Post Game Sept 28, 2017

In Post Game - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan27 Comments

Ana, Grace, and Brett talk about sexual experimentation, falling in love, and saying those three special words for the first time.


  1. That was an amazing post game. One of my all time faves. Listening to all of those stories made me incredibly happy. Thanks guys.

  2. Ana’s voice seems to be softer, as of late. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

    “How come you (Brett) know all this random sht?”

    My guess – he’s a comedian, and constantly looks at both trivial and impactful events for humor. That very act of trying to find something funny and insightful, creates a stronger memory association. We’re all exposed to ‘random sht’, but we usually don’t give them a second thought, and it leaves short term memory as soon as it comes in.

    Gd, I love sounding smart, while fully knowing I’m mostly clueless, with some questionable expertise in some narrow areas.

    Btw, my wife just called me about the Las Vegas shooting. While it’s expected and justified for TYT to rant about gun control, I hope at some point they admit that controlling guns won’t control violence in general.

    In other words, for any segment where TYT talks about gun control and finger points at white gun owners, I hope they also mention that we absolutely need to deal with inequality, mental health, and other more causal factors that will forever lead to horrific events. Keep in mind, that personal nanotech and biotech is going to be available very soon. The kinds of things that can go wrong, intentionally or accidentally, will multiply.

    Better background checks and other prescriptions are fine. But I’m telling you, things are still going to get worse, if we don’t resolve the big ‘I’.

    Haha. Grace is getting flustered, having to revisit her past. Are ya still glad ya came back from your vacation, Gracie, and have to deal with this prodding? Hahaha.

    Experimenting. Holding out for fully immersive Virtual Reality, as we all should. Less risky, less costly eventually, less baggage. – Or better yet, when and if medical science can directly stimulate & satisfy the areas craving for sexual experiences, that’s ideal. I hate having my judgment diminished by hormones; we already have enough cognitive obstacles in our way.

    Hey, what a unique way, to find the right wife. Kiss a guy on stage, demonstrate and over-embellish the kiss to a girl, and then marry her.

    Ana Kasparian making ‘moves’ on a guy. Who wouldda figured? Obviously guys don’t feel worthy of A.K., and they’re right, so they don’t bother trying, until she opens that door.

    “We left the house of blues.”? What? There’s no such thing as a ‘house of blues’, when you’re dating Ana. That makes no sense.

    Soft kisses. There’s definitely a song in there. Maybe Mary Chapin Carpenter will be willing to re-do an old favorite.

    “Isn’t Grace lovable?” Ok, final comment, praising the hosts – Yes. Absolutely.

    “When did you know, that Christian was your husband?” Why, as soon as they both said I do, of course. When else do you know?

    “I picked a fight with him.” Wow. Me, too. I tried that tactic, with a woman I fell in love with. Good strategy, try to make it impossible for anything further to happen, regardless of temptation. It worked – it broke the relationship, sure enough; but I regretted it, for a loooooong time.

    Whatever. I’m glad this worked out, Ana. It’s so clear that Christian and you are as close to a perfect match as possible, that it’s scary to think you might have moved on to the next guy. It would have been at least another 7 years of uncertainty & hell.

    Yes, we recognize the Jones lyrics. Makes some of us feel less old, when Brett comes up with this stuff.

    “I wanna shop with your moooom….” Hahaha.

    “I don’t wanna be alone.” Or have to take out the garbage, for the next seventy years. Etc. So now we know, our angel’s true motives.

    Yep. Falling in love, is one of the best experiences. And that’s true, even when it’s not lifelong.

    Alright, crew. Thanks for letting us know what love is, so we don’t have to take Foreigner’s word for it anymore.

  3. Ana you should come to Lightning in a Bottle next year up in Bradley CA. One of the best festivals in the United States. If you like Bonobo you will have a blast.

  4. It’s post games like this where I really wish I could just go out to a bar with you guys. You guys are hilarious and fun.

    1. Yes totally!! I couldn’t stop laughing…awesome post game guys. Thanks for sharing your honest experiences – its such a refreshing drink of water.

  5. Amazing postgame, I love hearing about your relationship. It’s so sweet especially in contrast to almost all of the stories in the news hours. Brett has really turned things around in my mind, honestly I used to find him a little immature for my tastes but, especially with his clear knowledge of Archer and his great relationship stories, he’s actually kinda cool.

  6. “And we’re just using each other; but maybe, we’ll use each other forever”

    That’s an odd statement to make. Is that meant ironically, or is Brett being weirdly honest?

  7. Hi.

    I’ve heard hype about the post game last week about wedding rings, but this one is even better I daresay! Great post game. The highlights imo were Kasper telling about falling in love with Christian and Grace being completely absorbed. Thanks.

  8. When your love grows throughout the years and your hair turns silver and your wrinkles have have brought you to tears yet you roll over in bed and you see that one you love, knowing that they deeply love you back as if the first time they’ve ever met you . You will know the depths of truest love each day. When love lasts for 30 to 40 years more you’ll always be in comfort knowing you both are standing together on the same shore.

    Just a little something from the old Alaskan woman. May you three always know that kind of love.

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