TYT Old School October 2, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan48 Comments

Ben Mankiewicz, Michael Shure, & Brett Erlich on for the first Old School shot on Friday morning. They talk what makes a good tweet, cancelled contracts, best sitcom actors, the impact of the Jones Act, Trump’s intellect, Darrell Hammond’s heart break of losing his Trump role to Alec Baldwin, and Pepperidge Farm’s best cookie.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 18 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. As someone who enjoys exploring food, very much, I cannot go back to store-bought cookies. Even “fresh baked” cookies at most stores are abominable, to me, and store-bought cookie dough just isn’t right. I always sample what is brought at gatherings, and I’m always disappointed, unless someone has taken the time to make it themselves (I hate cupcakes, but my cousin makes fantastic cupcakes; I will only eat hers). Hershey’s chocolate tastes like sugary wax with a light chocolate swirl. I can’t do it either. Though, I can tolerate it for a campfire s’more. I suppose the up-side is that my snobbery causes me to eat far fewer sweets. I need the good stuff.

  2. bring back the evening Old School!
    morning Old School doesn’t fit. not saying i don’t like the people or the show, it’s just supposed to be a kickback free-for-all discussion, not a weird uptight morning show.

  3. All pepperidge farm, keebler, hostess, nabisco (excluding Oreos (Double Stuffed>)) etc. type snacks are gross. They taste more like plastic than they do food

    1. agreed. commercial cookies are disgusting.

      real fudge rocks, real chocolate great. home-made triple ginger cookies are the best. homemade shortbreads rock too.

      for sitcom actors: Lucille Ball rocked. so funny. and a class act.

  4. So, I’m assuming Old School was moved to Friday morning due to scheduling problems but as a member I think this will drastically take away from the content. Old School is supposed to be a laid back shooting the shit podcast type situation that takes place when you are comfortable, maybe have a beer or a smoke and just shoot the shit. First thing in the morning? NOT the time to have conversations like that. It’s more like an obligation of something you have to go do and then get back to work. None of the people other than perhaps Ben seemed to be in the moment and I understand it. Old School is one of the shows I still look forward to all week as a member when the news is so awful nowadays. I’m not saying I’d stop being a member from this change but this is a major negative to me and if at all possible to schedule for some other evening I HIGHLY recommend you do that or I just don’t see how the content won’t suffer severely.

    1. I agree. I’ve been a member here for quite a few years. Like you, I enjoy Old School due to the laid back, buddy-talk, podcast type feel. Even this first episode felt different and lacking that “friends hanging out with one another” after work vibe. I remember I worked at one place years ago. Each Friday night we’d go upstairs to the main boss’ office, sip whiskey, drink beer, talk with one another, smoke a cigar, and wish each other a good weekend before going home. The old formula of Old School sort of had that same atmosphere. Having an entire work day ahead of you while shooting it in the morning takes away from that.

      Not a fan. I’ll still watch, of course. I just think the way it was previously done felt more natural.

    2. Did the morning shoot require Ben to bring his daughter? So everybody was self conscious about their language? This episode did seem a bit different.

    3. Well said. I completely agree. It’s the one show, like you, that I eagerly look forward to and I hope they go back to their regular shooting schedule. Also, I think we get enough Trump on the other shows and in the MSM so it’d be nice if he made fewer appearances on Old School.

    4. Your comment is totally spot on and I agree with every point you made. I sincerely hope this change does not last. The only other thing I would add to it is, I’m concerned this schedule will mean significantly fewer episodes with Cenk. I’m willing to bet this change will absolutely hurt the show, in multiple ways, and then plan B will need to happen. Old School is my favorite network show and I’m super worried 2017 will crap all over that, too.

  5. Julia-Louis Dreyfuss is a great sitcom actress. She was great in Seinfeld, New Adventures of Old Christine and Veep. Also 3 shows, like Ted Dansen.

    I’m fine with a break but how about going longer than hour, it’s Old School!

    An underrated cookie is the Archway molasses. I think the Thin Mint is rated and the Milano is overrated. And they do make the Tahiti cookies, I saw them on Amazon!

    1. Yep, Tahiti still there.
      Milano is ok to meh, but the Orange Milano is to die for. Chocolate and Orange together – make perfect sense. Everytime.

      1. When I was a kid, we would get orange chocolate bars from the JC Penney candy counter. It is a fantastic combination.

    1. I will never forget and I can’t think of the man’s name but he got zucchinied to death and it was awesome.

  6. This was a fine episode, but you really need to block 90 minutes for Old School. I love some of the older episodes that went on 90-120 minutes or more. I know it pissed off the crew working off the clock, but sometimes 60 minutes isn’t enough. So just have 90 minutes baked into the schedule. Thanks.

  7. Brett is by far the most talented of the next-gen Young Turks. He prepares, synthesizes info, and reasons well. Definitely head and shoulders above Ana, who is barely literate, and John, who is so insecure on camera that he needs constant managing by the other hosts. Brett’s funny and honest and meshes well with the others. Older fans (I am one too) probably hate Brett because they don’t like anyone crashing the Cenk-Ben-Shure Old School party, but I don’t mind.

