TYT Hour 1 November 3, 2017

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan110 Comments

Cenk, John, & Ben Mankiewicz. House GOP tax plan. Kevin Brady dodges answers. Trump to Ingraham: I’m the only one that matters. TYT Investigates: Chris Christie. Nina Turner on DNC: we shouldn’t cover it up.


  1. That link was meant as a reply to softrun about where to find the 3-hour Justice Democrat special, not the 11/6 main show. Not sure my reply showed up in the right place to make that clear!

  2. It’s not that its late being uploaded that annoys me, its being left in the dark about it. YouTube seems more of a priority for them than existing members. I get it, YouTube is the platform you use to get more support and members, but once you get said members, don’t be pricks like this, come on now, at least let us know what’s up.

  3. How about the 3-hour special last Thursday with the Justice Dem candidates? Does anyone know where to find that?

      1. So you submitted a primitive ticket about something that hadn’t yet occurred? Are we talking about the 11/06/2017 show?

  4. I understand people’s frustrations, I do, but stuff happens you know, let’s all please calm down… with that being said, a little message on the upper corner or the main site would have been appreciated.

  5. Dave said on the post-game that they are doing a website overhaul. Is this the reason for no Monday show posting?

  6. I don’t like to make a big stink about uploads but someone made a really good point about renewal time around the corner. I pay extra for my shows to be uploaded timely and for full content.
    If it’s late by the time your done, announce your next day upload policy because it is disappointing when drop your own normal standards.

    That’s my stink.
    That and Hannah was a bossy convo hog to the new girl.

  7. I’m really disappointed that there is no monday show yet! I watch you only on reruns as your live coverage is about 3.am in my time zone. I’m a dedicated member but you know… 3a.m. :) Please do something with this issue, it’s not the first time!

  8. Go to WATCH LIVE

    drop down to TYT Network Live

    Actually show starts about 22-23 (someone else posted this below).

    Apparently TYT thinks its members need to earn their fee by FINDING the show they’re paying for.
    It’s John & Mark Thompson on Hr 1.

    1. Thank you. I don’t get why this happens and there isn’t at least a post in here explaining what is going on? I thought TYT was run by the members??

  9. It is bad form and bad business not to explain how these technical failures keep happening without so much as a notice of explanation. I cannot watch live so I’m dependent on timely uploads. In all the times this has happened not once has there been an announcement posted let alone acknowledgement on air. This is not in keeping with the business practices you espouse on air.
    Please explain.

  10. Cmon cenk, stop cheapskating and upgrade the damn platform. The pittsburg guys are dropping the ball forcing the members to watch the shows a little snippet at a time. And its yearly renewal time. Maybe forget membership, just watch youtube??? Judging by your actions, thats what you’d rather have happen!!!


    Not interested in seeing Ben & John NOT want to talk about how corrupt DNC & Hilary is, AGAIN.

  12. So, I go to this drive thru window and order food. At the first window they take my money. I pull to the second window and the window stays closed. No one comes to tell when or if I’ll get my food. They have my money and no refund is offered. Hell, like I said they don’t tell me anything. This happens at this business A LOT. Then the business brags about how much food they have given away for free to other people. In fact, those other non-paying people are just about all this business talks about.

    Now if that happened everyone I know would ask me “why the hell do you keep going there”? This business doesn’t actually exist. It couldn’t because they would lose every customer. But this is TYT’s business model. How am I still paying for this? They shill membership in every show but only seem truly excited about all the views they get on YouTube from people who don’t pay anything. Why? Bragging rights? I know YouTube pays based on views, but dammit I already paid! All I ask is for the main show to be posted in a timely manner. I cannot watch it live. I usually watch at 10pm central time. Usually. What’s most insulting is that the YouTube videos always seem to get posted in a timely manner. You got a multi-million dollar infusion of cash. Get better equipment and hire people who know what they are doing. I’m not some irrational cursing lunatic. I’m just a customer who would like to receive the minimum of what I paid for instead of feeling like the guy at the drive thru with “SUCKER” written on his forehead. Doing your job is not doing us a “favor”. We are your customers.


