TYT Old School October 16, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan59 Comments

Cenk and Mark Thompson talk new OS schedule change, Wendy’s odd jobs, Cenk’s favorite job, Cenk’s extensive Trump knowledge, what is AB testing, how Islam became more fundamentalist, how crazy Evangelicals are, and veganism.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 8 minutes, 18 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. Hearing Cenk’s take on religious people leaves me more confused about his views than ever. In his mind, what exactly is the difference between a “regular old Christian”, and a crazy fundamentalist? Do you have to check off most of the boxes like believing in the rapture, Armageddon in Jerusalem, etc., or is it enough to believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, with that being enough to write one off as a crazy? The comment on the Vatican priests gives away his startling ignorance in this matter. To be fair, I don’t know for a fact that Vatican priests aren’t closet atheists, but Cenk is probably shocked that those Catholic priests don’t fit his binary views on what religion and religious people are like. He talks about the “texts” as if there are only 2 interpretive strategies: 1. Believe that they are literally, factually, journalistically true, or else 2. Say that they’re just utter nonsense. So, it turns out that the Vatican Catholic priests don’t fall into either of those categories. Cenk can’t fit them into either of those two pigeonholes, so he classifies them as atheists. The small-mindedness is amazing.

  2. Wow Mark..I WILL NOT drink milk anymore, and will cut way back with the cheese. Can you by any chance direct me to sources where I can find a viable substitute for cheese because I love it? Butter I don’t use anymore, olive oil instead.

  3. Dear Mark, (and Cenk)-
    i must speak up about Mark’s statements on animal products, because misinformation is just as bad as ignorance-
    (full disclosure, i’ve seen many types of farms, as i’m a veterinarian).

    there are many farmers and livestock people raising healthy, chemical-free animals and treating them right/humanely. it is NOT true that the only way to get animal products, including dairy, is to mistreat and torture animals.

    but, you must educate yourself and search these folks out, as they don’t have the $$ that both the factory farm lobby and the vegan/animal rights lobby do, to advertise and market.
    healthy, humane farmers abound and just simply ‘do the right thing’ for their animals, their soils, and their consumers; they sell their products locally in CSA’s or at farmer’s markets and on line, for the most part, and hope the word gets around that there are plenty of healthy and humane alternatives to the giant, factory, industrial, polluting farms.

    look for the AWA (animal welfare approved) label, and Organic, 100% grass fed, 100% pastured labels and research these farms and their websites; call them up and chat about what their animal-raising methods are–most are happy to brag about how they run their farms and how health their animals and soils are. some even allow visits, despite biosecurity concerns (which i must add, are significant in the USA).
    please, don’t believe everything you read and hear from the vegan/animal rights faction–they have their own agendas too–there are GREAT alternatives out there to factory farms!

    compare corporate news media–(both Dem *and* Repub) with TYT if you want to make an analogy. TYT and the like are the real and healthy alternatives to the ”factory medias” out there…but you do have to read beyond the lines and mouthpieces, and search out alternative media! (thanks TYT for being there!)

    on our sheep farm, we milk once daily, never take the lambs away from the mothers/ewes (little known fact is that most animals produce far more milk than is needed for their offspring), and our animals are 100% pastured, 100% grass fed, never any grain, never any chemicalized, processed feeds, and have a great life here. we know all the animals by name, they come when called for affection and treats.
    they have it FAR easier than, say, a WILD ruminant would have it.
    they are protected from the stress of predation, they never have to starve or scrap for food, water or minerals in difficult climatic conditions, the rams are there when they ewes seek them out for breeding yearly (yes, animals are mated every year and naturally seek out a partner when in heat and females have babies every year for the most part); and there are no rams fighting to the death over who gets to mate the ewes like they would in the wilds, and they get ‘repaired’ when injured or sick and don’t die a slow death like they would in the wild; and they all get affection and new experiences daily.
    There are many many other farmers, ranchers, and agriculturalists out there doing the same, if not even better than we are on our farm–all over the world!! in every state!! in California especially! Mark, you have no excuse!!

    anyway, i’m not saying ‘don’t be vegan’, i’m just saying you are misinformed about the many animal raising and agricultural methods out there. and yes, factory farms suck and are some of the worst things humanity has done to other beings- (and to our soils and rangelands via the heavy chemical loads that are forced on both animals and our agricultural lands! these factory farms contribute significantly to climate change through land desertification).

