Obama measure aimed at preventing Americans with a mental illness from getting guns by sharing information with the national background check system. His shady “voter fraud committee.”

    Want to rip on Olbermann, a pundit, for an idiotic whitewash of Bush Jr? Fine. But stop acting like Trump is a harmless old fool and people are simply kicking up a fuss “just because” he’s a corrupt charlatan and a despicable racist (as if those things aren’t bad enough). Trump is NOT just merely ‘obnoxious’ like Jimmy’s claiming. It’s fucking frustrating to see this deliberate mischaracterization of people’s anger as if it’s some kind of immature tantrum wholly based on ‘decorum,’ when Trump has done damn well plenty to cause harm in the tangible sense. If you’re not going to acknowledge that, at least don’t lie about it.

    And for the record? The Trump administration’s coalition airstrikes DO violate international laws. He’s now set a record in numbers of civilian killings (; Furthermore, Trump’s killings in the Middle east don’t fall within the scope of “self defense” under the permitted use of force provisions in Article 51 of the UN Charter. Drone attacks off the battlefield and extra-judicial executions violate the Geneva Conventions and are certainly able to be punished as war crimes under the U.S. War Crimes Act. Trump has in multiple cases ordered disproportionate bombings with no distinction on ‘legitimate’ targets – he’s continued to order signature strikes at a higher rate than Obama, killing civilians in hospitals, homes, schools, places of worship and weddings. These all violate both the First Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute for the ICC’s definitions of war crimes.

    Amnesty International called this out back in March of this year in relation to US-led coalition airstrikes in east mosul – if I recall correctly, Trump was president then. I’d love to know if Jimmy held him to account with a similar level of passionate anger.

    Jimmy rightly slams this newfound rosy outlook by media figures on Bush, but in doing so he’s guilty of pulling the same whitewashing bullshit with Trump – the actual sitting President. Amazing that he feels comfortable calling out Olbermann without recognizing he’s doing the same damn thing.

    1. Hey Mona_89 Do you watch the main show? Where most of the stories are about Donnie Tinyhands?
      I don’t need AP to regurgitate all of what is covered there all week long. I think we have 20+ years of corruption by DNC and many Clinton (Bill & Hillary) (paid) loyalists to call out.

      Trump’s just getting started and Jimmy agrees in past shows how horrific he actually is. He doesn’t gloss over it when he does cover it. I don’t need him to say the same things said on TYT/TYT Politics. Jimmy’s calling out those who helped dupe America. And he’s getting attention from those folks he’s bashing which means he’s hitting home. That’s important to me. MSNBC/DNC is not going to self regulate.

      1. I’m not asking AP to “regurgitate.” I’m asking Jimmy not to make absurd claims like “Trump has not had the opportunity to do horrible things yet” when there’s mountains of evidence available to the contrary. It’s especially messed up to make this statement about a man actively engaging in his own war crimes (with a record number of civilian bombing deaths) in the same show where Jimmy is calling out other media figures for whitewashing Bush. If he doesn’t want to cover Trump, fine. But don’t go the extra step of downplaying Trump’s shit when you do mention him.

        1. Trump’s foreign policy is not such a radical departure from his predecessor: Obama vastly expanded the illegal drone assassination program compared to Bush, and he did the same with the mass surveillance programs (which also extend to citizens abroad and are therefore an instrument of foreign policy). Obama continued the (never complete) withdrawal from Iraq only after Bush had initiated it, and he never shut down the war in Afghanistan.

          This is certainly not to excuse either Bush or Trump, but the bottom line is that America’s Military-Industrial-Surveillance Complex and its imperialist policies just carry on and keep expanding, in a straight line from Bush to Obama to Trump.

          Trump is simply the logical continuation of that line; and if an eager military-interventionist like Clinton had been elected instead of him, needless to say, the line wouldn’t have been broken either and things would not be very different right now either.

        2. Do you think Pence would fire Pruitt? If so, we’d need to discuss who you think Pence would replace him with. If not, you’re completely missing the point.

