Aggressive Progressives: November 2, 2017

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Gigi Manukyan74 Comments

On this week’s Aggressive Progressives, Jimmy Dore is joined by Steve Oh to talk the Uranium one story, Tulsi Gabbard going after the DNC, and an article on the break from “lesser of two evils” politics.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 28 minutes, 33 secondsVolume 90%
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      1. Seeing how delayed it is, I’m assuming someone messed up and forgot to put it on the stream. It should show up tomorrow in that case. I might still keep engaging in the futility of hitting refresh for a little longer. It isn’t the first time they’d have dropped the ball.

  1. The fight is not Dems vs Repubs, the fight is establishment vs. the people. I don’t care what party you run under. What do you STAND FOR? Issues-politics has got to “Trump” identity politics. No corporate $$, people-powered politicians, THAT”S what we need to support. I wish the labor party well, and any other party that forms. But, I also believe we need progressives within the democratic party who will FIGHT the corporate domination you’re talking about! ALL OF THE ABOVE, Please!! progressive will join cross party lines for people-issues. But not if we aren’t at the table- get to the table, whatever way you can (ethically and legally, of course!).

  2. Jimmy, this is what Bernie was talking about- he (we) need soldiers in office at every level for a progressive president to be successful. So, YES third parties need to form and run progressive candidates and YES, the democratic party still needs to be taken over. We were never going to do that in 1 year. But we need to not digress to secondary issues- the issue at the core of everything is money influence on the establishment vs people-powered elections focused first and foremost on getting money out of politics, the root of all evils, NOT a separate evil.

    So, JD’s, progressive Dems, progressive independents, progressive labor party candidates, progressive WHATEVER need to run and get elected, take over leadership and form new parties. ALL of the above. Let’s do that, shall we?

    At a certain point, what party you belong to will be secondary to what you stand for and WHO you stand for and then Dems can go back to being liberals, Repubs can go back to being moderates, independents can be recognized and represented along ISSUES, and other parties can emerge. THAT’s democracy! Unless we’re abolishing the Dems or Repubs, we have to rebuild, takeover and begin anew all at ONCE. Let’s do it!And work together from our different camps- you guys from the draft Bernie/third party position, justice democrats, brand new Congress, working/ labor/green parties, progressive independents, and anyone else committed to progressive values. Focus on the core issues at the root of ALL evils. I don’t care what party you attach to your name, as long as yo0u’re representing the PEOPLE, not MONEY interests.




  4. I don’t give a shit if Hillary strangled Snowden while getting fucked in the ass by Putin. She’s not the President. She’s in some fucking forest somewhere. Fucking half a show about some horseshit she did. She’s irrelevant.

    1. Ceaselessly bitching about Hillary Clinton is practically Jimmy’s job now. Look at his youtube channel – video after video after video about Clinton, Obama, the DNC, apparent McCarthyism and ‘nothingburger’ Russia stories (despite the Mueller indictments), how the media is being unfair to Trump or is unfairly smearing him in some way or another. Rinse and repeat. The republicans could wholly dismantle Social Security tomorrow and Jimmy would spend the day creating videos the equivalent of a Fox news cheeseburger story about Clinton or Obama.

      It makes sense when you remember that Clinton coverage is like catnip to the alt-right/Trump supporters who contribute in spades to Jimmy’s clicks/comments/patreon fund. There’s a reason why they view Jimmy as one of the only tolerable liberals – because he feeds them a lot of what they want to hear on a fairly consistent basis.

      He’s keeping his message where the money is, even if that means ignoring big stories that might cut into his standard rotation of the same shit. If you want a well-balanced view of current events and a healthy scope of topics discussed, from a progressive viewpoint or otherwise, you’re not going to get it from Jimmy. Steve and Malcolm are a different story, though – they often have interesting and thoughtful things to say. The show markedly improves with their presence.

