TYT Hour 1 October 4, 2017

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan71 Comments

Ana, Jimmy Dore, & Ron Placone. Scalise’s stance on gun control. House Dems not holding back during press conference on gun control. Jordan and Ty arrested at protest. Tillerson v. Trump.

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  1. The St Louis PD doesn’t give a shit if they get in trouble for breaking the constitution. Any damages awarded comes from taxpayer money, not their paychecks. Someone had an idea that police should start carrying liability insurance like doctors have to, and if they get charged with breaking the law, damages have to come out of that. Sounds like a good idea to me. And if they can’t afford their insurance anymore for being dirty cops, they don’t get to be cops anymore.

  2. If you don’t like the power that the NRA holds, why don’t you start a grassroots pro-gun control “anti-NRA”, for lack of a better name, to try to combat their influence? I would consider it if I lived in the states anyways.

  3. My favorite part of Rex’s statement was, “I didn’t know who he was before I took this job,” as if to say, “if I knew who he was, I never would have taken this job.”

  4. Corporate media doesn’t cover the news, just what serves the existing power structure?
    Yeah, what’s new, happened in the 60’s, when there was significantly better reporting, stop whining about it being so hard to be progressive no one listens, hard to get word out…..
    Nothing to do with “we made it who cares” by talking heads, if any spoke out, they’d be fired, not that they shouldn’t but itd all be one shots, no real effect.
    Once upon a time they could vote with their feet and not end up unemployed, a bit less money, smaller market maybe, but they’d also bring their viewers / readers with them boosting that new employers news ratings and thus income.
    That went when Congress tossed out the laws preventing corporate domination of news, ie, the law that prevented any one entity from monopolizing media in a market. Now there’s the news, very old news though.
    So, get the law changed back, it should be, and it’ll take billions of taxpayer backed bonds to compensate media corporations when breaking them up reduces income of conglomerations. Won’t be able to do that until money is taken out of politics.
    In the meantime, figure out how to get the word out, and to be very, very frank, you need to self censor rants and everyone rants, and self censor which anti news issues to press and what to just mention. Chelsea Manning is a borderline case, cause WHAT GOOD DID IT DO? You think the same backroom deals aren’t being done, just quitetly? What law was passed to prevent illegal behavior? Who went to jail? Did she violate one of the most important oaths in America? What harm befell her? Hundreds and hundreds of thousands in free medical, that 30% of Americans have no access to, free room and board, were there down sides, YES, but it’s so debatable. When you give so much room for debate, it’s a pointless waste of air time.
    Just one more obvious example.
    You Tube Censorship is something no one covers and you barely mention, which might be interpreted as you made it and don’t care about the truth.
    Is self censorship bad, OF COURSE IT IS, be careful.
    If you don’t, and don’t reach out to mass media market, your input into changing the many many wrongs in gov’t and society will remain limited and make changes harder and slower.
    The choice is yours. Do what you want when you want how you want, or serve a greater cause and sacrifice.
    Thanks for the mental health break.

  5. The Jimmy / Ron / Ana panel has shown up at least twice very recently. This is a great combo. They work very well together. #StayStrong

  6. I love Jimmy Dore on the show. AP is really the only reason I’m still subscribed, and would love for him to make more regular appearances on the main show.

  7. “When there’s a tragedy like this, the first thing we should do is pray for those injured and do whatever we can to help them and help law enforcement.”

    He’s right, first things first.
    1. Make sure the victims and their families get their healthcare covered by the state, including loss of income from being unable to work. Help cover cost for burials, make sure everyone gets free psychiatric care, short term and long term. This includes families. No one should face economic problems or bankruptcy because they’re a victim to this. …oh wait, that’s not how you meant to help them? So what, exactly, do you mean when you say “help the victims?”

    2. Make sure the families get answers. A pressing question to anyone involved will be: “how could this happen?” So how could it? Find those problems and do what can be done to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. And that last part is exactly what they’re refusing to do, because “we have to help the victims.” So help them! Please! Prayers and good thoughts are all very well, but while most people can’t do more than that, the government can and should.

  8. Great point made on the show concerning gun control, freedom of speech. America has become a police state due to its lack of gun control, greed, and surveillance state.