    BUT, there are some great people out there doing things RIGHT!
    Please support these hard-working ethical folks and vote with your dollars for a humane and clean food and agricultural system!!!
    As consumers, we can make the biggest difference! without our buying support, factory and industrial farms can’t thrive.

  4. ok this is quite possibly the most minor thing ever to latch onto, but the aliens. the aliens, man.
    I read a book in high school, Adaptation by Malinda Lo. I have been obsessed with it ever since. This is technically a spoiler for the first book, but not for the second (titled Inheritance). It’s about aliens far more advanced than humans, and they consider themselves more evolved than humans not because of their intelligence, but because of their empathy. I don’t want to over-explain, so I’ll leave it at that. It is really a great series (with only 2 books), and I love its message and implications.
    Another piece of art (and you’ll understand why I call it that if/when you see it) that explores the concept of extreme empathy (but doesn’t involve aliens) is the Netflix series Sense8. I adore it.

  5. Mark you’re awesome! I haven’t had milk since second grade, I always felt weird about it.
    Another point to make about milk is that no adults of any species drinks milk as an ADULT! And espically of another species. It all comes back to getting the most profit. Disgusting they serve that to children.
    Much love, keep talking about it!

    1. …and by ‘subscribe’, I mean being a TYT member. :D

      Cenk, your rant on religious fundamentalism was A-W-E-SOME!

      Mark Thompson, thanks for discussing dairy and veal. As a middle-aged ‘meat-itarian’ that likes dairy products, I kinda knew stuff like that went on but never really though about it much. Now it’s starting to bother me and I find myself re-thinking things a little bit. This is good.
      I guess it’s like religion – once you REALLY think about it, you start to see the issues.

      1. Joe, there’s great farms too, with humane, healthy practices. factory farms suck, but not all farms are factory/industrial farms. the key is to research the farms you buy animal products from. look for the AWA label (animal welfare approved) as well as 100% grass fed and 100% pastured animal farms. go on their websites, call them up, ask what their practices are. do they feed Organic, chemical-free feeds to their animals if not 100% grass fed?… there are a lot of great farms out there producing super healthy food from happy, well-cared for animals, doing what Nature intended them to.

        1. thanks for that. otherwise it sounds really cruel if all milk is produced the way Mark described. I hope more farms get involved in that. I wouldn’t mind paying more for a product if it is produced in an non cruel method

  6. Love TYT, love Old School. So glad to be a member and supporting excellent programming.

    It’s not just a bit odd to listen to Cenk rip fundamentalist religious types a new asshole for their fundamentalism, and then declare the animal industry is itself fundamentally horrible, and yet still gleefully participate in it.

    Ya know? : /

    Still a proud member. Too strong!

  7. Old School Rule: If you can’t relate political news to some old school politics shit, leave it out. Don’t deprive me of old school Mankiewicz stories.

    1. u still have not told us about ur Armenian Christening Name?!

      can you let us know? u said you would post it here in the comment sections.

  8. Marks comments about Dairy Farming was downright chilling. I had no idea it was that inhumane, I am finding it hard to believe

    1. Check out the documentary Food Inc. if you’d like to learn more about the horrific factory farming industry.

      1. Seconding this recommendation – it’s a tough watch, but it put me off dairy for good. The way these animals are treated is shockingly cruel.

        1. Thirding this recommendation.

          How anyone can participate in the dairy/animal industry, once they find out what’s involved, is unimaginable.
          It’s not just the animals that suffer, the industry by necessity makes animal-sadists out of its workers. One cannot treat an animal with respect AND lead it through torture and to slaughter.

          ‘There’s a reason why slaughterhouses don’t have glass walls’–Paul McCartney

          1. not all farms are industrial/factory farms.
            there are so many great 100% pastured farms out there, with awesome, healthy, natural, transparent practices..
            check it out.

  9. My family are dairy farmers in Switzerland. They do operate in a far different manner than what was described. For one thing they are bred naturally with a bull and are free to roam during the day. They are milked twice a day. Of course this old style of farming is maintained through farming subsidies and more expensive dairy products.

    1. yes. there are farms everywhere that do dairying correctly and humanely. mark is wrong that quote ”this is the ONLY way to get dairy”. there are local family farms all over the USA and the rest of the world doing dairy right. research websites of dairy farms to discover their practices. look for the label AWA (animal welfare approved) and 100% pastured, etc.