      1. I’ve followed Jimmy for ages and I think he’s a really good guy. Sweeping in front of own door first is really important and should be progressive assignment #1 and that’s why Justice Democrats kick ass, but he didn’t even mention them. Some fucking labor party? What the fuck? I don’t know what the fuck he’s doing any more.

        Steve is like: well, Trump may have done something illegal, while Hillary didn’t – no, dude, Trump is the President and that’s the only relevant difference. I don’t need to know about every corrupt Dick, Harry and Hillary in the country, they’re of no consequence to me.

        1. Yes, yes, yes – exactly, and I completely agree with your assessment re: sweeping the front door. But Jimmy doesn’t actually do anything except armchair complain about the same people and cover for Trump (I mean, videos like “Clinton colluded with Russia to smear Trump” – are you fucking kidding me?!) in ways that he gets directly financially compensated for. He’s tepid towards Trump on things he’d savage a Democrat for had they done 1/10th of the same. either call out each side honestly for harms done, or don’t bother to pretend you’re being anything but disingenuous. The rest of TYT manages to call shit out when they see it on both sides, but Jimmy seems unwilling or unable to, even when republicans’ policy proposals are already hurting people and our planet at large.

          At least Cenk is actively out there trying to make the change he wants to see with Justice Dems and WolfPac, hustling for progressive candidates and policies….taking action in ways that he might not get paid for, but that actually help achieve tangible results. He is able to critique Dems, but not to the extent that it clouds his judgment and prevents him from acknowledging and discussing the very real damage Republicans are doing to the country.

          I mean, for fuck’s sake – Dems just won massively in NJ and Virginia because people (especially young ones) are now well aware of the consequences of their votes. And what does the Jimmy Dore show think is the important news of the day? Let’s look at the video titles –

          “Journalists caught lying to protect Clinton over DNC”

          “Sam Tripoli – Democrats are set up to lose!”

          “Clinton campaign smears Donna Brazile as Russian Bot!”

          …I mean, come the fuck on. He’s pandering to his Trumper audience HARD and repeats the same crap ad nauseam on AP. At this point you may as well look to Fox for what is considered the important news of the day. No mention of the Democratic victories, upcoming important races, Robert Mercer’s offshore accounts funding bannon & co., the Republican tax ‘reform’ plan, the Dem-proposed State Public Option Act, the Mueller indictments, etc. Nothing. Just some more bitching about Clinton or ‘Russophobia.’ At this point you may as well look to Fox for what is considered the important news of the day.

          I truly hope people here who enjoy Jimmy’s stuff make an effort to diversify their sources of news, because they’re doing themselves a serious disservice relying on this type of drivel as a means of staying informed.

  5. I hope Steve Oh will be on more often. The show isn’t a complete echo chamber when he’s on. They have interesting discussions.

  6. And how is that acceptable? Coercing men into a very dangerous job because they are desperate to get out of prison and then barely paying them for their efforts. That’s called extortion.

    the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of intimidation or threats or some other form of pressure or force.

  7. Thanks Steve, I have always enjoyed your commentary on the young turks and its great to see you back on the aggressive progressive as well; you always offer well shout out, cogent points.

  8. Guys, guys!!! PSY-OP!!!
    NEVER FORGET FOR ONE SECOND the pathologically greedy money addicts and sociopaths we are dealing with.
    MOST union leaders were FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT – so OF COURSE they will pretend to do this if the Dem Party strategists plan this to DUPE US!! How long does it take a third party to get ballot access? Green Party has FINALLY got on almost every state ballot after 20 years. Why do you think this is being reported, but Green Party gets ALMOST NO PRESS??? Psy-op. Propaganda. To dupe us and keep us from doing what ACTUALLY can work!!! BEWARE!!
    You know what I see? Goes along with the Donna Brazile bullcrap – this is ALL A TRAP.
    They are TELLING US WHAT WE WANT TO HEAR and it is all a PRETENSE!!
    Get smarter – think like the conniving bastards do.

