TYT Old School September 27, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan40 Comments

Cenk, Malcolm Fleschner, and Steve Oh talk Cenk’s unnecessary cheapness, who Cenk would’ve voted for in the Alabama primary, Hugh Hefner’s death and legacy, Steve’s card trick, impressing their kids, and the health benefits of roller coasters.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 25 minutes, 55 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. Maybe your physicians are different, but I give that one a ton of credit for noticing that correlation, if it can be considered significant findings, and an actual treatment can be given to people, as a result. For me, every one of the physicians, and specialists, I’ve ever gone to, don’t talk to me. They would never know that I even went to a theme park, because they would never ask, or they would become annoyed, if I started talking about something in my day-to-day life. The irony is I’m an incredibly private person, so talking about my life is difficult, but I know it’s appropriate in some scenarios. It’s an enormous mistake, for medical professionals to stop listening, because I’ve been treated as just a thing on their table, and they don’t want to assess any psychological, or day-to-day patterns, that can yield a more appropriate diagnosis, or indicate future issues. I know this, because I’m educated, but that still doesn’t mean I’m able to get a anyone to listen. It’s an incredibly frustrating situation when you are aware there is a problem, and know there is a solution, but no one will address it.

  2. I’m Japanese American, born and raised in Hawaii and I’ve done the crossed chopsticks thing for hiccups! You’re not alone, Steve!

  3. No live Old School? Sucks ass. The main reason why I have a subscription was for Old School. Huge bummer. Might have to cancel for a bit and restart my subscription next year. I love Old School more than any show on the TYT network.

  4. How about this – ‘The bag, the ten cents, the environment, the haura the bauraaaaaa’ Then Steve going ‘See what I have to live with?’

    OMG I can’t even go to WORK now because folks think I’m GONE out here. TOO hilarious up in here, HAD to rewatch ’cause I couldn’t hear half the show from splitting my sides.

    YES Malcolm I am also DETERMINED not to get a bag. I’ve always got one but I have to remember to put a fold-up one in there so I’ll be ready in case I see something I need on the way home. If I don’t remember then yes, I’m stuffing stuff in my only bag so I’ll never find my goddamn keys buried in there. And yes I’m balancing that avocado on my head or baking it under my arm.

    Meanwhile the little old lady next to me IS taking a bag for that pack of Tic-Tacs so what, then, I’m not helping even a fraction of an iota here? Do I need to make Cenk’s decision?

  5. Everyone should steal groceries if it’s a Walmart. They don’t pay people enough and deliberately avoid employing people full time to avoid having to pay for insurance. Rob the fuck out of them

  6. One more thing. Like Cenk, I misinterpreted the obvious slam on Obama’s intelligence (the teleprompter president)…guess that’s why they’re called “Dog-whistles”…

    1. I also miss Wes. But I don’t know if talking about him would help with his situation. It might even make things worse.

      1. your probably right…I’m just listening to old old schools and he really belongs here…..For him to be gone and have no one mention it at all like he was never here is just painful

  7. I’m assuming the change to Friday morning tapings of Old School is for two reasons:

    1. The crew does not have to work late on a Wednesday night.

    2. There is more availability of cast at that time. Maybe it’s easier to schedule Ben on a Friday morning, since he has been largely absent from Old School for months due largely to his expanded TCM duties since RO’s death.

    But it sucks that it will no longer be available live and there will be a three day delay in releasing it. And since it’s shot during a work day, probably no beer on set.

  8. Check out these two video series by James Burke, named “Connections” and “The Day the Universe Changed”. They are fun because they show how discoveries are combined randomly to create new technology and how a lot of inventions were accidental.

    1. Haven’t watched this show yet but immediately noticed your comment and LOVE LOVE LOVE Connections! So much so I had to buy the DVD set of the original. :)

  9. Whoah, WTF??? Why has no one commented on the Friday/Monday thing? I never comment on ANYTHING anymore, but this is ridiculous! From now on, they’re going to record Old School on Friday morning and not broadcast it until Monday night!?!?! Did I hear something wrong?

    Or are they are ruining Old School!?!?

    Point #1: One of the major appeals of Old School is the relaxed atmosphere of some friends hanging around and talking at the end of the day when all of the work is done. Doing it on a Friday morning when all the work is still ahead of them will kill this vibe. It’s a small point but one worth making.

    Point #2: Why record it one day and then not broadcast it until three days later, especially when so much of the content is centered around what’s been going on in the news? It’s bad enough when I get behind a few days on TYT and watch them talking about stories that have already had significant developments in the meantime, but why DELIBERATELY make their topics stale especially in the era of Trump when two days is an eternity?

    Point #3: One of the age-old problems for age-old members such as myself is the lack of content on the weekend. I usually save my Old School and Aggressive Progressive episodes for the weekend so I have something to tide me over. I realize that deliberately watching them late might seem to negate my previous point, but I’m saying that this screws over both the people who want to watch it fresh AND the people who want to save it for a convenient time.

    It’s not the Friday morning thing I mind so much, but the fact that you’re not releasing them until Monday night. Why on earth couldn’t you record on Friday morning and release on Friday night? That would solve two of the three problems! It would be fresh content that members could enjoy on weekends.

    Can somebody please rethink this please?

    1. I agree with points 2-3. For point 1, perhaps the fact that it’s Friday will loosen them up a bit, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the relaxed “vibe” were still there (hopefully). For the other points, maybe they can try broadcasting it by Friday night.

  10. Cenk is smoking some mighty weed if he thinks a “Justice Democrat” could even win the majority of black voters in Alabama.

    49% of all Blacks in more liberal Arkansas voted for Huckabee in his last run for governor there.