    2. Mona,

      You know how we coulda avoided all of this? NOT CHEAT THE PROGRESSIVE WHO WOULD HAVE BEATEN TRUMP. MAYBE don’t push a corporate warmonger on the American people, knowing she would probably lose.

      Also, go look at what Bush & Obama did. Almost everything Trump has done, they created. Obama gave Trump the toolkit to be able to do what he has done. Partial Travel ban was already in place via Obama. We didn’t do immigration reform when we had control of the entire government, leading to the DACA nonsense. OBAMA and HRC went TOWARDS more fossil fuels. MIC agenda was set back in 2000. Obama took 2 interventions to 7 interventions. Cmanning went to JAIL for exposing our drone program for killing civilians and medics. Snowden was forced to flee the country for exposing our government.

      Trump hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary compared to any other republican or establishment puppet.

      Just stop. Focus your outrage on things that ACTUALLY MATTER.

      1. “Focus your outrage on things that ACTUALLY MATTER.”

        Wow – so you’re saying you think the horrific things I’ve mentioned in my original comment “don’t actually matter?” Christ. This is exactly the type of dismissive garbage I’m talking about.

        1. 1. I addressed all that horrible stuff you mentioned. and ill add. HRC WOULDNT BE ANY BETTER. Stop pretending like a corporate warmonger would have represented our needs.

          2. “You know how we coulda avoided all of this? NOT CHEAT THE PROGRESSIVE WHO WOULD HAVE BEATEN TRUMP. ”

          3. Yes. focus on things that actually matter. The root cause of these issues.

          Stop focusing on NORMAL republican behavior. You miss the entire point Jimmy and most progressives are making. ALL that terrible stuff you mentioned and obviously believe is solely because of Trump was ALREADY happening, and much of it was CAUSED by DEMOCRATS.

          I am not being dismissive. Trump is terrible. BUT I am telling you, all that stuff was ALREADY happening.
          If you are outraged solely because Trump is now doing that same stuff, you are a hypocrite and need to get your head outta the sand.

          To get real change. you must address the REAL issues. And the REAL issues are CAUSED by BOTH PARTIES.

          Whats worse?; the class bully picking on the nerds. OR the class president who claims to represent all students picking on the nerds. EXACTLY.

      2. Fucking hell – now we have people here proselytizing Trump’s own talking points? Not even two paragraphs in and I see you spreading deliberate misinformation. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, hush up and research before you go charging through with loud opinions.

        TRUTH: Trump issued an executive order on Jan. 27 barring citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya from entering the United States for 90 days. It also put Syrian refugee admissions on hold indefinitely. This asshole tried to go after legal visa holders and green card holders too – you know, people with actual rights? The court forced him to knock off the openly unconstitutional provisions, and public outcry forced him to revise on Iraq, but there’s still a discriminatory BAN in place for people from a number of countries who pose no legitimate threat to the US. And this sneaky fuck is as recently as this morning STILL trying to make it as hard as possible for people from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen:

        I’m 110% certain Jimmy won’t cover this, but he had better stop implying the ban is done and gone or isn’t really a big deal. It IS still around, and it IS a big deal to the thousands of people who have loved ones and family who are nationals of these countries; or the schools, companies, and organizations employing these people as professors and scientists.

        TRUTH: Obama’s suspension for Iraq was in direct response to a failed plot by Iraqi nationals living in Bowling Green, Ky., to send money, explosives and weapons to al-Qaida. Obama’s 2011 order put a pause on refugee processing (and still admitted Iraqi refugees to the US) whereas Trump’s halt in entries applies to all non-U.S. visitors.

        TRUTH: The 2015 Act Obama signed revised the US visa waiver program such that citizens of those 38 countries who had traveled to Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Sudan after March 2011 were no longer eligible for the visa waiver. Libya, Yemen, and Somalia were later added to the list. Obama’s actions dealt with people who had visited Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, not citizens of those countries, and it did not prohibit them from entering the United States. Again – it did NOT PROHIBIT them from entering the United States.