    1. Unions already have the infrastructure in every state. That puts them way ahead of where the Greens were when they started.

    2. Preach! OBTW Debtee, did you catch Brazile on ABC “the Week”? Jesus, don’t watch while you’re eating___cuz it will make you nauseous…it’s really funny in a perverted Jimmy Dore A.P. kinda way. Oh, it’s a big club and you ain’t in it as J.D. would say.
      I was a member of a union for over 20years and “they” always backed a Democrat “their” endorsement was NEVER put to a membership vote….so, I always take endorsements with a grain of salt.
      Also, regarding your last statement, I am reminded of M.Obama’s “they go low, we go high” quote. That pussy footing shit has got to stop….When they go low,… WE RIP OUT THEIR FUCK LARYNX!

  9. FYI – College students majoring in business still take an Ethics class. One class might not be enough, but they do take that.

  10. Pretty much anybody can be an adjunct. (As you can tell from his idiotic tweet.) They make a little more than the minimum wage.

  11. How many times is Jimmy Dore going to feature those same two lame Dylan Ratigan clips? (Pretty cushy job Ratigan’s got there- bet he thanks the lord for TYT fund drives.)

    1. It seems clear Jimmy is a D.R. fan and he is taunting him to be on the show…ie…”and now a word from Dylan Ratigan inside his dentist office”….”and now a word from Dylan Ratigan from a bus stop”…

  12. Love Jimmy Dore, Steve Oh and crew! But could someone please tell Jimmy that “bourgeois” is an adjective. “Bourgeoisie” is the term he should use instead to describe the 1 percenters, the owners of the means of production. Besides that, keep up the great work!

    1. either way, it is an incorrect put down…bourgeois in all it’s forms means middle class. Oligarch, ruling class, or just plain ASS-HOLES always works for me:)

  13. Have you guys thought about requesting to interview Julian Assange? I think it would be really good and he would appreciate it too. Keep up the good work you guys!

    1. Steve Oh is the BEST! I LOVE him and his viewpoints, and his laugh. I wish he was on every week like he used to be.

    2. They should have him on every week instead. The show actually becomes interesting when it’s not just Jimmy playing to an echo chamber.

  14. Steve Oh – exactly! Beholden or not beholden is the issue. No quid pro quo on the Steele dossier. Trump has been laundering Russian oligarchs’ money through real estate for years. He probably owes the Russians something for bailing him out when US banks wouldn’t deal with bankruptcy Donald. It will be interesting to see what Mueller turns up. Did Hillary do a quid pro quo on Uranium One? Probably. Investigate that too!

  15. Paying for a third party to illicit information from a foreign power is no different than being the driver in a get away car of a robbery – everyone is guilty!

  16. Please, learn what you do not understand. The California prison firefighter actually get a small amount but they get time off their sentence of their time in prison. A lot of them try to get into wildfire jobs after they get out of prison. They volunteer for this fire work. They are good people.

  17. It’s interesting how polar opposite the views of Cenk and Jimmy are. One wants to reform the democratic party and the other one wants yet another party for progressives.

    I’m with Cenk… third parties haven’t worked and continue to not work. Fixing the democratic party to bring them back to their roots seems like the only option to me.

    1. As long as that’s possible. The problem is if the rules committee isn’t reformable, then the chips will forever be stacked against anyone who isn’t corrupt. The laws have been changed to give the criminals more power.

      The best way forward might be a fusion of both Jimmy’s and Cenk’s ideas: Get a bunch of uncorrupted politicians into the Democratic party, then once they reach enough critical mass, if they still haven’t managed to transform the party by then, leave and form a new party. With enough members and support, at that point forming a third party would be more viable.

  18. Steve O,

    You don’t need to have management vs workers if you run the business as a worker co-operative. Then the workers make the decisions democratically and they also control the profits and wages. We have to stop defending the notion that workers can’t manage and managers can’t work. We need to have democratic workplaces.