    2. You encapsulated what is happening here AGAIN, perfectly.

      Guess I’ll just go check my Patreon shows.
      TYT main is becoming an after thought.

      You’d think that $20 mill influx of cash could have paid for someone to upload vids.
      Since Cenk is away right now, I assume that is HIS job, so we will have to wait till he gets back.

  13. At this point, I cannot watch the live show because I work. What would be the reason why I should continue the subscription?…..just post-game…..because I can get both hours for free…..and on time from YouTube……

    1. Where are the new shows? It’s Tuesday . I’m watching Friday again. I don’t think so. I’m thinking of canceling

  14. Next day and still nothing. Some of us listen to the downloads because we don’t have the time or bandwidth to watch it live. Why am I paying for this?

  15. I love TYT but why pay to be a member if I have to go watch the YouTube clips because the shows aren’t uploaded anyway?

  16. Thanks for the content TYT! It’s my final show as member for a while. Basically, the criminals who run the student loan programs would not defer my loan interests during my PhD. They have added $10,000 to my debt in 3 years and won’t stop bothering me. Since my scholarship has ended and I have about another 7-10 months until I graduate, I have to say goodbye. Will freeload on youtube until I get out of this mess.

      1. How very disrespectful….he seems too nice to fire folks… perhaps a public shaming…just kidding…or am I ?

  17. If you aren’t going to post the files in a timely manner, tell your customers why. It’s unbelievable having to say this for the millionth time.

    1. Seriously. Technical errors happen. Certainly TYY fans understand that. But at the least you have to communicate what’s going on in an effective way. This conversation shouldn’t be from the audience only on the clip from the previous day.

  18. YouTube may begin intentionally sabotaging us. If this isn’t it & if it hasn’t been an intermittent thing already. Can you consider hosting on vimeo or something? Eventually this is going to hurt us. Wish you could tell us what happened.

    1. No, really, TYT doesn’t have the greatest technological support or background people. They do stupid shit like, for a lot of episodes, they kept adding “-2” to the end of episode links on the website. It got so bad, there was like twenty of them. They didn’t realize it or fix it until I complained several times in several formats.

      By the way, if you have a problem, don’t email them. They will sit on it.

  19. I like Ben. I don’t always agree with him, but that’s why I like him. He’s a slightly different perspective.

  20. I’m frustrated that the show’s not there. Ok sometimes stuff happens. But at least figure out a clear way to tell us what’s going on. Otherwise we’re on hold. All respect to everyone.

  21. Damn I really wish I could watch tonight’s episode of TYT seeing as how I pay. Welp, guess I’ll head over to FREE Democracy Now. Love you guys TYT but late uploads getting more and more frequent. Take care of your paying members. Free YouTube clips are up, you guys always get that right

    1. that’s because youtube is money to be had and viewers to be gotten, where as the member uploads are viewers already gotten and money already paid…

    1. This is bullshit. The YouTube clips are already up. But I honestly don’t think they really care about servicing the members first when it comes to uploading the full episodes. We’re a captive audience and they already have our money. We just get lucky most days.

      1. “Servicing the members”, funny, brings back a bit by george carlin, the one about customer service and servicing the account, look it up, thats whats going on, we’re getting the good ol servicing up the ass. Buyer beware!!!

  22. Holy Shit. Ben is so fucking stupid, it is unbelievable. Everything he says fits that remark, but holy shit – ” Twitter already does that.”

    Grace, not being a naive clueless establushment sychophant replies, “But they DONT.” That was the entire point.

    Ben couldnt suck establishment cock any harder. Ben = Defend Hillary no matter what! Gaslight Jimmy Dore! Hillary is inevitable! People who actually want real change in the next decade are children! The Primary wasnt Rigged! Trump Trump Trump Russia Russia Russia.

    Ben needs to permenanelty shit the fuck up. I have NEVER seen a “liberal” BE SO WRONG, SO OFTEN, AND SO HARD, as Ben.