        BS: “Partial Travel ban was already in place via Obama.”

        Nice try, but no dice. Some of us actually get our news from places other than Jimmy’s shows, and thank god for it or we’d probably be unable to recognize this stretching of the truth when we see it. I also see people I care about affected by this stuff, so don’t pull this disingenuous fact-fudging on me, or tell me the very valid points I’ve brought up in various comments here don’t matter. It’s nice that you and Jimmy have been sheltered from being directly impacted by Trump’s BS, but not everyone is so lucky. Frankly, your inability to hold Trump accountable on his own merits (and lying about it to boot) speaks volumes about how committed you are in speaking truth to power.

        This right here is why Jimmy needs to seriously exercise responsibility in relaying facts during his rants. Some of the audience doesn’t research your claims much, so you had better make sure you’re being accurate. Don’t obfuscate the facts just to make your points seem more salient.

        1. TRUTH: A federal appeals court upheld Thursday a ruling blocking President Donald Trump’s travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries.
          The 10-3 ruling from the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals upholds a lower court’s decision to halt core portions of the executive order indefinitely.
          The ban was announced in March, but never got off the ground because federal courts blocked it just hours before it was set to go into effect.

          Individuals with that “bona fide” exception — such as a foreign grandparent of a US citizen — can still apply for visas until October 18. After that date, the new restrictions on travel will begin. The revised travel ban effecting those from six-Muslim majority countries officially expired earlier Sunday.

          However, no current validly issued green cards, visas or travel documents will be revoked.

          Trump signed the initial travel ban during his first week in office, but it was met with immediate legal challenges, which have continued to hinder implementation of the full scope of the executive order.

          The US Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on the legality of the travel ban next month.

          All that above is from CNN.

          1. I get my news from a variety of sources. 2. No, it didn’t stop them from entering the US. BUT guess what, THEY WOULDN’T NEED TO ENTER THE US IF WE DIDN’T BLOW UP THEIR COUNTRY.

          3. See above. Travel ban still isn’t fully implemented and probably never will be. Yes, it causes a headache and fear for many people. But less fear than having to leave your own country because the US destroyed it? FO.

          4. If you voted for Bernie, you should understand that Trump isnt the real problem. You really think Ted Cruz or HRC would be better on immigration? Again. Dems owned government and didn’t give us immigration reform. regulated banking system or healthcare system. Instead, they deported people and put in a partial travel ban disguised as a safety measure. Safety from what? Terrorism? That OUR MIC CAUSED? You mean the same Alq we fund and use to other throw leaders we dislike?? AGAIN. SELECTIVE OUTRAGE.

          5. I can do two things at once. I can hold Trump accountable (more like republicans accountable) sense they are the ones actually voting on the stuff you are complaining about. (Minus the travel ban EO, that WILL NEVER GET IMPLEMENTED) AND also criticize our HORRIBLE MSM and establishment Democrats THAT GAVE US TRUMP.

      3. “You know how we coulda avoided all of this? NOT CHEAT THE PROGRESSIVE WHO WOULD HAVE BEATEN TRUMP. MAYBE don’t push a corporate warmonger on the American people, knowing she would probably lose.”

        I voted for Bernie, you reactionary weirdo. But apparently me providing some facts puts you into such a tizzy you have to make up a comforting story to turn me into an enemy, all so you can feel validated in pushing Trump’s own excuses for his bullshit policies. Good job, buddy.

        1. I am reacting to YOU. That is weird to you? Me debating your stupid arguments that we should ONLY criticize Trump and not the root problems that gave us trump is me being in a tizzy? Apparently, me providing you with the reality of our situation is putting you in a false sense of reality where everything in our country was PERFECT until Trump was elected.