  10. Ok. Giving up dairy today. Already vegetarian, but now I’m out. No dairy except what gets raised on my uncle-in-law’s pasture. Thank you, Mark.

  11. This is the third time I have heard Cenk claim that all evangelical christians look forward to armageddon. Yet he loses his shit if someone like Sam Harris cites surveys saying a certain percentage of muslims believe in certain things.

    I understand where he’s coming from when he gets defensive against islamophobia, but i can’t stand his unjust reaction towards people who critizise islam in a way he disagrees with, and I can’t stand his complete disregard for christians.

    He likes to point to the fact that his mother is muslim (and is a lovely woman). Well fuckface, my mother is evangelical/pentacostal. so fuuuuuuuuck you.

      1. Actually, no he didn’t. He said some stuff about “regular muslims” and “regular christians” being fine, then went on to talk about the beliefs of evangelicals. The implication was clear, that evangelical christians are all fundies, and also that pentacostals are batshit insane.

        It’s not an accident, like I said he talks like this all the time, and even if you were to say “well I’m sure he actually is only talking about the crazy ones”, we all know he doesn’t give an inch of leeway to people talking about muslims in the same way. And again, I’m not saying he should be excusing people generalizing about muslims, he should just stop being a giant hypocrite about it.

        Can you imagine someone talking about what “muslims” believes about armageddon? How big would the explosion of Cenks head be?

        You can’t talk about muslims like they are all the same, but apparantly christians and conservatives are fair game. Every time a rightwinger does some shit, it’s “this is what conservatives are all about, doing this shit”. If a christian does some bullshit in the name of christianity you’ll get some generalizing critique of how christians are imposing themselves on us all”.
        If a liberal does some shit it’s “hey buddy, don’t do that, that’s not what progressivism is about, that’s so counter productive” and if a muslim does something it’s “Let’s make sure we don’t blame anyone but him”

        1. As a Christian myself who probably would be qualified as others as being “Evangelical” though I, myself, would never make that distinction because Evangelicalism, by and large, divests itself from a level of orthodoxy that, as a scholar, you only really see from the Catholic church. There are problems there too, but I’m straying from my point.

          The irony of Cenk and Mark’s statements about Christians is he is committing the same fallacies as the people he’s criticizing. There’s no actual hermeneutical legwork. It’s just vague generalizations and some statements that are just patently false. The claim that one would believe that God (YHWH) is an old guy with a beard is a laughable concept. God is a “he” because Semitic languages at the time did not have gender-neutral language, so the OT will consistently refer to YHWH as a he as more of a matter of grammar.

          You could argue that the laws and precepts in Bible are created to control women if you look at them from the Western view of law which didn’t exist until the fall of the Persian empire on or around 331 BCE and the Greek concept of Hellenism was applied to the legal texts. Two problems then arise from this 1) you’d have to prove that the laws in Leviticus, for example, were ever enforced prior to that time (good luck) 2) You are anachronistically placing current, Western , values on a text that was written somewhere in the realm of 1500-2200 BCE (this is all from memory, so forgive me if my dates are off). That, in the scholarly realm, is what we call eisegesis and you would get nailed to the wall by any self-respecting Biblical scholar whether they have a high or low view of scripture for that.

          Lastly, and I have to point this out, not all Christians believe in some great Holy War that God is going to save us from preemptively. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a farce perpetuated by conservative Christians who are reading what they want to out of books like Ezekiel, Daniel, and St. John’s Revelation. Which is exactly what Cenk and Mark are doing with their arguments in this video.

          Read the Christian Origins and the Question of God series by NT Wright, former Archbishop of Canterbury, a Christian and an Historian who spends 1500-2000 pages between 3 volumes on the history of Christianity and the process of interpreting scripture.

          Read “Reasonable Faith” by Dr. William Lane Craig: apologist, philosopher, and New Testament Historian who achieved his first PhD in New Testament studies in Germany, which is the most difficult realm and a “school of hard knocks” for Biblical Scholars.

          I would also recommend reading Ancient Near Eastern history and cultural documents. John Walton is your go-to for social and cultural documents.