    P.s. Jimmy was right. Fuck you Ben.

    1. Sorry for the cursing, but Ben is so disgusting. And such a hypocrite. Donald Trump os a Danger, but we should do nothing and not care whether or not Twitter stops a rogue employee from starting a Nuclear Holocaust?

      Grace was on fire tonight too. Woo!

      And typos = im on my phone.

    2. Ben might be a lot of things, but”stupid” is patently not one of them. You might disagree with him, but I find him refreshing and a definite positive addition to any and every show. He may not pass your purity test, but I guess that’s a fairly small and notorious cadre…

      1. Ben often comes off like a smug prick, but shoot me, cuz I love the guy: even when I am yelling at the screen in disagreement!

  23. Time to get you shit together on economic’s Cenk your behind the times !!! Real Progressives on FB has been tearing you a new asshole all day [Sunday] !!! And you fucking deserve it,your clueless on economic’s and keep echoing Est Dem’s and Repug BS !!! Figure it out MMT,its been there ALL ALONG !!!

  24. Somebody PLEASE challange Ben Mankiewicz awful “sacrifices of the rich” narrative. The value, dear friends, is created by the workers. You get rich because if you own the means of production, you get to pay your employees less than what you sold the products of their labour.

    Only from that understanding can you argue like Cenk for regulated capitalism or taxing wealth like Piketty, or democracy at work like Richard Wolf, or some kind of actual revolution. Not gonna judge you, so long as you come from the place of: WORKERS CREATE THE STUFF.

    1. no one on TYT is going to say that to Ben or to the audience, because they don’t believe it. TYT is very pro capitalism. You’re right, though.

    2. Ben was just making the argument that Republicans should be making if they really wanted to pass their tax cuts. That’s not he feels.

  25. Aloha TYT friends, I just went to donate to Alison Hartson and was checking out the official platform of Justice Democrats and found a very concerning omission. With the exception of the plank that calls for a renewable energy revolution, there is not a single mention of the environment, pollution, endangered species, habitat and open spaces, clean air and water… nothing at all about our current environmental catastrophe and not a word about how to address it. Global Climate Change is just one urgent issue among many. The platform seems to include every other progressive issue and even includes very specific things like pardoning Edward Snowden, so it’s not like this platform is meant to be just a broad outline. I find this omission very concerning. I’m certainly not trying to trash them, and it didn’t stop me from donating to Alison. Other than that omission, the platform kicks ass. Environmental justice should be a huge part of that platform!

  26. Wouldn’t it be great if it is Trump’s Twitters that finally bring him down? Love the irony of that. Not holding my breath however.

    Also, Trump was apologizing to the real Pocohontas for comparing her to Elizabeth Warren — not apologizing to Senator Warren.

    Loved the monopoly game analogy. It is called unearned advantage vs. unearned disadvantage. Life is not the level playing field that the GOP likes to assume.

  27. No Nina coverage ? DNC story is massive news. Cover it properly… Geez, TYT is not on there game over the past several months.

  28. The very best hours include Ben Mankiewicz… He has been missing too often on the main show, Old School, and WTF… I watch TCM and joined TCM Backlot to feed my Ben fandom fix; but the good Old School and good WTF shows need Ben to be truly great…

    1. You’re a member — Go back a day or two and watch the previous hours concerning the DNC and HRC… In general, why do you think Justice Democrats exist?..

      1. I saw no coverage of Donna Brazil coming out in an op-ed piece confessing than the DNC was completely controlled by Hillary Clinton and she rigged it against all the other candidates esp. Bernie and was in control since 2015! Donna has a book out on this, has been on mainstream media talking about it and now she is being sandbagged by Clinton now for it.

        Also right at the beginning of the main show Ben, Cenk and John were talking about how this is a segment and will be covered in the first hour! Ben even said he wanted to talk about his thoughts on the word “rigged”?