          Lastly, THESE ARENT TRUMPS POLICIES. These are establishment republican policies, and the deep state policies. Trump was anti war until he got elected. Trump was anti free trade agreements until he got elected. Trump was for Universal HC until he got elected.

          Keep pushing the narrative of the establishment. That always helps. Good job dotard.

          1. It’s not my problem you can’t deal with Jimmy’s rants being fact-checked in even the slightest way. Tough nuts, buddy.

            1. Just keep repeating your talking points Mona. You can keep claiming that Jimmy isn’t factual and ignore the actual evidence many have provided that he is correct. If you want to live in a establishment bubble where everything was perfect until Trump showed up, go right ahead. If you want to keep cherry picking Jimmy’s Trump coverage, go ahead. If you want to overlook the fact that this stuff was already happening, go ahead. but don’t pretend like getting straightened out is some sort of attack.

              Most of us understand that although Trump is horrible; WE HAVE REAL PROBLEMS in this country.
              1. Trump is incompetent and can’t get anything accomplished.
              2. THIS STUFF WAS ALREADY HAPPENING (Not sure how many times I have to repeat that). Your selective outrage is hilarious. Did you care about healthcare, banking, fracking, fuel exports lifted, immigration, surveillance state, drone bombings, repealing of the 4th amendment (habeus corpus), or the MIC setting the
              M. E. ON FIRE before trump? Just curious.

              3. The republicans are the real enemies, they are the ones pushing horrible policies.
              4. We have those horrible republicans because of democrats being horrible.

              AND FINALLY, overlooking the DNC corruption and HRC cheating the progressive is NOT AN OPTION. If we want to stop this from happening again, we must address the real issues and face the fact that the two parties DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT US. Our system is rigged, and it was rigged by BOTH PARTIES.

              The DNC has gotten worse after losing to Trump. MSM and est pundits have shifted the goal posts time after time when evidence against their narrative comes to light. And people like you keep apologizing for this terrible behavior by claiming Trump is the worst threat of all time and overlooking the morally bankrupt dem party.

              If you want to keep living under an oligarchy where the two parties/MSM shills scapegoat 100 percent of the time without repercussions, TOUGH NUTS. Actions have consequences.

              1. “Just keep repeating your talking points Mona.” –> You mean facts? Does that bother you? And I will keep repeating them as long as Jimmy keeps fudging around with the truth for convenience.

                “If you want to live in a establishment bubble where everything was perfect until Trump showed up, go right ahead.” –> You really can’t argue with my facts on the merits, so you have to keep fabricating positions from thin air to argue against. It’s getting pathetic.

                “If you want to keep cherry picking Jimmy’s Trump coverage, go ahead.” –> That pesky fact-checking! Clearly Jimmy shouldn’t ever have to deal with something as annoying as reasonable fact-based critique. lmao, come off it.

                “If you want to overlook the fact that this stuff was already happening, go ahead. but don’t pretend like getting straightened out is some sort of attack.” –> Jimmy’s the one overlooking things that are actually happening, to the extent of actually giving it a pass the few times he does mention them. And he’s not “straightening out” anything – hence my entire issue with his coverage containing significant misrepresentations of reality.

                No doubt any response you give will yet again be full of “counterpoints” to rote arguments you’ve pulled out of your ass, since you can’t refute my actual points. You mostly seem irritated that I’m legitimately critiquing an issue in Jimmy’s presentation instead of blindly lapping up coverage like it’s gospel. Deal with it.

                1. Unlike you, I not only fact check, but understand cause and effect and also the root cause of our issues.

                  “You really can’t argue with my facts on the merits, so you have to keep fabricating positions from thin air to argue against. It’s getting pathetic.”

                  – Whats pathetic is that you are blaming Trump for the stuff that was already happening. Dismissing reality doesn’t equal me fabricating positions.