          Cenk, Mark, love you guys. You’re two of my favorite voices at TYT but it would seem to me you really stepped outside your wheelhouse

          1. It’s not like Cenk is too dumb to understand this stuff. He clearly has shown himself to have a quick wit and intellect. If he were to set his mind toward understanding the philosophical underpinnings of Christianity and other belief systems, he could actually understand them better and understand why people believe what they believe. Plus as an atheist/agnostic, he could better critique said religions, which is what I would think he would want to do as an agnostic. But he has such disdain for religion and suck a lack of respect for belief in religion that his prejudice prevents him from ever being open to that attitude. His attitude is “this is such childish idiocy that I won’t even consider for half a second that there may be reasonable people who believe or who disagree with me”. Of course religious people won’t take kindly to the attitude of “if your religious, you’re irrational, fanatical, simple minded, ignorant, and potentially dangerous”. After the Barcelona terrorist attacks 2 months ago, Cenk literally called for the end of all religion. This is why Christians who are on these forums always complain about the way he talks about Christianity. No one expects him to change his opinion or position as an agnostic. But there’s a deep rooted visceral hostility toward religion that you can see not just in Cenk but also in quite a few of TYT’s other hosts. Unfortunately, I suspect Cenk Uygur is too arrogant in his attitude toward religion to have a change of mind or heart on this.

    1. I don’t think Cenk’s objection was Sam saying Muslims also believe in end times or other such beliefs. Cenk started the religion conversation about talking about why the Islamic world has gone in a more fundamentalist direction so he clearly doesn’t deny that this is the case.

      I think it was the suggestion of engaging in offensive military action against them partially based on that belief coupled with other circumstances that has made Cenk defensive when it comes to Sam’s views.

      As was evident in this Old School Cenk clearly has no love for Islamic theology. He even alluded to Muhammad being a pedophile among other things.

  12. Love you guys so much. I understand that you are in a tough spot. No doubt that the show needs to be on in the evening and I also think it should be live. I hope to see you prioritize this show because it is far and above many others and so worth it. Please keep it truly old school with the old school staff of guys who started this great network (and maybe a few that came a bit later). This is where the real power panel is at. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into what you do. I actually live for old school and the fun, light-hearted stories you share with us.

  13. Just go super duper old school. Lean an iPhone up against a wall when you and Ben are sittin’ like at a hotel in Vegas or whatever. But like, before Ben “lives.” Just go John Waters gorilla film style. Sittin’ at a diner and shit. Wherever

  14. I never have watched Old School live so live vs pre-recorded doesn’t matter to me. What made it great for me was that it had the vibe of old buddies getting together after a hard day’s work to shoot the shit. That’s why it’s best done in the evening and with the old buddies -Cenk, Ben, and/or Michael and formerly Wes before he lost it. Without at least one of those core people, it shouldn’t be called Old School.

  15. HAHAHA you had at least Winthrop and Jim, my husband. When we were first dating, I was so happy to have found a fellow TYT fan and then immediately jealous that he used to listen to you on the radio long before I had even heard of you!! The 08 election cycle was when I became an avid viewer (back when I could send you a Facebook message about a story idea and actually see it show up on the show!) For our second anniversary, my husband got me a subscription to TYT! I love you guys almost as much as I love him and he knows it!
    Cenk, my parents TRULY believe that they are speaking a “heavenly” language – but they aren’t the snake handlers and think those guys are “crazy”. Not even kidding. ;) BUT I have to let you know that MOST Pentecostals don’t do the snake handling thing, it’s seriously a very small percentage of Pentecostals who do that, mostly in Virginia and West Virginia – they are like a mini cult. I speak as a former Pentecostal myself who is now an atheist. If you ever want to know the “mindset” of Pentecostals for the most part I can fill you in, except the Trump thing – cause I don’t really understand that at all. I wonder if it is because I am no longer a believer – and so I just can’t get my mind to go where theirs does or what. I do know that my parents didn’t vote for Trump and don’t think he is a Christian – while my cousins who are in their 20’s and also Pentecostal did vote for him.
    Mark, thanks for blessing my steak desires!! I don’t do dairy that well (native american stomachs didn’t evolve to process dairy ), but damn I love me a juicy medium rare steak!

  16. I really hope you can find something that works for you guys and us to get back to the Old School vibe that we all like so much. Live feels more fun and dynamic, but if we can’t get it live, I’ll be fine as long as it feels like Old School.

    If there are still going to be times when not-so-old-school people are going to be doing a show without OS OGs, call it something else. I’d be fine watching John. Brett, and whomever (they need at least 3 people to keep it interesting), but they can call that something else. You can get away with that on the Friday PG, but not Old School. It just isn’t Old School without Ben and/or Cenk with Mark and/or Michael.