    1. As Jimmy Dore always says “When given the choice between a Republican and a republican, they will choose the Republican every time.” Concervatives are going to vote for the Republican running as a Republican over the Republican rulling as a Democrat. We need to run actual progressives in these states & districts to get all of the Independents and Democrats to turn out. As we saw in 2016, nobody is excited to vote for a lesser evil.

      1. Zach, I would add to your comment: Bernie won ALL the counties against Hillary in West Virginia (if I remember it correctly), so YES we certainly should run progressives in all states…even the “red” ones.

        1. Both Hillary and Bernie got less votes in their primary combined than the people who voted for Trump in the primary of WV done in the same day. What’s your point?

          1. “Both Hillary and Bernie got less votes in their primary combined than the people who voted for Trump in the primary of WV done in the same day.”
            You got some kind of obsession for bad math ? Not the first time I’m seeing this kind of confident bullshitting from you on the numbers.
            WV primaries: Sanders: 125 K, Clinton 87 K, combined 212 K. Trump: 156 K. Every other Republican candidate had withdrawn from the primaries by then.

      2. The problem with Jimmyboy’s logic is that is it is the logic of a 5 year old and that we did have matchups between real progressives and real conservatives in 2016 and who won in each of those matchups?

        Clinton got more votes in NY-19 where the uber progressive Zephyr Teachout ran than Zephyr who was pulverized by one of the most right wing deplorables in NY (John Faso). By the way Obama won this district twice in a breeze.

        I could go on and on about Berniecrats who were crushed in races against uber right wingers because the country, contrary to what Cenk tells you, is right wing.

        While Hillary won the popular vote the Republicans crushed the popular vote in the House, senate, gubernatorial elections and state houses despite being outspent 2:1 in most races.

  11. Really enjoy Old School episodes – in the future, can you guys try tweeting out if the live show’s expected to start (just as an example…maybe more than 15 minutes?) late. I usually watch it live and end up sitting there not knowing what to expect, and 2 weeks ago, when an episode wasn’t aired at all, it would’ve been nice to have some sort of notification…cheers!

  12. Its so funny to me how men always are ranking and competing people, subjects, movies etc. My husband has these conversations too just mostly with sports. Just a female perspective LOL

    1. You are right about that, and I laughed at the Whitney vs. Hefner debate. At their peak, I think Whitney Houston was much more famous, albeit for a more brief period of time.

    2. Very true. I’m all about ranking movies, athletes, etc. I’m not exactly sure why I started doing it. I guess it’s just a fun mental exercise.

  13. Old School/Friday PG mashup! As good as chocolate and peanut butter together.

    The unexamined life is not worth living, Steve.

    Pomp and circumstance is fine for the office of the president. A pickup truck is pomp and circumstance for GWB specifically. Big difference, IMO.

    LOL at Steve’s face palming “Marilyn Monroe’s pussy.” You don’t get that on radio.

    1. I had several kidney stones, and a ct scan diagnosed the last one as 8mm, or too big to pass. In my city, one firm has bought out all the urologists. They were waiting for me in the ER. They gave me two options: non-surgical shock wave lithotripsy or invasive surgical lithotripsy. A coworker had just gone through the invasive surgery, and told me they wanted the $10,000 in fees up front. My doctor advised me that the 8mm stone might be reduced by drinking lemon juice and other fluids. The urologists scheduled me for surgery anyway, but I did eventually pass it. They also never told me what the hell caused stones, which I researched myself. I’ve changed my diet and have been fine ever since. But maybe I should try a roller coaster …

  14. Cenk, your warts were spreading because you were picking at them. They went away after the reading because you stopped stressing about them and stopped picking at them, so they didn’t spread any more and went away.

    I had a wart on my finger when I was a kid that had been there for two years, and I went swimming in Michigan in a lake that had previously been polluted by General Motors, and after being in the water for 20 minutes the wart fell right off. Hooray pollution!

  15. Cenk and Malcolm were spot on (in their assessment of Hefner). The Lucy show wasn’t allowed to use the word pregnant (on the air),…and this guy published naked photo’s of Marilyn! Hef qualifies as a feminist (based on his advocacy on reproductive rights alone). If Hef didn’t start the sexual revolution, he was certainly one of it’s most important soldiers. I would put him up there with Jobs as an icon of his time.

  16. The hiccuping and drinking water or the dollar or the chopsticks all have to do with controlling your breathing unintentionally to focus on something. Instead of breathing normally the kid, eager for the dollar is excited, might hold his/her breath or breathes shallowly, or slower, the water and the odd position you have to concentrate on, all of these tend to make us take a breath and then maybe hold it or regulate it before to attempt the weird drinking position plus the water forces you to swallow a little differently.

    I use the other side of the cup, the only time it didn’t work was when my friend was laughing so hard at me as we were in a restaurant and the waitress came over as she thought I was sick or something… Basically I would rather have the hiccups than continue the whole scene at that point.

  17. if I forget my bags at home I punish myself by buying the recycled reusable bags the store has and I rarely forget because I’m bothered by spending the extra money

    1. Nice. I make sure to always have them in my car. When I’m done using them, I hang them on the doorknob so I’m forced to take them back to the car with me on my way out. Really, you just have to make it a habit.

    2. I’m with reba. It took me forever to make the habit but since I did, I recognize that as far as the environment is concerned, every little bit helps. I’m all in favor of the feel-good. Everybody’s got these sturdy reusable bags of canvas, heavy plastic, stuff you can use forever. Just keep them in the car besides you as you drive, hang them on the doorknob, loop them over your arm in the car, any way you can remember. You’ll make the effort if you commit to doing it. Collecting all those funky flimsy bags would be a massive pain in the arse and waste of money for me now.

  18. I convinced my daughter I was a wizard because I would use the remote tv app on my phone to change the channel on the tv. All she saw was me concentrating at the tv, not the phone behind my back.

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