  19. I absolutely LOVE when Steve Oh is on the show! I love his no nonsense take on things and his perspective from working w/ management class being a lawyer and COO of TYT. Plus he adds good balance to the show since Jimmy is AGGRESSIVE and Steve is calm-pissed off about the problems they’re discussing.

    1. Thank you for the nice comments! And yes, even when I’m not yelling, I am seriously pissed off about all the injustices.

  20. Was this taped early or something? No discussion about the Brazile story? odd, disappointed. Seems like this show was done before.

    1. She’s right, but no one who watches Jimmy will ever take anything she says seriously because he attacks her all the time.

      This Uranium one story is pure bullshit through and through and I’ve stopped watching Jimmy because of it. It’s like I’m watching Fox news… it’s embarrassing. No one seems to want to confront Dore with the facts…

    2. Yeah, she did a good job of shutting that woman down, but not a good job of being factual. Did you know the bulk of the $145m came from an untraceable account Guistra set up in Canada ? And did you know that the congress has complained that they (Obama Justice Dept.) kept the FBI investigation secret so the deal would be approved? But I guess you guys are just gonna believe that shady oligarchs involved in a shady uranium deal to give 20% of our production capacity to RUSSIA while Clintons receive $145m is cuz those shady characters really wanted to help people and do good charitable works, not buy influence.

      Did you know that “gullible” is not in the dictionary?

  21. I am with Steve Oh saying i can see where 3rd party & #JusticeDemocrats both have viable alternatives & how Tulsi & Bernie are just being loyal & adamantly are trying to BE the change they seek

  22. Jimmy i hope your next few segments have updates on the list of the establishment Dems who gratefully unfollowed you to hear the truth again & how many tweets the lasted till they blocked you again. Keep preaching the peoples progressive movement!

  23. Please be honest about the difficulties creating a viable third party! Our Constitution forces us to just two viable parties long term. Three viable parties virtually guarantees no Presidential candidate gets the needed 270 delegates, throwing the choice to a House vote.

    A progressive leaning third party will start a death battle with the Democratic Party, losing to the GOP or Republican controlled House votes until the Democratic Party is destroyed. How long you think this will take? How you fund this likely decades long war? After winning the war, then back to two party politics again. You lose credibility unless you EXPLAIN THIS AS YOU PROMOTE THE BENEFITS OF A THIRD PARTY!

    1. Fizzed, that’s exactly what elected Trump. Fear. “You can’t do that.” “It won’t work.” I don’t buy it. It’s the same old lie sold to us day after day and look what it got us. Clinton and Trump and how long to recover from less than a year of the monster at the helm? A third party is needed and is the dems and gop fight each other to the death then good. Maybe the two parties need to be entirely gone and two entirely new ones take their place. Since you “no third party” types are clinging so tight to a broken 2 parry system with a jacked up electoral college farce.

      1. No, this is sensible. How long does it take a third party to get ballot access? Green Party has FINALLY got on almost every state ballot after 20 years.
        You know what I see? I see this as Dem strategists conniving to divert and distract yet again. Almost ALL union leaders were for ‘the establishment’. OF COURSE they will do this as a ‘trap’ for unhappy voters. Beware. Just like the Donna Brazile bullcrap – this is ALL A TRAP.

  24. I tried and failed to find the Jimmy Dore Show segment on Youtube showing the love letter even though I saw it once previously. Neither “Hillary” nor “love” was in the title?

  25. “The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.”
    ~ John Philpot Curran (Dublin, 1790)

    I sincerely like “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” as a quote, but it isn’t attributed to anyone having said it quite that way.

    1. No kidding!! Part of the DNC and WILL LIE BLATANTLY for them to keep power, that is how I see it. Just because they are lies WE WANT TO HEAR does not mean they are sincere!! AT ALL!! We have to view ALL OF THIS as part of the Dem Party psy-op that they now will do to dupe us, divert us, etc.

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