    1. I could not disagree with you more. I find Brett scatterbrained, inarticulate, and cringe-inducing. I wouldn’t go as far to say he is untalented but I would be hard-pressed to describe what his actual talents are. I much prefer Ana, who despite struggling to articulate her thoughts sometimes makes much more intelligent comments than he does, and I also find John makes more interesting contributions to conversations and his snarky banter with the other hosts is much funnier to me than Brett’s goofy analogies and inane jokes.

      1. I like Brett a lot because he often comes at things from a devil’s advocate perspective. It’s something that Ana and (to a lesser extent) John could really benefit from to temper their opinions from time to time. Kind of like a younger, less serious Ben. Regardless, I think it’s mostly a matter of taste. I like what all of them bring to the table. Variety is the spice of life!

    2. I largely agree though I do think you’re underrating John. Brett’s obviously really smart and natural on-camera but he can come off as under-prepared more often than I would like, because when he is prepared (or doesn’t need to be for the topic at hand) he just churns out insightful commentary I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

      Also worth noting that he has by far the most actual on-camera/TV business experience, which he kinda goes over in the beginning of this show.

  8. Enjoyed this Old School, like these guys. But I enjoyed it a little extra – almost, but not quite, like a full bag of Milanos – because jury duty was cancelled for me today and I’m not telling my job I don’t have to report.

  9. Although an hour is pretty great, I kinda would like every once and a while for it to go longer. Gives off that we just chilling talking about whatever and not keeping track of time vibe that’s dope.

  10. I’m very much against the decision to move Old School from live on Wednesday nights to prerecorded Mondays. Absurd and sad. I greatly enjoyed watching live, hearing discussion on just breaking stories. I’m sure there were legitimate reasons for this move, but it’s completely killing my Wednesday night buzz. Bring back the live shows, whatever day you must move it to. I can’t be the only one that feels this way.

  11. Loved this so much…my idea of a perfect old school (add Cenk…maybe) – love all 3 guys. Brett is funny and smart, the perfect addition to Ben and Michael :)

  12. All their cookies BLOW huh Ben? Hilarious! But it’s time for me to go out and get some pecan sandies now…

    Ben! Michael! Brett! Love yous guys!

  13. Like I been saying…We Americans have created Administrated divisions that are contradictory where they have representation without votes, specified taxes which r not same for other Territories of United States while paying Federal Taxes which don’t exist on States and Independent Nations under our Federation(U.S.) yet they have seat Assembly in UN while claiming they r part of our Nationalism in the United States…..if this issue isnt corrected. Puerto Rico and other territories will have a bigger issue other than U.S. lack of response to help.

  14. I loved this Old School! I consider the Fig Newton (and all other cookies Newton) as an abomination. Someone told me when I was a kid, “You’ll appreciate these when you grow up and you like different things.” (Like coffee, maybe? I love coffee and everything coffee flavored. and will go out of my way for a good tiramisu.) Well, given the choice of Fig Newtons or giving up chocolate, it’s goodbye, all things chocolate. Newtons are detestable. That syrupy-gasoline tasting fig filling, with the grittty seeds and gummy texture, just make me faintly queasy even now thinking about them.
    Whew! Got that off my chest! LOLOL

    1. OMG, when I was a kid, my dad aways had fig newton around (all 8 of his kids thought F.G. were the worst),…Even though he “claimed” to love them, I think it was just a passive aggressive way to keep his kids off sweets.

    2. I was so disgusted by fig newtons as a kid that I never actually tried a fig until a was well into my 20s. Dried figs are now one of my favorite foods.

  15. TYT does need a morning show, maybe not Old School, but something to kick the day off. Not super user-friendly or goofy, it could still provide informative news. But, it’d be interesting to see who they’d get to host.

  16. This old school was perfect. I’ve never seen 3 such like-minded gentlemen, and their discussions of cookies. Gold
    I disagree completely on Michael and Ben’s judgement of fudge however. Completely wrong.

    1. I agree with both of those statements. Also, I don’t understand why people hate on Brett so hard. He’s hilarious. Ben and Michael are awesome as well. I love all these guys on Old School.

  17. Ugh, (I know this is just my opinion) I’m getting so tired of seeing Brett on So much of the TYT content. He’s on the main show to often and now he’s on old school regularly. ? I’m sure he must be a good guy, but he annoys me. I hate that I’m skipping shows now because of the road there taking. We’re is the good old school crew. The older episodes of 14- mid 2016 were some real golden ones. Idk ? I just don’t find these interesting or entertaining. I’m now just waiting for the Dave, Malcolm & Steve fpg. And the rare Cenk, Ana, Jimmy Main shows. Also Ben Cenk and ___ old school shows.

    1. I get how you feel. I actually don’t mind Brett and he’s quite a bit smarter and more interesting than I ever knew. But for me, it’s Hannah. God bless her, I’m sure the girl is sweet as pie and probably quite intelligent (she went to Duke so she has some brains) but I can’t watch anything she’s in and over the summer when she did the main show several times I had to skip it altogether.

  18. These are some of my least favorite TYT people but knowing it was filmed in the fucking morning is what makes it truly gross.

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