    I know you’re trying. Do what you gotta do. Prioritize. And, if I might suggest something crazy: Cenk, bro, get better at delegating. Just don’t want you to keel over with a heart attack trying to get it all done yourself. You don’t know me, but I genuinely care about you guys, which is why I have so many damned opinions.

  17. As long as Cenk is on the majority of the shows I’m good. Ideal group would be Cenk, John, Ben and if they could get Jimmy that would be the cherry on top.

  18. I would like it if all TYT was was Ben and Cenk talking every day only available on audio.

    I’ve swapped out dairy milk for almond milk. There’s also soy, coconut and flaxseed milks. And cashew, I think.

    Michael Shure recommended the Beyond Burger, which is the best veggie burger I’ve ever had.

  19. Interesting to learn that connection between veal and dairy. Sad, but good to know.

    I’ve been seeing ingredient lists with ‘liquid sugar’, ‘corn sugar’ and ‘fructose’ instead of ‘high fructose corn syrup’. Liquid sugar can be simply water and white or brown sugar, but it can also be water with fructose.

  20. Maybe some vegans or vegatarians, or even pescatarians can help me out here, since I’ve been interested in moving that direction for a long time, but I can barely afford to feed my family let alone myself. What is the cheapest way to change your diet to a more a ecologically responsible one? Mind you, I buy $5 Little Caesars pizzas and eat off the McDonald’s dollar menu way more often than anyone should (well, really no one should eat that garbage, but when you can’t afford more than $10 a day for food, what are you supposed to do? I guess that’s the crux of this question, lol).

    1. Not that hard to live healthy on $10/day. Anchor your diet with Beans & Rice — buy bulk beans dry, and bulk brown rice. Once you get in the habit, its not hard to soak beans in water overnight, then cook. People make too much fuss about “no time to cook” — its not about time, its about organizing time to be efficient about it. There’s countless different ways to flavor the B&R from countless different nationalities that have relied upon B&R as a mainstay. Lots of variety. And… cheap.

    2. Yep, if you want cheap and healthy, you’ll have to cook. Basically there’s cheap, healthy and convenient. Pick 2.

      In addition to rice and beans, pasta is easy to cook. A lot of frozen veggies are not that expensive if you don’t have the time and energy to get fresh, prepare it and eat it before it goes bad.

    3. Quinoa is a fav of mine. Add some fruit & brown sugar for breakfast, veggies for lunch. One of my go-to, don’t wanna cook meals is a bag of frozen broccoli {or whatever} some quinoa & a pack of fake meat & sauce {Mandarin Orange Chik’n etc}. Usually feeds myself & my husband for dinner & someone gets leftovers for lunch.

      Of course beans, rice. Making soup is awesome & cheap; there’s a billion kinds, you throw it all together in a big vat & it’ll feed you for a week. Ditto veg chili. It’s about developing the habits. You’ll probably end up spending less time in the kitchen overall than you spend in line at places with Dollar Menus.

    4. Huge bunches of spinach from Costco is a good base for a lot of salads during the week (around ~$4.50 for 1 pound). Beans, potatoes ($6ish for 20 pounds), brown rice – $11.99 for 5 pounds (lasts a while). I typically get some fish (canned is cheap, or you can also buy in bulk and freeze immediately) and portion it out into meal planning boxes for the rest of the week – each ‘meal’ has some fish (or any type of protein), brown rice, and lots of cheaper veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli, peas/string beans). Frozen veggies are also cheaper.

      Super boring, I know, but it’s healthy and a lot better for the budget than eating out all the time.

    5. That’s awesome you’re wanting to eat less animal products! Remember, even if you’re saving money by eating pizza and McDonald’s, you’re going to pay for it later in medical bills. And we’re all paying for the consequences in greenhouse gases (51% come from animal agriculture). You gotta look at the whole picture, not just your grocery bill. Also, if the meat and dairy industry wasn’t being subsidized by the government, it would be a lot more expensive. And it already is, but people don’t think that because they don’t want to give it up.