  9. I agree with what Jimmy says at about 38 minutes into the hour. “I got mine and I don’t care about what happens to the rest of them” when comparing academia and journalism to having a similar mentality in terms of “making it.” I would go further and say that mentality is also here in the rust belt when compared to unionized jobs – but in reverse. Remember Wisconsin in 2011 where we had 100k protesters protesting the collective bargaining laws?
    There were people protesting the 100k pro-union protesters with what I would suggest is a mentality of “I don’t have union benefits, why should you?” or “me and mine.” Which is sickening. I just feel like its infected many aspects of our society, no matter what caliber of professional work life. And don’t forget, Act 10 did pass.

  10. Welcome to the Fourth Reich here in Trump ‘s America. Der Fuhrer cannot be questioned. Heil Trump!

  11. People with cameras (journalists or otherwise) are arrested first to make sure that nothing they do can be uploaded and scrutinized. This is similar to any third rate police force around the world. Americans like to think they are special but honestly they have to deal with the police state just like everyone else.

  12. Are Jordan and The Young Turks going to sue for false arrest? How about violation of first amendment rights? How about kidnapping and and false imprisonent?

    1. My thoughts as well. Cenk said we (progressives) are going on the offense and I would argue that aggressive litigation is needed as a major component to that offense.

  13. As far as “angry ranting” or yelling on TYT, like said previously, that is what makes TYT.

    Not the higher pitch per se, but that it comes from a real place of passion.
    No one is acting. No one is faking their disbelief, frustration or anger.

    Jimmy tells everyone he is “no genius,” he’s going on his own internal bull-shit meter.
    In other words, “Dammit Jim, I’m a comedian, not a political science major!”
    He’s one of the rarely on-screen few, who is for Draft Bernie or a third party.

    Ana & Cenk are more near the middle, then Ben, then Michael & John (his Gilligan) are the most establishment.
    Michael, John & Ben hardly conceal their disdain for Jimmy. They disregard every point or position he has, and appear to barely tolerate him.
    However, Jordan seems to get along great with Jimmy, so maybe this is all speculation and it is purely a personality clash & not so much political views.

    Michael & John are the annoying, smug, straight-A teacher’s-pet types.
    Cenk, Jordan & Jimmy are the rebels who Ask Questions, and aren’t happy with, “Because I said so.”
    Ana is Hermione.
    Why? I don’t know, but she definitely seems to get along better with the ruckus-starters.

    Biggest complaint is that TYT needs to dial down the testosterone-factor on the main show.
    Some of the female guest-hosts are great. But, they need at least one other Main Host woman, and an OLDER than 20-something.
    TYT can’t find a 40-50+yo progressive woman in California???? Pu-leez.

  14. I mean this in good fun: Trump thinks the Puerto Ricans really need those paper towels for when Jimmy dumps an iced tea on their heads ;-) Or so he heard being that OUR PRESIDENT is an avid Alex Jones (*shiver*) fan. Here’s another one, and I’m gonna make it hard: Ok Ana, say you HAVE TO kiss one of Alex Jones, Donald Trump, or Mumm-Ra The Every Living, which one do you chose?

  15. @adesimone25 “Information is more valuable than opinion. Isn’t that the whole point of this network?”

    TYT is an American news and commentary program.

    The point of TYT is to DISCUSS the news. It is to share their opinion.

    Without the “yelling”, “emotion”, and “opinion”, you have no TYT.

    1. It’s the “yelling” that’s annoying… All for the passion, but I don’t subscribe to be yelled at… Yelling doesn’t make the opinion any more valid or heartfelt.

  16. I love TYT but I have to admit the whole yelling thing gets a little bit frustrating. It’s like 3 minutes of news and then everyone just spitting their rage about it. Information is more valuable than opinion. Isn’t that the whole point of this network?

  17. Get real, Americans tell pollsters they “want” gun control but when push comes to shove they vote the other way around.

    After what happened in Colorado where Dems outspent the NRA 10:1 and saturated the airwaves with anti-gun ads the Dems lost the Colorado state senate recalls in the safest Colorado state senate seats:


    And that was on the “popular” high capacity magazine ban.

    Dancing around the obsession that Americans have with guns, including members of TYT like some of the commentators here who are otherwise way to the left, is dishonest.