                  Did Trump allow 9/11? Did trump start an illegal war? Did Trump escalate from 2 to 7 interventions? Did Trump rig the primary? Did Trump bail out the banks? Did Trump give us Romneycare? Did trump repeal HabCorpus? Did Trump explode the Prison population? Did Trump give us the patriot act? Did trump repeal the exportation of fossil fuels? Did trump defund education? Did trump deregulate wall street? Did Trump gut anti trust? Did Trump Gerrymander the states? Did trump give us Citizens United? NAFTA? Stop and frisk? Mandatory Minimums? War on drugs? No gun regulation? Flint? Gulf of Mexico spill? Colorado River spill? Hiding civilian casualty numbers? Opening up Arctic drilling? Neglect a green new deal? Neglect immigration reform? I can keep going if you like.

                  Are these all fabrications of the truth? Those things didn’t really happen? They magically appeared outta my butt?

                  You can keep claiming Trump is some sort of special threat all you want. 1. Evidence is contrary to that argument. (TRUMP IS HORRIBLE, but nothing out of the norm) 2. With a republican Congress, we all knew ANY republican president (INCLUDING HRC) would have the power to do horrible things. Maybe we should made sure we were going to win, you know, maybe not cheat the person who woulda beat trump? (Not sure how many times I have to make that point).

                  Stop focusing all your attention on Alcoholic step dad #12 (horrible yes) and realize its the parent that keeps marrying assholes that is the REAL issue.

                  Lastly, I personally don’t take Jimmy as gospel, however, most of his reporting is cited via people/outlets I trust.

                  FOR EXAMPLE. (Abby Martin, Thomas Frank, Dylan Rattigan, Snowden, Manning, Glenn Greenwald, John Kiriakou, Eva Bartlett, Michael Wood Jr, Jim Keady, Sam Ronin, James Cromwell, The Becks ; outlets- The intercept, the guardian, Dem Now). Those are just some examples. If you dislike Jimmy, you must always dislike most of those people, cause thats where a ton of his reporting comes from.

                  I am done straightening you out. If you wanna believe Trump is the MAJOR problem, stick your head back in the sand and keep yelling Trump Russia until you pass out. The rest of us will deal with the true issues facing this country.

                  1. You keep arguing against a position I’m not even taking. You don’t get it, do you? I’m simply asking Jimmy not to underplay and misrepresent the deeply negative effects of Trump during his criticism of Democrats. It’s not a gargantuan request, and I fail to see why you take such umbrage at a basic ask for honesty. Stop making the issue into something other than it is because it’s easier for you.

                    Claiming “Trump has not had the opportunity to do anything awful yet” IS sugarcoating and it IS irresponsible. I’d rather Jimmy not cover Trump at all if he gives a pass like this when he does – though frankly speaking I am getting an inkling as to why you have trouble understanding the legitimacy of this criticism, given the vigorousness with which you defend Trump’s failures with his own talking points while also trying to paint out Trump as if he was at any time an anti-war, pro-universal HC candidate. I can say that I vomit out money and will give a solid gold brick to every man, woman, and child in the country – would you believe that? Because it makes as much sense as believing a man who advocated to reinstating torture, engaging in war crimes (“we have to go after their families”), banning all Muslims and pillaging/plundering Iraq for its natural resources was ever “anti-war.” And he’s managed to ‘successfully’ do the war crimes bit, so I don’t think it’s in anyone’s interest for Jimmy to ignore those kinds of details when he’s going after Olbermann for doing the same with Bush.

                    “keep yelling Trump Russia until you pass out”

                    Once again – you keep arguing against a position I’m not even talking about here. Why is it you have to claw in outside topics in all your responses? I didn’t mention Russia in the course of our discussion, so there’s no need for you to pull it in to create an artificial argument to fight against.

                    “The rest of us will deal with the true issues facing this country.”

                    Thanks for yet again denigrating my points as not being ‘true’ issues, real nice. And I don’t see what exactly you’re doing to help with anything other than kicking up a fuss when people offer some thoughtful criticism. I’ll donate to Justice Dems while you’re busy abusing your capslock button and arguing against straw men.