      – Like others said, beans, rice, potatoes, oatmeal, and other whole food starch is usually super cheap, so make those the main calorie source. (Quinoa on the other hand, is expensive, although it is tasty.) Don’t be afraid of starch! Despite the propaganda (paid for by the animal ag industry), animal products is the problem, not carbs.
      – Bananas are also cheap, and often you can get spotted ones for free or at a discount if you ask. You can peel and freeze them to make “nice cream” and shakes. Yum!
      – Cabbage (esp red), carrots, beets and onions are cheap and high in nutrients.
      – Buy stuff in season. Chop up and freeze veggies in ziploc bags to always have veggies on hand.
      – Try ethnic markets – Indian and SE Asian markets usually have fresh, cheap, and interesting produce and bulk goods.
      – Trader Joe’s, Grocery Outlet. Thrive Market (online).
      – See if Imperfect Produce is in your area. You can get “ugly” organic produce at a steep discount delivered to your door.
      – Join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). It’s already cheaper (and super fresh from the farm) but at some you can volunteer and get discount.
      – Farmers markets (if you go towards closing, you may be able to score unsold produce for super cheap)
      – Grow your own food. Even if you don’t have a yard, you can grow in pots or at a community garden. You can buy seeds and plants with food stamps. You can often get free seeds and plants. Call the Master Gardener program and ask for advice. Or look on YouTube. It’s easier than you think!
      – And there’s free superfood and medicine growing in every suburban yard or abandoned lot – dandelion, plantain, Lamb’s quarters… called “weeds.”

      Movies: What the Health, Cowspiracy, Earthlings.

      Some of my fav vegan YouTube channels for motivation: Mic the Vegan (health aspects, backed by science, with humor), High Carb Hannah (great easy healthy recipes, weight loss), Cheap Lazy Vegan.

      And lest anyone think going vegan will make you weak, just look up vegan athletes. Way better for performance, recovery, and building clean muscle. (The largest, strongest mammals are vegan.)

      Hope I didn’t overwhelm you with all this info but I love to help! Good luck!

  21. I’ve always watched OS taped, and the different vibe, to me, isn’t the taping, but the time. Cenk is so much more stressed in these daytime OS tapings. You guys even talk faster and it feels rushed, like getting through a To Do list.

    That said, I do worry about Cenk. As someone who is also pushed to one’s limit for an extended period of time, it’s understandable that he’s looking for ways to help relieve some of the demands on his time. At some point, something has to give. Take care of yourself Cenk. Keep those date nights, steal time away for the kids. Find a healthy way to reset stress levels because things will only get worse with the way that you are are growing.

    And with all that, remember, don’t fuck up OS ;-)

  22. The thing is… your scheduled shows should be a live broadcast. The pre recorded shit is weird to watch. Especially how fast news moves these days. Old School and Aggressive Progressives need to get off this weird pre recorded thing and go live again. They just don’t work as well otherwise.

  23. Sooo I loved watching Old School, but for some reason when the show isn’t live… I get bored same with Agressive Progressives lately. Kinda bummed on the non live broadcasts. I’ll still watch some maybe, but I don’t make a point of making sure I watch.

  24. New Old School Rule? Cenk or Ben must be in every episode of Old School… I know in the past there have been a few where neither were on it, but from what I remember it still had someone OGOS to anchor the show. If no Original Old School can make the filming that week, maybe take a week off…

    I really enjoyed listening to this conversation, thought it was great. I trust TYT will ultimately work it all out, from the network expansions to the issues with this show. There are going to be growing pains, which are usually a side effect of change , but I’ll be patient for the time being.

  25. @cenkuygur @MarkTLive Nice old school Old School. Bring it back to being live. It’s completely different when we know that what we enjoy listening to actually is being said as we’re listening. I know, that’s the definition of “live streaming” but boy it makes a huge difference.
    Take it back to the way it was. Doing it early in the day is pretty silly and it was just proved by the phone going off again & again.
    Also, I love @bretterlich and @johniadarola and everyone else, but Old School should only have Ben, Cenk, Mark and Michael.
    Don’t know why but Steve is also not good Old School material.
    Just throwing this out there…

  26. Absolutely, jphysics. I don’t like what has happened to OS. The whole feel and atmosphere of the old tapings seemed to be more fun and freewheeling. Pleeeeeeze don’t ruin it, but it looks like the Great Unraveling has begun. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Last week’s was just horrible. This looks like the beginning of the end.

  27. I’m just going, to be honest men and women of an old school. I really think you’ve lost your way. Ben never shows up anymore. Cenk doesn’t even show up anymore. Not that anyone will listen to me. Oh Well!

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