  29. You can say many things about Cenk and TYT.
    Love them, hate them, frustrated with them moving too slow, or because they’re expecting too much.

    But one thing I think most people can AGREE on … they have changed the perception of online news.
    There will be better shows or news networks online in the future.
    There are many young shows now that can possibly surpass TYT.

    But TYT does hold the title of First Original that is still here.
    Congratulations on another milestone, Grandpappy of Online News!

  30. Ok ladies & gents someone needs to share my drool-fest please over the fact that Sexy-Pie John Iadarola is back! Clean shaved, hair cut, one button undone to tease us all (He looks like he just came out of “central casting”! Oh wait, crap!). Also on that note, Ben can just leave his hair there, and that counts then as a Power Panel!

    Hey wow who knew MSNBC had balls? That Rep. really drank the Kool-Aid on the tax bill! Guys that Rep. HAD to dodge the question so they can still call it Reconciliation. And a NEW TYT Drinking Game for Friday!! Every time Ben runs his hand through his TREMENDOUS, AWESOME HAIR, take a shot!

    Now, Re: Trump’s admission he is a narcissist; IF Democrats had any ballz, that clip would would be his “What difference does it make?!?” Benghazi moment and would be in every single DNC ad for the next 28.3 Billion Years. Unfortunately, since we play fair (mostly), he’ll get away with it. I’m glad Cenk knows he doesn’t matter, because if Ana leaves I’m gone. Well, Ben’s hair also matters and Jesus matters because he is our WHITE LORD and SAVIOR, just like Santa is.

    Re: Chris Christie, If he wasn’t already married I’d say he and Sarah Palin should be married to each other. He has the donut in his suit pocket, and she has the 128-oz Big Gulp Soda in her podium! Plus, her Crystal Meth will be help him lose weight so he can be CAST for a role in the Trump movie, er- Administration!

    PS- I think we’re all drunk now thanks to Ben! God he has great hair! Where was in the 80’s when we needed him? Perfect volume, staying power, shine – then we all wouldn’t have had to carry the giant bottles of Aquanet in our purses during the Reagan years. My GAWD I’m OLD. Does that mean I should run for another term, Dianne Fienstein?

    1. Enjoyed your amusing commentary on Ben’s hair, You can almost see the thought bubble pop above him musing to old rivals: “Eat your heart out ass-holes, I’m on TYT and I have hair”…re: Cenk… His boisterous sometimes vulgar delivery is TYT, and though I love the other hosts (Ana is exceptional) it’s hard to watch without him…re: Republican tax roll out clip: These 2018 political ads are writing themselves. What a boost for poor progressive candidates…all they have to do is show these FOOLS nodding and grinning as they(try?) to ass-rape 90% of the American public! Buckle up, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

        1. I saw no coverage of Donna Brazil coming out in an op-ed piece confessing than the DNC was completely controlled by Hillary Clinton and she rigged it against all the other candidates esp. Bernie and was in control since 2015! Donna has a book out on this, has been on mainstream media talking about it and now she is being sandbagged by Clinton now for it.

          Also right at the beginning of the main show Ben, Cenk and John were talking about how this is a segment and will be covered in the first hour! Ben even said he wanted to talk about his thoughts on the word “rigged”?

  31. If we know about all these loopholes, why do our politicians need a massive reform bill burying all information and lower taxes on corporations to close them? Why not just close them first, then look into reforming the tax code?

    1. That and when he does all the Game of Thrones references. As someone who doesn’t watch GoT, it just seems really dumb and unnecessary.

        1. I disagree comrade! We got NO TRUMPET from the soundboard for the otherwise momentous 7.6 billion views thingy that was supposed to be momentous. I demand more soundboard!

          1. Yes, what’s with the whiners above? Geez, yes: more sound board and, and, and: COW BELLS!!!….Yeah, I know I have had a little too much caffeine…I’ll go now:)

      1. I dont watch that show either but I could give a shit if they make an inside joke I dont get.

        Yo TYT. if you’re talking about a fundraiser in your main show post the link for the members in the video description.

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