                    1. Mona,

                      “Keep screaming Trump/Russia”- That was a dig at you because that’s what people who claim Trump is the worst person of all time do. They claim Russia is a huge threat and blame Trump for the horrible stuff we’ve already been doing. So my apologizes. Shouldn’t have thrown you into that group.

                      1. “We will address the real issue” – I have also already donated to multiple Jdems candidates. Also have donated to working families, green party, socialist dems. Thank you for donating as well. BUT I also don’t claim trump is some sort of special horrible threat like you are insinuating.

                      He does horrible things because he was handed over a terrible drone program we shouldn’t even have. ( We have been committing war crimes for 20 years, but all of a sudden Trump is worse?)

                      I understand he has increased drone bombings, killed families, ect. But guess what. We already did that (not as a matter of policy, but it still happened).

                      We destroyed several countries & provided money & weapons to SA (who kills civilians on a mass scale in Yemen). So forgive me for not making that ridiculous comparison.

                      2. You were making the point that Trump has done terrible things. Which is true. But you don’t get it. Jimmy is saying that people are stating Trump is the WORST person of all time. Which people are. Pundits are apologizing for Bush and Obama because of Trump. They are also claiming that Trump just magically started doing horrible things that haven’t been done before.

                      “Trump hasn’t had the opportunity to do horrible things yet” – As in, compared to those people they are apologizing for/comparing him to, Trump isn’t even in the same hemisphere. Simple because hes only been in office for a year. Jimmy says over and over, Trump will PROBABLY do terrible things in the next 3 years. But in comparison to Bush and Obama which is what they are doing. Trump hasn’t even made a dent.

                      10/15/2013 09:26 pm ET Updated Jan 23, 2014 HUFFPO

                      “Nearly half a million people have died from war-related causes in Iraq since the US-led invasion in 2003, according to an academic study published in the United States on Tuesday.

                      That toll is far higher than the nearly 115,000 violent civilian deaths reported by the British-based group Iraq Body Count, which bases its tally on media reports, hospital and morgue records, and official and non-governmental accounts.”

                      That was back in 2014. So how many more have died? How many American Soldiers died because of that? How many families ruined? We spent TRILLIONS over the last 20 years on those BS wars. Did Trump allow the killing of 3,000 American people? Did trump start an illegal war? Overthrow Libya? Fund terrorists in Syria? Did trump start the insane drone program we have now?
                      (Answer is no)

                      “Reneging on the Paris climate accord and the Iran deal.”-

                      Paris agreement is a watered down POS, not even close to a real solution. States are going along with it anyway without Trump BTW. Obama and Bush both went TOWARDS fossil fuels. Creating more conflict in the ME, Africa, and South America. So again, your blaming Trump for stuff we were already doing and was handed over to him. (Give a mentally ill person a loaded automatic weapon and see what happens). That’s basically what we have done.

                      As for the Iran deal, Iran has been complying and has told Europe, Russia and China it will keep complying if they agree. So your argument is worthless. What you should be asking is, why are we friends with SA and Israel (horrible theocracies) and not the democratic gov of Iran? (PETRODOLLAR)

                      “response to Puerto Rico’s humanitarian crisis.” – Again, terrible. But have you been sleeping for the past 20 years? Puerto Rico has been in bad shape for awhile now. No upgrades to EGrid or IFStructure, predatory capitalism / Debt holding to make money. No change to voting representation. Also, have you not seen what we do to our own states. DAPL, FLINT, COLORADO RIVER, HOUSTON (caused by climate change and the companies there extracting wealth and not reinvesting), FRACKING, Gentrification of poor areas, not increasing Min wage, not giving us HC, ECT. the list is endless.

                      DAPL wasn’t stopped when it could have been, Keystone was stopped by progressives and activists (Pressured Obama to stop it). TransCan has pulled out of KS, US states are challenging permits from Trump. Yet again, Trump approved permits, but it hasn’t gone anywhere and most likely won’t. (But keep getting outraged at that)

                      “Pardoning concentration camp overseer Joe Arpaio.”- Ill give you that. But again. Not worse than allowing criminals on wall street, energy companies, and war criminals to walk free.

