Reporting In: Michael Tracey

In Reporting In - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan17 Comments

Dave Koller is joined by Michael Tracey to talk about his background in journalism, his favorite moments in his TYT career, reactions he gets for working at TYT, and the American warfare state.


  1. I cannot be prouder do you know that this idea was finally implemented it is much needed these reporters work hard and the public that made this possible absolutely need to hear from these young turks reporters And their contributions to the over all experience of TYT many eyes give great perspective and keep us from being an echo chamber in our own little bubbles. I hope this continues we have 12 new reporters 12 months of the year so one reporter a month should be really in-depth interviewed so that we can continually get a feel for which hoarders we gravitate towards what stories they present and even an opportunity to suggest to them stories they can follow or leads that they can follow or what is on our minds that affect this great nation. TYT2 strong

  2. Im sorry guys i gotta share. this with you. I just got slapped around real hard.. man. . Because I am talking about tyt
    .calling for police tiraally serious

  3. Question? Who is cooler than Dave Koller? The Laconic Mr Koller is always a delight! I was a bit cool (on the hiring of M.T.) however, this interview changed that. Much like the other Michael (Shure) I often disagree, but their intelligence, insight and courage to: go against the grain…are often compelling…if not aways appreciated.

  4. Dave, I know I am using your attention to the new show a little bit, if you are checking ‘annoying feedback, ‘ but would like to draw your attention to a recent obituary, which you could be inclined not to cover since it is for a famous person, . But I would love to hear your take -and that of the other two amigos, on…Hugh Hefner’s passing. Of course! Please give us something. Reading NYTimes comments on the obituary has left me wondering how you interpret Hefner ‘s legacy.

    Thanks, and, as always, stay strong!

  5. Awesome, new episode! I keep checking the tab almost every day.

    Curious, Dave, but the episode that you shot down for lack of rapport between interviewer and interviewee, was it Nomiki Konst? I seriously hope not because I would love to hear from her in this series.

    Thanks, Dave Koller!

  6. Dave! I like the way you pinned Michael down on the Russia issue with that great hypothesis right from the git-go. It was hard to know where he stood until now. Yes I KNOW mainstream loves going on and on about Russia in ways that do NOT matter YET because they’ve got to do SOMETHING to fill up those $30,000/hour per anchorperson time slots while making it fun for Cold War critters in the audience.

    Can’t wait to see Michael pick up his mike to what Mueller actually drops. He is extremely articulate, level-headed and mission-focused. What a great hire.

  7. I love this new show. I really look forward to more episodes. And Dave is a national treasure, still not sold on Michael though. I keep watching him, hoping that there is some moment that makes me happy he’s at TYT. This show, while good still hasn’t made me feel good about him, sad to say.

  8. Great exit interview. I wish Michael the best of luck in his future endeavors, and hope that whoever he lands doesn’t tolerate his Nazi apologist Bullshit either. Maybe now TYT can spend donors money on a real reporter.

    1. What are you talking about? When did he say he’ll be leaving? There’s no such suggestion anywhere in this interview.

    2. I could not disagree with you more. Tracey is a major part of the reason I joined. IMHO he is the brightest bulb in the whole organization.

    3. Michael Tracy has never once apologized for or defended Nazism or racism or any other despicable mindset. The only thing he said is that if employees win the right to not be fired over any political viewpoint or expression, then the employer/employee power dynamic shifts towards the employee. That’s why the ACLU and Organized Labor don’t want people that participated in the Charlottesville protest to be fired. If the most deplorable of political views are protected, than you can be damn sure that yours and my political views are too. The same goes for speech in general, which is why we as progressives support the right of these Nazi scumbags to organize and to protest, because historically it has been progressives who have been marginalized and silenced the most, not the racists. Keeping “at-will employment” in the US means that we can be fired too for espousing “communist” ideals.

  9. Dave: you asked a great first question for Michael. It addressed the internal “friction” regarding the Russia issue. This approach removed the distraction of this friction so that I could fully engage in listening and learning from this interview.

    Michael, your answer to Dave’s first question was eloquent and clear. I better appreciate your journalistic approach to this investigation as it relates to Cenk’s “gut instinct” about Trump’s Russian involvement.

    Listening to these interviews I am getting a much deeper appreciation for the journalistic resources and information that is available to members.

    I definitely feel that I’m underpaying via my member subscription for the value that TYT delivers.

    After 15 minutes of searching on TYT Politics and the TYT Home page I finally found the Media Page.

    It is a treasure trove of information. I enjoy mixing my sources of information between videos, podcasts, and reports. So the media page is a great way to absorb information quickly via reading as compared to anything presented as audio.

    Two points about the media page:

    1) This page should be much easier to find than the current “rotating” picture-link on the TYT home page

    2) It would be convenient if I could use the MEDIUM seamlessly via my current TYTNETWORK login id and password.

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