    1. please tell me what in any law that would have prevented this tragedy! The man passed all background checks, You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing expecting different results. They wanted background checks they got them, and still there are mass shooting. What, the left likes to do is scream we need common sense gun control. Tell me is it common sense is your common sense, you are just like evangelical christian we want our religion in government. And for you stupid fucks who make the statement when the second amendment was written when it took twenty minutes to load read a book that was written by the people who wrote the Constitution, I can be picked up at any used book store it is called The Federalist Papers. Do a little research you stupid fucks.

        1. Its always a no book reading, high school dropout, who never stepped foot on a college campus, that shames college students for protesting, claiming they all major in basket weaving, while taking electives related to social justice.

          1. Banning assault weapons is the action that has already worked around the world and would work in the US also.

            Try doing some real research before ranting.

      1. Not necessarily.

        90% of all probable terrorists who were caught were caught because they did one too many unnecessary legal purchases of something.

        One can understand buying one long gun or two, I used to have 7, but +40 and all were bought from 3 (probably 5) different states in a relatively short period? That is cause for concern. This was the pattern of the San Bernardino shooter.

        Furthermore, why +40 guns in the first place when you are not a collector? I know British collectors, and in Britain you are not allowed to even own a pistol, who own hundreds of guns as collectibles but they must register with local police and always remove the firing pin. There should be a limit on how many guns you own.

        Then the magazines and the bullits. A man who calls himself a hunter only needs a single 10-round clip for a bolt-action rifle. That is hunting. Why do you need to buy +15k rounds for anything? That’s more than all the deer and Buffalo in all of Nevada.

        If there was a magazine limit and a real assault ban in place the best this guy could have is an semi-automatic rifle with 10 round clips that will take him forever to use. He will kill some people but not to the extent he did and would be caught easier and faster.

      2. Legislation banning, or limiting usage to designated areas like gun ranges, of certain types of weapons could reduce the number of casualties. I own a small callibur handgun for protection in my store, it has a less lethal potential than other types of firearms.

        You can never get rid of all gun fatalities so long as there are guns, but you can REDUCE the number with common sense legislation like the aforementioned. And that is the point.

        For example, seat belts requirements in the 1970s greatly REDUCED the number of car related fatalities; it didn’t eliminate them.

        As to background checks; there are things you can add to the background check to make it more effective like mental illness or broadening the criteria used for the criminal background check.

        Instead of spouting off broad generalizations and insults of liberals or anyone with a different perspective than you, try opening a dialogue by asking for clarrification if you don’t understand something.

        Giving a person with a different perspective a chance to converse without being insulted allows you to get better informed and is more beneficial in perhaps convincing that person of what YOU believe.

        I’m sure you have interesting points to make, and I’m all ears if you can communicate in a friendly manner. We are all Americans. We are all human beings. Same team, friend.

      3. It is your elected politicians job to come up with ideas to a solution, and if they don’t have any , they shold talk with different kind of experts not only the paying kind.

      4. Banning assault weapons may help. There is no reason for them except to murder. The second amendment doesn’t cover this because they couldn’t imagine such a thing. We have them for 2 reasons one is the disgusting greed of the NRA and their bribed congressmen and the others is to make insecure snowflakes feel tough. “I’m a big man cause I can carry a gun.” Try living life without that crutch if you want to be a real man or woman.

      5. a law that bans all guns of all types for all people would have stopped this. Make it totally illegal for any and all people to own guns, any guns of any kind. This law would ban even cops for carrying guns regularly. They would be in a locked gun locker at the station to be released by a captain if needed in an emergency only, and the cops would be overseen by a community review board that they would have to justify their use of deadly weapons to.

  18. Why is it that Trumptards want “extreme vetting” when it comes to immigrants and refuges, but the “inconvenience” of a thorough background check enrages them? Not for nothing, this Vegas shooter’s dad was on the FBI most wanted list, robbed federal banks, broke outta prison and robbed another bank! A proper background check should prevent the sons of criminals from buying guns. I’m a gun owner, how else am I going to defend my library when the fascists come to burn it down?

      1. No, preventing people from obtaining weapons, when they have immediate family member with criminal and/or mental health issues is logical gun control. Banning certain types of guns will only boost their sales on the black-market.

        1. So let me get this straight…

          You are joking, right?

          You realize that what you propose is the exact opposite of what nations with low levels of gun violence actually do?