                      ” Trashing DACA ” – Already went over this. No immigration reform when we could have. Any republican would have trashed DACA given the chance. Trashing DACA was congressional republicans idea. Horrible, but shouldn’t be attributed solely to Trump.

                      “Hiring Scott Pruitt, who is now staffing the EPA with lobbyists ” Obama did the same thing. Opened up arctic drilling, lifted ban on exportation of fossil fuels, increased fracking and pipelines. Allowed flint, Colorado river, gulf of mexico spill, SO ON AND SO ON.

                      “Defunding anti-terrorism programmes aimed at white nationalists. ” – Did we ever call white nationalists terrorists before? I seem to remember MSM claiming they are always lone wolfs with mental illness. Weird how we never had gun reform or increased mental health treatment, or a universal hc system when we owned government. AGAIN. STOP BLAMING TRUMP FOR STUFF WE COULD HAVE ALREADY FIXED.

                      “Signing and expanding the gag rule on abortion overseas”- Have you ever heard of TX? We crippled abortion rights in our own country.

                      “crippling efforts to cure and treat HIV/AIDS, malaria, Zika and Ebola.” – Zika is manmade, check who owns the patent. As for the latter, we give lots of aid, but we never actually address why those outbreaks are happening.

                      “A constant stream of “free” money is a perfect way to keep an inefficient or simply bad government in power. As aid flows in, there is nothing more for the government to do — it does not need to raise taxes, and as long as it pays the army, it does not have to take account of its disgruntled citizens. No matter that its citizens are disenfranchised. All the government really needs to do is to court and cater to its foreign donors to stay in power. ” – Dambisa Moyo is a Zambian-born international economist and author who analyzes the macroeconomy and global affairs.

                      “Decimating ACA funding”- This is just laughable. Trump didn’t give us the ACA. Trump didn’t try to repeal the ACA 75 times? Not sure about the updated number. Again, you are outraged he was handed this and is trying to destroy it at the behest of congressional republicans and the rich.

                      Hiring Sessions- War on drugs, defunding education, outsourcing jobs, prison labor. Already happening.

                      “ending a rule meant to prevent waste materials from coal mines entering water sources. Stopping the rule requiring oil, natural gas and mineral companies to tell the SEC if they made payments to foreign governments.”

                      – You actually believe these were being regulated properly under Bush and Obama? “Rules” were in place, so i guess they were being enforced. LOL. You are super naive if you believe that. Go see how many spills happened under Obama. URANIUM 1 deal. and AGAIN, going towards fossil fuels instead of green energy.

                      Stopping a a mortgage rate cut for people with low incomes. – So destroying the housing market and kicking people outta their homes after giving shit loans pushed by the government wasn’t as bad?? Not providing affordable housing? Gentrification? You keep complaining about Trump, but overlook previous HORRIBLE things that created our current situation.

                      Dumping the Obama measure aimed at preventing Americans with a mental illness from getting guns by sharing information with the national background check system. – Again, just laughable. Did we get universal background checks under Obama that I am unaware of? Did we get increased mental health coverage? Did we get any comprehensive gun reform?? Did that stop any of the mass shooting??

                      “His shady “voter fraud committee.”- That accomplished?? Nothing?? Republicans been gerry mandering for YEARS. Dems been suppressing the vote for YEARS. – YOU HAVE A CASE OF SELECTIVE OUTRAGE.

                      Just stop. I get it. You hate trump. WE ALL HATE TRUMP. Trump is terrible. He will continue to be terrible. I do not mind fact checking Jimmy on Trump. But I also get endless trump coverage from EVERYONE ELSE. If you dislike Jimmy covering Trump. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Jimmy isnt the only news source. And id bet 99 percent of Jimmys viewers understand Trump isnt the real issue, nor would we have trump if it weren’t for the Dems.