          1. “are you joking” ummm there’s no need to be fucking sarcastic. I mean, I can be a condescending asshole too. I’ve lived in New York city for 43 years. Its easier, and cheaper, to obtain an illegal firearm, than it is to get fucking Yankee tickets. Now please, go on, continue to compare countries that don’t even have half the population of most US cities.

            1. So presumably then I should be able to go buy a mortar, mine, shoulder fired rocket, tank with live shells etc. just as readily, because the controls on these items are completely ineffective at keeping them off the market too. No wait…

              I suppose we should just legalize murder while we are at it.

              Condescending indeed..

              It is always a choice where we choose to draw the line. We can disagree on where to draw that line but if we are going to disagree on basic facts well this is where I get off the merry go round. Spin cycles always make me dizzy.

              We always have a choice. Why so defeatist?

              What you really mean is that you are just shitting your pants over the prospect of the government locking you in a cage. Well capitulating to the profit incentive of arms manufacturers just makes it that much more likely that some pretext for locking down hard will be devised if not naturally presenting itself up at a convenient juncture.

    1. Wanted to say the same thing, I think they have excellent chemistry and he gets her so fired up! I’d like a morning show with the both of them and Mark should do the a political climate change weather man spot with that sexy voice of his. :)

  19. Why in the name of all that’s good do we allow people to own assault weapons? What does anybody need with a weapon that can wreak the savagery upon innocent people we just saw? What does anybody need with a gun that can fire hundreds of rounds in minutes, unless they’re shooting in a video game??? I hate this with a vengeance. All these GOP sumbitches need to be out on their asses come ’18, and that’s a fact. The world is looking at us with pity and disgust, and wondering why America still believes we’re leading the world.

    1. Anyone with some hand tools and a hardware store can construct bump stocks from wood, steel rods, and springs. Banning the bump stock is not going to accomplish anything except drive it underground.

      Banning assault weapons will accomplish something because it is much harder to build a machine gun. That requires a machine shop and expertise. They cannot be cobbled together from a hardware store.

      These are weapons of war that are designed to fill the air with lead so that as many opponents as possible will go down. The semi-automatic version is just a fudge to make them more politically palatable. Cutting into the supply will dramatically reduce access, as will locking up people who violate the law and obtain or distribute them.

      They have no place in the arsenal of anyone who is not in the active military and on duty. Period.

      How many people would have died if this guy had a suppressor on each converted semi-automatic weapon too, particularly if he rented a room with a balcony instead of breaking out the windows?

      What a horrific tragedy.

      1. CherylJosie: agreed. It’s about making it more difficult to commit mass murder. Making it easy to purchase these bump stocks and the false justification that they make guns easier to shoot for Americans with disabilities is an ironic sound bite. Having to jimmy rig your automatic yourself or go to the underground makes its a bit harder to convert a semi automatic. How many second amendment right wingers know that the word “regulated” is in the wording? The regulating needs to be done yesterday!

  20. Good hour. I know there’s a lot of tension between Jimmy Dore and the rest of the TYT hosts, but including him on the main show demonstrates a willingness to pass an olive branch. I appreciate that. Also nice to see Jordan Chariton is doing OK. Arrests build street cred, boy… Good on ya!! (unfortunately, they also ruin lives. Be careful.)

    1. Jimmy isn’t having tension between the rest of TYT hosts. It’s only with Michael Shure and occasionally Ben. But Jimmy has been on the show last month with Michael and quoted Ben today. They just have a difference in opinion. The show has always been that way. Look at the older shows and it’s always been that way.

      1. yh i agree.. there’s definitely a healthy difference of opinion that none of them try and shy away from. and they respect eachother, iv never seen disrespect between tyt hosts/co-hosts even when they disagree on air or on social media

        1. Also, I think Jimmy can be abrasive sometimes. This is part of his appeal when directed towards, say, conservatives, but creates tension when coworkers are involved. Just speculation on my part.

          1. Jimmy breaks ‘conventional wisdom’ and there’s that irritation on Shure’s part when he is forced to justify the conventional wisdom, if he can. Even if you totally agree with Shure, having Dore there is great because he forces Shure to break it down for us laymens. They’re in different bubbles and need to collide once in awhile to broaden their scopes.

  21. “We shouldn’t first be thinking about our political agenda(should read: “Ways to save lives that may cause the NRA to lower my grade).

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