          1. Thanks, I appreciate it. I hope Jimmy will take these points into consideration and present his information a bit more responsibly in the future.

            1. Yeah…man…. things are just even crazier now (I know I’m super late to the conversation) and reading comment after comment about Jimmy.. and Jordan… it’s really discouraging to see how much infighting there is happening among members. It isn’t supposed to be twitter with unlimited characters but that’s what it’s starting to feel like. Your points didn’t seem the least bit unreasonable to me. On the main show Cenk’s talked about the cult of personality around trump and I’m seeing that sort of shit happening here about Jordan and Jimmy. Jimmy is great, without a doubt, but just like all great people, he isn’t infallible. It certainly feels as though some would argue he is. Aye yai yai. Who needs republicans when lefties do a great job of punching ourselves in the face? Anywho.. I agree with what you said.

  28. Best show. Perfect combination. I really like Steve oh’s sober analysis of things after jimmy’s analysis/rants(which I agree with 90 % of time or more).

    1. Totally agreed. Steve Oh lays out the basic reason for things that Jimmy glosses over. He makes Dore way more credible.

  29. Jimmy Dore, I love that you are this passionate with telling the truth, if you ever do a show in New York City, or any of the other four boroughs, I will be the first one to buy a ticket.

  30. I love watching AP, but Jimmy is seems obsessed, defending himself against trolls and not taking his own advice of not punching down. This episode seemed so supposition heavy, even Steve Oh backed away from Jimmy’s assertions. Please Jimmy, don’t fall down the Alex Jones rabbit hole, you are better than that.

    1. Yeah, you’re pointing out something that has bothered me about a lot of strong voices out there. Seems like being a strong voice also comes with convincing yourself that your instincts are right, and you become lazy and rely on speculation. You can produce a lot more content much faster that way than only reporting the straight news.

      I never liked how Jimmy has said if he can’t know something, he gets to speculate about it. To me that feels very tabloid. Why not simply say they are hiding this information so we can’t know. That statement should be sufficient and powerful at face value. There’s no need to contrive something fanciful. It might come from a fear of not knowing things, which a lot of humans have. When you don’t know something, the answer should be “I don’t know”, not “my best guess is probably true”.

      I also have noticed him punching down a few times. But I have quoted him dozens of times about the punching down thing. It puts so succinctly the secret to our success: we need to ally ourselves with those we are pinned against so we can oppose the powerful together. I’ve made a lot of friends with people I otherwise don’t agree with at all, because we believe that all our other issues are pointless if neither of us get to have someone in power fighting for us. The only possible outcome in this system is we both lose every single time, not a back and forth that has been the illusion for so long.

      I love Jimmy, and I think a big part of that success are his co-hosts. Steve is very good at stating his opposing position when he disagrees with Jimmy on style or substance, but he’s not so different from Jimmy that time is wasted on those differences. I often like Steve to be in the video saying the thing I would have wanted to say to Jimmy about what he’s saying but can’t since I’m just a viewer. His other guests/co-hosts also are like that, though perhaps a bit weaker, but also funnier given that they’re comedians. Steph is perhaps the best at correcting him on his other shows, so I greatly value her presence. And Ron Placone is hilarious. Reminds me of Andy Richter, in that I actually find them funnier than the headliner (don’t tell Jimmy).

      So yeah it is easy to find the flaws in anyone. Just as one can find flaws in Bernie. But overall Jimmy is filling such an essential vacuum that needs filling that I say keep it up. There’s probably a bunch of important things I wouldn’t know about if it weren’t for him and his focus, as well as a bunch of useless current event crap I don’t waste my time learning about because my sources of media are largely alternative. Even if I avoid the news, I’ll learn about the stupidest ones just through idle chatter.

    2. Saying “I told you so” is not “punching down”. It may be somewhat juvenile, but it’s not punching down, and all Jimmy is doing is saying to the Neocon bullies is, I told you so.

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